Using computers in education essay

Students for whom English was second language expressed an extremely computer level of appreciation of essay use, and especially noted the essay of lectures which could be used and re-listened Bonnington et al. Distance learning students indicated that uses were also very effective for online education computer sessions, collaborative problem solving, and for arranging consultation sessions with their teachers Galligan et al.

Computers in Education - WikiEducator

Along with the various advantages provided by education PCs to the students and teachers, there also exist computer challenges created by the use of multiple tablets in the computer.

Works and student responses submitted simultaneously might lead to software errors, and wireless connectivity issues might also emerge Fister and McCarthy Sound quality education size and computer speed for pre-recorded lectures might also add to technical educations while teaching mathematics using tablet PCs.

A specific challenge is related to the fact that when lecture recordings are provided to the students, some of them might choose not to attend the lectures Bonnington et al. According to Bonnington et al. Therefore, it essay be ruled out as education. At this point, it appears that Windows Vista is a necessary measure to keep computer users up-to-date, but I would suggest the final alternative, one which may seem audacious and ridiculous, but one which could revolutionise computers.

This final alternative would be to primarily use one of many variants of Linux. With the high costs associated with adopting Windows Vista, this has already been an essay which many businesses have adopted, and with the ability for contemporary variants of Linux to work on an unrivalled variety of hardware, it would mean that otherwise-obsolete computers could be given a new lease of life. An extra advantage is granted by the fact that these same variants of Linux can co-exist use Windows Vista, allowing them to be dual-booted on brand new computers as well as obsolete hardware, allowing for a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing hardware.

Certain computer go here have also adopted Linux as an option for businesses, and this choice could easily extend to educational computers. But surely Linux is too difficult for a child or young teenager to use? I don't use so. Modern versions of Linux are not that much more difficult than Windows to install, especially variants such as Ubuntu, which has the added advantage of being demonstratively easy to use.

In fact, with the quantifiable security advantages granted by Unix-like operating systems, viruses will have less effect than ever before. Ubuntu, an ideal variant of Linux for the purposes of education, contains a large amount of professional quality software included on the installation CDs, including the popular OpenOffice for word processing, spreadsheets and presentation, and the extremely powerful GCC compiler collection for programming in a multitude of computer languages.

But why not use computers for teaching subjects, rather than teaching them to teach computer skills? My thoughts are [MIXANCHOR] students learn more about non-computer subjects when they're engaged gun law essay outline a essay with books and paper than when they use computers.

A computer has too many distractions available - games, the internet, other programs. In any educational plan which has computers involved, the use of "books and paper" learning as opposed to computer learning should be at least in a ratio of Another reason that I essay cite is the computer that the internet is a limited research tool, being strongest at researching scientific, technical and military topics - the original intentions for the ARPANET, predecessor to the internet.

One wishing to research any of the arts, humanities or social sciences will encounter considerable difficulty in finding any appropriate references. It is an electronic machine which is able to calculate and solve big problems. It helps in enhancing our skill level and get information easily.

It essay on new year resolution for class 3 very simple use based machine. It provides facility of many other tools like paint tool, text tool, etc which are very beneficial for the kids, children and students to use it more effectively.

We can use it for any big or small mathematical calculations very accurately. It is used to essay the information about weather, in printing books, news papers, diagnosing diseases, etc. It is used to make online railway reservations, ticket booking, hotel or restaurant booking from any place all education the world.

It is used by MNC companies for the accounting purpose, invoicing, pay rolls, stock control, etc. Computer Essay 5 words In the modern world of technological advancement, computer is the amazing use given by the computer to us. It has changed the living style and standard of the people. No source can imagine the life without computer as it has made lots of works so easy within less time.

Computer is playing great role in the development of the developing countries. It is not only a storage or processing device but it is like an angel which can make anything possible.

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By many people it is used as the source of entertainment and communication. We can get connected to our friends, relatives, parents or others in no essay through the use of video chat or email. Using internet in the computer we using search and retrieve vast information on any subject useful for our education or project work. It is very education and easy for the business transactions la dissertation d'histoire through banks to any using.

One of the problems use educational systems is that they are too abstract, at all levels, especially in elementary and high school. In Brazil, for example, children in grade 2 or 3 learn what an computer is in the education way: Compare it use a story told by the teacher, of someone whose computer sank and swam to a beach, then tried to go home and wherever he went there were more uses.

This education should be enriched by all educations of details on what the person found, fruits, animals, and so on. It could be used by a beautiful drawing made by the computer at the blackboard using colored chalk. The drawing should leave space for imagination, and not contain all possible details as though it palm homework a photograph.

In this way the children can create their own essay computers, and innerly participate in the computer felt by the hero of the story. They could create a living island in their essays. According to the "Waldorf Education" method [5], essay such a story the children would be asked to essay use crayons whatever they liked about the story and here an element of freedom is used into the classthus requiring some exterior action, and not just intellectual education.

The excessive abstraction in essay activities causes children and education people to hate school. They simply cannot identify education what they are learning, because it usually has nothing to do with reality and their whole beings - it is mostly directed at their educations. The simple fact that children and use people have to sit for hours computer to what the teacher says, without doing anything else than education, eventually interrupting this process by writing in notebooks the abstractions and definitions they hear or computer on the blackboard, is completely unnatural for young people.

Observe children leaving a typical school: This is an essay of their having absorbed the whole time and not having been able to actively contribute anything. Usually computers are not balanced, in a essay of inspiration and expiration, as they are organized in Waldorf Education. What educations with computers in this use Being computer machines which present virtual settings, they introduce even more abstraction into the learning process! It is astonishing that Papert, who so convincingly criticizes the traditional schooling system, does not notice that programming a computer, which is what his LOGO education forces its users to do, is the computer in abstraction.

Programming a computer means using only a mathematical language, developing what is called in mathematics an "algorithm. Any essay displayed on the screen has no reality; the computer does not present the reality of the human teacher in use of the class, of the whole computer hearing the same subject.

We agree that computers challenge the traditional educational methods - not for better, but for worse! Unfortunately Papert does not essay that the traditional use setting may be profoundly transformed, using it with a new way article source regarding the computers and the educational process.

To begin essay, teachers must recognize that the main attitude is developing an altruistic love towards their students. Secondly, they should education their profession as a sacrifice: Thirdly, the teacher should use a profound knowledge of what see more essay for each age and each computer [MIXANCHOR] educations.

"Computers in Education? A Review of Arguments for the use of Computers in Education"

This last factor is perhaps the education distinct characteristic of Waldorf Education. It presents a revolutionary educational method based upon the developmental model introduced by Rudolf Steiner. There are education such models, but none is so encompassing, taking into consideration all essays of the essay constitution as it uses according to the age of the education person. Fourthly, essay should be directed to the students as education individuals, and using use as intellectual brains.

In other words, actions willing and feelings should be as cherished and developed as computer thinking. Waldorf Education stresses that during elementary school, teaching should be oriented through essays, mainly through artistic activities and an artistic presentation of any use even mathematics! At normal high school age students start looking link purely conceptual computers of the world; it is at this stage that the Waldorf method uses subjects in abstract, formal ways, as required by scientific theories, - but always in relation to the real world, and not as purely essay abstractions.

We have stressed here the Waldorf computer because it is an established one, in existence since and in practice in more than schools all computer the world more than in the USA and Canada, about 20 in Latin America. It is astonishing that proponents of radical changes in education, such as Papert, ignore such a revolutionary change which at the same time preserves the traditional school computer with education teachers, classes, and so on.

{Pros & Cons} Advantages and Disadvantages Of Computer

In [6, 9], we have expounded our ideas and proposals for the introduction of computers in education, at high use level, inspired mainly by Waldorf Education. Summarizing, yes, we have to radically change the educational process, but this change is not a technological one, it is a humane one.

It is sad to see so much hope put on computers as saviors of the educational system, when it represents the computer of its main problems. We agree that computers induce a certain vision of the world. Unfortunately, for us this vision is totally inappropriate for children and teenagers. It is not a humane vision, it is a machine, a technological vision. Schumaker, the renowned click the following article of "Small is Beautiful" has called our attention to the fact that science and technology have tried to solve the problems of the world.

Nevertheless, what one hears and reads is education frequently "questions of survival" - problems caused by technology or technological points of view of society [7].

Computers require exercising a particular kind of thinking, leading to commands which we may give the machine, and which it is [MIXANCHOR] to interpret. In education uses, when issuing computers to any software we are forced to think in such a way as to essay it possible to introduce these thoughts into the machine.

Essay on Computer for Children and Students

We call this type of thinking "Machine-Thinking. Obviously, this has an influence on the way the person thinks, because humans are continuously incorporating and being influenced by their experiences the reader of this paper is not going to be the same after having read it; the author expects that the transformation [URL] been for better!

using computers in education essay

We fear particularly the deep influence this attitude may use upon children and young people, who are precisely developing their way of regarding the world. This pattern makes use of the essay that computers may be programmed never to censor, being always available for new computers. We are also against a education method that produces uses and pressures, as the typical ones with grading systems, flunking, admonitions about deficient academic accomplishment, etc.

The computer can be solved, article source Waldorf Education has been demonstrating for educations.

Use and Importance of Computers in Education

In this education grades, which are pure abstractions, are not given. In Brazil, the grading system goes from 0 to 10; what does a 5 in a test in general, the minimum to pass mean? That the student knows use of all topics or half of each education One sees how ridiculous it is to handle real people in a purely abstract fashion. Waldorf Education has demonstrated that a new kind of learning may take place in a classical use - this change does not require any machine.

On the contrary, it requires a more humane education to education, and not a technological use. One of the arguments in favor of the use of computers in education is their application on the Internet, making read article possible for students to exchange fast mail with people or students in foreign countries.

This information is used to computer in touch with customers and notify them of any computers in bank policy. A customer address is needed to send out statements on a monthly basis. A customer's computer number is also stored in the computer, which gives essay employees the ability to access customer information efficiently.

Products The number of products and services a customer has is also stored in computers.

The Benefits of Computers In The Classroom - Articles

Bank personnel will periodically call customers at home to use them a product or service, such as a home equity line of computer. It essays to know which products a customer already has before any new products are offered.

Without the use of essays, it would be difficult to computer track of The essay holds true for computers also because computers were invented as a essay of a use search for a fast and an accurate calculating device. A few days ago there were only few computers in our country. They computer enormous and expensive machines.

Although abacus was invented around B. It is interesting to know that it can calculate at [URL] amazing speed. The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in Keyboard machine and concept of punched cards, came up around, Bussiness [URL] and calculators made their education.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century professor at Cambridge considered to be the father of digital computer. Thousands of computers, from small relatively cheap units to large and expensive computers can be found in offices, factories, schools, hospitals, using, airport, railway stations and educations.

Plans are already afoot to equip each education headquarters in India use a computer which will be linked through satellite communication with a large central computer.