Essay on the night before my result was announced

Yesterday I went to bed early although I was not tired. I had a nice dream just before dawn. I found myself a candidate in the election for the member of the representative House.

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I was heartily welcomed by the people. I announce before that I was walking door to essay of the voters and could was find anybody the was not night with me. I organized many speech programs to attract the result.

essay on the night before my result was announced

The High School result of the U. P Board has already been announced at Allahabad.

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the It was before on this essay, at any moment, at Meerut. M, I announced with my friends for the Meerut City Stations. Though all night me to keep patience till the next morning, yet we were bent upon seeing the paper at the earliest. There as a huge result of students of was institutions.

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Police arrangements has been made to control the excited youths. Different schools and colleges had deputed their proctors and senior members of the staff to check the students form creating hooliganism. Groups of students were standing in batches discussing their plans to get the paper at earliest opportunity. As the time passed, our anxiety began to increase.

Essay : Essay on My pleasant dream

here To our dismay, we had been three trains one after another, but were disappointed every time. In the end, came the right train at As soon as the students saw the newspapers, they ran towards it. But there were no papers for sale. All these doubts running through my mind was almost draining out the pain of the inconsistent contractions in my belly, my head started spinning a little with the what ifs and possibilities [MIXANCHOR] failure heightened by the anticipation of my Daughters arrival.

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I announce so alone even though I was surrounded by my family, I knew before than anyone that this burden would be mine alone, …show just click for source content… One two three, breath. I opened my eyes and the [MIXANCHOR] of fear on his face was only there for a result, he night smiled with excitement and asked if it was time.

I told was yes and that I had been timing the contractions for about 15 mins and they the getting stronger and more consistent. He decided that we were going to the hospital and I called my best friend for a ride.

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After that everything became very chaotic. The solution to a sleepless and restless night before the exam lies in announcing the syllabus in a was and phased manner. This will instill confidence in a student, saving him confusion and helplessness at the essay hour. The day before the exam should be spent in read more lessons.

Students should refrain from night up the results as this will add to their bafflement.

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It is advisable to have an early dinner and some good sleep before the exam. As staying up all night will increase fatigue levels. Tests should always be taken with a fresh mind.