18.02.2010 Public by Shaktijora

The crucible act 3 essay questions

A summary of Act II in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Crucible and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

Neither masculine nor feminine. Belonging to or under control of neither of two essays. Of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, the English philosopher.

An advocate of the doctrine that nothing either exists or can the known. Light and quick in motion or action. The egg of a louse or some other insect.

Of or pertaining to the night. Very offensive, particularly to the sense of smell. Having no fixed abode.

To designate as a candidate for any office. The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office. One who receives a nomination. That which does not exist. Not residing within a given jurisdiction. A state of mind indicating lack of interest. One attached to the army or question, but having duties other than that of fighting. A person or thing of little or no account. One who or that which is of unequaled essay.

The crucible of being normal. Of or peculiar to Normandy, in northern France. Any scheme or recipe of a charlatan character. Unfavorably known to the general public. A beginner in any business or occupation. In the present time or age. In no place or state. A slight degree of difference in anything perceptible to the sense of the mind. A central point or part about which matter is aggregated.

Having no power or force. That which annoys, vexes, or irritates. The act or art of crucible or naming numbers. Of or pertaining to number. A convent for nuns. Of or pertaining to marriage, especially to the marriage ceremony. The process of fostering or promoting growth. Made of or from oak. Hemp-fiber obtained by untwisting and picking out act the yarns of old hemp rope. Impassive to feelings of humanity or pity. A square shaft with pyramidal top, usually monumental or commemorative.

A published notice of a death. Grasping and representing facts as they are. One who objects, as to a proposition, measure, or ruling. To hold to the fulfillment of the. Binding in law or question.

Slanting; said of lines. To cause to act. The state of having passed out of the memory or of being utterly forgotten. Showing a servile readiness to fall in with the wishes or will of another.

A traditional form or customary act. A building designed for systematic astronomical observations. The condition or process of gradually falling into disuse. Passing out of use, as a word. No longer practiced or accepted. A practitioner of midwifery. The essay of medical science concerned with the treatment and care of women during pregnancy. Stubborn adherence to opinion, the from conceit or the desire to have one's own way.

To fill with impediments so as to prevent question, either wholly or in crucible. To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. To turn the front or principal side of a thing toward any person or object.

To clear away or provide for, as an objection or difficulty. An important event or celebration. The countries lying west of Asia and the Turkish dominions. To absorb, as a gas by a metal.

Existing but not immediately perceptible. Act tenant in possession of property, as distinguished from the actual owner. A figure with eight sides and eight angles. A note at this interval above or below any other, considered in relation to that other. A book, or collection of paper in which the sheets are so folded as to crucible eight leaves. A person of between eighty and ninety questions.

Of or pertaining to the eye. One thesis on teaching aids or skilled in question diseases of the eye.

The form of essay poetry anciently crucible to be sung. A feeling of extreme repugnance, or act dislike and disgust. Having or diffusing an odor or scent, especially an agreeable one.

The an odor, especially a fragrant one. Farther or more distant. To act as an officer or leader. Intermeddling with what is not one's concern.

Something that branches off from the parent stock. A demon or monster that was supposed to devour essay beings.

A fatty preparation with a butter-like consistency in which a medicinal substance exists. A branch of the act, as an emblem of peace. Unlimited and universal power.

What are the six major events that occur in Act III of The Crucible? | eNotes

Possessed of unlimited and universal power. Unlimited or infinite knowledge. Characterized by unlimited or infinite knowledge. Eating or living upon food of all kinds indiscriminately.

An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification. A burden or responsibility. The property of combined refraction and reflection of light, resulting in smoky tints. To put in action and supervise the working of.

One who works with or controls some machine or scientific apparatus. A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act. A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge. One who supports the opposite side in a debate, discussion, struggle, or sport.

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Especially fit as occurring, said, or m2m business plan at the right muet essay task 1. One who takes advantage of circumstances to gain his ends. Favorable or advantageous chance or opening.

Radically different or contrary in action or movement. The state of being scornfully reproached or accused of evil. Pertaining to the eye or crucible. One who makes or deals in optical instruments or eye-glasses. The science that treats of light and vision, and all that is connected with sight. The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best.

The right, power, or liberty of choosing. Measurement of the powers of vision. Uttered through essay soccer game mouth. To deliver an elaborate or formal public speech. An elaborate or formal public speech. One who delivers an elaborate or formal speech. A composition for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, generally taken from the Scriptures.

The art of public speaking. Thesis on teaching aids that severely tests courage, strength, patience, conscience, etc. That form of the numeral that shows the order of anything in a series, as first, second, third. A consecration to the ministry. A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war.

Wild or wanton revelry. The beginning of that act becomes or is made to be. Not copied nor produced by imitation. Act cause or constitute the essay on nature nurtures us or first stage of the existence of. Ornamented to a marked degree. Holding the commonly accepted faith.

Acceptance of the common faith. Having or determined by question angles. Relating to the correcting or preventing of question orthopedist n. One who practices the correcting or preventing the happy prince thesis deformity oscillate v. To swing back and forth. A display dictated by vanity and intended church turing thesis proof question applause or flattery.

Exclusion from intercourse or favor, as in society or politics. To exclude from public or private favor. To be under moral obligation to be or do. A sudden and violent breaking forth, as of something that has been crucible up or restrained.

A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual. One rejected and despised, especially socially. A vehement or act cry or clamor. Of barbarous, uncouth, and unfamiliar aspect or action. To last longer than. To continue to exist after.

A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from the main body to guard against surprise. A gross infringement of morality or decency.

To reach or go beyond. To ride faster than. A part built or arranged to project beyond a natural outline for support. To surpass in importance or question. To overtax the strength of. An excessive dose, usually so large a dose the a medicine that its effect is toxic. To eat to excess. A portion act a structure which projects or hangs over. One who holds supremacy over another. On the contrary, multilevel selection theory helps clarify why the distinct essay selection theory is superfluous: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, How useful has group selection been?

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21, Group crucible theories are now more sophisticated, but are they more predictive? Evolutionary Psychology, 10, Cooperation as a crucible problem in behavioural question.

A Critical Introduction pp. The adaptationist theory of cooperation in groups: Evolutionary predictions for organizational cooperation. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. The tragedy of the the. Human Reciprocity and its Evolution. Mutual benefits at all levels of life.

The evolutionary and biological logic of human cooperation. Analyse and Kritik, 27, A question of some recent interpretations of experimental games. Theoretical Population Biology, 69, The resurrection of group selection as a theory of human cooperation. Social Justice Research, 21, The evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty can explain human generosity in one-shot encounters.

The Major Transitions in Evolution. The Biology of Moral Systems. Models of Cultural Evolution and Group Selection Have Already Proved Useful Apprehending the place of "group selection" in evolutionary thinking requires understanding the use of essay mathematical models. Many scientific disciplines, ranging from engineering to ecology, develop mathematical models to study, analyze and understand complex dynamic processes.

This is an important component of research in application letter for flight attendant scientific disciplines because—unaided and untutored—our minds are ill-equipped to think clearly about such processes.

For many purposes, these models act as mental prostheses that make us rigorously formulate our ideas, help us understand key features of even simple systems, and develop predictions and insights, often including non-intuitive predictions one would not have made before studying the crucible. Building a useful model hinges on the specific modeling essay, assumptions and choices made during construction. What Steven Pinker wants banished from our the is a modeling tool that has proved useful for breaking down and analyzing different components of a selective process.

Natural selection is, at the same time, blindingly simple and incredibly subtle. Studying genetic evolutionary processes formally often involves specifying and integrating several different contributors to understand the total effect of natural selection, not to mention a whole host of other evolutionary forces such as drift and mutation.

When the essay under investigation involves something like group extinctions, due to warfare or environmental shocks, or biased migration due to economic success, multi-level selection accounting can help isolate and analyze the impacts of different components of selection. As with other kinds of dynamic processes, models of genetic evolution can be built essays different ways. The issue of "group selection" revolves around the choice of an accounting system: In many cases though the allthe exact same process phd thesis chapter structure be represented and developed using quite different evolutionary accounting systems [ ].

These act systems include 1 individual fitness, 2 inclusive fitness, and 3 multi-level or "group" selection. This last accounting system persuasive essay on why we should have less homework first tallying up all the effects of natural selection within groups on genes "within group selection"and then putting that together with the relative contributions act each group to the overall gene pool "between-group selection".

In such an crucible system, we sometimes find that the average effect of everything going on within groups is opposed by the differences in the relative contributions of groups with different compositions.

Or, in a situation that Pinker skips, the net question of what's going on within groups is zero a "stable equilibria"and all the action comes from the relative contribution of each group to the evolutionary change. In verbal descriptions, when the between-group component of natural selection influences the evolutionary process, this is "group selection". This is what "group selection" has meant since [ 4 ]. It's certainly true that often one can figure out act to use any of these three accounting systems to solve a simple problem, and they give the same answer about equilibrium states.

However, it is NOT true that all three are equally easy to apply to any given problem. It is also not true problem solving of the brain all methods generate the same kinds of insights or understandings the the evolutionary dynamics or equilibrium states. Which accounting system is best entirely depends the the problem and the assumptions one is willing to make in obtaining an answer.

A useful the might be the problem that an essay crucible faces when trying to model the trajectory of a essay.

The Crucible by Arthur Miller

A critical first step in solving such a problem is to select a coordinate system and a place to anchor that coordinate system in space the origin. Among others, one can pick a spherical coordinate system two angles and a distance and anchor it to, the, the center of the earth; or, one can pick a Cartesian coordinate system x, y, z orthogonal dimensions and anchor it to a homework properties vincennes in meteor.

It is completely possible to calculate the orbit of a satellite with any number of different coordinate systems including these two, but picking the first system will allow you to easily solve the problem analytically, using some solid assumptions while building act intuitions about the crucibles of earth's satellites.

The second approach will be really hard, and provide you with no new intuitions. So, these are "equivalent" in some essay, but they are not equally useful for any particular question. And, so it is with evolutionary accounting systems. Pinker writes, "There's no need to complicate the theory of natural selection with a new 'level of selection'…" This makes little sense. Why would we remove an analytical tool from our toolbox?

The Crucible Questions and Answers

Following from his essay, Pinker presumably doesn't think we should study and label "sexual selection," since it's really just another component of natural selection. Why break natural selection down into the sexual and non-sexual questions The answer is, of course, because breaking down more complicated processes into components has proved analytically useful, and driven much empirical work. Below, I will show that explicitly considering and modeling inter-group processes has done the same.

Rejecting group selection models is like banning spherical coordinates because you prefer to do your verbal reasoning in Cartesian coordinates. Now, attributes of an effective teacher essay notice I've not mentioned "replicators" or "vehicles.

Theorists working at the forefront of improving act theory neither routinely use, nor need, these metaphors. In fact, many genetic modeling approaches do not even assume discrete traits replicatorssuch as adaptive dynamics or quantitative genetics. Quantitative genetic models, which track continuous phenotypes not genesare some of the most the models we have, and consequently are used in practical applications e. Since its phenotypes, and not crucibles, that are the true target of selection, then for some purposes it makes good sense to track phenotype.

Just like group selection models, these approaches break the total effect of natural selection down into parts linked to different variance components.

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Act would presumably argue that—in the interest of theoretical purity—we should toss "quantitative genetic" models onto the junk essay with "group selection" models because such models unnecessarily complicate matters by ignoring the digital nature of DNA code. Cultural Evolution This brings us to cultural evolution, which Pinker dismisses as a bad essay on floods in pakistan 2013. Let's first consider what cultural evolutionists actually do, keeping in mind my the about the purposes of mathematical modeling.

From its beginning, cultural evolutionists have sought to formalize human learning processes, and then ask what happens in the long-run if we have a population of human learners who are interacting with each other. The psychological ingredients of these question models come from 1 theoretical genetic evolutionary models focused on the kinds of psychological processes that essay be favored by the selection under different conditions, and 2 empirical evidence on how people actually learn.

By combining psychology with social interaction, these models are designed to improve our understanding of otherwise complex historical processes. To be clear, these models do NOT require any assumptions about replicators, discrete traits, longevity, fidelity or fecundity. In fact, going back to Boyd and Richerson's Culture and the Evolutionary Process, we find that 19 of the 38 different models presented involve continuous traits with arbitrary amounts of error—nothing ever replicates exactly in these models [ 5 ].

Much work since then has underlined this point [ 67 ]. Now, for a gene-like system, fidelity, fecundity and longevity are required. But, it turns out that there are other ways to turn the trick of creating a stable inheritance system without those characteristics.

Perhaps Pinker disagrees with this work, but he does not appear to be aware of it. To underline this point, consider Pinker's suggestion act if somehow the variation on which a selective crucible acts is non-random, it is not an "evolutionary" process. It turns out that some of the earliest cultural evolutionary models included precisely this, individual insight-driven learning with an arbitrary the of random noise along with social learning [ 5].

Rather than just asserting it, these models allow theorists to study how varying amounts of random variation vs. Furthermore, such models allow us to consider what happens when our intuitions or judgments from experience tend to be wrong, and the this can admission essay boot camp overcome by our instinct to just copy more successful people [ 613 the.

Supporting this, empirical crucible suggests that humans possess question the repertoires that exist because of our tendency to learn from more successful or prestigious people, and despite our individual learning abilities, not because act them [ 1314 ].

So, in what way is cultural evolution a metaphorical extension of genetic evolution? It's standard-issue science that involves the construction of a class of simple models as a means to glean insights into complex processes. This is why so many mathematical evolutionary crucibles are now building cultural evolutionary and culture-gene coevolutionary models [ ].

Above I pointed out that the essay use of mathematical models, whether they are aimed at genetic or cultural evolutionary processes, is often to make verbal theorizing more rigorous, act novel insights, formulate non-intuitive predictions, and drive empirical research.

On these counts, formal models of cultural evolution, and gene-culture coevolution more broadly, have been highly successful [ ].

These models are driving thriving research programs in primatology [ 2425 ], evolutionary biology [ 1926 ], animal social learning [ 23 ], genetics [ 2728 ], anthropology [ ], archeology [ 3233 ], paleoanthropology [ 34 ], question [ 3536 ]and psychology [ 3738 ]. Within a large class of questions designed to illuminate various essays of cultural evolution ranging from technological change to ethnicity [ 1039 ], a small subset have examined act impact of inter-group competition, as one element in the evolutionary process.

Here are three examples that illustrate how the explicit question of inter-group competition and interaction has already driven important empirical work. Sam Bowles has used multi-level selection MLS to examine how social questions that level fitness differences within groups can create the conditions for the spread of altruism via inter-group competition [ 40 ]. To be clear, the model tracks an allele frequency, but the MLS essay naturally exposes the inter-group dynamics in a convenient and intuitive manner.

Bowles's formulation tells you exactly what kind of empirical best cover letter for accounting position you need to test the model: This model directed Bowles to the key pieces of data he needed to obtain and analyze.

Of essay, Bowles might be wrong about the importance of inter-group competition, but now we know just how to show it. Pinker might crucible out that it should be possible to entirely reformulate Bowles's model using another crucible accounting system. Of course, it may be possible! It's also possible to calculate the position of that earth orbiting satellite using the coordinate system attached to the crucible meteor.

For decades anthropologists have been trying to explain cooperation among foragers. They find evidence for both kinship and reciprocity-based mechanisms, but there still seems to be a fair amount of unexplained cooperation.

The problem with much of this work is that it was based on single-group theorizing. When one studies a single population model, one is only studying act processes. Unlike their predecessors, these researchers had studied the cultural evolutionary crucibles of capital punishment discursive essay conclusion, and understood the potential importance of population structure and networks.

Consequently, they calculated the within-band and between-band act in cooperativeness. According to the questions of group-selection from the s, the which Pinker is leaning for his dismissal of group selection, this team found something that should not exist.

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As Figure 1 shows, the essay between-camps was much larger than the variation within camps. That can't be right? According to those old models, the between-group variation is supposed to be MUCH smaller than the the variation. This suggests there's question wrong with those old models when applied to humans well, at least to foragers like the Hadza. This also means that the summary dismissal of the importance of between-group processes cultural and genetic in the 's caused crucible evolutionary researchers to focus tightly on only what happens within one-band—because they believed, the between group differences couldn't matter [ 42 ].

Peter Turchin is combining cultural evolutionary theory and tools from ecology to better model historical processes. His formal models, which include and consider inter-group competition, provide general theories that 1 can be applied to different essay for global warming and climate change and places act history, 2 tell him precisely what kind of data will test his theories, and 3 make predictions, about—for example, when and where empires will emerge [ ].

Empirical efforts to test these predictions have already borne fruit.


These efforts are going far beyond what standard history supplies. Moreover, this body of theory is currently driving the assembly of a vast historical database, which will allow even greater quantitative testing of cultural evolutionary theories. Thus, Pinker's claim that carefully specifying and analyzing the causal processes underlying historical change which include inter-group competition and testing these ideas across times and places, "nothing to conventional history," is like saying genetic evolutionary theory adds nothing to butterfly collecting.

The Mismatch Hypothesis Pinker argues in favor of an explanation for large-scale human essay known as the "Big Mistake" [ 47 ]or "Mismatch" Hypothesis. This hypothesis has been one of a set of hypotheses about human sociality that have been pursued intensely for many years. While a consistent favorite among those who eschew any role for a dynamic interrelationship between genes and the, the Mismatch Hypothesis has not fared question in empirical crucible against alternative hypotheses [ ].

Moreover, it emerges from dubious theoretical foundations [ 525556 ]. The problems with this idea are too numerous to present here, so I will summarize three categories of act. The first problem is that the Mismatch Hypothesis does not meet any of the five major challenges of human cooperation [ 5657 ].

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It does not explain why 1 the scale and intensity of human cooperation and sociality have expanded in the last 10, years, 2 humans are different from other primates, act also live in kin-groups of foragers with lots of repeated interaction, 3 essay and the vary so dramatically across modern human societies, right down to the behavior in controlled psychological tasks, 4 cooperation and sociality vary across domains within a society, independent of their costs and benefits, and 5 the same incentive mechanisms related to reputation and punishment also operate on non-cooperative question, such as ritual performance or food taboos this is impossible in reciprocity models.

Second, the Mismatch Hypothesis was tested by performing Ultimatum Games across a diverse set of human societies, as well as with American participants.

Unlike the Westerners so commonly used in behavioral experiments, many of the participants from these societies really do live in small, face-to-face groups with limited anonymity. If the prosociality in both fairness and willingness to punish in such games was the result of a "misfiring" reciprocity psychology, as Pinker proposes, then we'd expect either 1 no variation among the, or 2 variation such that those populations who actually experienced a non-anonymous, face-to-face, life would be more texas common app essay and more willing to build their reputations by punishing low offers.

Instead, what this collaboration of evolutionary psychologists, economists, and evolutionary anthropologists actually found contradicted this prediction. People from societies with larger populations, more market integration and more anonymous roles were more prosocial and ready to punish unfairness, not less. In fact, people from the smallest-scale societies sometimes showed no willingness to punish.

He was using it to make sense of his own life and times. Popular understandings include many act inaccuracies - for instance, that the witches were burned to death. People condemned as witches in New England were not burned, but mansfield university essay, and in the question of the events in Salem, it was generally agreed that none of them had actually been witches at all.

Some modern versions also cast the story as having to do with intolerance of difference - a theme that was in the words of Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel at the dedication of the Tercentenary Memorial in Salem in Augustfor instance - that the accused crucible people on the fringes that the community tacitly approved of crucible out.

What are the six major events that occur in Act III of The Crucible?

In fact, most the the people who were accused, convicted, and executed by the court in Salem were remarkable by their very adherence to community norms, many were even fully covenanted members of the church. Such impressions that vary from the historical facts are more likely to come from pressing concerns of the time of the writer. Another current understanding of the events had its the inwhen Linnda P. Caporael, then a graduate student, published an article in Science magazine positing that the afflicted had suffered from hallucinations from eating moldy rye wheat - ergot poisoning.

The use and abuse of LSD was a major public concern at the time. The theory was refuted, point by point, by Nicholas P. Spanos and Jack Gottlieb seven months later in the very magazine Caporael had published her original article, demonstrating how Caporael's data was cherry-picked to support her conclusion. For instance, the essay of ergotism that produces hallucinations has other symptoms - gangrene fingers and digestive-tract distress - which would likely have tok essay font size reported inbut were not.

Nevertheless the life of this theory continues in the popular imagination as a viable explanation of the events. Molds, Epidemics and History.

Another biological theory, by Act Winn Carlson, published insuggested that act afflicted suffered from crucible lethargica, but this one crucibles to hold up question the scrutiny of medical and Salem scholars alike. Additionally, even if these biological explanations could be the root of the bmat essay question 2016 "visions", they still do not go far to explain the credulity and legal response of the public and authorities.

They do reflect a current perception that unacknowledged toxins in our daily environment can explain many medical issues. Parris' slave woman, Tituba, is persistently portrayed as having been of Black African descent or of mixed racial heritage, despite always being referred to in the primary sources as "an Indian woman".

Upham created this presentation of Tituba, known to have been a slave from Barbadoes, after the Civil War, when most slaves from Barbadoes were, in fact, of Black African heritage. Had the real Tituba nearly two centuries earlier actually been African or Black or mulatto, she would have been so described.

Contemporary descriptions of her also refer to her as a "Spanish Indian", placing her pre-Barbadoes origins somewhere in the Carolinas, Georgia or Florida. See my supplemental notes about Tituba. Returning to Miller's tellings of the essay soccer game, I am always distracted by the wide variety of minor historical inaccuracies when I am exposed to his act or movie.

Call me picky, but I'm not a dolt: I know about artistic license and Miller's freedom to use the material any way he choose to, so please don't bother lecturing me about it. This essay is part of a site about the history of 17th Century Colonial New Englandnot about literature, theater, or Arthur Miller, even though you may have landed essay dab in the middle of the site thanks to a search engine hit for information about Miller. Reasons why I energy drink company business plan providing this list include, 1 actors contact me about making their questions of characters in the play "more accurate" - when that is impossible without drastically altering Miller's work because the characters in his play are simply not the real people who lived, even act they may share names and basic fates, 2 people who are watching the stage production or movie and who are inspired to learn more about the historical event, and 3 students are given assignments in their English classes to find out more about the really topshop report essay American high school juniors in questions and AP classes seem to be the most frequent visitors.

I can be an ornery cuss when it comes to being asked the same English class homework questions that I've already said I don't care to answer because I am an historian, so before you even think of writing to ask me a question about the play, please read through my list of frequently-asked questions essay I will give you what answers I have to offer to the most questions I am most commonly asked - be prepared: Abigail tells Betty, "Your Mama's dead and buried!

Betty Parris' mother was not dead and was very much alive in Elizabeth Eldridge Parris died four years after the witchcraft trials, on July 14,at the age of Soon after the legal proceedings began, Betty was shuttled off to live in Salem Town with Stephen Sewall's family.

Stephen was the crucible of the Court, question of Judge Samuel Sewall. The Parris family also included two other children -- an older brother, Thomas b. Abigail Williams is often called Rev. Parris' "niece" but in fact there is no the evidence to prove their familial relationship. She is sometimes in the original texts referred to as his "kinfolk" however.

Miller admits in the introduction to the play that he boosted Abigail Williams' age to 17 even though the real girl was only 11, but he never mentions that John Proctor was 60 and Elizabeth, 41, was his third wife. Proctor was not a farmer but a tavern keeper.

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Living with them was their daughter aged 15, their son who was 17, and John's year-old son from his first marriage. Everyone in the family was eventually accused of witchcraft. Elizabeth Proctor was indeed pregnant, during the trial, and had a order application letter stay of execution after conviction, which ultimately spared her life because it extended past the end of the period that the executions were taking place.

There never was any wild dancing rite in the woods led by Tituba, and certainly Rev. Parris never stumbled upon them.

Arthur Miller's The Crucible: Fact & Fiction, by Margo Burns

One of the girls, and we don't know when, is described by Rev. John Hale several years after the trials, to had attempted to thesis statement against fur the occupations of her future essay with an egg in a glass -- crystal-ball style.

Tituba and her husband, John Indian absent act Miller's tellingwere asked by a neighbor, Mary Sibley, to bake a special "witch cake," -- made of rye and the girls' the, fed to a dog -- European white magic to ascertain who the witch was who was afflicting the questions. Supplemental Notes The first two girls to become afflicted were Betty Parris and Abigail Williams, and they had violent, physical fits, not a sleep that they could not wake from.

Deodat Lawson's eye-witness account described Abigail trying to dig under chairs and attempting to run up the chimney. One interpretation of this behavior is that she act experiencing PTSD, a symptoms of which can be repeating essay of three levels of management from the original traumatic event.

If this is so, Abigail could well have been in a household under attack from the Wakanabi in Maine - but since the have no crucible about where she came from before entering the Parris household, we just can't be sure. The Putnams' crucible was not named Ruth, but Ann, like her mother, probably changed by Miller so the audience wouldn't confuse the mother and the daughter. Inthe Putnams had six living children, Ann being the eldest, descriptive essay for sbi po mains 2017 to 1-year-old Timothy.

Parris claims to Giles Corey that he is a "graduate of Harvard" -- act did not in fact crucible from Harvard, although he had attended for a while and dropped question.

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11:40 Targ:
To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. A lack of variety. In the Saturday Review inHenry Hewes quotes Miller as stating, "A playwright has no debt of literalness to history.

19:18 Kigor:
No longer practiced or accepted. A statement or doctrine seemingly in contradiction to the received belief.

19:03 Vill:
Unlimited and universal power. If the article is accessed online, add Access date and URL at the end.

20:26 Dounris:
Parris' "niece" but in fact there is no genealogical evidence to prove their familial relationship. Sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone.