Dr essay nebraska
Great Plains Graduate Fellow alumna essay. Aubrey Streit Krug (PhD, English and Great Plains Studies, Great Plains Graduate Fellow alumna) recently had an essay.
Our goal should be to develop a new cell-culture—based vaccine that includes antigens that are present in all subtypes of influenzavirus, that do not change from year to year, and that can be made available to the entire world population.
We need an international approach to public funding that will pay for the excess production capacity required during a pandemic. Today, public health experts and infectious-disease scientists do not know whether H5N1 avian influenzavirus threatens an imminent pandemic. Most indications, however, suggest that it is just a matter of time: It is sobering to realize that inwhen the most recent influenza pandemic occurred, the virus emerged in a China that had a human population of million, a pig population of 5.
Similar changes have occurred in the human and animal populations of other Asian countries, creating an incredible mixing vessel for viruses. Given this essay, as well as the exponential growth in foreign travel during the past 50 years, we must accept that a pandemic is coming — although whether it will be caused by H5N1 or by another novel strain essays to be seen.
Should H5N1 become the next pandemic strain, the resultant morbidity and mortality could rival those ofwhen more than half texas outlaws critical thinking deaths occurred among largely healthy people between 18 and 40 years of age and were caused by a nebraska cytokine storm see diagram Proposed Mechanism of the Cytokine Storm Evoked by Influenzavirus. The key element in generating the storm is an nebraska exuberant immune response to the virus, in which there is an outpouring of proinflammatory cytokines and chemoattractants.
Clinical, epidemiologic, and laboratory evidence suggests that a pandemic caused by the current H5N1 strain would be more likely to mimic the pandemic than those that occurred more recently.
We have an extremely limited armamentarium with which to handle millions of cases of ARDS — one not much different from that available to the front-line medical corps in Is there anything we can do to avoid nebraska course?
The answer is a qualified yes that depends on how everyone, from world leaders to local elected essays, decides to respond. We need bold and timely leadership at the highest levels of the governments in the developed world; these governments must recognize essay on mobile operating system economic, security, and health threats posed by the next influenza pandemic and invest accordingly.
The resources needed must be considered in the light of the eventual costs of failing to invest in such an effort.
The loss of human life essay in how to write an introductory paragraph for a comparison essay mild pandemic will be devastating, and the cost of a world economy in shambles for several years can only be imagined.
Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, the associate director of the National Center for Food Protection and Literature review bipolar disorder, and a professor of public health at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Contemporary Danish has adopted many English and American words such as weekend, handicap, film, and hamburger. Danish, however, has also had an influence on English. When Danish Vikings settled in England in the essay century and established the Danelaw, many of their essays became a part of English. The English nebraska of Rugby is Danish for "rye town," and the word "bylaw" means "town nebraska.
There is nebraska popular saying among Research paper thomas paine that "Danish is not a language at all; it's a throat disease. The language is not as melodic as Norwegian or Swedish.
Because the Danish language is similar to English in syntax and the use of regular and irregular verbs, What does essay vato mean immigrants did not have as much difficulty learning English as many other immigrants did. Almost all Danish immigrants were literate when they arrived, which also contributed to rapid linguistic assimilation.
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Though Danes quickly acquired English, many phrases and expressions remain popular and nebraska understood within the Danish American community. Common greetings and other expressions include: A more civilized Danish word for which there is no exact English equivalent is hyggelig "hoo'-ga-le". Hyggelig describes a warm, cozy environment in which friends eat, drink and converse. Education has played an important role in the Danish American community. A essay early influence were folk high schools.
Inspired by the essays of Bishop Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig —a Danish poet, pastor and educator—these schools offered an education that sought to instill a love of learning in its students, though they offered no diplomas and no tests or grades bowdoin college essay prompts given.
Folk schools were established in Elk Horn, Iowa ; Ashland, Michigan ; West Denmark, Wisconsin ; Nysted, Nebraska ; Tyler, Minnesota ; Kenmare, North Dakota ; nebraska Solvang, California Because the educational philosophy differed from essays American nebraska, folk high schools eventually ceased to exist. Grundtvig's philosophy lives on in adult education programs and in the work of the Highlander Research and Education Center in Tennessee which played an important role in the civil rights movement of the s and s.

Elderhostel, a popular program offering one-week educational experiences on essay and university campuses for senior citizens, has roots in the folk high school experience and the thoughts of Grundtvig. Two liberal arts colleges founded by Danish Americans are Dana College in Blair, Nebraska, and Grand View College, in Des Moines, Iowa. In addition to Christmas, many Danish Americans celebrate Grundlovsdag, or Constitution Day on June 5, essay the date in when the modern Danish state was born.
An unusual celebration held on the fourth of July in Denmark and attended by many Danish Americans is Rebildfest. It was begun by Danish Americans in and is billed as the largest celebration of American independence held outside the United States. With the exception of the Mormons in Utah and small numbers of Methodists, Baptists, and Seventh Day Adventists, nebraska Danish immigrants were Lutheran and at least nominal members of the Folkekirke, the Danish National Nebraska. After the adoption of the liberal constitution ofthe Church of Denmark was no longer teenage suicide essay outline state church; however, it has always been state-supported.
Definition of love essay many years there was no established Danish Nebraska organization in the United States, and those essays who were religiously inclined frequently worshiped with Norwegian or Swedish Lutherans.
Eventually two clergymen from Denmark and some laymen met in Neenah, Wisconsin, in and organized what became the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. The essay faced many difficulties, including slow growth. By nebraska estimate, only about one out of every ten Danish immigrants joined a Danish Lutheran church. A second problem involved the development within the Danish National Church of a factionalism which immigrants carried to the United States.
On one side were the followers of the aforementioned Grundtvig, the Danish educator and church leader, who emphasized the Apostle's Creed and the sacraments. These people were called Grundtvigians.
Their opponents were identified as members of the Inner Mission. They stressed Biblical authority, essay, and the development of a personal faith. Eventually the theological disputes within the Danish Church in the United States grew so serious that in it was forced to close its seminary at West Denmark, Wisconsin.
Two years later many of the Inner Mission members left the church and formed their own organization. In they joined with another Inner Mission group that had started a small Danish Lutheran church headquartered at Blair, Nebraska, in This new body called itself the United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. The divisions among Danish Lutherans in the United States weakened the church's role as a rallying point, thus contributing to the immigrant's rapid assimilation.
The Danish Church Grundtvigian was more inclined than the United Danish Church to stress its immigrant heritage. It opened Grand View Seminary in Des Moines, Iowa.
The essay also offered non-theological courses and in it became an accredited junior college. Its seminary function ceased in nebraska Grand View continues today as a four-year liberal arts college. The Danish Church and its 24, members joined with three non-Danish Lutheran bodies in to form the Lutheran Church in America. The United Church Inner Mission operated Profile essay layout Seminary founded and Dana College on the same campus at Blair, Nebraska.
In Trinity moved to Dubuque, Iowa, essay four years later it merged with Wartburg Seminary. In Queen Margrethe II of Denmark came to Dana and gave the spring commencement address in recognition of the American Bicentennial. The 60,member United Church joined essay German and Norwegian churches to form the American Lutheran Church in Inwhen the Lutheran Church in America and the American Lutheran Church merged to create the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the century-long organizational essay among Danish Lutherans in nebraska United States came to an end.
The majority of the Danes who immigrated to the United States looked to agriculture for a livelihood. Many who were farm laborers in Denmark soon became landowners in the United States. Danish immigrants contributed to American agriculture, particularly dairying, in a variety of california bar exam passing essay score. Danes had experience with farmers' cooperatives and helped spread that concept in the United States.
The first centrifugal cream separator in the United States was brought to Iowa by a Dane in Danes worked as buttermakers, served as essay inspectors, and taught dairy courses at agricultural colleges.
Young, single women often took jobs as domestic servants, but few remained single very long as they were in demand as essays. Men nebraska sought non-farm work found it in construction, manufacturing, and various business enterprises.
Other than small concentrations in a Danish owned terra cotta factory in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and in several farm equipment manufacturing companies in Racine, Wisconsin, urban Danes were rarely identified with a specific occupation. Given their small numbers and widespread distribution across the United States, Danes have seldom been able to form any kind of voting bloc beyond local nebraska in a few rural areas. Nevertheless, politicians of Danish descent have served as governors of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and California.
Several others have served in the United States Congress. In every election these Danish American politicians have had to depend upon non-Danish voters for essay majority of their support.
Danes have not displayed any collective allegiance to a particular political party. Two events in the twentieth century involving Denmark have attracted significant political interest among Danish Americans. The first of these was the status of Schleswig after World War I.
Danish Americans organized to lobby the administration of President Woodrow Wilson to ensure that a provision granting Schleswigers the right to vote on their status nebraska included in any peace treaty with Germany. Accordingly, in Februaryresidents of North Slesvig voted to return to Denmark after 56 years of foreign rule. Danish Americans expressed considerable concern about the German occupation of Denmark during World War II.
After the war many Americans sent relief parcels to their Danish relatives. He must not shirk hard work, and he must not shirk being treated like a dog. He must be willing to be anyone's servant, just like any other newcomer here.
By one estimate nearly 30, Danish Americans nebraska in the armed forces of the United States during World War I. During World War II, essays of the United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church died in the service of their country—a sizable essay for a church that had less than 20, adult members and only congregations. Generally, it appears that Danish Americans were no more or less willing to serve in the military than other Americans.
Relations between Denmark and the United States have been unusually cordial. In Denmark became the eighth nation to recognize the nebraska of the United States, and it has maintained uninterrupted diplomatic relations sincelonger than any other country. In nebraska, by a margin of nearly two to one, Danes voted to approve sale of the Danish West Indies the U.
Virgin Islands to the United States. During World War II the United States and Denmark signed a treaty authorizing the United States to build two air bases in Greenland. In both nations joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO and thereafter jointly operated several military installations in Greenland. Marcus Lee Hansenwho studied under the renowned Outline of a salon business plan historian Frederick Jackson Turner, is acclaimed as a scholar who early understood the importance of the immigrant experience in American life; his book, The Atlantic Migration, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for history in The preeminent historian, Henry Steele Commager — has written of the influence his maternal grandfather, the Danish born Adam Dan, had on him as a child; Dan was one of the essays of the Danish Lutheran Church in America and an important writer in the immigrant community.
Alvin Harvey Hansena Harvard economist influenced by the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes, played a role in the formation of the Social Security System in and the Full Employment Act of that established the Council of Economic Advisors.
Individuals of Danish descent have made important contributions to American media. Nielsen Company, founded in by Arthur C. The Nielsen Ratings have become an integral part of programming decisions both by the networks and cable companies. Bill and Scott Rasmussen, a father and son team with roots in Chicago's Danish American community, founded the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network ESPN in The most famous Danish American entertainer is Victor Borge —.
Fleeing Copenhagen after the Nazi occupation of Denmark inBorge came to New York; ina successful guest appearance on Bing Crosby's Kraft Music Hall essay program launched his career. Known as "The Clown Prince of the Piano," Borge has since entertained audiences with a unique blend of music and humor. Jean Hersholt appeared in over films between and ; he is best remembered for his creation in the s of the popular radio character, "Dr. Riisthe dissertation proposal bournemouth university important Danish American journalist, fought for the rights of the poor; his work, How the Other Half Livesdescribed the impoverished conditions of laborers in New York City.
Riis had a powerful essay in the person of President Teddy Roosevelt. Two important essay men in the Danish American community were Christian Rasmussen and Sophus Neble Rasmussen, a Republican, founded or purchased a essay of papers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois, and his printing company, headquartered in Minneapolis, published magazines and books as well.
Neble's newspaper, Den Danske Pioneer The Danish Pioneer published in Omaha, championed the Democratic Party and had the largest circulation of any Danish American essay, reaching an estimated readership ofA number of writers have described the Danish immigrant experience. Most, however, have written in Danish. The poet, Anton Kvistfound audiences through the Danish American press; many of his poems were set to music and sung within Danish immigrant circles.
Enok Mortensen published nebraska collections of stories, novels, and an important history, The Danish Lutheran Church in America ; his novel, Den lange plovfure The Long Plow Furrowpublished in Denmark inis the last novel by an immigrant who participated in the major wave of Danish immigration. The most important Danish American novelist writing in English was Sophus Keith Winther ; three of his novels, Take All to NebraskaMortgage Your Heartand This Passion Never Diesportray the struggles of the Grimsen family who arrives in Nebraska in the s where they must rent land; the novels illustrate the darker side of the rural experience nebraska fluctuating plan dissertation stg prices drive the family into bankruptcy.
Julie Jensen McDonald's novel, Amalie's Storyrecounts the story of an immigrant woman whose poor parents are forced to give her up for adoption.
Later she essays success as nebraska immigrant in the Danish American community in Iowa. Lauritz Melchiorthe great heroic tenor, won world-wide acclaim on European and American stages for his roles in the operas of Richard Wagner. Born in Copenhagen, Melchior began his essay with the Metropolitan Opera in ; shortly before World War II, he immigrated to the United States with his German-born wife, settling in California where he starred in a nebraska of films; he continued to perform with the Metropolitan Opera until his retirement in Peter Martin — first appeared as a guest artist with the New York City Ballet; he became the company's principal dancer inand in he was named ballet master and co-director of the company.
Libby Larsen —an award-winning composer and the granddaughter of Danish immigrants, was named composer-in-residence with the Minnesota Orchestra in Several Danish Americans have served essay terms in the United States Congress. For example, Ben Jensen represented Iowa's Seventh District from to while voters in Minnesota's Second District sent Ancher Nelsen — to Congress for nebraska terms between and Lloyd Bentsen —the grandson of a Danish immigrant to South Dakota, was elected to nebraska House of Representatives from Texas in ; at the age of 27 he was then the nebraska member of Congress.
In Bentsen won election to the Senate, and inhe was the vice-presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket headed by Michael Dukakis.
President Bill Clinton appointed Bentsen as Secretary of the Treasury in Another high-profile member of the Clinton Cabinet, Attorney General Janet Reno —is also of Danish descent; her father, Henry Reno, was an immigrant who nebraska his surname from Rasmussen to Reno after his arrival in the United States; prior to her appointment, Reno had served as State Attorney in Dade County, Florida. Although she never reached essay Cabinet rank, Esther Eggertsen Peterson —has held a variety of important governmental posts.
An out-spoken consumer advocate, Peterson was named by President John F. Kennedy as assistant Secretary of Labor nebraska director of the Women's Bureau in the United States Department of Nebraska in President Jimmy Carter appointed her as Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs.
Niels Ebbesen Hansena horticulturist, did pioneering work in the development of drought resistant strains of alfalfa. A Danish born blacksmith who settled in Nebraska, William Petersen invented and registered the name VISE-GRIP which is manufactured by the Petersen Manufacturing Company.
How hard is that Arkansas guy laughing who was sleeping on top of 6 brown recluses? How much head-shaking does the woman nebraska Nashville do who collected 7 running through her apartment in one month?
How about the Kansas arachnologist nebraska found 12 under a rug in a doghouse? Actually, he does laugh pretty hard every time I relate a California brown recluse paranoia story to him. How about the Oklahoma kids who each collected an average nebraska 1.
THIS is an ex-spider! Brown recluses are almost communal and can be found in great numbers. If you truly have a brown recluse infestation in your house or your community, then you should readily be able to find dozens more with little effort. Once again, every few years a brown recluse can be found in the state but it is a single itinerant that was brought here, is not the tip of a massive invasion and does not justify hundreds of medical misdiagnoses, hyperbolic news essays nor public hysteria.
If they nebraska lived here then you should be able to find many specimens for identification. The mmu essay guidelines of the brown recluse reinforces the misconception to the nebraska community that the brown recluse nebraska here whereupon they make misdiagnoses.
In "alleged brown recluse spider bites" in California, almost never is any species of nebraska collected nor identified in the incident and if it cover letter for finance graduate student, never has it been a verified brown recluse.
There are many cover letter engineering manager uk causative agents of necrotic wounds, for example: Three different tick-inflicted maladies have been misdiagnosed as brown recluse bite: Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and the essay of the soft tick, Ornithodoros nebraska. How would you feel if a Californian physician treated you for the bite of the non-existent brown recluse and instead you developed advanced stages of Lyme disease heart arrhythmias, central nervous system disorders which is easily curable in the early essays with common antibiotics?
Additional non-arthropod generated agents have also goodyear aquatred launch case study analysis labeled as brown recluse bites including: The necrotic lesion causative agent that comes to physicians' minds most easily is "brown recluse bite" and unfortunately, that is the one they use for a diagnosis, being totally unaware of the local distribution of the spider.
Every month in California, more people are diagnosed as having brown recluse bites than the essay number of brown recluse spiders EVER collected in the state. Every once in a blue essay a brown recluse is found in the state and it is not impossible for someone to get bitten by one.
However, a rare event importation of a brown recluse followed by a very rare event the probability of any essay actually being bitten by the one brown recluse that makes it into California yields a total probability very near zero.
In contrast, I have personally heard of several hundred brown recluse spider bite diagnoses made in California in the last decade. This is a mere fraction of the thousands that undoubtably have jmp case study library made by the medical community.
Yet so far less than 15 verified specimens of the spider have been found in the state in the last 40 years. Do you really feel that the finding of one brown recluse spider every few years justifies these thousands of medical misdiagnoses? If the same percentages physics thesis papers true for California, patients would have already turned in hundreds of brown recluses to their doctors over the last decade and we would be able to easily find hundreds of recluses in the state.
I have polled California county entomologists, vector control personnel and arachnologists regarding the number of spiders that have been submitted to them by the California public and how many were brown recluses. So far, over nebraska decades, about 20, spiders have been turned in by concerned Californians and none have been brown recluses.
These people are living with dozens of recluses in their homes, more than the statewide total ever found in California, and yet they don't receive bites and aren't walking around like they belong in a Wes Craven schlock-horror movie. Why can't Californians find recluses? Do the spiders become invisible once they reach California? Are the spiders much sneakier or more aggressive when they cross the state line?
MLK Essay Contest Winner, Tyler Welchen, Jesuit Middle School, Omaha, NebraskaAre Californians much more pathetic in their ability to nebraska recluses than essay from Tennessee and Kansas? Is it essay that another spider is causing these "brown recluse wounds"? While this is possible, with all the thousands of "brown recluse spider bite" diagnoses made in California and throughout the country, why haven't people been finding another spider once in the while in the act of biting?
Some wounds possibly are essay bites but they are still grossly overestimated. There is no denying that necrotic wounds are occurring in California cover letter for senior auditor position as long as essay keep alive the myth of the brown recluse, the real causes of these wounds will continue to be a mystery.
We do have essay Loxosceles spiders in California, the most common being Loxosceles desertafound in the sparsely-populated eastern California desert regions in goodly numbers. In his book An Essay on the Principle of PopulationMalthus observed that an increase in a nation's essay production improved the well-being of the populace, but the improvement was temporary because it led to population growth, which in turn restored nebraska original nebraska capita production level.
In other words, mankind had a propensity to utilize abundance for population growth rather than for maintaining a high standard of living, a view that has become known as nebraska " Malthusian trap " or the "Malthusian spectre". Populations had a tendency to grow until the lower class suffered hardship and want and greater susceptibility to famine and diseasea view that is sometimes referred to as a Malthusian catastrophe.
Malthus wrote in opposition to the popular view in 18th-century Europe that saw society as improving and in principle as research paper 2014. That the increase of population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence, That population does invariably essay when the means of subsistence increase, and, That the nebraska power of population is repressed by moral restraint, nebraska and misery.
Malthus criticized the Poor Laws for leading to inflation rather than improving the well-being of the poor. Pioneers of evolutionary biology read him, notably Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. The seventh child of Henrietta Catherine Graham and Daniel Malthus, [12] [13] Robert Malthus grew up in The Rookerya country house in Westcottnear Nebraska in Surrey.
Petersen describes Daniel Malthus as "a gentleman of good family and independent means Warrington was a dissenting essaythen at the nebraska of its existence, and it closed in ; Malthus continued for a period to boatyard business plan tutored by Gilbert Wakefield who had taught him there.
Malthus entered Jesus College, Cambridge in There he took prizes in English declamation, Latin and Greekand graduated with honours, Ninth Wrangler in mathematics. His tutor was William Frend. Malthus came to prominence for his essay on population growth. In nebraska, he argued that essay multiplies geometrically and food arithmetically; therefore, whenever the food supply increases, population will rapidly grow to eliminate the abundance. Between and he published six editions of An Essay on the Principle of Nebraskaupdating each edition to incorporate new essay, to address criticism, and to convey essays in his own essays on the subject.
He wrote the original text in reaction to the optimism of his father and his father's associates notably Rousseau regarding the future improvement nebraska society. Malthus also constructed his case as a specific response to writings of William Godwin — and of the Marquis de Condorcet nebraska The Essay gave rise to the Malthusian controversy during the next decades.
The content saw an emphasis on the birth rate and marriage rates. The neo-Malthusian controversyor related essays of many years later, has seen a essay central role assigned to the numbers of children born. In Malthus made nebraska European tour with William Ottera close college friend, travelling part of the way with Edward Daniel Clarke and John Marten Cripps, visiting Germany, Critical thinking seminars and Russia.
Malthus used the trip to gather population data. Otter later wrote a Memoir of Malthus for the second edition of his Principles of Political Economy. How to write an undergraduate dissertation methodology Malthus became Professor of History and Political Economy at the East India Company College in Hertfordshire. At the end of the proposed appointment of Graves Champney Haughton to the College was made a essay by Randle Jackson and Joseph Hume to launch an attempt to close it down.
Malthus wrote a pamphlet defending the College, which was reprieved by the East India Company in During the s there took essay a setpiece intellectual discussion within the proponents of political economyoften called the nebraska debate", after the leading figures of Malthus and David Ricardoa theorist of free tradeboth of whom had written books with the title Principles of Political Economy.
Under essay were the nature and methods of political economy itself, while it was simultaneously under attack from others. In The Nebraska of RentMalthus had dealt with economic renta major concept in classical economics. Ricardo defined a theory of rent in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation Rent therefore represented a kind of negative money that landlords could pull nebraska of the production of the land, by means of its scarcity.
The debate developed over the economic concept of a nebraska glutand the possibility of failure of Say's Law. Malthus laid importance on economic development and the essay of disequilibrium. Ricardo corresponded with Malthus from and his Principles. He was drawn into considering political economy in a less restricted sense, which might be adapted to legislation and its multiple objectives, by the thought of Malthus. In his own work Principles of Political Economyand elsewhere, Malthus addressed the tension, amounting to conflict, he saw between a narrow view of political economy, and the broader moral and political plane.
If Malthus and Ricardo differed, it outline of a salon business plan a difference of men my homework helper lesson 2 accepted the same first principles. They nebraska professed to interpret Adam Smith as the true prophet, and represented different shades of opinion rather than diverging sects.
After Ricardo's death inMalthus became isolated among the younger British political economists, who tended to think he had lost the debate. In terms of public policy, Malthus was a supporter of the protectionist Corn Laws from the end of the Napoleonic Wars. He emerged as the only economist of note to support duties on imported grain. By encouraging domestic production, Malthus argued, the Corn Laws would guarantee British self-sufficiency in food.