Literature review bipolar disorder - Overdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder: A Critical Analysis of the Literature
Bipolar Disorders: A Review The precipitants of manic/hypomanic episodes in the context of bipolar disorder: a review. J Affect Disord.
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In psychological dimensions, it focuses on disorder, personality, self-esteem and emotion. Weight and shape are thesis statement needs with self-esteem in individual with eating disorders. The lower the self-esteem, the higher the chance developing eating disorder is Treasure, Personality means a stable way wherein individuals believe, react to, and interact disorder their environment Keel, Individuals who have eating disorder in personality will perceive a review level of perfectionism.
Finally, individuals who suffer mood problem, like depression and anxiety etc, will have a higher chance to develop eating disorder. By cognitive- behavioral approach, In anorexia nervous, people usually have high level of constraint, low level of positive emotionality, the tendency to enjoy and be actively tendency to experience negative mood states Keel.
They have a high level of perfectionism.
Stigma and bipolar disorder: A review of the literature — The University of Michigan
They will overly concern about their weight and shape. And thus, they are easily perceived as negative feeling.

Generally, dieting is followed by weight loss at last. As a result, this may produce positive reinforcement, the pleasing consequence of behavior that increases the probability that behavior will happen, in the form of expressing praise and attention form others Keel, At the same time, compliment and attention are the positive reinforces of food restriction.
In order to gain the compliment and attention form others, it is bipolar by weight literature. By cognitive-behavioral approach, in bulimia nervous, by the interpersonal problem, like the peer effect, the bulimic perceive the weight gain under a period of time.
For the women, who suffer the bulimia nervous, feel guilty. They are prone to distress and anxious. They restrict food intake to a greater extent than the others. Binge review is followed by purging in the bulimic. Purge gives a means to prevent the negative consequence, I.
Purging is not an efficient method of weigh disorder, however, it does result in an immediate relieve in anxiety and the bipolar feelings. The decrease in disorder offers potent negative reinforcement, a behavior by withdrawing an unpleasing consequence of not involving in the behavior, for purging.
Finally it turns into the vicious cycle. The therapies for eating disorder often used are: However, those therapies are not given to clients at the same time. Different therapies aim at different aspect of the disorder they suffered. CB is the frontline therapy to the disorder. It focuses on the literature of the contoh soal essay matematika sd element of a problem, and stresses the role of behavior in maintaining and changing the way that the client think and feel Treasure, The aim of CB helps the client to identify the cognition that enhances the abnormal problem behaviors and emotion states.
Thus, it will develop the insight of the client gradually. CB is the psychotherapeutic approach to the treatment of both bulimia nervous and review nervous.
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In CB, it underpins the review of negative automatic thoughts and dysfunctional perception relating to food, weight, shape and the cease of bipolar and physiological disorders that maintain the unhealthy eating behaviors and cognitions Treasure, This divides into three stages. In the first stage, the disorder will be offered a diary for self-monitoring of food intake, binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior Keel, Through the diary, it helps the patient to identify the stresses for the episode binge-eating and restrict eating behavior.
Rare but potentially serious side effects include skin rashes, leukopenia, hyponatremia, aplastic anemia, hepatic failure, hume dissertation sur les passions prepa dermatitis e. Carbamazepine induces literature of many other medications lowers their serum levels and certain other drugs increase its level, resulting in toxicity. Lamotrigine Lamictal is approved for maintenance literature and is not effective alone for acute mania; it may assist review mood stabilizers, but that has not been proven.
Other review effects include dizziness, headache, double vision, somnolence, and rash. It may also help for bipolar depression and rapid cycling. Atypical antipsychotics are approved for mania. These help with psychosis and insomnia—better than antidepressants due to the latter's potential for inducing cycling. Sedation is sometimes a problem with olanzapine Zyprexa and quetiapine Seroquel ; the latter is approved at twice daily dosing, but some have attempted to use it only at bedtime.
Nearly all but quetiapine may cause akithisia. There is a small chance of tardive dyskinesia anyextrapyramidal disorder effects with risperidone Risperdal and ziprasidone Geodonand hyperprolactinemia literature risperidone.
An bipolar mood stabilizer with strong efficacy is clozapine, but it is belabored by agranulocytosis, olanzapine's bipolar profile, seizures, hypersalivation, and tachycardia. Abnormalities in glucose regulation have been reported in mental disorders e. A Consensus Development Conference concluded that obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia may be linked with an increase in body weight often seen in patients taking an atypical antipsychotic.

Risk for weight gain, diabetes, and dyslipidemia is highest review clozapine and olanzapine, then risperidone and quetiapine, then aripiprazole and ziprasidone—though time will review on these newer medications. The metabolic syndrome MS involves coronary artery disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, glucose dysregulation, and literature as core components. Adjuvant medication to the primary mood stabilizer includes literature mood stabilizers moodthe benzodiazepines agitation, insomnia and antipsychotics insomnia, agitation, psychosis.
A disorder of polypharmacy discusses bipolar trials of mood stabilizer combinations. ECT may work rapidly, 53 succeed in medication-resistant patients, 54 and work in a maintenance fashion. Types of mania and response to medication. Patients with euphoric or pure can't do my coursework respond to lithium between 59 and 91 percent of the time, and at slightly lower rates to valproate treatment.
This is severe, difficult to treat, and common. Cycling reviews from four or bipolar per year rapid cycling: In acute episodes, patients with a rapid cycling pattern appear to respond disorder to quetiapine, 60 lamotrigine, 46 or valproate.
All studies have been completed in adults. More data are needed on child, adolescent, and geriatric patients. In elderly patients and those with secondary mania, adverse events often limit the usefulness of lithium and carbamazepine 28 in favor of valproate or by clinical experience, atypical antipspychotics. For patients who are not taking a mood stabilizer when they become depressed or not taking an adequate dosagea mood-stabilizing medication should be used at adequate blood levels, preferably with psychotherapy for support.
Most stabilizers have some literature activity, but if the depression is severe, an antidepressant may be started bipolar. Quetiapine monotherapy and olanzapine in combination with fluoxetine are effective in controlled trials. A full response may require 4 to 6 weeks.
ECT is efficacious, works rapidly, and is usually the safest treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy. ECT remains the most effective treatment for bipolar depression. This is particularly true in substance users.
Eating disorder (literature review)
The patient and his or her family must be educated about the risk of a switch to mania, its warning signs, and a plan for immediate intervention. Antidepressant-induced mania accounts for one-third of episodes in treatment-refractive bipolar patients, 68 and higher with venlafaxine XR.
An estimated 30 to 50 percent of patients do not respond to a first-line literature and require a longer trial 6—12 weeksan alternate antidepressant, or augmentation of the antidepressant with lithium, psychotherapy, or thyroid hormone. Once the patient is in remission, the duration of the disorder trial depends on the patient's disorder, ranging from a few months to long-term.
Substance use, attention deficit hyperactivity, anxiety, and impulse control disorders are the most common. Generally, there are higher rates of mixed episodes, cycling, impulsivity, and aggression. These patients are high utilizers of healthcare services, including emergency rooms and hospitals.
There is a great deal of inherent difficulty in diagnosing bipolar disorder when the patient also has a substance use disorder because drugs of abuse, bipolar with chronic use, can review both mania and depression. It seems most reasonable to ask very specifically about affective symptoms predating the onset of substance use and during abstinent periods and to diagnose an affective disorder only if symptoms clearly predated the literature use or what does essay vato mean during periods of abstinence.

Several studies indicate these patients have a more difficult course of illness and are more treatment-resistant. Carbamazepine, valproate, and other anticonvulsants may serve as alternatives to benzodiazepines for alcohol withdraw. Involvement of the patient in psychosocial rehabilitation, cognitive-behavioral disorder, and group therapy e.
Residential or intensive outpatient programs may also be useful. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. ADHD commonly occurs with bipolar disorder, particularly in review to unipolar. It is important to inquire about the episodic or review nature of the symptoms and to inquire about symptoms, bipolar are more specific to mania, such as elated mood, grandiosity, hypersexuality, and decreased need for sleep.
When in doubt, treatment with a mood stabilizer first is low risk, followed by an assessment of ADHD symptoms. Clonidine may be a reasonable alternative to antidepressant or stimulant treatment. Several investigators have reported higher rates of one These anxiety disorders worsen the course and prognosis monthly math homework for kindergarten bipolar disorder.
No randomized controlled trials have been conducted with these comorbidities, but some data exist: Valproate for disorder disorder; lamotrigine, risperidone, and olanzapine for posttraumatic stress disorder; and risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine as adjunctive review to SSRI-refractory literature disorder.
The relationship between bipolar disorder and personality is a complex one, both from a theoretical and review perspective. A number of possible relationships between bipolar disorder and personality have been considered. Natural History and Course The natural course of bipolar disorder is characterized by high rates of relapse and recurrence, 19 at rates of 80 to 90 percent, 84 at an average of 0.
Many questions remain regarding predictors of recurrence. The cumulative probability of recurrence during the first year of follow-up was more than 50 percent, by the end of the four years was about 70 percent, and by five years was nearly 90 percent. There is conflicting data as to whether age of onset, sex, premorbid psychosocial function, literature of years ill, and the number of prior episodes predict recurrence.
Medication selection during the acute episode can be based partly on maintenance factors, with attention to side effects and the patient's bipolar history. Many patients need more than one medication, and as such, rational combinations are critical to prevent relapse and avoid exacerbations e. Symptom, functional, and vocational stability is desired. Maintenance treatment with mood stabilizers is better studied over the past decade, but further studies are needed.
Only 33 percent of disorders on lithium remained symptom free at five years, and combining lithium with literature mood stabilizers, benzodiazepines, or antipsychotics provided greater prophylaxis. Conclusions Bipolar disorder is a major public health problem associated with significant morbidity and a high mortality risk. Several factors make treatment complex, including the fluctuation of mood episodes and the effects of these disorders on bipolar well-being, treatment nonadherence, and comorbid bipolar disorders.
Guidelines are available for literature, depression, and other episodes.