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Sorry, I beg to disagree. This is where the problem is for a lot of people these days, being able to put together a decent cover letter is just as important as how good your CV looks, if you bother to read these comments and related articles, YOU will see that they will help you if YOU APPLY your time and effort into presenting yourself appropriately.

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17:28 Malagrel:
Answer the question "Why should I see you? Top tip Spelling, punctuation and grammar in CVs and covering letters are very important as this is the first the organisation is seeing of you and first impressions do count.

20:26 Arashigis:
Your cover letter should be written using professional language and format. Communicated with colleagues at all levels in retail and warehousing. Don't be afraid to blow your own trumpet and show a little self-confidence in what it is that you have to offer a prospective employer.

13:04 Zum:
Keep a master copy and tweak it for each application. This might involve some research. Top tip Showing an understanding of the company in your letter will illustrate that you've done your research.

16:51 Kern:
Led inside spray conversion project, which vastly improved aluminum can quality. I look forward to hearing from you. Write - Thank you for considering my application, I would enjoy the opportunity to interview so that we can discuss the apprenticeship programme in greater detail.

18:20 Zulkirr:
First of all, you may want to give your company more notice than what is stated in your contract as a curtesy, as well as offering your support and assistance during this period.