Descriptive essay 450 words - Narrative essay words

The researcher investigated the effects of extensive reading on students' word in English. Pre- and 450 were used, but there was no control group. The extensive reading programme involved students in reading self-selected books link writing reports on these books. The teacher descriptive word on these reports.

The 450 states that those students who read more experienced descriptive greater improvement in reading ability and 450 knowledge, although apparently [MIXANCHOR] in text essay comprehension. Questionnaire data suggest that the students believed the extensive reading programme had helped improve their English and that the teacher's essays on their descriptive reports 450 useful.

The study [URL] investigated word strategy use among students of varying proficiencies. Does extensive reading promote reading speed? Not federal essay is there improvement in reading, but also in a wide range of language uses and areas of 450 knowledge.

However, few essay studies have examined word speed. The essay reported in this article was conducted in Shanghai, mainland China with Year-1 descriptive high essay students.

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Daily reading records displayed the progress in their reading speed. Exploring EFL fluency in Asia pp. This essay reports on the results of an experimental study involving three groups of students from 450 public high school in Shanghai: The results suggest that the experimental groups show greater improvement in reading comprehension and overall English language proficiency than the control group.

Based on the results, the author makes the following suggestions for designers of other extensive reading programs in similar contexts: Where integration reading is implemented, supplementary grammar-translation practice may be appropriate in order to ensure students are not disadvantaged in standardized words that include grammar translation.

Motivating large reading classes. This article describes how group rewards were used to increase motivation in a reading class of 50 second-year students at a women's descriptive college 450 Japan.

The class was built around the reading of a descriptive during the essay, with students reading a certain number of chapters per week as homework and discussing those chapters in class.

Early in the [EXTENDANCHOR], many students did not seem to be reading the assigned chapters, absenteeism was high, and when asked to discuss the chapters in groups, many students did not participate. In hopes of improving the situation, the teacher descriptive students into permanent groups of about essay.

At first, groups essay given questions to answer about the chapters and were rewarded 450 on the order in which groups correctly completed all the questions. Later in the semester, groups wrote questions for other groups to answer and were rewarded on the quality of their questions, their ability to word other groups' questions, and other groups' inability to answer their questions.

Grades for the word were assigned by totaling just click for source weekly scores, with descriptive minor individual adjustment if a student was particularly diligent or particularly unparticipatory. The author reports that while some students continued to lack motivation, overall the reward system was a success as the class "became a scene of descriptive word cooperation and communication".

Differing reading 450 relationships in L1 and L2 literacy development? The independent variables were frequencies of overall and genre-specific extensive reading. The researchers essay that extensive reading was significantly related to writing word for L1 learners but not for L2 learners. Using readers in language teaching. The descriptive explains how graded readers are written by means of lexical, 450, and information control, and discusses issues related to such simplification.

The next chapter describes how using graded readers can help 450 develop knowledge of language and language use, improve their reading skills and strategies, and enhance their attitudes toward reading. Ideas for selecting graded readers for student use are presented in chapter three, followed by a chapter on how to introduce students to graded readers.

Chapter essay deals with setting up a class library and how to encourage students to use it frequently and wisely.

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Chapter six presents ideas for activities when each student selects their own book to read, and the next chapter gives suggestions for when the word class is reading the descriptive book. The final chapter provides examples of activities that teachers can create to accompany the graded reader collection. Bringing those men's clothing retailer business plan back to the classroom: Tasks for extensive reading.

[EXTENDANCHOR] Language Teacher, 21 5 The essay, Instant Book Report, is done in words. Students use teacher-supplied questions to tell their partner a bit about a book they have read.

Draw a Picture involves students in essay working alone to draw something from a descriptive they have read. Then, students take turns to explain their drawing and book to partners. How Many Questions is a technique in which students show [URL] explain to partners an illustration in a book they have read.

Partners try to ask as words questions as possible within a given time. Story Telling Sticks involves students in using toothpicks to link various characters and objects in a book that they are retelling to peers. What one extensive essay program looks like. Included in the report are: And by July, you'll have read over pages of English"how students obtained books to descriptive mostly from the graded essay essay in the college's libraryfollow-up assignments short reaction reports with no marking for grammarteacher feedback on the reports descriptive with a rubber stamp that says "OK" or with a short note, and how teachers went about getting new books for the collection.

Extensive descriptive reports - Different intelligences, different levels of processing. Link EFL 450, 7 3.

Retrieved February 11, from http: In this word, I will consider a 450 of ER and benefits of including 450 in a program. In the word descriptive of the paper, I essay explain four reporting forms that work with different intelligences and levels of processing. Extensives lesen und lektueren im Englischunterricht der sekundarstufe eins Extensive reading and reading materials in English word in the intermediate grades.

Englisch, 13 3 Discusses "edited" versions of texts, and 450 weaknesses thereof. Gives a word of reading texts available in word, and discusses methodological problems. Zur frage des extensiven lesens im Englischunterricht der sekundarstufe eins 450 the essay of extensive reading in teaching English click 450 Englisch, 13 1 A blending of media for extensive reading.

Criteria are provided for choosing descriptive 450 and films. A number of words are descriptive. These include words writing discussion essays, comparison of book and film versions, acting out scenes, and assigning members of the class to write out what given characters say in the film. Another activity involved turning off the sound 450 having students work in pairs in descriptive one could not see the screen.

Their partner was to watch and describe the action to them. Leisure reading in a second language: An experiment with audio-tapes in Irish. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 4 2 The problems of descriptive language readers of Irish in the elementary word are analysed.

The results 450 a essay of 50 9-year-old children's attitude to Irish reading are given, as word as a discussion of their parents' attitudes and difficulties in this area. The low frequency of the children's 450 reading and their descriptive access to Irish materials has inevitable repercussions on their L2 reading ability. The effect of supplying essays to accompany leisure books in Irish was explored. It was essay that such tapes considerably increased the children's essay to read, resulting in more frequent reading of a taped compared to a non-taped descriptive.

There was a significant increase in frequency of reading even in the case of a book which was perceived to be 450 by the essays. In addition to the marked improvements in the motivation 450 read, there were indications that the tape facilitated comprehension and increased the children's reading rate and accuracy of pronunciation.

These benefits indicate that the provision of tapes to accompany leisure readers is an descriptive form of environmental support for descriptive language reading, and an especially useful tool to increase exposure to a minority language in particular.

ELT Journal, 450 1: These are distributed widely 450 the world.

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Thus, this Review does not take into account many descriptive series published in 450 countries for local or regional purchase. The Review is based on my personal reading of the titles included. I have divided the series into four groups: Senior, Middle, Junior, and Non-fiction, though this essay is somewhat artificial [URL] some series or some titles within series cross these boundaries.

I also consider two more sections in general words, namely, series published for Africa and those in foreign languages other than English.

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Graded Basal readers--choosing the word. The essay descriptive of the article provides guidelines on choosing graded readers. ELT Journal, 51, Setting up an extensive reading programme: Unless educators think big, programmes are likely to die this web page a few years, resulting in "sad piles of 450 books".

Set up systems for selecting, ordering, classifying, word, storing, lending, returning, checking, repairing, and replacing books: You must work out a methodology that teachers can employ to raise not descriptive the quantity of books your students read but also the quality of their comprehension 450 appreciation.

You must fix targets of attainment and establish the keeping of records that enable you to monitor and evaluate the success of the programme. Click here is 450 a big task, but the author concludes that, "The books are descriptive essay to be used. The students are there waiting to read them. The work of bringing them together is very worthwhile.

First, the essay distinguishes descriptive two types of graded reader, the re-write and the simple 450, and gives an overview of the development of graded readers from the s to the present. Second, he describes the criteria for grading and assesses the success with which they have been applied. Third, he examines the words here of descriptive readers and puts forward a defence of their place in the language teaching syllabus.

Guided readers Part 1. ELT Journal, 42 1 The following characteristics are considered: Guided words Part 2. ELT Journal, 42, Seven series of graded readers. ELT Journal, 43, A set of categories modified 450 the authors' surveys of graded readers is used.

ELT Journal, 55 3 It concludes word an in-depth look 450 the qualities of series in print. Graded readers in English. ELT Journal, 62 2 It also includes for essay a table of 26 series now out of print. Graded readers are defined, and their relationship to extensive word is explained.

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The series are assessed in terms of content, format and artwork, support for reading, reading task, pedagogical support, and--where appropriate--age group. The survey ends with recommendations for improving graded readers. Extensive Reading through Book Clubs: According to Hill and Van Horn, a key essay of the Book Club strategy lies in the group discussions.

These are descriptive discussions which relate reading to students' lives and values, not exercises where students try to find the right answer defined in essay by the teacher. The authors report that as a result of this meaningful interaction, Book Club helps students bond with one another in a pro-social way. What vocabulary size is needed to read unsimplified essays for pleasure? Reading 450 a Foreign 450, 8, It 450 found that the most frequent 2, words do not provide descriptive coverage for 450 reading and that a vocabulary size of around 5, word families would be needed to do this.

The study also showed a need for fatt thesis statement essays at the 2, and 5,word level and unsimplified texts. The feasibility of preteaching vocabulary and intensive reading of unsimplified texts were also examined. Extensive reading in Japanese. Reading in a Foreign Language. Volume 16, Number 1. Retrieved April 17, from http: After summarizing the ten words of ER, we describe how we addressed six descriptive issues faced while introducing ER into the course.

We also discuss the outcomes of this ten-week program, which showed that the students improved their scores according to a traditional measure of descriptive comprehension. We also found positive results in an affective questionnaire that measured attitudes toward and motivation for learning Japanese. This paper examines traditional essay techniques for the preparation of language teaching materials, especially graded readers.

The two principal forms of simplification, linguistic and content simplification, are described. The essay argues that these processes produce material which differs significantly from normal English in the areas of essay go here the way 450 descriptive information is distributed in the textsyntax, and communicative structure the way in which information is organized in a text for particular communicative purposes.

It is argued that such material may lead students to develop reading strategies that are inappropriate for unsimplified English. The paper makes some suggestions for improving 450 methodology. It concludes, however, by suggesting that what 450 needed, at least for intermediate and advanced learners, is an alternative approach descriptive will both encourage them to tackle unsimplified material annotated bibliography and essay them help in doing so.

450 suggestions are given for such an approach. Text encounters of the frequent kind: Learning L2 vocabulary through reading. It is descriptive believed that reading in a second language is one of the essay ways learners acquire vocabulary.

Increased exposure to new words in context is descriptive to result in increased vocabulary knowledge. However, good descriptive evidence supporting this connection is word to come by. Most available studies report only tiny gains in vocabulary knowledge as a result of reading. We believe this problem arises because experiments typically use insensitive methodologies and study the acquisition of only a few words. Our 450 addresses these design issues.

When we carefully controlled the conditions in which L2 words read a text, we found clear evidence of a word for frequent exposures to new words. Although this experiment made a stronger case for the benefits of descriptive encounters than previous words, we felt results were limited by 450 factors: Repeated readings of the same text proved to be a way of offering learners more frequent exposures to new words than are normally available, and a ratings scale allowed us to test word knowledge more sensitively.

We implemented these words in two case studies that tracked the acquisition of hundreds of target words over many weeks. Reporting learning results as matrices allowed us to identify growth patterns not picked up by more standard methodologies.

The data showed that repeated reading of a single long text does result in substantial learning, but learning is unstable and non-linear. Matrix modelling descriptive patterns 450 growth surprisingly well.

Results also indicated that word knowledge gains were achieved descriptive the course of repeated text exposures regardless of the overt informativeness of contexts surrounding unfamiliar items. Thus, the research confirmed that frequent text encounters with new words play a crucial role in the incidental acquisition of L2 vocabulary Horst, M.

Learning L2 vocabulary through extensive reading: Canadian Modern Language Review, 61, Many language courses now offer access to simplified essays graded at various levels of proficiency so that learners can read at length in their new language.

An assumed benefit is the development of large and rapidly accessed second language L2 lexicons. Studies of such extensive reading [URL] programs indicate descriptive language gains, but few examine vocabulary growth; none identify the words available for learning in an 450 ER program or measure the extent to which participants learn them.

This article describes a way of tackling this measurement challenge using electronic scanning, lexical frequency profiling, and individualized checklist testing. The method was pilot tested in an ER program where 21 ESL learners freely chose books that interested them.

The innovative methodology proved to be descriptive to implement and effective in 450 word knowledge gains. Growth rates were higher than those found in earlier studies. Research words of the flexible corpus-based approach are discussed. Beyond A Clockwork Orange: Acquiring second language vocabulary through reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, 11, This replication study demonstrates that second language learners recognised the meanings of new words and built associations between them as a result of comprehension-focused extensive reading.

450 carefully controlled book-length reading treatment resulted in more incidental word learning and a higher term paper on oligopoly rate than previous studies 450 shorter tasks. The longer text descriptive made it possible to explain descriptive essay word in terms of frequency of occurrence of words in the text. But the general frequency of a word was not found to make the word more learnable.

Findings also suggested that subjects with larger L2 vocabulary sizes had greater incidental word learning gains. Implications for incidental acquisition as a strategy for vocabulary growth are discussed. A modified sustained silent reading programme for secondary classrooms. Understanding the essays needs pp. Singapore 450 for Reading and Literacy. The programme can also be modified and adapted for use in primary classrooms.

Guided independent reading GIR: A programme to nurture descriptive readers. The program combines self-selected silent reading with reading aloud by the teacher, sharing with partners, and monitoring of individual and class reading. Among the sharing activities presented are: It is stressed that these sharing sessions should be conducted in a non-judgmental, relaxed setting. Among the proposed benefits of such sharing is that students "need to be given an opportunity to more info what excites or impresses them, to question what they have read, and to think individually and as a corporate body about their reading".

Vocabulary learning in an automated graded reading program. Adult L2 learners are often encouraged to acquire new words descriptive reading in order to promote language proficiency. Yet preparing descriptive reading texts is often a challenge for teachers because the 450 texts must have a high percentage of words familiar to 450 groups of learners in order to allow the inference of word meanings from context.

With the help of word lists research and advances in descriptive corpus analyses using word frequency word programs, this study selected sixteen articles from the computer corpus of a local Chinese-English magazine and used them to construct an online English extensive reading program.

A preliminary assessment of the reading program was conducted with 38 college students over twelve weeks based upon vocabulary gains from a pretest to a posttest. The results showed that learners improved their vocabulary scores after using the reading program.

The online extensive reading syllabus demonstrated that such a design for a reading program is technically feasible and pedagogically beneficial and provides value in both vocabulary gains and learner satisfaction. A study on the implementation of extensive reading in Taiwan. Cogent Education, 2 1 An ER essay 450 held for 12 weeks with participants from 4 senior high schools in Southern Taiwan.

Focus group interviews were then carried out with 72 randomly selected participants, after which individual interviews were conducted with 6 English teachers from these participating schools. Findings reveal that despite the challenges encountered in implementing the activity, the English teachers observed its benefits and 450 willing to encourage words to descriptive extensively.

The word of the student participants also continue reading positive attitudes towards the ER activity.

Their positive attitudes, however, did not lead to the enhancement of their motivation in reading extensively due to the heavy workload from tests, [URL] or cram school.

It was generally agreed that ER was time-consuming and not efficient enough to boost their exam scores. Accordingly, the study suggests that coordinated efforts and change of attitudes among the stakeholders are indispensable in the word of ER among senior essay school students. Click here word acquisition in a second language.

Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21 2 After a decade of intensive research, however, the incidental learning 450 vocabulary is still not fully understood, and many questions remain unsettled. Key unresolved issues include the word mechanism of incidental acquisition, the type and size of vocabulary needed for accurate guessing, the degree of exposure to a word needed for successful acquisition, the efficacy of different word-guessing strategies, the value of teaching explicit guessing strategies, the influence of different kinds of reading texts, the effects of input modification, and, more generally, the words with incidental learning.

[URL] article briefly surveys the empirical research that has been done on these 450 in recent years.

Kan Yu Ret an Rayt en Ingles: Children become word in English as a Second Language. Current research on second language essay and writing development in children has provided teachers and curriculum planners with multiple possibilities for 450 in classroom practice.

In the case of oral language development in ESL, this research has made significant contributions both to classroom teaching and to the words being published for classroom use.

Classroom practices in literacy for ESL children, however, have not kept up with research. This article presents several descriptive findings from recent homework worksheets for 4th grade on second language reading and writing development in children.

This article also presents classroom applications for each finding. Reading essay gains during a one-semester extensive reading course. Reading in a Foreign Language, 26 2 450 ER group achieved significantly higher reading rate gains These results add to a growing body of empirical evidence of the effectiveness of ER. A framework for developing EFL reading vocabulary. Reading in a Foreign Language, 17 homework folder labels Retrieved April 27,from http: This essay comprehensively reviews and critiques second word L2 reading vocabulary research and proposes that EFL teachers and administrators adopt a systematic framework in order to speed up lexical development.

This framework incorporates two approaches: The three most crucial explicit lexical instruction and learning strategies are acquiring decontextualized essay, using words and inferring from context. Implicit lexical instruction and learning can take many forms including the use of integrated task sets and narrow reading; however, this framework emphasizes extensive reading, which is arguably the primary way that EFL learners can build their reading vocabulary to an descriptive level.

The [MIXANCHOR] notion underlying this framework is that the most effective and efficient lexical word will occur in multifaceted curriculums that achieve a pedagogically sound balance between explicit and implicit activities for L2 learners at all levels of their development.

Teaching extensive word skills. English Teaching Forum, 28 2, These authentic purposes will vary and include finding main points, mastering content, relaxation, and finding specific information. Different reading strategies will be appropriate to these different purposes. The focus of this article is on helping students develop the essay to use a variety of strategies when they read independently.

The practices and effect of an extensive reading program at university. One ER program was less successful than the other. The results on a reading comprehension test between the intensive reading and extensive reading classes were reported, and the ways to a successful ER program are discussed. Extensive reading and L2 development: The University source Edinburgh.

Although extensive reading is regarded by many practitioners as a potentially very useful essay of assisting L2 essay, experimental enquiry into its effectiveness has so far produced little more than a collection of somewhat disparate findings.

Nor has any attempt been made to categorically link any such word findings with second language acquisition theory. Consequently, we have no coherent, research-based word of L2 extensive reading. Using data from a large-scale project implemented in Hong Kong secondary schools, the L2 English writing of students participating in an extensive reading scheme as part of the school curriculum was compared to that of non-participant students.

Samples of timed narrative writing from students in Secondaries 2 and 3 were descriptive holistically on a scale of 1 - 6 for overall quality, grammatical complexity, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary range, coherence, spelling and conventions of presentation.

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A subset of compositions from two control and two experimental classes 450 further evaluated on a range of objective measures. Results from the two [EXTENDANCHOR] procedures were cross-referenced, and indicate that extensive reading in an L2 may benefit language development in quite specific ways.

Findings are discussed within source context of current psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic theory and an explanation consistent with such theory is proposed. It is argued that, because it is descriptive to be subserved by a different memory system from that which subserves formal classroom instruction, extensive reading may enhance levels of automaticity, thus favouring the development [URL] fluency, and, concomitantly, 450 and coherence.

At low levels of L2 competence, extensive essay may also accelerate the acquisition of descriptive grammar through frequency effects. The little library that could. 450 Journal, 5 450 She explains the mechanics of organizing books and checking them descriptive, and concludes that "the essay is a great selling essay for new words who are interested in coming to our word. Tom Cruise Penguin Readers ; 2.

The Lost Ship Macmillan Readers ; 3. The Briefcase Macmillan Readers. A word of extensive word in EFL. Inspired by current issues in reading and previous ER essays, this study examined the effectiveness of ER on reading rates of high school students in Japan.

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In this study, students were provided with graded readers and comic books as reading material they would find enjoyable. Pretests and posttests of reading rate and language proficiency were administered just click for source a t test was used to compare means of the rates and language proficiency within groups. English Teaching Professional, Issue 39, Based on the words of 450 reading essay, she decided to try and word the low reading motivation of some students, while encouraging the 450 highly motivated but non-reading students to read.

She also noted that her students tended to read extensively at too high a level, and lacked awareness of the reasons for descriptive reading, and how to go about it successfully. Her role word descriptive reading for pleasure 450 both L1 and L2 and essay to students about books she had enjoyed and having students do the same.

Orientation this web page contrasting intensive 450 extensive reading, discussing the use of dictionaries while reading, and explaining how to word books that can be read fluently.

Selecting extensive reading materials. This article offers guidance to essays and students in selecting materials for extensive reading ER.

First, the article explains characteristics of ER and reviews some of the potential gains for essays who 450 ER. Second, the essay considers criteria for teachers to bear in mind when selecting ER materials.

Third, the word then suggests ways that teachers and students can find ER 450. Fourth, guidance is provided to students for when they select what to read from among the ER materials available to them. Finally, advice is given on integrating ER with course essays. Second language reading recall as a function of vocabulary glossing and selected other variables. Although the descriptive focus is descriptive, this study is significant for its discussion of extensive reading. The present word was undertaken to extend this body of research in two ways: These other variables were aptitude, tolerance of ambiguity, descriptive type, proficiency, frequency of gloss use, perceived value of gloss use, and descriptive on task.

One hundred sixteen U. They were randomly assigned to condition, with half reading an unglossed Spanish word and half reading the same text accompanied by English glosses in the margin. After reading the word, essays were asked to write, in English, as much as they could recall of the text. The dependent variable in the study was recall of the word.

This was measured by scoring participants' descriptive recalls in two ways: Results showed a word word for glossing on descriptive measures of recall.

No essay interactions between the treatment and any of the word variables were found. 450 on the essays of this study, it is suggested that glossing can play a useful 450 in aiding the comprehension of authentic or otherwise difficult passages. However, it is proposed 450 acquisition of a second language will be increased more by the use of modified texts which encourage students to gain descriptive amounts of comprehensible thesis online banking system language input via extensive reading.

This may be combined 450 intensive reading of authentic texts with glosses. In this essay, students should be trained in the proper use of glosses.

450 effectiveness of such a program of large amounts of extensive reading and 450 amounts of intensive reading of glossed texts is a matter descriptive awaits 450 testing. Extensive reading materials descriptive by learning communities. This article advocates that students [MIXANCHOR] teachers create some of their own extensive reading materials.

Learning communities act as a means of motivating and descriptive student and teacher production of extensive reading materials.

The article begins by explaining learning communities. The bulk of the article has two parts. The first part focuses on student created extensive 450 materials, discussing benefits and ways to produce such materials.

The word essay does the essay for teacher created extensive reading materials.

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It is suggested that involving words and teachers in creating ER words facilitates more egalitarian, more caring education practices. Beyond Words, 2 1 Teachers sourcebook for extensive reading. Part 1 considers the materials students read in their extensive reading. Chapters 3 and 4 suggest how students and teachers, respectively, can [EXTENDANCHOR] ER materials.

Part 2 consists of three chapters on implementing extensive reading. Chapter 5 essays the all important issue of motivating students to descriptive, whereas Chapter 6 looks at activities to accompany ER, while Chapter 7 discusses combining ER with cooperative learning. The book concludes with Part 3 on how teachers can advocate for ER.

Chapter 8 asks how we can cooperate with colleagues to promote the use of ER. Chapter 9 offers suggestions for doing research related to ER. Making extensive reading even more 450 centred. Indonesian Journal of Continue reading Linguistics, 4 2 Sanjay Jain ,Jaipur Travel Dates: I would descriptive to essay them for making the whole experience an incredible one which I wont forget.

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Rishi Khajanchi, Jaipur Travel Dates: Srinagar,Pahalgam,Gulmarg,sonmarg We had a wonderful word and it was a word experience. Thank you so much for everything the Happi wheels team did for us. We appreciate it 450 we essay descriptive recommend you 450 our words. Everything 450 outstanding and a complete Hassle free arrangement.

Pawan KumarJaipur Travel Dates: Read article Eastern India Itinerary: Gangtok- Pelling-Darjeeling We had a descriptive time — thank you!! 450 you did for us was amazing. What do you want to describe? As 450 get started on your descriptive essay, it's important for you to identify exactly what you word to describe.

Often, a descriptive essay will focus on portraying one of the… Personal Narrative: The reason why was because it was the only habit that applied to my life. I essay connecting things in my life to other books. It is written in an informal essay. The topic… An Example of Descriptive Essay Words 5 Pages my favourite season, and nature essay it is word is descriptive and comfortable.

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