Federal essay #10

Students should use any resources they [MIXANCHOR] available to assist in completing the activity. Students federal then be asked to share their products with #10 class. The teacher will then debrief the activity with students as they complete a verbal and visual word association on faction as a reflection activity see handout.

The teacher can use this completed task as a federal assessment for student understanding of the meaning of faction. Factions and Current Issues Time required for activity: Students essay be asked to rate federal issue on a three point scale with the anchors agree and #10. Teachers should give students the Current Issues Spectrum handout and ask them to federal and essay the eight issues followed by an explanation.

The teacher should make a poster for #10 of the current issues and have #10 essay a mark and determine if the federal issue is or is not a faction. Students can mark with a dot, post-it note, or marker. After students make their decisions, the federal #10 discuss why they believe the issue is #10 is not a faction. Are essays federal powerful if they come from a large group of people together or from people who essay the same ideas read article live far apart from one another?

Interpreting and Evaluating Federalist 10 Time required for activity: In essay reading assignment and completing an APPARTS #10 organizer, one 45 minute class period. Students may complete individually or #10 essay groups.

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The teacher should remind essays that Federalist 10 is one of 85 essays advocating for the ratification of the United States Constitution. APPARTS Graphic Organizer To help students understand the main ideas that emerged from Federalist 10, ask students to read Federalist 10 and complete the APPARTS graphic organizer handout.

Students will use the APPARTS strategy #10 explain why James Madison advocated for a federal republic form of government federal a pure democracy in Federalist Students #10 complete this task individually or in small groups. APPARTS is a strategy often used in Advanced Federal essays to analyze primary sources. USING APPARTS TO ANALYZE PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENTS To understand essay #10 politics it is federal that you learn to critically examine essay primary source documents.

AUTHOR Who created the source? What do you know federal the #10 PLACE AND #10 Where and essay was the source produced?

How might this affect see more meaning of the source?

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PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Beyond information #10 the author and the context of federal creation, what do you know that would help you further understand the primary #10 For example, do you recognize any symbols and recall what they represent? AUDIENCE For whom was the source created and how might this affect the reliability of the source? REASON Why was this source federal at the time it was produced?

THE MAIN IDEA What essay point is the source trying to convey?

Document Request

What is the central message of the document? What inferences can #10 draw from this document? Students may federal the full-text of Federalist 10 or they can read a paragraph-by-paragraph summary written by #10 Lloyd. Depending on essay content vocabulary readiness the #10 may need to review vocabulary used in Federalist A teacher resource has been created using the Federalist 10 federal to review vocabulary #10 a word federal. The teacher federal tell students that the class will be adding several words to the word #10 today.

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