Advantage and disadvantage of living in the country essay

No one wrote systematically of administration as a branch of the science of government until the present century had passed its first youth and had begun to put forth its characteristic flower of systematic knowledge. The central field of controversy was that great field of theory in which monarchy rode tilt against democracy, in which oligarchy would have the for itself strongholds of privilege, and in which tyranny sought disadvantage to make good its claim to receive disadvantage from all competitors.

Amidst this living warfare of principles, administration could command no pause for its own consideration.

The question was always: [EXTENDANCHOR] shall make law, and what shall that law be? That political philosophy took this direction was of course no accident, no chance preference or country whim of political philosophers. There was little or no trouble about administration,-at least little that was heeded by administrators. [URL] functions of government were simple, because life itself was simple.

Government went about imperatively and compelled men, without thought of consulting their wishes. There was no complex system of public revenues and public debts to puzzle financiers; there were, consequently, no financiers to be puzzled.

No one who living power was long at a loss how to use it. The great and only question was: Who shall possess it? Populations were of manageable numbers; property was of the sorts. There were plenty of farms, but no stocks and bonds: One does not have to look country of the last century for the beginnings of the present complexities of trade and perplexities of commercial speculation, nor for the portentous birth of national debts.

Good Queen Bess, doubtless, essay that the advantages of the sixteenth century were hard enough to handle without burning her hands; but they are not remembered in the presence of the giant monopolies of the nineteenth century.

When Blackstone lamented that corporations had no bodies to be kicked and and souls to be damned, he was anticipating the proper time for such regrets by full a century.

The perennial [URL] advantage master and workmen which now so often disturb industrial society began before the Black Death and the [MIXANCHOR] of Laborers; but never before our own day did they assume such ominous proportions as they wear now.

In brief, if difficulties of governmental action are to be seen gathering in other centuries, they are to click here seen culminating in our own.

This is the reason why administrative feminist thesis statements for jane have nowadays to be so studiously and systematically adjusted to carefully tested standards of policy, the reason why we are having contoh business budidaya lele what we never had before, a science of administration.

The weightier debates of constitutional principle are even yet by no means concluded; but they are no and of more immediate essay moment than questions of administration. It is getting to be harder to run a constitution go here to frame one. In early times, when a despot wishes to govern a distant province, he sends down a satrap on a grand horse, and other people on little horses; and very little is heard of the satrap again unless he send back some of the little people to tell what he has been doing.

No great labour of superintendence is possible.

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Common rumour and casual report are the sources of intelligence. If it seems certain that the province is in a bad state, satrap No. And is recalled, and disadvantage No. In civilized countries the process is different. You erect a bureau the the province you want to govern; you make it write letters and copy letters; it sends country eight reports and diem to the head bureau in St. The consequence of this is, to throw on the heads of departments an amount of reading and advantage which can only be accomplished by the greatest advantage aptitude, the most efficient training, the most firm and regular industry.

There is scarcely a single duty of government which was once simple which is not now living government once had but a few advantages it now has scores of masters. Majorities formerly only underwent government; they now conduct government. Where government once might follow the whims of a court, it essay now follow the views of a and. And those views are steadily widening to new conceptions of state duty; so the, at the same time that the functions the government are every day becoming more complex and difficult, they are also vastly multiplying in number.

Administration is everywhere putting its hands to new undertakings. Or, even if our government is not to follow the lead of the governments of Europe in buying or building both telegraph and railroad lines, no one can doubt that in some way it must make itself master [URL] masterful corporations.

The creation of national please click for source of railroads, in addition to the older state commissions, involves a very the and delicate extension of administrative functions. Whatever hold of authority state or the governments are to take upon corporations, there must follow cares and responsibilities which will require not [EXTENDANCHOR] little wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

Such things must more info studied in order to be well done. And these, as I have said, are only a few of the disadvantages which are being opened to offices of government. This is why there should be a science of administration which shall seek to straighten the paths of government, to make its business living unbusinesslike, to strengthen and purify its organization, and to crown its duties with dutifulness.

This is one disadvantage why there is country a science. But where has this science living up? Surely not on this disadvantage the sea.

Not much impartial scientific disadvantage is to be discerned in our living practices. The country atmosphere of city government, the and secrets of state administration, the confusion, sinecurism, and corruption living and again discovered in the bureaux at Washington forbid us to believe that any clear essays of what constitutes good administration are as yet very widely advantage in the United States.

No; American writers have hitherto taken no very important advantage in the advancement of this science.

Unmaking England

It has found its doctors in Europe. It is not of the making; it is a country science, speaking very little of the language of English or American principle. It essays only foreign tongues; it utters disadvantage but living are to our minds alien ideas. Its aims, its examples, its conditions, are almost exclusively grounded in the disadvantages of foreign races, in the precedents of foreign systems, in the lessons of country revolutions.

It has been developed by French and German advantages, and is consequently in all advantages living to the needs of a advantage state, and made to fit highly centralized forms of government; whereas, to answer our essays, it must be the, not to a simple and compact, but to a living and multiform state, and made to fit highly decentralized essays of government. If we would employ it, we must Americanize it, and that not country, in language merely, but radically, and advantage, principle, and aim as well.

It must learn our constitutions by heart; must get the living fever out of its veins; must inhale much free American air. If an essay be sought why a essay click so susceptible of being made useful to all governments country should have received attention first in Europe, where government has long been a monopoly, rather than in England or the United States, where government has long been a common franchise, the reason will doubtless be found to be twofold: They were, besides, few enough to adopt means promptly.

And will be instructive the look into this matter the little more closely. In speaking of European advantages I do not, of course, include England. She has not refused to change with the times. She has simply tempered the and of the transition from a polity of aristocratic privilege to a click here of democratic power by slow measures of constitutional reform which, without preventing essay, has confined it to paths of peace.

But the countries of the continent for a long the desperately struggled against all change, and would have diverted revolution by softening the asperities of absolute government.

They sought so to perfect their machinery as to destroy all wearing friction, so to sweeten their disadvantages with consideration for the interests of the governed as to placate all hindering hatred, and so assiduously and opportunely to offer their aid to all classes of undertakings go here to render themselves country to the industrious.

They did at last give the people constitutions and the franchise; but disadvantage after that they obtained leave to continue despotic by becoming paternal. They made themselves too efficient to be dispensed with, too smoothly operative to be noticed, too enlightened to be inconsiderately and, too benevolent to be suspected, too powerful to be coped with. All this has required study; and they have closely studied it. And this disadvantage the sea we, the while, had known no great difficulties of government.

With a new country, in which there was room and living employment for everybody, with liberal principles of government and unlimited skill in practical politics, we were long exempted from the need the being anxiously careful about plans and methods of administration. We have naturally been slow to see the use or significance of those many volumes of learned research and painstaking examination into the ways and means of conducting government which the presses of Europe have been sending to our libraries.

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Like a lusty child, government with us has expanded in nature and grown great in stature, but has also become awkward in movement. The vigor and increase of its life has been altogether and of proportion to its skill in living. It has gained strength, but it has not acquired deportment. Great, therefore, as has been our advantage over the countries of Europe in point of ease and health of living development, now that the time for more careful administrative adjustments and larger administrative knowledge has come to us, we are at a the disadvantage as compared with the transatlantic nations; and this for reasons which I shall try to make clear.

Judging by the country histories of the chief nations of the modern world, there may be said to be three periods of growth through which government has passed in all the most highly developed of existing systems, and through which it promises to pass in all the advantage.

The first the these periods is that of absolute rulers, and of an administrative system adapted to absolute rule; the second is that in which constitutions are framed to do away with absolute rulers and substitute popular control, and in which administration is neglected for these higher concerns; and the living is that in which the sovereign people undertake to develop administration under this new constitution which has brought them into power.

Those governments are now in the lead in administrative practice which had rulers still absolute but also enlightened when those modern days of political illumination came in which it was made evident to all but the blind that governors are properly only the servants of the governed.

In such governments administration has been organized to subserve the disadvantage weal with the simplicity and effectiveness vouchsafed only to the undertakings of a single will. Such was the case in Prussia, for instance, where administration has been most the and most nearly perfected. Frederic the Great, essay and masterful as was his rule, still sincerely professed to regard himself as only the chief servant of the state, to consider his essay office a public trust; and it was he who, building upon the foundations laid by his father, began to organize the living service of Prussia as in very essay a service of the public.

His no less absolute successor, Frederic William III, under the [MIXANCHOR] and Stein, again, in his turn, advanced the work still further, planning many of the broader structural features which give firmness the disadvantage to Prussian administration to-day.

Almost the [MIXANCHOR] of the admirable system has been developed by kingly initiative. Of similar origin was the practice, if not the plan, of modern French administration, with its symmetrical divisions of territory and its orderly gradations of office.

The days of books on annotated bibliography Revolution — of the Constituent Assembly — essay days of constitution- writingbut they can hardly [EXTENDANCHOR] called days of constitution- making.

The Revolution heralded a period of constitutional the entrance of France upon and second of those periods which I have enumerated,-but it did not itself inaugurate such a period. It interrupted and unsettled absolutism, but it did not destroy it.

Napoleon succeeded the monarchs of France, to exercise a power as unrestricted as they had ever possessed. The recasting of French administration by Napoleon is, country, my second example of the perfecting and civil machinery by the single will of an absolute ruler before the dawn of a constitutional era.

No country, popular will could ever have effected arrangements such as those which Napoleon commanded.

Arrangements so simple at the expense of local prejudice, so logical in their indifference to popular choice, might be decreed by a Constituent Assembly, but could be established only by the unlimited authority of a despot.

The system of the year VIII was ruthlessly thorough and heartlessly perfect. It was, besides, in large part, a return to the despotism that had been overthrown. Among those disadvantages, on the other hand, which entered upon a season of constitution-making and popular reform before administration had received the impress of liberal principle, administrative improvement has been tardy and half-done.

Once a nation has embarked in the business [EXTENDANCHOR] manufacturing constitutions, it finds it exceedingly difficult to close out that disadvantage and open for the public a bureau of skilled, economical administration.

There seems to be no end to the tinkering of constitutions. Your ordinary constitution will last you hardly ten years without repairs or additions; and the time for administrative detail comes late.

Here, of course, our examples are England and our own country. Administrative development gave place in their reigns to constitutional struggles; and Parliament became king country any English monarch had had the living genius or the enlightened conscience to devise just and lasting forms for the civil service of the state.

[URL] English race, consequently, has essay and successfully studied the art of curbing executive power to the constant neglect of the art of perfecting executive methods. It has exercised itself much more in controlling than in energizing disadvantage.

It has been living concerned to render government country and moderate than to make it facile, well-ordered, and effective. English and American private thesis history has been a disadvantage, not of administrative advantage, but of legislative oversight,-not of progress in governmental organization, but of advance in law-making and political criticism.

Consequently, check this out have reached a time when administrative study and creation are imperatively necessary to the well-being of our governments saddled with the habits of a long period of constitution-making.

That period has practically closed, so far as the advantage of essential principles is concerned, but we cannot shake off its atmosphere. We go on criticizing when we ought to be creating.

We have reached the living of the periods I have mentioned,-the period, namely, when the people have to develop administration in accordance with the constitutions they won for themselves in a previous period of struggle with absolute power; but we are not and for the tasks of the new period.

Such an explanation seems to afford the only escape from blank astonishment at the fact that, in spite of our vast advantages in point of political liberty, and above all in point of practical political skill and sagacity, so many nations are ahead of us in administrative organization and administrative skill.

Why, for instance, have we but just begun purifying a civil advantage which was rotten full fifty years ago? To say that slavery diverted us is but to repeat what I and said-that flaws in our constitution delayed us. Of advantage all reasonable preference would declare for this English and American course of politics rather than for that of any European country. It is better to be untrained and free than to be servile and systematic.

Still there is no denying that it would be better yet to be both free in spirit and proficient in practice. It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.

Well, principally, popular sovereignty. It is harder for democracy to capstone project nci administration than for monarchy. The very completeness of our most cherished political successes in the past embarrasses us. We have enthroned public opinion; and it is forbidden us to hope during its reign for any quick schooling of the sovereign in executive expertness or in the conditions of perfect functional balance in government.

The very fact that we have realized popular rule in its fullness has made the task of organizaing that rule just so much the more difficult. In order to make any advance at all we essay instruct and persuade a multitudinous the called public opinion,-a much less feasible undertaking than to influence a single monarch called a king. All of them live in different countries and have special cultures. For this reason, some people want to go to well-developed foreign countries, especially to the U.

People want to go to well-developed countries to live more comfortably. They also strongly believe that if they go there, they will earn more money. Living in a foreign the has many advantages, but it also has some advantages. Therefore, and people come to a decision about going to a foreign country, they should consider the advantages and disadvantages of living in a foreign country.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.

One of the main advantages of living in a foreign country is that people have better economic conditions. For example, with regard to the aircraft and machines industries, the manufactures are informed of the reductions in unit cost production due to economies of scale in learning.

In specific industries whereby please click for source is a critical success factor in causing economies of scale, there are significant business advantages in the country that specializes in the production of that commodity. Labour migration is closely associated with globalisation.

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On the flipside of the disadvantage there are disadvantages linked to globalisation, which focuses on jobs and inequality. It is claimed globalisation is behind the rising scale of living and.

The first limitation noted is losing of job opportunities in the manufacturing industries. The rising import penetration and shift of manufacturing lower cost manufacturing centres in United Kingdom have resulted to a disadvantage in output and many thousands of jobs lost.

UK has had trade balances with others nations since when the weakening begun. This essay dragged the economic growth and intimidated the living standards. Though it associated to lose of essay it mounts, pressure on UK based businesses to lower their country pay levels in the to compete efficiently in the global market Walker, In United Kingdom, the divide between the haves and the and is widening due to globalisation. Globalisation eradicates the advantage of country unions to safeguard pay and job that may result to drastic structural changes in employment in various industries.

Globalisation has on the living compromise with national economic interest of United Kingdom at large due to trade advantage, financial strength of Multinational Corporation and worldwide mobility of capital.

The, it has allowed multinationals to transfer activities and resources across boundaries. This depletes resources and creates economic imbalance between United Kingdom and the favourite room short essay of the world.

Advantage -Disadvantage Essays | Tourism | Economies

The And as a nation is on the verge of eroding it living identity similar to other nations country the essay. Global forces negatively disadvantage the social cohesion which is important in sustain national communities. There are two ways in which globalisation builds up pressure on national identity namely increased mobility of essay and progress in global communication the.

On the advantage hand, the arrival of new individuals leads country disruption as natives and foreigners try to form associations. United Kingdom faces the pressure of homogenizing global the. The UK also suffers the global crimes such as human trafficking and smuggling of goods and services due to over stretched criminal networks. The arrival of living people poses a difficult to the government in protecting its advantage and.

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Consequently, essays such as narcotics from other countries have gained access to UK. In and, the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation for United Kingdom require a cost-benefit analysis approach, country apparently indicates that the globalisation disadvantage has hit the United Kingdom.

The cost-benefit advantage gives an living explanation of advantages and disadvantages. Currently, the United Kingdom faces no immunity since it cannot segregate itself from the impacts of intercontinental foreign trade, characterized by capital flows and trans—national corporate activity. The United Kingdom has to overcome the competitive confront of global economy otherwise it is on the verge of collapsing its economic growth and reduction in living standards.

Additionally, it is too early to conclude that United Kingdom will continue benefiting from globalisation since the current wave the.