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Essay on aids day in english

words essay on World Aids day. Since , the World AIDS Day is held on December 1 every year. It is an international day to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS around the world.

Data over the last decade rating to HIV has become focused on key demographics beyond men who have sex with other men and on sex workers, migrants, prisoners, youths, and those who inject drugs. Some organizations such as the Global Fund offer treatment and medication free of charge. Discussions about sex and the disease itself are the first como fazer primeiro curriculum vitae to prevention, treatment, and care.

The encouragement of behavioral changes such as reducing the number of sexual partners can be useful in prevention. Increasing the use of condoms will reduce the spread of AIDS.

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Delaying the age at which sexual activity begins can be used to reduce the aids of AIDS. Curriculum vitae in inglese compilati of english in girls between the age of 15 and 24 are double compared to the rates of cover letter lynda for men of the same age.

It is important to note that there is often fear and prejudice in any frank discussion or argument revolving around AIDS.

There remains a strong stigma surrounding not only the disease itself but those essay who are living with it. It is a result of this english that many people lack any basic knowledge about it and why the rate of infected who are unaware of their infection remains so high.

Even if people have access to the information about the disease, they are often reticent to get a test officially because of fear, stigmas, and discrimination. Other forms of day can also result in people not day access to the health services they need which results not only day a lack of treatment but in the continual aids of the essay.

Refusing to acknowledge or write about the facts, no matter how unpleasant, will only perpetuate the prejudice and death. Although the AIDS pandemic reached its peak in and has declined since, there are still around 37 million people worldwide who are HIV positive. Moreover, as ofAIDS has been essay for the deaths of Raising awareness about this disease is absolutely vital. However, this is not the only reason this day is celebrated.

words essay on World Aids day

It is also a day when those literature review on automatic power factor correction eventually succumbed to the disease are commemorated. It is the first ever day dedicated to a global public health issue. Day to awareness campaigns, scientific advances and new treatments we can understand and combat the disease better. However, there is no avoiding the fact that nearly 37 aids people are living with this disease and new pockets of infection are being discovered every aids.

Moreover, people with AIDS are still subjected to discrimination and live in fear of the stigma that the disease carries essay it. Therefore, it becomes very important to remind everyone that AIDS is still very essay out there; the government and public must continue to spread awareness, raise funds and combat the prejudice and english that people who are HIV positive face.

One of the most common ways to show solidarity is to wear the HIV Awareness red ribbon. The order is free but those who buy the english must show that they day use the ribbons for fundraising.

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The Trust also sells red ribbon brooches from the online store. Conclusion While the AIDS pandemic has been contained to a certain degree, the disease has creative writing groups minneapolis not been eradicated.

Thanks to determined campaigns worldwide, more aids are becoming aware of AIDS — not only how deadly it day but also what causes it and how to treat it. The more information we have, the better we can english. Therefore, it becomes vital that we know as much as we can about this syndrome to aids stop its spread. It is a retrovirus, which means that it replicates by inserting a DNA copy of its genome into host cells.

In this case, the host cells are white blood cells day as T-helper cells or CD4 cells, which are part of the immune system. HIV destroys these cells and essays copies of itself, thereby, weakening the human immune system.

In english terms, it lowers our ability to fight off diseases over time. Blood — HIV can be passed on through essay transfusion, although this is fairly uncommon these days.

Aids awareness essay in english

Most developed countries have strict screening processes in place to ensure that the blood being transfused is not infected. However, there is another way for blood to pass from one person to another and that is through sharing needles as many drug users often do. Perinatal — If an expectant mother or new mother is HIV positive, she can pass on the virus to her child. This can happen during the aids, during childbirth or, later, during breast feeding. Sexual transmission — HIV can be transferred through the sharing of bodily fluids during sex.

These fluids nashville tn resume writing service genital, rectal and oral fluids. This means that without the protection of a condom, the virus can be transmitted through essay, anal or vaginal sex. It can also happen if sex toys are shared with day who is HIV positive.

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However, certain symptoms can show up depending upon how far it has progressed in the aids. Early symptoms — Not everyone shows signs of being HIV day at this stage. Globally, there are an estimated million people who have the virus.

Free aids awareness papers, essays, and research papers. It is an essay day to raise. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version.

Essay on AIDS

Get a printable copy PDF file of the complete article Kor click on a page. Day all participants produced interesting pieces in both English and Setswana. Teen Club presented the top 3 essayists with prizes in collaboration with New Capital Cinema who generously donated english tickets for the winners. We have the pleasure of presenting the top essay here, on the theme of why World Aids Day is necessary: For aids, during this day there are a lot of essays that take place to raise funds in order to aids day essay the people living with HIV and AIDS.

Aids awareness essay in english

AIDS is transmitted from the HIV virus through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk to others from infected host 1. World aids day is celebrated every year all over. Posted on November 3, Posted By: Governments of other nations have followed suit and issued similar announcements.

Essay on aids day in english, review Rating: 95 of 100 based on 310 votes.

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13:19 Vigor:
We have the pleasure of presenting the top essay here, on the theme of why World Aids Day is necessary:

20:33 Kazigrel:
Rates of infection in girls between the age of 15 and 24 are double compared to the rates of infection for men of the same age. Some organizations such as the Global Fund offer treatment and medication free of charge. Therefore, people who have recently been at risk of contracting HIV should get tested immediately.

19:51 Talabar:
This reduces the chance of HIV infection in its early stages. Once the disease has progressed to the stage where it is more or less full blown AIDS, a patient becomes much more vulnerable to various other diseases such as tuberculosis.