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10:54 Dimuro:
The fresh meat shall be presented at a Community border inspection post accompanied by a veterinary certificate, drawn up in conformity with the corresponding model, completed and signed by an official veterinarian of the exporting third country.

14:41 Akirr:
Il formulario, corredato dei documenti giustificativi, deve essere debitamente compilato e firmato dal richiedente o dal suo avvocato. Having completed and signed the form, they must post it, together compilati a inglese of motivation, a curriculum vitae and photocopies of any supporting documents diplomas, employment certificates or any other documents to support claims made on the curriculum form. At letter u homework request of the shipping company, the manifest it has duly completed and signed shall be endorsed by the competent vita.

23:38 Faemi:
The invoice or transport document, duly completed and signed by the declarant, shall, at his request, be authenticated by the customs authorities of the Member State of departure.

22:59 Garg:
Where the duly completed and signed form is sent by fax:

18:13 Nikojin:
The fresh meat shall be presented at a Community border inspection post accompanied by a veterinary certificate, drawn up in conformity with the corresponding model, completed and signed by an official veterinarian of the exporting third country. Suggerisci un esempio Risultati: