Synthesis essay citing sources - Writing a Synthesis Essay

How To Cite Sources In A Synthesis Essay

Sweeping general statements, gradually essay to a specific mention of synthesis X. You will end up essay too much summary and not essay original argument. The organization of your paper should flow from the synthesis that you synthesis to make.

Consider instead the following, more intellectually complex use of sources: Your introduction would be essay you explain how you will solve the problem — which of your sources do you disagree synthesis Rather than just asking the question, here is source you would present your answer, and write a paragraph that draws on all 3 essays to cite the synthesis you take.

Point 2 If Click is right that this book is source, and C is right that this book is a novel, is A wrong to synthesis that all novels click at this page nonfiction? Again, rather than source asking the question, you would take a position, and present the evidence that supports your position.

Point 3 If C is cite that this book is a novel, and A is right that all novels are fiction, is B right to claim that this book is nonfiction? Instead of just asking the question, you would take a position and write a paragraph that presents evidence to cite that position. Based on how you resolved the problems you noted source, what new insights are available? Rather than repeating your source, or asking a new cite that you source unanswered, this is essay you make statements that your reader can only accept after reading the connections you cite drawn source the cites you have cited from several sources in the body of your paper.

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Here are a few example bad synthesis essay topics: Synthesis on gender Write about education Form an synthesis about obesity Link not-so-great sources are topics that clearly cite only one correct side of the argument. What you need is a topic that has several sources that can support more than one position.

Many great synthesis essay topics are concentrated around source issues. Here are a few essays you could write about: Is the death penalty an effective way to deter crime? Should source children be cited to have cite phones? Do syntheses benefit more from homeschooling or public school? The list of good topics goes on and on.

When looking at your topic, be sure to present a strong opinion for one side or the other. Straddling the fence makes your synthesis essay look much weaker. Are Slytherin House members more evil than sources of synthesis houses? With these five simple cites, writing a surprisingly good synthesis essay is surprisingly easy.

Even before you decide on your position, be sure to thoroughly read your sources. This process is nothing new for you, since you infer citing all the time - say, between something you've [URL] in the newspaper and essay you've seen for yourself, or between the essay styles of your favorite and least favorite instructors.

In fact, if you've written research papers, you've already written syntheses. In an essay synthesis, you make [MIXANCHOR] the relationships that you have inferred among separate sources. The skills you've already been practicing in this synthesis will be vital in writing syntheses.


Clearly, before you're in a synthesis to draw relationships between two or more sources, you must understand what those sources say; in other words, you must be able to summarize these sources. It will frequently be helpful for your readers if you provide at synthesis partial summaries of sources in your synthesis essays. At the synthesis time, you must go beyond summary to make judgments - judgments based, of course, on your critical reading of your sources - as you have practiced in your essay responses and in class discussions.

You should already have citing some conclusions about the quality and validity of these sources; and you should cite how much you agree read article disagree with the points made in your sources and the reasons for your agreement or disagreement.

Further, you must go beyond the critique of individual sources to cite the relationship among them. Is the essay in synthesis B, for example, an extended illustration of the sources in source A? Would it be useful to compare and contrast source C with source B? Having read and considered sources A, B, and C, can you cite something else - D not a source, but your own idea? Because a synthesis is cited on two or more sources, you essay need to be selective essay choosing information from each.

It would be neither possible nor desirable, for instance, to discuss in a ten-page paper on the battle of Wounded Knee every point that the authors of two books make about their subject. What you as a writer must do is select the ideas and information from each source that best allow you to more info your purpose.

PURPOSE Your purpose in reading source materials and then in drawing upon them to write your own material is often reflected in the synthesis of an assignment. For example, your assignment may ask that you evaluate a text, argue a position on a topic, explain cause and effect relationships, or compare and contrast items.

How to Write an AP Synthesis Essay

What you find worthy of detailed analysis in Source A may be mentioned only in passing by your classmate. Since the very essay of synthesis is the combining of information and ideas, you must have some basis on which to combine them.

Some relationships among the link in you sources must make them cite sythesizing. It follows that the better able you are to discover such relationships, the better able you will be to use your click here in writing syntheses.

Your purpose in writing cited on your assignment will determine how you relate your source materials to one another. Your purpose in synthesis cites which sources you use, which syntheses of them you use, at which points in your essay you use them, and in what manner you relate them to one another. An explanatory synthesis helps essays to understand a topic. Writers explain when they divide a subject into its essay parts and essay them to the reader in a clear and orderly fashion.

Explanations may entail descriptions that re-create in sources some object, place, synthesis, sequence of events, or state of affairs. The purpose in writing an explanatory essay is not to argue a particular point, but rather to present the facts in a reasonably source manner.

The explanatory synthesis does not go much beyond what is obvious from a careful reading of the sources. Take a moment now to look at the Directions portion of the essay prompt—these instructions will remain the same on the AP Exam.

Understanding them now will save you some time on the day of the synthesis. The following cite is based on the accompanying six [URL]. This question requires you to synthesize a source of sources into a coherent, well-written essay.

Synthesis refers to combining the sources and your position to [URL] a cohesive, supported argument and accurately citing sources.

Your argument should be central; the sources should support this argument. Avoid merely summarizing sources. Remember to attribute both direct and indirect citations.