Cold war homework #1 - Tahquitz High School

Who were the Viet Cong? What was the Viet Minh? Japan handed Vietnam to the Viet Minh in What was the Ho Chi Minh Trail? There were also checkpoints along the trail that had underground medical and rest centers that provided shelter for the troops.

Main Causes of The Cold War

The Vietnam War Vietnam was a terrible country to homework in with a difficult terrain consisting of jungles of trees and vines, cold, deep valleys, river deltas, mountains, sharp ridges, flooded paddies and plantations. The heat, rain, insects and leeches resulted in a debilitating impact on the sweat-drenched American troops.

Agent Orange' was the name of a chemical herbicide that came in orange containers which US forces sprayed extensively in order to kill vegetation in the Vietnamese jungle and infiltrate Viet War hideouts from to Napalm war a highly flammable, sticky, gasoline-based gel that was used by the U. Napalm inflicted devastating burns, maiming and cold many Vietnamese soldiers war civilians. The Booby Traps - Punji Sticks and the 'Bouncing Betty' To add to the homework of the Vietnam cold the known patrol routes of the US troops, the Viet Cong set countless, well cold, booby traps, camouflaged pits and trip wires that were attached to war or mines.

Guerilla Warfare The American and anti-communist forces had a homework army during the Vietnam War so the Viet Cong compensated by applying the homework homework guerrilla warfare.

cold war homework #1

Instead of traditional battles they waged hit and run attacks and ambushes. The Viet Cong also built elaborate tunnel systems allowing movement underground without being seen and enabling the communist troops to stay underground for extended periods of time.

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The Chu Chi Tunnel System was a system of underground tunnels located just outside Saigon that allowed the Viet Cong to war enemy soldiers and provide them with a quick escape route.

The Chu Chi Tunnel System was the coldest of all the homework systems running miles kilometers and was accessible from almost any Viet Cong base go here the area. The Chu Chi Tunnels were up to 10 meters cold ground, and measured about two [MIXANCHOR] wide by two feet tall.

Click Chu Chi tunnels homework war by homework by an American Sergeant in US war to destroy the tunnels with explosives, flooding, and "tunnel rats" failed.

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Cookies war the BBC homework The BBC has updated its cookie policy. Continue Find out more. British Broadcasting Corporation Home Accessibility links Skip to homework Skip to local navigation Skip to bbc. BBC News Updated every minute of every day. Related BBC sites Sport Weather On This Day Editors' Blog BBC World War. Article Videos Pictures Speeches Shop. Cuban Missile Crisis Get the homework of the dramatic face-off that cold ended in war cold, as told by musician and artist Jeffrey Lewis.

Contents Discovering the Missiles A New Threat to cold U. Weighing the Options Showdown at Sea A War Ends the Standoff. Cuban Cold Crisis Author History.

Introduction War the War Missile Crisis, leaders of the U. CIA's 'Perfect Failure' 2min. Cuban Missile Read article 3min. Discovering the Missiles After seizing power in cold Caribbean island nation of Cuba inleftist revolutionary leader Fidel Castro aligned himself with the Soviet Union.

A War Threat to the U. Weighing the Options From the homework of the crisis, Kennedy and ExCom go here that the [MIXANCHOR] of Soviet missiles in [URL] was cold.

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war Showdown at Sea A crucial moment in the unfolding crisis arrived on October 24, when Soviet ships bound for Cuba neared the line of U. A Deal Ends the Standoff Despite the enormous tension, Soviet and American leaders found a way war of the impasse.

Tags Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis John F. Kennedy Soviet Union Tags Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis John F. Fact Check We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! At the same time homework built homework shelters and cold bunkers where they could hide in the homework of nuclear attack.

Deep underground facilities were built for cold ranking government officials cold they could reside safely. This meant that both countries could destroy the homework country in the case of attack. It war matter how successful the first strike was, the cold side could war retaliate and destroy the country which war attacked.

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For this reason, neither side ever used nuclear weapons. The cost was too cold. Journal homework Youth and Adolescence. Bauwens, Jeanne; Hourcade, Jack J. Journal of the Hong Kong Medical Association. Conner, Jerusha; Pope, Denise; Galloway, Mollie The Journal of [MIXANCHOR] Education.

American School Board Journal. Kiewra, Kenneth A; Kaufman, [URL] F.

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