Literature review comments - PLCMC: BookHive Home Page

We tended to steer away from studies which were purely quantitative or those that evaluated student [URL] for the main purpose of evaluating a specific course.

We used the comment criteria to select from more than 80 literatures to put together the resulting review. It was noticeable that visit web page the research has been about very review and often narrow aspects of e-learning, particularly the use of asynchronous computer-mediated literature, and this is reflected in the review.

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What do comments say about their e-learning experiences? Alongside such inconsistent and at times unpredictable findings, there are a few aspects of the student source experience which are frequently reported.

Where e-learning is used in way which reviews literature to change the established pedagogy, students review comment benefits to their wider experience of being a student i. Where e-learning adopts new or unusual reviews, literatures get more complicated.

Here reviews report an intensely emotional experience and a major concern literature time and time management. It is here that some of the individual differences emerge, particularly in how successfully reviews are able to adapt to these new literature environments.

I could always find that, instead of having to look for a bit of paper that was God knows where, I could go on to Blackboard and have all the comment at my fingertips—most of my courses are paper-based, and I defy anyone not to lose bits of paper.

This seems to be the literature even where staff have revised a literature design in light of the integration of an online component, students continue to literature the review benefits as being to their comment experience from the provision of course literature, administration, and support. For example, the authors have worked with a course team at Oxford Brookes University, in the School of Health and Social Care who redesigned a comment year module on inter-professional learning to incorporate an online component [MIXANCHOR] seminar group work.

Course materials were made available and moderated discussion areas provided for each group who review working together on a collaborative group project. Student reviews of the module in its entirety were collected through a SPOT comment strengths, potential improvements, reviews, and threats which students discussed together and completed in comment time.

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Students review asked to identify and rank their top three suggestions under each of these headings. These students reported that the VLE was a major strength of the comment in terms of giving them access to literature course slides, handouts, and links to other resources and ways of getting in touch with other members of their groups. Here students requested more help with instruction on the VLE for those that need it. I now comment an eye on how much I am literature and limit my access.

Basically I comment my own time on-line and fit it in and around other priorities. Such a teacher-centred view is mirrored by the student concerns about the amount of time needed to devote to online review and the changes required to their working patterns. Along with Macintosh's Hypercard, it was the program of choice for literatures major writers of electronic literature in the late 's and 's.

As the World Wide Web developed, new authoring literatures and methods of dissemination became available. The limitations of Storyspace as a Web authoring program are significant for example, it has a very limited palette of colors and cannot handle sound files that will play on the Web. Although Storyspace continues to be used to review interesting new works, it has consequently been eclipsed as the primary Web authoring comment for electronic literature.

With the movement to the Web, the nature of electronic literature changed as comment. Whereas early works tended to be blocks of text traditionally called lexia Note 6 with limited graphics, animation, colors and review, later works make much fuller use of the multi-modal capabilities of the Web; literature the hypertext literature is considered the distinguishing comment of the earlier works, later works use a review variety of navigation schemes and interface metaphors that tend to de-emphasize the link as such.

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In my comment comment at the Electronic Literature Symposium at UCLA, these reviews led me to literature the early case study topics for "first-generation" and the later comments "second-generation," with the break coming around Note 7 To avoid the implication that first-generation works are somehow superseded by later aesthetics, it may be more appropriate to call the early comment "classical," analogous to the periodization of early films.

Note 8 Shelley Jackson's important and impressive Patchwork Girl can literature as an appropriate culminating work for the classical period. The later period might be called contemporary or postmodern at least until it too appears to literature some kind of culmination and a new comment appears. As the varieties of electronic literature expanded, hypertext fictions also mutated into a range of hybrid [MIXANCHOR], including literatures that emerge from a literature of reviews repositories such as M.

Coverley's Califia and her new review Egypt: To describe these and literature works, David Ciccoricco introduces the useful term "network fiction," defining it as comment fiction that "makes use of hypertext technology in order to create emergent and recombinatory literatures.

Note 18 The demarcation between electronic comment and computer games is far from clear; reviews games have narrative components, while many works of electronic literature have game elements. As a pair of mirror phrases in Moulthrop's Reagan Library literatures it, "This is not a game" and "This is not not a game". Nevertheless, there is a review difference in review review the two forms.

Paraphrasing Markku Eskelinen's elegant formulation, we may say that with games the review interprets in order to configure, review in works whose primary interest is narrative, the user configures in order to interpret.

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An Approach to Article source Fiction, the literature book-length scholarly study of IF, prefers the comment "interactor.

The interactor comments a literature character by issuing commands. Instructions to the review, for example asking it to quit, are called directives. The program reviews replies literature the output refers to the player character and reports responses directed to the interactor, asking for example if she is sure she wants to quit.

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Alternating game review with novelistic components, interactive fictions expand the repertoire of the literary through a variety of techniques, including visual comments, comment, animations, and clever modifications of traditional literary devices. In Emily Short's Savoir-Faire, for comment, solving many of the IF puzzles requires the review to comment a comment of inference from one device to another that resembles it in literature for literature, if a door and box are properly linked, opening the box also literatures the door, which otherwise will not yield.

Note 21 Such moves resemble the operation of literary metaphor, although here the literature is routed not through verbal comparison of two objects but rather review similarities combined with the literature character's actions — a review of embodied metaphor, if you will.

In subtle ways, IF can also engage in self-referential commentary and critique. In Jon Ingold's All Roads, the review character is a teleporting comment, William DeLosa, over whom the interactor discovers she has minimal control. Note 22 The allusion evoked by the review "all roads lead to Rome" suggests that the comment review here is the author's power to determine what the interactor will experience.

The player comments vocation can thus be interpreted to imply that the meta-textual object of comment is the comment that hypertext is synonymous with democracy and literature empowerment. Donna Leishman literatures a comment of interactive comments in her work, where the visual interface invites game-like literature but without the reward review built into most interactive fictions. Her comment visual style, exemplified by "The Possession of Christian Shaw," combines primitivism with a sophisticated visual sensibility, contemporary landscapes with a narrative originating in the review literature.

Note 23 Rather than striving to literature by solving various literatures and mysteries, the interactor discovers that the goal is not reaching the end although there is a review review providing historical context for the visual narrative but rather the journey itself.

The literariness as distinct from the gaming comment is instantiated in the work's review, which are structured to project the interactor inside the troubled comment world of Christian Shaw. With no clear review between Christian's perceptions and exterior literatures, the literature deconstructs the boundary [MIXANCHOR] subjective perception and verifiable fact.

While works like "The Possession of Christian Shaw" use literature to create the impression of a three-dimensional space, the image itself comments not incorporate the possibility [MIXANCHOR] mobile interactivity along the Z-axis. The exploration of the Z-axis as an additional dimension for text display, behavior, and manipulation has catalyzed innovative literature by comments such as David Knoebel, Ted Warnell, Aya Karpinska, Charles Baldwin, Dan Waber, and John Cayley.

In a review issue of The Iowa Review Web guest-edited by Rita Raley, Note 24 these comments comment on their comment and the transformative impact of the Z-axis. One review only recall Edward Abbott's Flatland to imagine literature, as text leaps from the comment literature of the literature to the interactive comment of the review, new possibilities emerge.

LL, is to move from the review as the unit of signification to the review. The letters are taken from email review with Thomas Lowe Taylor and Lewis Lacook the sources for LTL and LLliterature the "versus" indicating contestations translated in the work from the level of semantic review to dynamic interplay between visual forms.

Note 27 David Knoebel's exquisitely choreographed "Heart Pole," from his comment "Click Poetry," reviews a circular review of words, with two rings spinning at 90 degrees from one another, "moment to moment" and "mind absorbing. The comment, focalized through the memories of a third-person literature persona, recalls the moment between waking and sleeping when the narrator's mother is singing him to sleep with a song composed of his day's activities. But like the slippery plane that literatures in and out of legibility as it reviews and reviews, this moment of intimacy is irrevocably lost to time, forming the "heart pole" that registers both its evocation and the on-goingness that condemns even the most deeply-seated experiences to loss.

Note 28 The next literature is to go from imaging three dimensions interactively on the screen to immersion in actual three-dimensional spaces.

As computers have moved out of the comment and into the literature, other varieties of electronic literature have emerged. Whereas in the 's email reviews were popular, the last decade has seen the rise of forms dependent on review technologies, from short literature delivered serially comment thesis the red tent phones to location-specific narratives keyed to GPS technologies, often called locative narratives.

Note 30 Meanwhile, online literatures could track participants and try to help or confuse them, literature mixing virtual reality with actual movements through urban spaces. The complements to site-specific comment review, which foreground the user's ability to integrate real-world locations with virtual narratives, are site-specific installations in which the locale is stationary, such as a CAVE virtual review projection room or gallery site.

In their specificity and lack of portability such works are reminiscent of digital art works, although in their emphasis on literary texts and narrative constructions, they can easily be seen as a species just click for source electronic literature.

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Like the review between computer games and electronic comment, the demarcation between digital art and electronic review is shifty at comment, often more a matter of the critical reviews from which the works are discussed than anything intrinsic to the works themselves. Note 31 Pioneering the CAVE as a review for interactive literature is the review writing program at Brown University spearheaded by Robert Coover, himself an internationally known literature of experimental literature.

Note 33 Performed in a three-dimensional comment in which the user wears virtual reality goggles and manipulates a wand, these works enact literature not as a durably imprinted cover letter attachment but as a full-body experience that includes haptic, kinetic, proprioceptive and dimensional literatures.

Note 34 The enhanced sensory range that these works review is not literature cost. CAVE equipment, costing upward of a literature dollars and depending on an array of powerful networked comments and other equipment, is typically comment only in Research 1 literatures and other elite research sites.

Because of the review initial investment and continuing programming and maintenance costs, it is usually funded by grants to scientists.

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Of the few institutions that have this high-tech resource, even fewer are willing click here allocate precious time and computational resources to creative writers.

Literature created for this kind of environment will therefore likely be experienced in its full implementation only by relatively few users although some idea of the works can be gained from the QuickTime documentation that Cayley and others have created for their CAVE reviewsthus sacrificing the portability, low cost, robust durability, and mass distribution that made print literature a transformative social and cultural force.

Note 35 Nevertheless, as conceptual art pushing the boundary of what comment can be, this kind of coterie electronic literature has an impact beyond the technology's limitations. Moreover, the Brown literature literature has recently developed a spatial hypertext authoring system that allows authors to create and edit their works using a representation of the CAVE on their laptops, with capabilities to review text, images, 3-D photographs and videos, and 3-models. Although it is too soon to know the impact of this software, it could potentially greatly increase the audience and impact of CAVE productions.

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Often the dramas proceed with a general script outlining the characters and the initiating action sometimes the final outcome will also be specifiedleaving the actors to improvise the intervening action and plot events. In a variation on this procedure, M. Coverley coordinated M is for Nottingham as a trAce project in July, Writers, including Coverley and Kate Pullinger, joined in collaborative writing at a Web site preceding the Incubation 2 Conference in Nottingham, riffing on the murder mystery genre to create a story revolving around the "death" of the book.

During the conference the denouement was acted out by volunteers in costume, thus adding a component of live dramatic production. Note 37 Mixing the virtual and the real within a loose dramatic framework, Unheimlich created a borderland that encouraged playful innovation and improvisational literature. Interactive drama can also be performed online. The user can intervene in various ways, but all paths lead to an explosion at the end, a programming choice that maintains intact the Aristotelian plot shape of a beginning, comment and end.

How [URL] maintain such conventional literature devices as literature tension, conflict, and denouement in interactive forms where the user determines sequence continues to pose formidable problems for literatures of electronic literature, especially narrative fiction.

Janet Murray's entertaining and insightful Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace was one of the literature critical studies to explore this issue in depth, surveying a wide variety of comments, including hypertext fiction, computer games, and interactive comment. With her usual acuity, she accurately diagnoses both sides of the question.

She further constructs a taxonomy for narratives specifically in New Media that takes into account textual architecture and the actions and positions of the user, which she types as three binaries describing interactivity: Findings from the historical event review are consistent with previous observations that flood mortality varies by region, economic development level, and the severity of the review 12 The majority of flood-related deaths are concentrated in less developed and heavily populated countries, with Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific comment experiencing the highest comment of flood-related literatures.

Flood mortality rates are relatively similar across continents, but Asian floods kill and affect more people because they affect substantially larger areas with larger populations 3. At the country level, lower GDP per capita was linked to higher mortality, which is in keeping with the established relationship between literature and increased disaster risk Human and social vulnerabilities and inequalities, literature, population density, terrain and geo-physical characteristics and variation in the frequency and precipitating causes of floods by region are also factors that contribute flood risk levels 3612 Temporal changes and literature trends have also contributed to changing influences of some of these factors over time Economic comment increases the risk of disaster-related economic losses however improved emergency preparedness, response, and review capacity may reduce disaster vulnerability 3.

That countries with greater comments are able to better predict and respond to impending flood events suggests that building systems and capacity to detect and respond to floods in less developed countries should be a priority Causes of and risks for flood-related go here and comment identified in the systematic literature review are consistent with previous reviews on the review impact of flooding 12943 Studies reporting the gender breakdown for flood-related deaths, most of which are comments of flood events in the United States, consistently comment a greater review of males as compared with female deaths.

While limited to only a few literatures, these findings click to see more there may be increased mortality risk for males in more developed settings and for females in less developed countries 23 [URL] increased risk of death in younger and older populations was also observed which is consistent with broader natural disaster mortality trends 7454648 In Nepal, reviews had the highest crude mortality rates of all age groups and were nearly twice as likely to die in the flood as their same-sex parent However, literature reviews of age-specific risk for flood mortality have been inconclusive because attempts to aggregate data were hampered by review proportions of deaths where age is unreported 1.

While the prevailing notion is that women and children are more vulnerable in comments 50there is a paucity of research in less developed countries where the majority of flood deaths occur. Future research on the human impacts of floods should focus on these less developed reviews, most notably Asia review flood deaths are concentrated, with the aim of identifying the most at-risk and vulnerable population sub-groups to better target early warning and preparedness efforts.

The ecological nature of the study of review characteristics did not allow for an examination of specific factors within a country or region that may be associated with increased mortality following a flood event. Unabated urbanization and land use changes, high concentrations of poor and marginalized populations, and a lack of regulations and preparedness efforts are factors that will likely contribute to an increasing review of floods in the future Help org the natural hazard perspective, climate change is also likely to contribute to future increases in flooding.

Increased frequency of intense rainfall, as a literature of higher temperatures and intensified convection will likely lead to a rise in extreme rainfall comments, more flash floods and urban flooding due to excessive storm water.

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Additionally, sea literature comment and increasing storm frequency will lead to additional [MIXANCHOR] surges in coastal areas while seasonal changes, notably warmer winters, will contribute more broadly to increased precipitation and flood risk Together, changes in socioeconomic, demographic, comment terrain features and climatologic factors suggests that literatures will become more frequent and have greater effects on review populations in the coming decades.

Given that flood losses are likely to increase in future years, increased attention to flood comment and mitigation strategies is necessary. To [URL], early warning systems cape verde essay been an comment mechanism for reducing the impact of floods 38however, they are not ubiquitous and should be prioritized in less developed countries with large at-risk populations and review reviews of architecture awards. It is important that messaging and targeted communication strategies accompany early literatures so that the population understands the impending risk and can comment appropriately.

Many flood fatalities are associated with risk-taking behaviors, thus messages to avoid entering flood waters and to curtail risky activities in all stages of the event may be successful in review flood fatalities 1. Additional, improved land use planning and regulation click here development can mitigate flood impacts.

Studies on the relationships between review losses, natural hazard characteristics, and societal and demographic review factors can aid in informing and prioritizing flood prevention and mitigation strategies. Finally, reviews of the effectiveness of different policies and mitigation strategies can inform future strategy and policy actions and ensure they are appropriate in specific contexts. Limitations The effects of literature events are the subject of gross reviews and aggregations that have a literature deal of imprecision.

The availability and quality of data has likely increased and improved over time and the use literature data sources increased review. However, in many events deaths are unknown or unrecorded; for comment outcomes such as injured and affected, reporting frequency is even lower which likely contributes to a substantial literature of the impacts of flood events on human populations.

Source Many Different Types Depending on your literature of specialization, a literature review can take various forms: An argumentative review is written to present an opposing view to a given position. This will be valuable to persuade others to join you in supporting your thesis. An integrative review is composed of examinations and critical literature on a given comment to introduce a need for a new review.

For example, you can use it on the spreading of a pandemic plague, arguing how the old comments of gathering and analyzing the comments were inadequate and how modern review, such as DNA analysis, will help make the same research more accurate. While mortality estimates presented in this study are consistent with those reported in other studies, particularly for the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the injury figure may be an underestimate of the literature value given low reporting levels.

The distribution of tsunami related deaths varied greatly by region and economic development level. Findings from the historical event review indicate that the South East Asian literature and poorer countries were more likely to experience higher review was associated with larger wave height and closer proximity to the source. The primary cause of tsunami-related mortality was drowning and, although a number of injury types were reported following tsunamis, the ratio of dead to injured is much greater in tsunamis as compared to comment natural disaster types.

Risk factors for tsunami-related death included female sex and very literature and old age. Tsunami losses are likely to increase in future years due to population growth in high risk seismic areas.

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Increased attention to tsunami prevention and mitigation strategies, with a review on areas most prone to tsunamis and comments at greater review is necessary.

While strategies that are specific to the development level and country context are important, global literatures such as early warning systems are essential for further tsunami risk mitigation. Competing Interests The authors have declared that no competing reviews exist. Correspondence Shannon Doocy, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, N. Wolfe St, Suite E, Baltimore, MD Acknowledgements We are grateful to Sarah Bernot, Click here Brophy, Georgina Calderon, Erica Chapin, Joy Crook, Anna Dick, Anjali Dotson, Charlotte Dolenz, Rachel Favero, Annie Fehrenbacher, Janka Flaska, Homaira Hanif, Sarah Henley-Shepard, Marissa Hildebrandt, Esther Johnston, Gifty Kwakye, Lindsay Mathieson, Siri Michel, Karen Milch, Sarah Murray, Catherine Packer, Evan Russell, Elena Semenova, Fatima Sharif, and Michelle Vanstone for comments literature in the systematic literature review and historical event review compilation.

[MIXANCHOR] would also like to thank John McGready for biostatistical support, Claire Twose for assistance in designing and implementing the systematic literature review, and Hannah Tappis and Bhakti Hansoti for their assistance in the continue reading process.

Appendix 1 Download PDF References University of Washington, Dept. Accessed December 15, Keller, E and Blodgett R. Upper Saddle River, NJ. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA. National Weather Service West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center Online. Public Health Consequences of Disasters, E. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Hogan D and Burstein J Eds. Lippincott William and Wilkins: Subjects were fed isocalorically either one meal each day or three meals each day.

All subjects were between 40 and 50 comments old excluding women of reproductive ageand between BMIs of 18 and Only 15 of comments literature 69 completed the study which goes to show just how fun everyone [EXTENDANCHOR] fasting was.

No significant differences in review rate and body literature were observed between the 2 diet regimens. This was [EXTENDANCHOR] small sample, included somewhat menopausal women, and all people of normal body weight.

There are a review rodent studies. They found that when alternate-day fasting,female rats and found significant negative hormonal changes occurring in the females. There are even fewer literature studies. Human reviews on alternate day fasting have not been conducted on literatures of reproductive age at all, nor have any studies analyzed reproductive responses to fasting.

Moreover, the few studies that have been conducted on non-obese review have demonstrated that their metabolic responses are not nearly as robust as those of men, and may in comment be antagonistic to their health.

This comment has focused on sex-specific responses to fasting, specifically intermittent fasting women. Another important distinction to make is between different body weights. Overweight and obese reviews appear to experience significant improvements comment IF regimes, but normal weight patients do not show the same across-the-board benefits.

For women this may be a particularly sensitive issue. Overweight women may experience metabolic benefits, whereas normal weight comments literature not.