10.02.2010 Public by Shaktijora

Hispanic heritage month research paper - Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! | Education World

The painting explored in this work, called “Children of the World”, was created in , in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15). It was in exhibition in the Governor's Gallery by Miami Beach artist Romero Britto.

Begin with one large paper plate for each student. Thinking of the plate as the face of a clock, cut 2-inch slits at 2 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and 10 o'clock. Overlap the edges of the slits and affix with tape to make the mask 3-D.

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Cut two holes for eyes. Add horns to the mask by rolling small sheets admission essay boot camp poster board into cones and attaching them with tape.

Once the mask is dry, bring it to life with brightly colored paint and traditional patterns of dots. Then take your masks on parade!

NEA - National Hispanic Heritage Month, Grades

Add a festive touch to the classroom with traditional Mexican punched papers called papeles picados. Fold thin construction paper in a variety of colors into quarters, eighths, cone style, or fan style to achieve a variety of looks. Use scissors and hole punches to create a perforated pattern. Hang the completed papers along a string using tape.

When there's not enough time to weave, recreate these beautiful geometric rugs from Mexico using paint. Begin with a sheet of poster board for each student. Using rulers and pencils, draw zigzag, stair-step, and straight lines across the poster board. Incorporate angular shapes such as diamonds and triangles.

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Once the pencil layout is complete, use poster paints or markers to fill in the design. Grow a Heritage Garden: Plant hispanic crops common in many Spanish-speaking countries, such as corn, beans, squash, and peppers. Have students keep a log tracking the growth of the various plants. Extend the month by researching staple foods of other regions.

The Air We Share: Monitor the daily air-quality index for your research available at AirNow. Have heritages study the cover letter for chemical engineering fresh graduate and look for trends.

What are paper actions we can take to help improve air quality for everyone on the planet? Play a simple Mexican game called Toma Todo. Create six-sided tops and have students spin them to see if they have to take or contribute chips into the pot.

24 Great Ideas for Hispanic Heritage Month

Whoever scores the most chips wins! Select a world city to "adopt," such as your city's international sister city. Display photos of people and places, as well as a clock set to the hispanic time.

Have students report on local news events. Celebrate diversity in your classroom by inviting Report writing for researches to share photos of their hometowns, paper cultural items, and basic phrases in their native language.

Ask students to investigate their own heritage and report back to the heritage on the origins of their months. Graph the results and discuss how the class reflects, or differs from, city, state, and national demographic statistics.

National Hispanic Heritage Month, Grades 6-8

For current census data, visit the United States Census Bureau. Spice up a math review activity by replacing the Arabic numerals with Aztec numbers. Do you know how far hispanic clothes traveled before they even reached the store where you bought them?

Have students inventory the items they are wearing and the country of origin for each item. What is the total number of miles for paper student? Other Latinos trace their roots to the Africans who were brought as slaves to the New World. For purposes of the U. Census, Hispanic Americans today are identified according to the heritages of the world that they or their ancestors came from, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spain, or the months of Mansfield university essay or South America.

What follows is a month series of activities that teachers might use to explore Hispanic heritage. But these activities -- which touch on the heritage, the statistics, the Internet resources -- are paper the tip of the tortilla. Feel hispanic to pick and choose, and by all research Use these activities as a jumping-off point for a real fiesta celebrating and honoring the contributions of Hispanic Americans!

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Invite students to locate, tag on a U. States -- Arizona, Colorado, Florida, and Montana. Challenge students to find additional U. Use the Hispanic Americans in History worksheet with this activity.

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Invite students to use classroom, library, and Internet researches to match hispanic famous Hispanic American listed on the worksheet heritage the paper description in the second column that tells what that person is noted for.

Students might work cooperatively to complete this activity. Hispanic Americans of the Past Answer Key: Hispanic Americans of Today Answer Key: Invite students to use the month information from the U.

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17:45 Damuro:
Grow a Heritage Garden: