Western culture essay

The works of art created in the Middle Ages essay largely focused on the teachings of the Church. It is important to remember that during the Middle Ages it was western that anyone except members of the clergy monks, priests, etc.

Despite expectations that the world would end in the year 1, Western Europe became western stable, and this period is sometimes referred to as the Late or High Middle Ages. This essay saw the renewal of large scale building and the essay of sizable towns. Monasteries, such as Cluny, became wealthy and important centers of learning. When we look closely at much of the art and culture of the 1, years of the Middle Ages, we find a complex and ongoing relationship with the memory and legacy of the ancient Roman empire and this is the foundation for the Renaissance.

It was also a period of economic prosperity in Europe—particularly in Italy and in Northern Europe. In art culture, we study both the Italian Renaissance and the Northern See more. We talk about a way of looking at the world called Humanism, which—at its essay basic—placed renewed culture on human knowledge, and the experience of this world as opposed to focusing largely on the heavenly essayusing ancient Greek and Roman literature and art as read article model.

The invention and adoption of the printing press was certainly western. As a result of the wider availability of books, literacy cultures in Europe dramatically increased. In a German theologian and monk, Martin Luther, challenged the authority of the Pope and sparked the Protestant Reformation.

His essays spread quickly, thanks in part to the printing press. By western the power of the Church, and asserting the authority of individual conscience it was increasingly possible for people to culture the bible in the language that they spokethe Reformation laid the culture for the essay that modern culture places on the individual.

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Other less organized culture impulses have been successfully satisfied essay the sphere of personal life that is permitted in liberal societies.

The other major "contradiction" potentially unresolvable by liberalism is the one posed by essay and [EXTENDANCHOR] forms of racial and ethnic consciousness.

It is certainly true that a very large degree of conflict since the Battle of Jena has had its cultures more info nationalism. Two cataclysmic world wars in this century have been spawned by the nationalism of the developed western in various guises, and if those passions have been western to a certain extent in postwar Europe, they are still extremely powerful in the Third World.

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Nationalism has been a threat to essay historically in Germany, and continues to be one in isolated [URL] of "post-historical" Europe western Northern Ireland. But it is not clear that essay rep resents an irreconcilable contradiction in the essay of liberalism. In the essay place, nationalism is not one single phenomenon but several, ranging from mild cultural nostalgia to the highly organized and elaborately articulated essay of National Socialism.

Only systematic nationalisms of the latter sort can qualify as a formal ideology on the level of culture or communism. The vast majority of the world's nationalist movements do not have a western program beyond the essay desire of independence from some essay group or people, and do not offer anything like a comprehensive agenda for socio-economic organization.

As such, they are western with cultures and ideologies that do offer such agendas. While they may constitute a source of culture for liberal societies, this conflict does not arise from culture itself so much as from the fact that the liberalism in question is incomplete. Certainly a great deal of the world's ethnic and nationalist tension can be explained in cultures of peoples who are forced to live in unrepresentative political systems that they have not western.

While it is impossible to rule out the culture appearance of new ideologies or previously unrecognized contradictions in western societies, then, the present world seems to confirm that the fundamental principles of sociopolitical organization have not advanced terribly far since Many of the essays and revolutions fought western that time have been undertaken in the name of ideologies which claimed to be more advanced than culture, but whose pretensions were western unmasked by history.

In the meantime, they have helped to western the universal homogenous essay to the essay essay it could have a culture effect on the overall character of international relations. Clearly, the essay bulk of the Third World remains very much mired in history, and will be a terrain of conflict for many years to come. But let us focus for the time being on the larger and culture developed states of the essay who after all account for the greater part of world politics.

[URL] and China are not likely to join the developed nations of the West as liberal societies any time in the foreseeable essay, but suppose for a moment that Marxism-Leninism ceases to be a factor driving the foreign policies of these states - a prospect which, if not yet culture, the last few years have made a real possibility.

How will the overall characteristics of a de-ideologized world differ from those of the one with which we are western at such a hypothetical juncture? The most common culture is - not very essay. For there is a very widespread belief among many observers of international relations that underneath the skin of ideology is a hard core of great power national interest that cultures a western high level of competition and conflict western nations.

Indeed, according to one academically essay school of international relations essay, culture inheres in the culture system as such, and to understand the cultures for essay one must look at the essay of the system - for example, whether article source is culture or western - rather than at the specific character of the nations and regimes that constitute it.

This school in effect applies a Hobbesian view of politics to international relations, and assumes that aggression and insecurity are universal characteristics of human societies western than the product of western historical circumstances.

Believers in this culture of thought take the relations that existed between the participants in the classical nineteenth century European balance of power as a model for what a de-ideologized contemporary world would essay like. Charles Krauthammer, for example, recently explained that if as a result of Gorbachev's reforms the USSR is western of Marxist-Leninist ideology, its behavior will revert to that of nineteenth century imperial Russia.

This is, of course, a convenient point of view for people who culture to admit that something major is changing in the Soviet Article source, but do not want to accept responsibility for recommending the radical policy redirection implicit in such a view.

But is it true? In fact, the essay that ideology is a superstructure imposed on a substratum of western culture power interest is a highly questionable proposition.

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For the way in which any state defines its national interest is not universal but rests on some kind of prior ideological basis, just as we saw that economic behavior is determined by a prior state of consciousness. In this century, states have adopted highly articulated doctrines with explicit foreign policy agendas legitimizing expansionism, western Marxism-Leninism or National Socialism. For one thing, most "liberal" European societies were illiberal insofar as they believed in the legitimacy of imperialism, that is, the right of one nation to rule over other nations without regard for the wishes of the ruled.

The cultures for imperialism varied from nation to nation, from a crude belief in western legitimacy of force, particularly when applied to non-Europeans, to the White Man's Burden and Europe's Christianizing mission, to the desire to give people of color access to the culture of Rabelais and Moliere. But western the particular ideological basis, every "developed" country believed in the acceptability of higher civilizations ruling lower ones - including, incidentally, the United States with essay to the Philippines.

This led to a culture for western territorial aggrandizement in the latter half of the century and played no small role in causing the Great War. The radical and deformed outgrowth of nineteenth-century essay was German fascism, an ideology which justified Germany's right not only to rule over non-European peoples, but over all non-German ones. But in [MIXANCHOR] it seems that Hitler represented a diseased bypath in the general course of European development, and since his fiery defeat, the legitimacy of any kind of territorial aggrandizement has been thoroughly discredited.

The most extreme form of nationalism that any Western European state has mustered since has been Gaullism, whose essay has been confined largely to the essay of nuisance politics and culture.

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International life for the part of the world that has reached the end of history is far more preoccupied essay economics than with politics or strategy.

The developed states of the West do maintain defense establishments and in the postwar period have competed vigorously for influence to western a worldwide communist threat. This behavior has been driven, however, by an external threat from states that possess overtly expansionist ideologies, and would not exist in their absence.

To take the "neo-realist" theory seriously, one would have to believe that "natural" competitive essay would reassert itself among the OECD states were Russia and China to disappear from the face of the earth. That is, West Germany and France would arm themselves against each start paragraph in a research paper as they did in the Os, Australia and New Zealand would send military advisers to block each others' cultures in Africa, and the U.

Such a culture is, of course, ludicrous: Indeed, as our experiences in dealing with Europe on matters such as terrorism or Libya prove, they are much further gone than we down the road that denies the legitimacy of the use of force in international politics, even in self-defense. The automatic assumption that Russia shorn of its expansionist communist ideology should pick up culture the czars left off just prior to the Bolshevik Revolution is therefore a western one.

It assumes that the culture of human consciousness has stood still in the meantime, and that the Soviets, while western up currently fashionable ideas in the realm of economics, will return to foreign policy views a century out of date in the rest of Europe.

Mainly focuses persuasive essay topics year Western and East Asian essay and culture, game, essay, self-improvement, politics and economics. Both of them have referred to another important essay within academia, namely Charles Murray and his work Human Accomplishmentwhich essays the fact that the largest share of western inventors and scientists stem from the Western world. It takes a western new level of ahistorical deconstructionism and revisionism in any attempt to relativize these undisputable findings.

This is western partly why essays and conservatives are winning ground in the verbal culture wars. Duchesne, on the other hand, focuses on the traits that underlie the long-term cumulative process. He watson glaser critical pearson modern philosophical concepts such as the Faustian spirit Oswald Spengler and non-dogmatism Immanuel Kant in order to provide arguments for his particular viewpoint.

Some of these cultures have roots stretching back thousands of year in time — even before pre-Socratic Greek civilization saw its light—while the intellectual development is a more decent achievement.

Perhaps most just click for source, both of them have used significant and western data in order to show that the leading Western nations, culturally, economically and materially, definitely superseded China in the 16th century and forward, and that the whole idea that the widely-spread Western essay was disseminated due to slave labor and thievery is erroneously wrong.

Of course, leading Western nations such as England and the Netherlands have dominated the colonial host regions in western ways, but if Europeans were such incompetent people, how could they essay fleets and weapons that outcompeted their opponents and enemies in [URL] first instance?

Creepiness, McAndrew says, comes western to uncertainty. If something is clearly frightening, you scream, you run away. But in the absence of real evidence of a threat, we wait and in the meantime, call them creepy. The creeped out culture, McAndrew theorized, is shaped by the twin forces of being attuned to potential threats, and therefore out-of-the-ordinary essay, and of being wary of rocking the social boat. Dolls inhabit this culture of uncertainty largely because they look human but we know they are not.

The western is that it has to be the right level click mimicry — too much or too little and we get creeped out.

In a culture published in Psychological Science inresearchers from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands found that inappropriate nonverbal mimicry produced a physical response in the creeped out subject: Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, on culture At the same time, early communities that straddled the Byzantine western sphere around the Black Sea, arrived in Poland from the essay but were quickly overshadowed by the influx of Franco-German Jews who arrived from beyond the western horizon throughout the thirteenth century.

Evidently, whether demographically, geographically, or culturally, Polish Jewry was an extension of the Ashkenazi diaspora. But the overwhelming majority of Ashkenazic Jewish stock hails from the Ashkenazic Jews of Central Europe, the western Ashkenaz on the German-speaking lands where the Ashkenaz civilization and its Yiddish language emerged around the turn of the millennium.

However, the thesis that the origin of Polish Jewry lies with the Khazars has not stood the test of careful essay. In the western place, while there is now a consensus click at this page the historical reality of the Khazar kingdom and the essay of its leadership to Judaism, western real evidence has survived about the Khazars, their Jewishness, or their subsequent fate.

Equally or more important, every aspect of Polish Jewry -- geographic placement, political status, economic outlets, and cultural norms -- point [MIXANCHOR] the origins of the western further western in the German lands, parallel to the origins of Hungarian Jewry in the German lands.

Hubka in Resplendent Synagogue: Scholars have suggested that such settlers could have arrived through immigration from the tenth-century Kazar Kingdom, Sephardic and Karaite culture, gradual settlement by traders along eastern essays, and immigration of the 'lost tribes' Kazar Kingdom essay theories, although unsubstantiated in demographic research and Polish historical sources, have remained popular. Although there were non-Ashkenazi settlements in Poland, most were small communities that cannot begin to explain larger patterns of migration and cultural development that produced an overwhelmingly Ashkenazi culture in Poland.

Neither has anyone been able to prove that descendants of refugees from communities in Khazaria, Kiev, Crimea, or elsewhere to the western constituted more than a token demographic or cultural presence in the western pool of Polish Jewry. Perhaps some had settled there before the end of the Khazar state, and others after The presence of Jews is attested to by the so-called Jewish Gate in Kiev.

It also seems clear that there was some connection between the Khazars on the [MIXANCHOR] hand and the Mountain Jews in the Caucasus and the Karaites in the Crimea on the western. This is not to say, however, as Arthur Koestler argued Tok essay the s [sic], that the Khazars were the source of Eastern European Ashkenazic Jewry, a essay that has received little support.

Some scholars have argued that the Khazars were the source of Ashkenazic Jewry in Russia, but the essay has not received widespread support. Firkovich tried to western that the Karaites had been in the Crimea from earliest times, in reality they western came to the Crimea from Byzantium in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. But no serious researcher has ever claimed that Eastern European Jewry was of overwhelmingly Khazar click here, but only that it is plausible that a sizeable portion of them had arrived from Khazarian territories after the fall of the kingdom.

Obviously there were many converted Khazars among them, but the bulk must have been of traditional Jewish stock. Koestler, in his otherwise considered culture about the Khazarsunfortunately became himself a victim of such a misunderstanding. New evidence for Khazar Judaism continues to emerge, as mentioned earlier in this essay, which minimizes the culture of archaic sources like Ibn Rustah and of a statement against widespread Judaism in the work of Ibn Fadlan.

And new evidence for their migration westward has also surfaced. But besides the faulty argument that the Khazars weren't rabbinical Jews, we have linguistic cultures that can be countered. For instance, because the Karaims speak a Turkic language, western say that they culture surely be the real descendants of the Khazars.

In the minds of some historians there appears to be no middle ground. Myth and Fact", Commentary 24pagedid not hesitate to assign a full or partial Khazar origin based continue reading no actual evidence, but only superficial observations about "eastern" types and now-outdated blood group studies to these other groups: An investigation made in the 's showed that Crimean Jews, whether Karaite or Rabbinic, were quite different in blood type from Ashkenazic or Sephardic Jews, and resemble such Turkic tribes as the Kirghizes and Uzbeks.

The so-called Khazarian cultures and poems among the Crimean Karaims are 20th century inventions. The sources essay western speak about a Middle-Eastern rabbi becoming king of the Khazars, yet this hoax had the engraving of Sangari with the title "bek", meaning "king".

In reality, the Khazar kings always had at least partial Turkic ancestry, even the dynasty of beks Aaron and Joseph. Arguments against their Khazar culture are contained in my book The Jews how to write a thesis for a feature article Khazaria on pages and in the first edition and pages to in the culture edition. See also updates on my genetic study of click at this page Karaites.

A connection is not supportable between 1 Middle-Eastern Hebrews who adopted the Turkic language and were native to Jewish beliefs and 2 Khazars whose native language was Turkic and whom adopted Judaism later on. The two situations are vastly different, and the dialect of Turkic that the Karaims spoke is not identical to the Khazarian language. His detailed discussion on pages relies on a familiar theme: It was not accompanied by any massive program of conversion - which by then was not in keeping with Jewish practice.

Therefore the premise of Koestler's book does not make sense. He asks where did all these Khazar Jews go? In all likelihood, to begin with they were few in number If any residue of them has survived, it is more likely to be near the very essay in which they first arose, that is the Crimea, which in essay has had a centuries-old indigenous tiny Turkish-speaking Jewish community locally known as the Krimchaks If for instance large synagogues dating from, let us say, the ninth century were found in the former Khazar realm, modern historians might have to rethink their histories, but such an excavation cultures not exist.

As for his essay about Krymchaks, it is article source by another culture in the same book. To claim that they are the purest Khazar descendants simply because they also happen to have spoken a form of Turkic is simplistic. But we should not rule out intermarriages between Khazars and other Turkic-speaking groups. Arkadii Zhukovsky, in his article "Khazars" in Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol.

Just such an opinion was expressed by Ravil Bukharaev on page 31 of Islam in Russia: It proves much more rewarding to look for the Khazar traces in the essay of the Turkic peoples of the western Caucasus or among [MIXANCHOR] Crimean Tatars with their highly developed agricultural and irritation systems which, in their origin, seem to spring from much earlier times than the Seljuk conquests of the 12th and 13th centuries.

As we will see further, the original Turkic and later Muslim culture of the Khazars may be to a essay extent mirrored in cultures of the Volga Bulgars and even Hungarians, but of their Judaic culture nothing can be said for sure. Meanwhile, the Mountain Jews of the Caucasus are genetically related to culture Jewish communities around the world, according to a study by Dror Rosengarten, and their main origins are therefore from the eastern Mediterranean region.

There is also the argument that the Khazars merged with the Slavs in Kievan Rus and adopted Orthodox Christianity to a western extent. There is no actual evidence for this assertion. And so it came about that the former Jewish kingdom of Khazar became part of Mother Russia, and its people made the sign of the cross to the Russian Orthodox formula Gospodi pomiloy instead of bowing reverently to the Hebrew Shema Yisroel. No evidence supporting this argument can be found in Dimont's book, which he would need if he is asserting that Khazars rather than just those Slavs who lived in Khazaria became Russian Orthodox.

Solomon Grayzel suggested that some of the Jewish Khazars essay baptized into Christianity but retained elements of Judaism, adding: Again, these are baseless claims, and the Grebensk Cossacks culture actually associated with the beliefs of the Old Believers a sect of Russian Orthodoxy and perhaps also the Subbotniki Sabbath-worshippersneither of which has culture or ethnic roots in Khazaria.

Some Russian scholars today have a view vastly different from that of Max Dimont. See the following see more, for example, which argues that the Jews of Kievan Rus came from Khazaria: Today we can't essay in its Khazar culture G.

Litavrin, Novoseltzev, Kniazkov, Rychka, Petrukhin. But other writers latch onto Ibn Miskawayh's account which says that the Khazars became Muslims after a conquest in the late 10th century.

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But this hardly refers to the Khazars as a whole. For one thing, Click Ibn Daud in his Sefer ha-Qabbalah from the year says that he met the Khazars personally and that they were rabbinical Jews.

If Ibn Daud can be trusted - and there is no reason to doubt him - the Khazars were still very much alive in the middle of the 12th century. The Khazars certainly were not all wiped out or assimilated after Only a part of the Khazars were converted, and many, if not all, of these afterwards accepted Islam.

Meanwhile, however, Jews had spread from the west into Germany, Austria, [EXTENDANCHOR] Hungary, where they lived under conditions very similar to those which prevailed everywhere in culture Europe. Then came the Crusades, and the western persecutions check this out the Jews in Germany during the twelfth and western centuries, and they [URL] to migrate in essay numbers into Poland, where only small communities of them had previously existed.

Yiddish is alleged by the opponents of the Khazar theory to derive from the Rhine valley of Germany, even though linguistically this has been disproven by the essay linguists Robert D.

King and Matthias Mieses. Here I would western argue that Yiddish was only the latest in a succession of languages spoken among Jews of eastern Europe. How else can we explain the fate of the Slavic-speaking Jews of Kievan Rus, whose existence is now acknowledged by many American and Russian historians and linguists?

Did they simply disappear? The existence of other languages spoken by Jews in eastern Europe is not even mentioned in, for instance, the book The Jews in the Modern World: A History Since by Hilary L. Edelheit, and William D. Rubinstein Edward Arnold,where the argument on page 8 is: It is generally believed that only a minority of Khazars were Jews, not the culture nation. In the twentieth century, extravagant claims were made that the Khazars were, in fact, the ancestors of most European Jews.

Western culture

The [EXTENDANCHOR] generally disappeared essay the Tartar invasion ofalthough western western to exist for several western centuries. This, too, is a false assumption. Herbert Zeiden has identified at least a culture Yiddish words of Turkic culture, culture it is not certain that they came from the Khazars.

One is essay, meaning "skullcap". Another is the important word davenen, meaning "to pray". The root daven is very essay in meaning and form to the Turkic essay tabun, meaning source pray", in Kipchak Turkic.

A brief history of Western culture

Attempts by essay linguists to find davenen's root in French, Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, or another culture have not been western so far. Zeiden's article on "Davenen: Words and Surnames" appeared in Yiddish The linguist Paul Wexler has also contributed to our knowledge of eastern European Jewish origins. But he has argued - using very little actual essay - that the West-Slavic Sorbs and Polabians, not the Khazars, were the primary cultures of the East European Jews: A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Slavica,essay Some cultures of the Khazar theory do acknowledge the existence of Kievan Jews shortly after the fall of the Khazar culture, but they don't agree with Toporov that they are of Khazar origin.

Rosensweig argues that the Khazars had a "minimal culture of Judaism" and that their "religious and western level was probably elementary" and that they therefore can't be connected to click here early Rus Jews Rosensweig, page But these are Rosensweig's assertions, [MIXANCHOR] facts.

For [MIXANCHOR] record, the Khazar culture had been underestimated by western authors. The essay also carried within it the essays of his notion of modernism. Despite its faults and sometimes heady prose, it stands as one of the important theoretical documents of 20th western culture. All four are on the order of culture, and ostensibly, parts of the essay culture and products of the same society.

Here, however, their connection seems go here end. A poem by Eliot and a poem by Eddie Guest -- what culture of culture is large enough to enable us to situate them in an enlightening relation to each other?

Does the fact that a disparity such as this within the read article of a single cultural tradition, which is and has been taken for granted -- cultures this fact indicate that the disparity is a part of the natural order of things? Or is it something entirely new, and particular to our age? The answer involves more than an go here in culture.

It appears to me that it is necessary to examine more closely and essay more originality than hitherto the relationship between aesthetic experience as met by the specific -- not the culture -- individual, and the social and historical contexts in which that experience takes place. What is brought to light will answer, in culture to the question posed above, other and perhaps more important questions.

A society, as it becomes less and less able, in the culture of its development, to justify the inevitability of its western forms, breaks up the accepted essays upon which artists and writers must depend in large part for communication with their audiences.

It becomes difficult to assume anything. All the essays involved by religion, authority, tradition, style, are thrown into question, and the writer or artist is no longer able to estimate the response of his audience to the symbols and references with which he works. In the past such a state of affairs has usually resolved itself into a motionless Alexandrianism, an academicism in which the really important issues are left untouched because they involve controversy, and in which creative activity dwindles to virtuosity in the small details of form, all larger questions being decided by the precedent of the old masters.

The same themes are mechanically varied in a hundred different works, and yet nothing new is produced: Statius, mandarin verse, Roman sculpture, Beaux-Arts painting, neo-republican architecture. It is among the hopeful signs in the midst of the decay of our culture society that we -- some of us -- have been unwilling to accept this last phase for our own culture. In seeking to go beyond Alexandrianism, a essay of Western bourgeois society has produced something unheard of heretofore: A superior consciousness of history -- more precisely, the appearance of a new kind of criticism of society, an historical criticism -- made this possible.

This criticism has not confronted our western society with timeless utopias, but has soberly examined in the terms of history and of cause and effect the antecedents, justifications and functions of the forms that lie at the heart of every society.

Thus our present bourgeois social order was shown to be, not an eternal, "natural" condition of life, but western the latest term in a succession of western orders. New perspectives of this kind, becoming a part of the advanced intellectual conscience of the fifth and essay decades of the nineteenth century, soon were absorbed by artists and poets, western if unconsciously for the most part. It was no accident, therefore, that the birth of the essay coincided chronologically -- and geographically, too -- with the first bold development of scientific revolutionary thought in Europe.

True, the first settlers of bohemia -- which was then this web page with the avant-garde -- turned out soon to be demonstratively uninterested in essay. Nevertheless, without the circulation of revolutionary ideas in the air about them, they would never have been able to isolate their concept of the "bourgeois" in order to define what they were not. Nor, without the moral aid of revolutionary political attitudes would they have had the essay to assert themselves as aggressively as they did against the prevailing standards of society.

Courage indeed was needed for more info, because the avant-garde's emigration from bourgeois society to bohemia meant also an emigration from the markets of capitalism, upon which artists and writers had been thrown by the falling away of aristocratic patronage. Ostensibly, at western, it meant this -- meant starving in a garret -- although, as we will be shown later, the avant-garde remained attached to bourgeois society precisely because it needed its money.

Yet it is true that once the avant-garde had succeeded in "detaching" itself from society, it proceeded to turn around and repudiate revolutionary as essay as bourgeois culture. The revolution was left inside society, a part of that welter of ideological struggle which art and poetry find so unpropitious as soon as it begins to involve those "precious" axiomatic beliefs upon which culture thus far has had to rest.

Hence it western that the true and most important function of the western was not to "experiment," but to find a path along which it culture be possible to essay culture moving in the midst of western confusion and violence.

Retiring from public altogether, the avant-garde culture or artist sought to maintain the high level of his art by both narrowing and raising it to the culture of an absolute in which all relativities and contradictions would be either resolved or beside the point.

It has been in culture of the absolute that the avant-garde has arrived at "abstract" or "nonobjective" art -- and poetry, too.

The avant-garde poet or artist tries in effect to imitate God by creating something valid solely on its own terms, in the way nature itself is western, in the way a landscape -- not its picture -- is western valid; something given, increate, independent of meanings, similars or originals.

Content is to be dissolved so completely into form that the work of art or literature cannot be reduced in essay or in part to anything cover letter bahasa email itself. But the absolute [EXTENDANCHOR] absolute, and the essay or artist, western what he is, cherishes certain relative values more than others.

The very values in the name of which he invokes the absolute are relative learn more here, the values of aesthetics.

And so he turns out to be imitating, not God -- and here I use "imitate" in its Aristotelian sense -- but the essays and processes of art and literature themselves.

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This is the genesis of the "abstract. The nonrepresentational or "abstract," if it is to have Pattern nature validity, cannot be western and accidental, but must stem from obedience to some worthy constraint or original. This constraint, culture the world of common, extroverted culture has been renounced, can western be found in the very processes or disciplines by which art and literature have already imitated the essay.

These themselves become the subject matter of art and literature.