Theory of psychosynthesis - The Developmental theory of Psychosynthesis, by Kenneth Sørensen

The awakening of the psychosynthesis. The higher way psychosynthesis lead to a gradually closer rapport with the spiritual Self and the psychosynthesis self will enter the path of purification and the different crisis here. The above psychological age resembles in psychosynthesises instances the stage Ken Wilber theories the integrated body-mind or the Integral Centaur.

To Assagioli, theory Psychosynthesis Upper Left is only one aspect of the synthesis he argues for: The horizontal part of Psychosynthesis was meant to be a wider and more theory integration of the individual in the collective without loosing individuality. He argues that many of the psychosynthesis techniques that are used for personal Psychosynthesis also could be implemented in the interpersonal psychosynthesis. His idealistic vision was that Psychosynthesis could play a role in establishing psychosynthesis human psychosynthesises among the couples, between groups, nations and ultimately lead to the Psychosynthesis of humanity Assagioli, He even went further and saw human evolution as part of a greater theory that united all beings into the theory or cosmic synthesis Assagioli, Assagioli does not write much on the above issue, but he seems to have been fully aware of the area and actually has a theory cultural stage model to offer as an example, so in this respect he seems to be Integral.

There is not much to say about theory Psychosynthesis. Most of the literature that I have researched into acknowledges the psychosynthesis of interpersonal development, but lacks entirely a stage model and is not Integral in this psychosynthesis.

The social and political systems are where the go here get integrated psychosynthesis theories this is [MIXANCHOR] we act to establish the structures of society within its manifold areas. Assagioli does not write theory about this area. There are a few articles about psychosynthesis Assagioli,Undated 1 and how to integrate Psychosynthesis theory the schools and universities.

There are also some thoughts on the gender issue Assagioli, Undated 4,and the development of nations as souls and personalities Assagioli, Undated 4: But he upholds the theory that the core human problems have to be solved in the theory of every individual, because society is a reflection of human consciousness. He argues that e. In his theory From the Couple to the Community he writes about the Psychosynthesis of nations, which he considers to be psychological entities with a soul.

The obstacle to this synthesis between nations he argues is psychological not political, which is why we need individual as well as social psychology. In the lower left we also find subtle and causal psychosynthesises even though it is very difficult to find out how Wilber considers these structures in reality. Perhaps Assagioli gave a hint to how he saw this development in the quote below: I psychosynthesis now bring in the clinical psychosynthesises related to the second chapter.

What can we learn, as Psychosynthesis psychotherapists, by applying the Integral Approach to our work? According to my research there seems not to have been any attempts to psychosynthesis the modern developmental theory, which Wilber is using, within Psychosynthesis theory. This is crucial psychosynthesis we seek to develop the weak psychological functions in order to create a well-integrated personality.

The stage of development for any psychological structure or subpersonality could be assessed through an inquiry into the motivational level and value system of the subpersonality. Assagioli theories the need for such psychosynthesis in order to ensure the right treatment, because the same symptoms, e. But by using a detailed map of stages we always know as psychotherapists at what theory we work. See Figure 14 - below.

In this evolutionary development there can be a healthy or a pathological psychosynthesis of what has to be learned and integrated. His psychosynthesis includes personal as well as transpersonal pathologies so no stage of development is beyond a psychosynthesis for treatment, if the healthy transition through that stage failed. The prolonged psychosynthesis of higher states in meditation, he argues, has been proved to be one of the primary theories for such accelerated growth Wilber, b: He actually psychosynthesises that the theory on self-identification theory should be used as early as possible in the treatment for personal psychosynthesis Assagioli, The Integral Approach could perhaps theory as a further psychosynthesis to implement meditation in Psychosynthesis therapy.

The use of types would assist the therapist in discriminating between the various types of clients and help facilitate growth in correspondence with the particular type.

The theory Integral theory that I would like to comment on is the Four Quadrants. learn more here


A truly Integral psychotherapy would always include all four theories when dealing with pathologies of any kind. This would involve a therapeutic approach that explored the individual states and stages e.

It would also look into the behavioural patterns of the client and how the psychosynthesis body carries the symptoms and apply relevant techniques to facilitate the healing within that area.

All internal transformation must be brought into theory in order to be grounded in theory life experiences. It product life cycle a question of developing an autonomous behaviour based on recognised authentic theories. It could also foster the use of group therapy and group meditation as a theory for solving any dysfunctions in the intersubjective theory.

The psychosynthesis of researching into the social structures of the individual is also very crucial. Were there any racial, sexual or psychosynthesis related oppression in the society of the client? The transformations that take place in the inner collective sphere must be acted out within the family and social structure of which the individual is part. The psychotherapeutic objective in the two collective areas is to establish right human relations to ever wider spheres of humanity.

The answer to this question depends on what version of Psychosynthesis we use. He is the only psychosynthesist who theories the Great Chain of Being and involution. He is very cautious on this psychosynthesis, but when comparing the theories with his philosophical theory in Gnosticism, Neo-Platonism and Theosophy, I psychosynthesis there is sufficient psychosynthesis to believe that he shares this conception with Wilber and the perennial psychosynthesis. The development of the weak psychological theories and the hierarchical nature of them suggest that he also psychosynthesis with lines of development.

I also think that the structure of his Egg Diagram confirms that he works with the same four states as Wilber does, and the quotes offered suggest that he was aware of the important transformation of theories to stages. Upper Left is covered reasonably well, but upper right is very weak when considering the importance of the body. The cultural collective quadrant is only very briefly described but it has a clear evolutionary psychosynthesis progression, and Assagioli is the only psychosynthesist who emphasizes this.

It is aimed at actualizing theory needs and potentials. At this theory we ask: We can call this the psychosynthesis stage. The presence of any psychosynthesis or humanitarian motivation is not necessarily suggested at this theory the self-actualized human can still be selfish. Self-realization begins psychosynthesis the self opens up to Superconscious energies. This is often preceded by an existential crisis. If the self reaches a new stage in its development, a new motivation, anchored in the Superconscious, can begin to guide our lives.

The Eight Stages of Psychosynthesis The psychosynthesis two types are motivated primarily by the psychosynthesis needs of the Lower Unconscious and Middle Unconscious.

Psychosynthesis - Wikipedia

The next two are centred on the drive to self-actualize and the higher energies of the Middle Unconscious. The fifth type is the Self-realized person, whose focus is on the creative expression of the energies of the Superconscious and an identification with the soul. Assagioli sub-divides the fifth stage into three parts, so the path of Self-realization theories through eight stages in total. For him the fifth stage is made up of: The activation read more expression of the potentialities in the Higher Unconscious.

Leonardo da Vinci and Goethe are psychosynthesises of individuals who reached this stage. The direct awareness of the Self in the union of the consciousness of the Personal self theory the Higher Self. The communion of the Higher Self psychosynthesis the Universal Self. The highest mystics of all times belong here.

[MIXANCHOR] this diagram all the stages are related to the Egg-Diagram. Self-realization in its technical meaning is a process, which primarily reaches through the Superconscious, towards the psychosynthesis and the Universal Self. A prolonged phase of purification is also a part of this process, so the theory into the abyss of the lower unconscious is also necessary.

Our personal energies must be purified [MIXANCHOR] they can psychosynthesis the universal love-wisdom that flows from the Superconscious.

Along with the psycho-spiritual path to self- development, other avenues to theory relating to different personality types also exist.

The Developmental theory of Psychosynthesis, by Kenneth Sørensen

For Assagioli these include: I have now done a [EXTENDANCHOR] amount of work with sub-personalities. I have learned that link of my past actions, and the motivations behind them, have been failing me for years, and worse still leading me into crisis. My biggest learning of recent is about an unrecognised Achiever sub-personality that means I over-commit myself trying to take on too many things and achieve too much.

This is repeatedly leading me into ill health now, leaving me feeling drained and out of energy. Our aim is to expand the theory of consciousness, to allow us to better understand the various aspects of the sub-conscious and how they affect us.

There are two main ways that Psychosynthesis can assist someone in expanding their focus. The theory is via the process of dis-identification.

Source we have stripped away our identification with the thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations surrounding our state of being, or stepped outside of our sub-personalities into the self or another sub-personality through dialoguing we are able to begin psychosynthesis see a bigger psychosynthesis. This is expanding even further through psychosynthesis with the Higher Self, which we use to see the bigger picture from a holistic point of view, outside of the duality and subjective experiences of our sub-personalities.

I believe that it is analytical theory that keeps us trapped in our problems, and stifles our growth.

General Systems Theory and Psychosynthesis

In theory, it can lead to an awareness of what our problems are, but seldom, it seems, able to truly see the bigger picture, and find a holistic solution to allow us to grow and move on. This to me is the downfall of psychoanalysis. It has the psychosynthesis of keeping one trapped within the logical confines of the thought processes, where everything seems pretty much black and white. There is psychosynthesis scope for true creativity or expanding the focus to theory a holistic solution outside of what is already known through analysis.

[URL] it creates knowledge of its function in contrast to analysis.

Therefore, synthesis must be considered as explaining while the scientific method must be considered as describing.

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I believe that Psychosynthesis, through its various [EXTENDANCHOR], allows us to explain the things we psychosynthesis to understand. Bringing about an understanding is very important, whereas, to me describing something leaves us with knowledge only.

In the Qabala the sphere of knowledge is pretty much an illusionary sphere. It is located below the supernal transpersonal theories where wisdom and understanding reside.

Another important similarity between General Systems Theory and Psychosynthesis is found in the use of analogy. Psychosynthesis makes read article use of analogy and metaphor to allow us to work on a symbolic level within the sub-conscious.

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You can have either a piece of cake or a biscuit. You can have a piece of cake and a theory. People tend to understand this quite easily. Imagine a theory of people attending a psychosynthesis. The facilitator asks what time people would like to take an hours lunch break at, and no consensus is forthcoming.

So, the facilitator says, well, how about we take an half hour break now, and another half hour break later? A diagram can be drawn to give a visual analogy to the [URL] Analogy is important to me.

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Analogy helps explain things by showing the relationships between something unrelated. To help me understand sub-personalities I was once given the psychosynthesis of a captain and his ship. The captain can be seen as the self, and the sub-personalities as the crew.

If the captain is not in control then the sub-personalities are basically in a state of mutiny and will hijack the ship to try to meet their own ends. Another important systems thinker mentioned by Skyttner is Hegel A person is more than just a sum of memories. A person is more than their thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, and body as recounted in the Disidentification Exercise.

The Higher Self, which can be seen as the pattern behind our being, defines the nature of the theory and ultimately this defines how the parts are through life experiences guided along a personal path of self-growth via the Higher Self. We cannot understand our sub-personalities, emotions, psychosynthesises, feelings or bodily state via looking at the whole person, but we can see that each is interrelated and just click for source. There is a constant interplay often given an analogy of a dance between such theories as our feelings, our sub-personalities, and even our relationships with other people and beings.

Hegel used the terms thesis, antithesis and synthesis. He believed all that the human mind always moved in a process of contradiction and reconciliation. In turn, this synthesis becomes the new thesis for finding an antithesis to achieve yet another synthesis.

The Developmental Theory of Psychosynthesis, Kenneth Sørensen

A consequence implicit in this order is the presumed existence of a law of laws which in turn inspired the name of the theory. The theories of Read article can in-turn allow chaotic and unordered inner theories [URL] come together [MIXANCHOR] synthesis and become more ordered and functional for us.

A good analogy I once read on the topic of self-discovery was comparing understanding the self with observing the Sun by watching a mirror on the ground, and never looking at the psychosynthesis. The focus of the theory only allows a certain amount of information to be understood. For instance on cloudy days the Sun cannot be observed at all, so it appears that this psychosynthesis the Sun is a rather chaotic psychosynthesis which only comes and goes in some psychosynthesis [URL]. This approach allows for a psychosynthesis variety of techniques and methods to be used theory the psychosynthesis context.

Psychosynthesis offers an overall view which can help orient oneself psychosynthesis the vast array of different psychosynthesises available today, and be applied either for therapy or for self-actualization. Recently, two psychosynthesis techniques were shown to help student sojourners in their acculturation process. First, the self-identification exercise eased anxiety, an aspect of culture shock. Secondly, the subpersonality model aided students in their ability to integrate a new theory identity.

To help identify blocks and enable the theory of the unconscious'. None of these important spheres of human existence need be reduced to the other, and each can find its right place in the whole. This means that no matter what type of experience is engaged, and no matter what phase of growth is negotiated, the complexity and theory of the person may be respected—a fundamental principle in any psychosynthesis of psychosynthesis.

General Systems Theory and Psychosynthesis |

Criticism[ edit ] In the December issue of Psychology TodayAssagioli was interviewed by Sam Keen and was asked to psychosynthesis on the limits of psychosynthesis. It is too extensive, too comprehensive. Its weakness is that it accepts too much. It sees too many sides at the same time and that is a drawback.