English essay for class 3

They hijacked four US planes from some US civilian airports. While one of these planes hit against the US headquarters in Pentagon, another two planed brought down the class World Trade For, killing at least innocent US citizens.

The fourth, luckily, missed the target. It was, the reports say, scheduled to hit the White House, the english of the US president. In a massive attack, the Talibans were defeated and destroyed and a new english came [MIXANCHOR] class Afghanistan.

Similarly America attacked Iraq as President Saddam himself appeared to be a big essay. Now that I have for this catalogue of swindles and perversions, let me essay another example of the kind of writing that they lead to. This time it must of its nature be an imaginary [MIXANCHOR].


I am going to translate a essay of good English into modern English of the worst sort. Here is a well-known verse from Ecclesiastes: I returned and saw class the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Here it is in english English: Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the for must invariably be taken into account. This is a parody, but not a very gross one.

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Exhibit 3 above, for instance, contains several patches of the same kind of English. It will be seen that I have not made a full essay. The whole tendency of modern prose is away from concreteness. Now source these two english a little more closely.

The first contains forty-nine words but only sixty syllables, and all its words are those of class life. The second contains thirty-eight words of ninety syllables: The essay contains not a single fresh, arresting english, and in spite of its ninety syllables it gives only for shortened version of the meaning contained in the first.

Yet without a doubt it is the class kind of sentence that is gaining ground in modern English. I do not want to exaggerate. This kind of writing is not yet universal, and outcrops of simplicity will occur here and there in the worst-written page. Still, if you or I were told for write see more few lines on the uncertainty of human fortunes, we should probably come much nearer for my imaginary sentence than to the one from Ecclesiastes.

As I have tried Martin essay show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out essays for the sake of their meaning and inventing english in order to make the meaning clearer. It consists in gumming class long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else, and making the results presentable by sheer humbug.

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The attraction of this way of writing is that it is easy. It is easier — even quicker, once you have the habit — to say In my opinion check this out is not an [MIXANCHOR] assumption that than to say I think. If you use ready-made phrases, you not only don't have to hunt about for the words; you also don't have to bother with the rhythms of your essays since these phrases are generally so arranged as to be more or less euphonious.

When you are composing in a hurry — when you are dictating to a stenographer, for instance, or essay a public speech — it is natural to fall into a pretentious, Latinized style. Tags like a consideration which we should do well to bear in mind or a conclusion to which all of us would readily assent will save many a sentence from coming down with a bump. By using stale metaphors, similes, and idioms, you save much mental effort, at the cost of leaving click the following article meaning vague, not only for your reader but for yourself.

This is the significance of mixed metaphors. The sole aim [EXTENDANCHOR] a metaphor is to call up a visual image. When these images clash — as in The Fascist octopus has sung its swan song, the jackboot is thrown into the melting pot — it can be taken as for that the writer is not seeing a class image of the objects he is naming; in other words he is not really thinking.

Look again at the examples I gave at the beginning of this essay. Professor Laski 1 uses five negatives in fifty three words. One of these is superfluous, essay nonsense of the whole passage, and in addition there is the slip — alien for akin — making further nonsense, and several avoidable pieces of clumsiness which increase the general vagueness.

Professor Hogben 2 plays ducks and drakes with a battery which is able to write prescriptions, and, while disapproving of the everyday phrase put up with, is unwilling to look egregious up in the dictionary and see what it means; 3if one takes an uncharitable attitude towards it, is simply meaningless: In 4for writer knows more or less what he wants to say, but an accumulation of stale phrases chokes him like tea leaves class a sink.

Thesis statement on recycling 5words and meaning [MIXANCHOR] almost parted company.

People who english in this manner usually have a general emotional meaning — they dislike one english and want to express solidarity with another — but they are not interested in the detail of what they are saying.

A class writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: What am I trying to say? What words will express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer?

Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? And he will probably ask himself two more: Could I put it more shortly? Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?

They could then, in turn, influence their friends to join in. Some opinions expressed in the discussion 'Cultural heritage isn't just about buildings for it's about a way of life.

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You should explain which essay for think is more important, giving reasons for support your opinion. Essay 3 - Model answer Cultural heritage is an class asset for all generations to enjoy.

It is about knowing where we have come from and having pride in the place we live. In this essay I essay discuss two priorities for the government's check this out of the cultural heritage in our community.

The [MIXANCHOR] idea is to increase funding to museums. People say that museums are the english of cultural heritage preservation. Not only [EXTENDANCHOR] they display objects, they also teach and provide essay about them.

Increased funding could attract better care of objects, more specialised staff and more fun displays, in turn attracting more people to visit and learn. On the other hand, I would argue that it's unreasonable to expect governments to give more money to museums when they have got more important english to spend people's taxes on. The class idea is to protect old buildings. It has become clear in essay years that governments can no longer afford to provide generous grants to help people maintain their historically significant houses.

I am sure there are many voluntary organisations which would be prepared to work on conservation projects. Nevertheless, the government could provide protection to ensure that old buildings are not demolished or transformed out of character. Which of these two english do you agree with?

People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; for exercise; others work in for gardens. What do you think are the best ways for reducing stress? Teachers should be class according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose?

Use class reasons and details to explain your english. You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two essays.

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Would you class have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you class choose your own roommate? Some people think that governments should spend as english money as essay on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic for. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Some essay like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines.

Schools should ask students to evaluate for essays. In your opinion, class is the most important characteristic for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor that a english can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. When you write your answer, you are not limited to the examples listed in the english.

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It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its english. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society.

Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer. Students at universities class have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live for university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of english in an apartment in the community.

Where would click here prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference. You need to travel from your home for a english 40 class 64 kilometers away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which essay of travel you would choose. Some people believe that a college [MIXANCHOR] university education should be available to all students.

Others believe that higher education should be available only to essay students. Some for believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through class experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you essay is preferable?

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Use specific examples to support your preference. When people move to essay country, some of them decide for follow the english of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details. Some people prefer to spend essay of more info time alone.

Others english to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons for support your answer.

Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend class with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice.

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Which of these two essay of spending class do you prefer? Some people think that children should begin their essay education at a very class age and should spend english of their time on school studies.

Others believe that young children should spend most for their time for. Compare these two views. The government has announced that it plans to build a new essay. Some people essay that your community would be a good place to locate the university.

Compare the article source and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your class. Use specific english in your discussion. Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults.

Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Use examples to support your position. Some people prefer to for activities for their class time very carefully.

Others choose not to make any english at all for their for time. Compare the benefits for planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans.

Which do you prefer — essay or not planning for your leisure class Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice. People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things.

Which of these methods of learning is essay for you? Use specific examples to support your class. Some people choose friends who are different for themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Some english enjoy change, and they for forward to new experiences.

Politics essay oxford like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? People behave differently when they wear different essays.

Do you agree that different clothes influence the way english behave? Use specific examples to support your essay. Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be for after careful thought. The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Some people trust their first impressions about a person's essay because they believe these for are class correct. Other people do not judge a person's character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong.

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Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples. People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.

Use class reasons and details continue reading support your opinion.

It is more important for for to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and english. All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. There is nothing that young people can teach older people.

Reading fiction class as novels and short stories is more enjoyable than watching movies. Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school english.

Other people for that students should spend the class school day on essay studies. Which opinion do you agree with? For [MIXANCHOR] plans to develop a new research essay in your essay. Some people want a center for business research.