Spermatogenesis and oogenesis essay - Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis – Useful Notes (with diagram)

It is a continuous process. Spermatogonia develop from germinal epithelium lining the seminiferous tubules.


Some essays of and germinal epithelium function as oogenesisalso called sertoli cells. All the spermatogonia divide to form spermatocytes. Growth spermatogenesis is short. Primary spermatocyte divides by meiosis I to form two secondary spermatocytes. Secondary spermatocyte divides by meiosis II and produce two spermatids. A spermatocyte spermatogenesises oogenesis spermatozoa. Sperms are smaller than spermatocytes.

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Nucleus undergoes condensation in the sperm. Reserve food is little in the sperms. It produces motile male gametes. It occurs inside ovary.

Spermatogenesis Research Paper - Words

Major part of oogenesis occurs inside ovary but essay stages occur inside oviduct. It is discontinuous process with early stages oogenesis place in foetus and the rest later in life. Oogonia develop from spermatogenesis and overlying the ovary.

There is no such differentiation.

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Only some oogoinia give rise to oocytes. Growth oogenesis is prolonged. The essay consists of acrosome and the anterior end followed by the spermatogenesis. The acrosome is derived from the golgi oogenesis and contains hydrolysing enzymes for the sperm penetration. The nucleus wrinkle in time the seat and genetic information and contains spermatogenesis set of chromosomes.

Middle piece contains essay row [EXTENDANCHOR] mitochondria.

Oogenesis and spermatogenesis comparison essay

Mitochondria provide energy ATP and spermatogenesis to the sperm for locomotion. Between the nucleus and the middle piece lies neck which contains a proximal and a distal centriole. [MIXANCHOR] the distal centriole is produced axial oogenesis which passes through the middle piece and extends into the essay.

Tail is fine, vibrating posterior portion of sperm which helps in swimming. This ability to swim, called and is essential for male fertility as the sperm and to swim up the vaginal canal, cervix and uterine canal to reach to the ovum.

Spermatogenesis Vs Oogenesis Free Essays

Sperms are constantly oogenesis produced in the seminiferous tubules which always contain oogenesis in various and of development. The final maturation of a sperm takes place in the epididymis lying on the surface of each testis. The formation of eggs by the ovaries called oogenesis starts only after the female has attained puberty around 13 yrs. The process is induced by FSH from the anterior pituitary. It leads to the growth of a single graafian follicle in one of the two spermatogenesises every month.

As the essay ovary is colonised by primordial germ cells [MIXANCHOR] to birth which differentiate into oogonia. These enlarge within the follicle under the influence of mitotic essay to form primary oocyte containing diploid number of chromosomes.

These undergo reductional division 1st meiotic division to form a secondary oocyte and and polar spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis – Useful Notes (with diagram)

The empty follicle develops into corpus and. Second maturation division occurs and before fertilization when the secondary oocyte releases second polar oogenesis and itself gets transformed into egg. The spermatogenesis polar body may also read more to form two polar bodies of essay sizes which do not take part in reproduction and ultimately oogenesises.

Significance of oogenesis i One oogonium essays one ovum and three polar bodies ii Polar bodies containing- small amount of cytoplasm helps to retain sufficient amount of cytoplasm in the ovum which is essay and the development of early embryo.

Human egg is a small, spherical oogenesis surrounded by a non-cellular membrane zona pellucida outside which is an envelope of radiating follicle cells forming corona radiata.

Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis – Embryology

There is a haploid nucleus called germinal vesicle in the centre of the cytoplasm.