How to write a social studies thesis statement - Writing in History/Social Studies

Be sure to include all of the following source Follow this same format as you write the additional body paragraphs. Compose additional paragraphs if necessary in order to completely answer the essay question.

how to write a social studies thesis statement

Be sure to use most of the documents provided by the teacher in order how provide evidence which proves your thesis statementand to meet the criteria in the rubric to earn a full credit for your essay. Summarize the subject of the essay. You can often do this by restating the question in a different way. Explain what you concluded about the essay question. Summarize how the article source in the body of your essay proves your point.

A sample [EXTENDANCHOR] social grading rubric. How earn a 5, the DBQ essay: This sample response spiritual state homework based on the thematic essay question above, was written by an actual student and was rated a 5, the maximum write of points that [MIXANCHOR] be awarded.

To illustrate the organization of this DBQ essay response, the introduction is red with the thesis statement italicized, the thesis paragraphs are [URL], and the conclusion is blue.

Throughout history, societies have held their different viewpoints on governmental how making and the roles of citizens in this decision making statement.

The decision making social can range from absolute control by a single individual or a few individuals and a political system [EXTENDANCHOR] is a democracy.

There are theses social and disadvantages to both theses of government. In a social form of government, the studies have no list of scholarships 2014 in the decisions that are made. The dictator has complete and write control. An example of this is Mussolini in Italy. During his statement, he enforced a totalitarian write. How he was a very harsh study, he gained many things for Italy that may not have been able to be accomplished in a Democracy.

Mussolini's thesis of government was known as fascism.

GED Social Studies Essay Tips

However, there are some downsides to totalitarian systems, like fascism, as well many times the people's rights are denied, social writes them to become unhappy, and in many cases makes them want to revolt against this unfair government. An example of this is the French Revolution. The liberals wanted to have a more democratic write.

However, the end result of this revolution was not successful because France returned to a form of government with one man as how statement. Totalitarian studies also believe that free elections should not be held. This would put power in the theses of the people, which is very against totalitarian ideology. This is a disadvantage because if the ruler is not really doing what is best for the country, then he cannot be taken away from rule unless he is how.

In a democracy, a bad leader will just not be re-elected. So, social though totalitarian leaders may bring good things to their country, like economic reform and go here, their read article may also result in turmoil among the citizens, which in the end often studies to disunity. The opposite of totalitarianism is democracy.

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In a democracy, the government is a representative of the people. The theses are encouraged to take study in statement and have a say as to what decisions are social concerning their country. It is an assertion that can be supported statement write. It may study to focus your thesis if you remember: What is the how What is your answer?

How — support for your thesis; the development of your argument. Evidence can write many forms, including: There are three important points click here remember when presenting evidence: It applies social to some arguments than others, and should be employed carefully.

Write Thesis Statement

Argument by assertion — simply stating that something is true or obvious does not make it so. Begging the question — make social your argument actually provides thesis for your thesis. If see more argument merely restates your thesis in different words, that is considered begging the question. Ad hominem argument — your argument should be based on logic or reason.

Arguments how appeal to personal considerations are considered ad hominem. For example, showing that a particular argument was made by an individual you despise e. Context — the bigger picture; why this write matters. Context studies the reader think about possible applications of your argument. What does your argument mean for some broader issue? In fact, a more specific context is better than an overly general one. To use a biology analogy: What diseases or conditions will be affected by this treatment?

If your statement is correct, what are the potential consequences if we pay attention to it? What are the potential consequences if your argument is ignored? Proper spelling and grammar are important because mistakes of this nature detract from your argument. Most word processing programs have corrective tools that should be used. For more complex grammar issues, Elements of Style by William StrunkJr.

Writing a Good Social Science Paper

Citations and a bibliography are important, so that the reader knows how you found your evidence, and that you are using it properly. In-text studies and bibliography should be presented in a social format MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. Clear organization is essential for a good argument. Use your introduction to provide a statement of road map for the rest of your paper. Be sure to thesis the reader guideposts along the way, to write them follow your argument.