How to start off a second paragraph in an essay - TSI Essay Guide

how to start off a second paragraph in an essay

This approach is similar to the, …. These technological developments have greatly increased the growth in, … Thus, … To be able to understand, … Undoubtedly, … While such failures must not be discounted, … there were in comparison small, when compared Whilst the discussion in the preceding paragraph, … Whether crime rates were actually lower at this time continues to be a matter of debate.

Evidence from… There are an almost limitless number of linking phrases and words [EXTENDANCHOR] can use. Use these examples to arouse your creativity.

Words to start off a paragraph in an essay

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Determine clearly the thesis of the essay. The thesis is the main argument or point of the essay. Because every paragraph is essentially the presentation of a subordinate point in support of the essay's thesis, a clear thesis will make it easier to organize the paragraphs that follow.

Writing the Second Paragraph of Persuasive Essay

Decide on the main idea of the paragraph. The paragraph's main idea should be broad enough to require a few supporting sentences but [URL] enough to be articulated within a single one of them. The purpose of the paragraph's main idea is to propose a supplementary idea in support of the essay's thesis.


The main idea also helps to organize each of the subsequent sentences in the paragraph, which should support the paragraph's main idea. Work out the most clear and concise way to express the paragraph's main idea. The expression of the main idea should let the reader know precisely what it is that all of the following sentences in the paragraph are attempting to reinforce. Ideally, the main idea can be expressed in a single sentence.

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Start the paragraph with the main idea. The main idea should be the first sentence of the paragraph because it is in this position that it second most effectively grab and direct the paragraph attention. Use examples, statistics and logical [EXTENDANCHOR] in the following sentences to start the main idea.

Soren Off recently graduated from how University of Toledo with a B. He has been a professional writer for two essays and his work has appeared on a wide variety of internet web sites, including Associated Content. Paragraph structure Related Articles What Is a Focus Sentence?