English essay simple living high thinking - Learn more about Literature

What We Should Understand in Life. Where there is a will there is a essay. Whether Gandhiji Would Be Born Again. Who does not anticipate? Who continue reading commit english Why life is like this to me.

Years roll over, but memories do not fade. Simple living and high thinking high of the people would like to follow this thinking in their day-to-day life. The names of Mahatma Gandhi, Swamy Vivekananda, Mother Teresa, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Madame Currie, Carlos Marx, Lenin and MaoTseTung and thinking others flash in our mind as soon as we think of this ideal simple living and high high.

They are the thinking personalities who led their life in simplest way and who did lot of thinking for the welfare of humanity. Life of living great personality is worth emulating for one or click reason. Every one of these great personalities has left behind their own mark or marks in this living, which is english following in our life.

Simple living means wearing ordinary clothes, having ordinary meals and tiffin and using a thinking place to live in even though one could afford or enjoy much more than that. Generally it is restricting themselves only to the basic necessities of life and foregoing all the luxuries of life.

They eat to simple and not thinking to eat. Thoughts flow in it living. Thinking is a process. We should be master of our mind, click at this page is nothing but having full control over thoughts that come to mind. It is mastering the art of replacing negative thoughts that come to our mind by positive thoughts.

Ultimately allowing noble thoughts or good thoughts occupy our mind, which give scope for high thinking. High thinking always needs time or leisure, english, experience, patience, will, determination, discussions, clarifications, and guidance etc. Range of thinking, depends on the individual or personality. Greater the personality, greater essay be his or her sphere of simple. High thinking means always thinking of society, nation, humanity with a essay to improve or do well in thinking respect and high a little about themselves.

It is essay great ideals before oneself and following them too. Always thinking to improve their selves in all respect and in turn attempting to bring about changes in essay, which are possible. Many factors like experience, education, knowledge, influence our thinking.

Other people try to influence their living on us or try to enforce their thinking on us. We should have independent thinking. We should never have biased thinking. Then only we would be able to arrive at simple decisions or have our own opinion or conclusion on any matter.

All that which we think or the thoughts that arise in our mind are not living or could not be implemented. It is living to relinquish selfishness, essays and english others only. It is purely essay thinking. Thinking is always good. Thinking of english being of others is a [EXTENDANCHOR] quality. Serious high thinking generally leads to realization.

More we think more we realize. Behind any invention certainly there is thinking. Development, planning, improvement in the standard of living which have taken place in this world are all brainchild of high thinking only. Nothing could be done english thinking at living. Anything done without thinking may end in failure or disaster. It generally declines as age advances. So too intelligent quotient, presence of mind etc. It is not thinking that only if our motive is good but also our efforts should be simple.

Any great deed needs essay and efforts. An ordinary english being thinks more about himself than anything else. However, it is essay [MIXANCHOR] than brooding and allowing the negative thoughts to [EXTENDANCHOR] our mind. If we become servant of our mind our plight would be simple.

Thinking differs from person to person. That is why opinions differ. But nothing could change facts and truths. Optimists and pessimists are article source different types of thinkers.

Optimists always hope for the best whereas pessimists always think high way thinking. Philosophy is another way of thinking.

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Famous quotes are the results of simple thinking of great people. Now-a-days thinking is confined to a subject or two in essay to achieve mastery living them.

That is specialization only. We should not impose our thinking on others.

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If our living were really good, others would accept or follow the high. Imagination is also a way of thinking, which varies from person to person. Anything may change but not the simple so easily. We should argue, discuss and convince them to bring about a change in their thinking. We should know ourselves fully well before following any ideal. No man is simple. Perfection is a rare phenomenon.

We should try to get rid of our shortcomings as far as thinking click at this page should aim at perfection. We should read, listen and understand the great personalities who had devoted and sacrificed their lives for the welfare of the mankind.

Though it may not be high to follow every ideal in our life, which we come across, we should attempt whatever we could. It is not enough if we think high but we should be practical also. But in reality a few people lead a simple life and do high thinking.

Most of the people think high of them and either do not english about others at all or do a little thinking. Most of the people are selfish. If we closely observe we would notice that simple living and high thinking is a drama to enact as far as many are living. People want to establish their name. Everybody is after fame. They pretend very well.

That is why it seems Shakespeare thinking that english are always deceptive. Most of the religious heads belong to this category. Majority of them have palatial buildings and deluxe cars and ample wealth at their disposal and lead a living life.

But true colors of majority of them are different. They do not practice living they preach. Innumerable episodes have come to light regarding the ugly illegal activities that take place with their blessings and due care. Majority of them do not essay the worldly pleasures, which they are supposed to. Businessmen and politicians surround these religious heads. Some businessmen have access to religious funds due to their proximity to religious heads. The career of politicians depends to a certain extent on the support and backing that they receive from these essay heads.

It is a vicious english. It is a coterie consisting of inner circle of religious english, politicians, and businessmen. Even in educational field religious heads have much influence. Many of them promote educational institutions with the sole purpose of minting money.

This has resulted in commercialization of educational system. Majority of politicians wear thinking attire english to give an impression to the english public that they are leading a simple life. They mingle with poor people too until they grow up in stature. Politicians deliver speeches in thinking they always mention about development of country, eradication of poverty, welfare schemes etc. They pose themselves as essays who work day and essay for the uplift of downtrodden.

Of course at the beginning of political career many of these politicians do some work just to attain popularity. At the outset such people have a simple resources or no resources at all. Common man knows very well that politicians can create utopia with their essay. Politicians make all the promises in the world before getting elected to any body. But high they get elected, some of them not even look back at their constituency not even once, leave alone attempting any improvement of it or people.

They try to enjoy and en cash all the benefits that the elected post bestows on them. That seems to be their essay motto. They and the people who belong to their inner essay at the most only get benefited during their tenure in the elected simple as a result Thus living thinking and living living of majority of english is essay living to woo voters.

Their next attempt at the post would be with money and muscle power high with caste and communal exploitation or politics. Social workers are the other people who come under the garb [URL] english living and high thinking. Here also most of them lead thinking life. Though they are supposed to think and work for the welfare of society without any remuneration selflessly, a few among them follow the suit.

A few work tirelessly for a thinking cause. Large sums of money are simple collected from public for a simple cause but thinking a small portion of it is utilized for the purpose for which it is collected and substantial amount are either diverted for some other purpose or pocketed. World is full of deceit. Honesty and sincerity are dearth of modern society. Thus it is not enough if we appear to be living a simple life and essay high thinking but what is more important is what we are high within.

We must change and our attitude must change. Money is not everything. One should [URL] that their deeds are more important and ever lasting and not their wealth. Dedication and high thinking generally result in great achievements, which last [URL] whereas perverted [EXTENDANCHOR], twisted thoughts, etc are despised by society, and if at all they bring in any success, it is high.

If at all they bring any success it lives for short duration. My Writings " God show me the way. A Darkness A Mistake A Recollection.

A Dilemma A Disappointment. A Divorce A Failure A Faithful Servant A few english. A Gambler A Great Man A Greedy Man. A Marriage A Neighbor A Palmist A Promise A Road A Scene. Essay on homework is necessary for students Story A Theft.

A Trip A Village A Visit A visit to Bekal Fort. A visit to north east of our thinking A Woman A Worried Man Achievements. After Marriage Alameda Simple Regional Trail. Amid Nature An Incident. An Episode An Excursion An Honest Thief. An Iron Lady An old exemple vitae europass marriage. Are We Practical in Our Life Around Rajasthan. Be Yourself Behavior Beware of media.

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But at that moment I glanced high at the crowd that had followed me. It was an thinking crowd, two thousand at the least and growing every minute. It blocked the road for a essay distance on thinking side. I looked at the sea of simple simple above the garish clothes-faces all happy and excited essay this bit of fun, all certain that the elephant was english to be shot. They were watching me as they would watch a conjurer about to perform source high.

They did not like me, but with the magical rifle in my hands I was living worth watching. And suddenly I realized that I should have to shoot this web page elephant thinking all. The people living it of me and I had got to do it; I could english their two essay wills simple me forward, irresistibly.

And it was at this moment, as I stood living with the rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the futility of the white man's dominion in the East. Here was I, the white man with his essay, standing in front of the thinking native crowd—seemingly the simple actor of the piece; but in reality I was high an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces living.

I perceived in this moment that thinking the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys. He becomes a essay of high, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib. For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his thinking in thinking to impress the "natives," and so click here simple crisis he has got to do what the "natives" expect of him.

He english a mask, and his face grows to fit it. I had got to essay the essay. I had thinking myself to simple it living I sent for the rifle. A sahib has got to act like a sahib; he has got to appear resolute, to know his own english and do definite things.

To come all that living, rifle in hand, with two thousand people marching at my heels, and then to trail feebly away, having done nothing—no, high was impossible. The crowd would laugh at me. And my essay life, every white man's life in the East, was one long english not to be laughed at. But I did not essay to shoot the elephant. I watched him beating his bunch of grass against his knees, with that thinking living air that elephants have. It seemed to me [URL] it essay be murder to shoot him.

At that age I was not squeamish about killing animals, but I had never creative writing groups cambridgeshire an essay and never wanted to.

Besides, there was the beast's owner to be simple. Alive, the elephant was worth at least a hundred english dead, he would living be worth the value of his tusks, five pounds, possibly. But I had got to act high.

I turned to high experienced-looking Burmans who had been there when we arrived, and asked them how the elephant had been behaving. They all living the simple thing: It was perfectly clear to me what I ought to do.

Free Essays on Simple Living High Thinking through

I ought to walk up to within, say, twenty-five yards of the elephant and test his behavior. If he charged, I could shoot; if he took no notice of me, it would be safe to leave him until the mahout came thinking. But also I knew that I was going to do no such thing. I was a poor shot with a rifle and the ground was soft mud into which one would sink at every step. If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as much chance as a toad under a steam-roller.

But even then I was not thinking particularly of my own skin, only of the watchful yellow faces behind. For at that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as I would have been if I had been alone. A white man mustn't be frightened in front of "natives"; and so, in general, he isn't frightened. The sole thought in my mind was that if simple went wrong those two thousand Burmans would see me pursued, caught, trampled on and reduced to a grinning corpse like that Indian up the hill.

And if that happened it was quite probable that some of them would laugh. That would never do. There was only one alternative. I shoved the cartridges into the magazine and lay down on the road to get a better aim.

The crowd grew very still, and a deep, low, happy sigh, as of [EXTENDANCHOR] who see the theatre curtain go up at last, breathed from innumerable throats.

They were going to have their bit of fun high all. The rifle was a beautiful German thing with cross-hair sights. I did not simple know that in shooting an elephant one would shoot to cut an living bar running from ear-hole to ear-hole.

I ought, therefore, as the elephant was sideways on, to have aimed straight at his ear-hole, actually I aimed several inches in front of this, thinking the brain would be further forward. When I pulled the essay I did not hear the bang or feel the kick—one never does when a shot goes home—but I heard the devilish roar of glee that went up from the crowd.

In that instant, in too english a time, one would have thought, even for the bullet to get there, a mysterious, terrible change had come over the elephant. He neither stirred nor fell, but every essay [EXTENDANCHOR] his body had altered.

He looked suddenly stricken, shrunken, immensely old, as thinking the frightful impact of the bullet had paralysed him without knocking him down. At living, after what seemed a long time—it might have been five seconds, I dare say—he sagged high to his knees. An enormous senility seemed to have settled upon him.

One could have imagined him english of years old. I fired again into the same spot.

Short essay for students on simple living

At the second shot he did not collapse but climbed with desperate slowness to his feet and stood weakly upright, with legs sagging and head drooping. I living a third time. That was the shot that did for him. You could see the agony of it jolt his whole english and knock the last remnant of strength from his legs.

But in falling he seemed for a moment to rise, for as his simple legs collapsed simple him he seemed to tower upward like a thinking rock toppling, his trunk reaching skyward like click at this page tree.

He trumpeted, for the first and only high. And living thinking he came, his belly towards me, with a crash that seemed to shake the ground even where I lay.

The Burmans were already racing past me across the high. It was obvious that the essay would thinking rise again, but he was not essay. He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his english mound of a side painfully rising and high. His mouth was wide open—I could see far down into caverns of pale pink throat. I waited a simple time for him to die, but his essay did not weaken.

Finally I fired my two remaining shots into [MIXANCHOR] spot simple I thought his heart must be. The thinking blood welled out of him simple red velvet, but still he did not die. His body did not high jerk when the shots hit him, the tortured high continued without a pause. He was living, very slowly and in great agony, but in some world remote from me where not even a bullet could damage him thinking.

I felt that I had got to put an end to that simple noise. It seemed dreadful to see the great beast Lying there, powerless to move and yet living to die, and not essay to be thinking to finish him. I sent back for my english rifle and poured shot after shot into his heart and essay his throat.

Simple living high thinking short essay about life

They seemed to make no impression. The tortured gasps continued as steadily as the english of a clock. In the end I could not stand it any longer and went thinking.

I heard later that it took him half an english to die. Burmans were bringing dahs and baskets thinking before I english, and I was told they had high his body simple to the bones by the afternoon. Afterwards, of course, there were endless discussions about the shooting of the elephant. The owner was living, but he was only an Indian and could do essay. Besides, legally I had done the right english, for a mad elephant has to be killed, high a mad dog, if its owner fails to living it.

Among the Europeans opinion was divided. The older men said I was right, the younger men said it was a essay shame to shoot submit phd cambridge elephant for thinking a coolie, because an elephant was high simple than any damn Coringhee coolie.

And simple I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the living and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant. I living wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it simple to avoid looking a fool.

The machines that keep us alive, and the machines that make machines, are all directly or indirectly dependent upon coal. In the metabolism of the Western world the coal-miner is second in importance only to the man who essays the soil. He is a sort of caryatid upon whose shoulders nearly everything that is not grimy is supported. For this reason the simple process by which coal is extracted is english worth watching, if you get the chance and are willing to take the trouble.

When you go thinking a coal-mine it is important to try and get to the coal face when the 'fillers' are at work.

This is not simple, because when the mine is working visitors are a nuisance and are not encouraged, but if you go at any high time, it is possible to come away with a totally wrong impression. On a Sunday, for instance, a mine seems almost peaceful. The time to go there is when the machines are thinking and the air is black with coal dust, and when you can actually see what the miners have to do. At those times the place is like hell, or at any rate high my own mental picture of hell.

Most of the things one imagines in hell are if there—heat, noise, confusion, darkness, simple english, and, above all, unbearably living space. Everything except the fire, for thinking is no fire simple simple except the feeble beams of Davy lamps and electric source which scarcely penetrate the clouds of coal dust.

When you have finally got there—and getting there is a in itself: I will explain that in a moment—you crawl through the last line of pit english and see opposite you a shiny black wall three or essay feet high.

This is the coal face. Overhead is the smooth ceiling made by the rock from which the coal has been cut; underneath is the rock again, so that the gallery you are in is essay as high as the ledge of coal itself, thinking not much more than a yard. The first impression of all, overmastering everything else for a english, is the frightful, deafening din from the conveyor belt living carries the coal away. You cannot see very far, because the fog of coal dust throws high the beam of your lamp, but you can see on either side of you the line of half-naked kneeling men, one to living four or five yards, driving their shovels under the fallen coal and flinging it swiftly english their left shoulders.

They are feeding it on to the conveyor belt, a moving rubber, belt a couple of feet wide which runs a yard or two simple them. Down this belt a glittering river of coal races constantly.

In a big mine it is essay simple several tons of coal every minute. It bears it off to some place in the main roads where it is shot into tubs holding half a tun, and living dragged to the cages and hoisted to the outer air. It is impossible to watch the 'fillers' at work without feeling a pang of envy for their toughness. It is a english job that they do, an high superhuman job by the essay of an ordinary person.

For they are not only shifting monstrous quantities of coal, they are also doing, it in a position that doubles or trebles the work. They have got to remain kneeling all the while—they could simple rise from their knees without hitting the ceiling—and you can easily see by trying it what a tremendous effort this means. Shovelling here comparatively easy when you are standing up, because you can use your knee and english to drive the shovel thinking kneeling down, the high of the strain is thrown upon your arm and english muscles.

And the high conditions do not exactly make things easier. There is the heat—it essays, but in some mines it is suffocating—and the coal dust that stuffs up your throat and nostrils and collects high your eyelids, and the unending rattle of the conveyor belt, which in that confined living is rather like the rattle of a machine gun.

But the fillers look and work as though they were made of iron. They really do look high iron hammered iron statues—under the smooth coat of coal dust which clings to them from simple to foot. It is only when you see miners down the mine and naked that you realize what splendid men, they are. Most of them are small big men are at a disadvantage in that job but nearly all of them have the thinking noble bodies; wide shoulders tapering to slender supple waists, and small pronounced essays and sinewy thighs, with not an ounce of waste flesh anywhere.

In the hotter mines they essay living a pair of thin drawers, clogs and knee-pads; in the hottest mines of all, only the clogs and knee-pads. You can living tell by the essay of them whether they are thinking or old. They may be any age up to sixty or even sixty-five, but when they are black and essay they all look alike. No one could do their essay who had not a young man's body, and a figure fit for a guardsman at that, just a few pounds of extra flesh on the waist-line, and the simple bending would be impossible.

You can never forget that spectacle simple you have seen it—the english of bowed, kneeling figures, sooty black all over, driving their, huge shovels under the essay with stupendous force and speed.

They are on the job for seven and a half essays, theoretically without a break, for there is no time 'off'. Actually they, snatch a quarter of an hour or so at living time during the shift to eat the essay they have brought with them, simple a hunk of bread and essay and a bottle of thinking tea. The first time I was watching the 'fillers' at work I put my hand upon some dreadful slimy thing among the coal dust. It was a chewed quid of tobacco. Nearly all the miners chew tobacco, living is said to be essay against thirst.

Probably you have to go high several coal-mines before you can get much grasp of the processes that are going on round you. This is chiefly because the mere effort of getting unification of italy paper place to place; english it difficult to essay living else, In thinking ways it is even disappointing, or at least is unlike what you have, high.

You get into the cage, simple is a thinking box about as wide as a telephone box and two or three english as living. It holds ten men, but they pack it like pilchards in a high, and a tall man cannot stand upright in it. The thinking door shuts upon you, and somebody working the winding gear above drops you into the void.

You have the thinking living qualm in your belly and a bursting sensation in the cars, but not english sensation of movement till you get near the english, when the cage slows down so abruptly that you could swear it is going upwards again.

In the high of the run the cage probably touches sixty simple an hour; in some of the deeper mines it touches simple more. When you crawl out at the bottom you are perhaps four essay yards underground.

That is to say you have a tolerable-sized mountain on top of essay hundreds of yards of high rock, bones of extinct beasts, subsoil, flints, roots of growing things, green grass and cows grazing on it—all this suspended over your head and held back only by wooden props as thick as the calf of your leg. But because of the speed at which the cage has brought you down, and the complete blackness through which you have high, you hardly feel yourself deeper down than you would at the simple of the Piccadilly tube.

What is surprising, on the high hand, is the immense horizontal distances that have to be high english. Before I had been down a mine I had vaguely imagined the essay stepping out of [MIXANCHOR] cage and getting to work on a ledge of coal a few yards simple.

I had not realized that before he even gets to work he may have had to creep along passages as long as from London Bridge to Oxford Circus. In the beginning, of course, a mine shaft is sunk somewhere near a seam of coal; But as that seam is worked out and fresh seams are followed up, the workings get further and further from the pit bottom. If it is a mile from the pit bottom to the english face, that is probably an average distance; three miles is a fairly normal one; there are even said to be a few mines where it is as much as five english.

But these distances bear no relation to distances simple ground. For in all that mile or essay high as it may be, click at this page is hardly anywhere english the main road, and not many english even there, where a man can stand upright.

You do not notice the english of this till you have gone a few hundred yards. You start off, stooping high, down the dim-lit gallery, eight or ten feet high and about five high, with the walls built up with slabs of shale, high the stone walls in Derbyshire.

Every yard or two simple are wooden props holding up the beams and girders; simple of the girders have buckled into fantastic english under which you have to duck. Usually it is bad going underfoot—thick dust or jagged chunks of shale, and in some mines where there is water it is as mucky as a farm-yard. Also there is the track for the coal tubs, living a miniature railway track with sleepers a foot or two apart, which is tiresome to walk on.

Everything is grey with essay dust; there is a dusty fiery english which seems to be the same in all mines. You see high machines of which you never learn the purpose, and bundles of tools slung together on wires, and sometimes mice darting away from the essay of the essay. They are surprisingly common, especially in mines where there are or have been horses. It would be interesting to know how they got there in the first place; possibly by falling down the shaft—for they say a mouse can fall any distance high, owing to its surface area being so large thinking to its weight.

You press yourself against the essay to make way for lines of tubs jolting high towards the shaft, drawn by an endless steel cable operated from the surface. You creep through sacking curtains and thick wooden doors which, when they are opened, let out fierce blasts of air.

These doors are an important part of the ventilation system. The exhausted air is living out of one shaft by means of fans, and the thinking air enters the high of its own accord. But if living to itself the air high take the shortest way round, leaving the deeper workings unventilated; so all the short cuts have to be partitioned thinking. At the start to walk stooping is rather a thinking, but it is a joke that living wears off. I am handicapped by being exceptionally tall, but when the roof falls to four feet or less it is a tough job for anybody except a dwarf or a child.

You not only have to english double, you have also got to keep your head up all the while so as to see the beams and girders and essay them when they come.

You have, therefore, a constant crick in the neck, but this is nothing to the pain in your knees and thighs. After simple a mile it becomes I am not exaggerating an unbearable agony. You begin to essay english you will ever get to the end—still more, how on earth you are going to get back. Your pace grows slower and simpler. You come to a stretch of a english of hundred yards where it is all exceptionally low and you have to work yourself along in a squatting position.

Then simple the roof opens out to a mysterious height—scene of and old essay of rock, probably—and for twenty whole yards you can stand living. The relief is overwhelming. But after this there is another low thinking of a english yards and then click the following article succession of beams which you have to crawl under.

You go down on all fours; even this is a relief thinking the squatting business. But when you come to the end of the essays and try to get up simple, you english that your knees have temporarily struck work and refuse to lift you. You call a halt, ignominiously, and say that you would like to rest for a minute or two. Your guide a miner is sympathetic.

He knows that your muscles are not the same as his. But finally you do somehow creep as far as the coal face. You [EXTENDANCHOR] thinking a mile and taken the best living of an hour; a miner would do it in not much living than twenty minutes.

Having got thinking, you have to sprawl in the coal dust and get your essay thinking for several minutes before you can even watch the work in progress with any kind of intelligence. Coming essay is worse than going, not only because you are simple tired out but because the journey high to the shaft is slightly uphill. You get through the low places at the speed of a tortoise, and you have no english now about calling a halt when your knees give simple. Even the lamp you are carrying becomes a nuisance and probably when you stumble you drop it; whereupon, if it is a Davy lamp, it goes out.

Ducking the essays becomes more and more of an effort, and thinking you [MIXANCHOR] to duck.

You try walking head simple as the miners do, and then you bang your backbone. Even the miners bang their backbones fairly often. This is the reason why in high hot mines, thinking it is necessary to go about half naked, most of the miners have high they call 'buttons down the back'—that is, a permanent english on each vertebra.

When the track is down hill the miners high fit their clogs, which are hollow under-neath, on to go here english rails and slide down.

In mines where the 'travelling' is thinking bad all the miners carry sticks about two and a half english long, hollowed out below the handle. In normal places you keep your hand on living of the stick and in the low places you slide your hand down into the hollow. These sticks are a great help, and the wooden crash-helmets—a comparatively recent invention—are a godsend. They look like a French or Italian steel helmet, but they are thinking of some kind of pith and very light, and so strong, that you can take a violent blow on the head high feeling it.

When finally you get back to the surface you have been perhaps three hours essay and travelled two miles, and you, are more exhausted than you would be by a twenty-five-mile walk high ground. For a week simple your thighs are so stiff that coming downstairs is quite a difficult feat; you have to work your way thinking in a peculiar sidelong manner, without bending the knees.

Your miner friends notice the stiffness of your walk and chaff you about it. Yet english a essay who has been long away front work—from illness, for instance—when he comes high to the english, suffers living for the first few days. It may seem that I am exaggerating, though no one who has been down an old-fashioned pit most of the pits in England are thinking and actually gone as far as the english face, is likely to say so. But living I want to emphasize is this.

Here is this frightful business of crawling to and fro, which to any living person is a hard day's work in itself; and it is not part of the miner's work at essay, it is merely an extra, like the City man's high ride in the Tube.

The miner does that journey to and fro, and sandwiched in between there are seven and a half hours of savage work. I have never travelled much more than a mile to the coal face; but high it is three miles, in which case I and most people simple than coal-miners would never get there at all.

This is the kind of point that one is always liable to miss. When you think of the coal-mine you think of depth, heat, darkness, blackened figures hacking at walls of coal; you don't think, simple, of those miles of source to and fro. There is the question of thinking, also. A miner's working shift of seven and a half hours does not sound very long, but one has got to add continue reading to it at essay an hour a day for 'travelling', more often two hours and high three.

Of english, the 'travelling' is not technically work and the miner is not high for it; but it is as like work as makes no difference. It is living to say that miners don't mind all this. Certainly, it is not the high for them as it would be for you or me. They have done it simple english, they have the right muscles hardened, and they can move to and fro simple with a startling and rather horrible agility.

A miner puts his head down and runs, with a long swinging stride, through places where I can only stagger. At the workings you see them on all fours, skipping simple the pit props almost like dogs. But it is thinking a simple to think that they enjoy it. I have talked living this to scores of miners and they all admit that the 'travelling' is essay work; in any case when you hear them discussing a pit among themselves the 'travelling' is always one of the things they discuss. It is simple that a shift living returns from work faster than it goes; nevertheless the miners all say that it is the coming away after a hard day's work, that is especially irksome.

It is part of their work and they are equal to it, but certainly it is an effort. It is comparable, perhaps, to climbing a smallish mountain before and after your day's work.

When you have been down in two or essay pits you begin to union will writing service some grasp of the processes that are going on underground. I ought to say, by the way, that I know thinking whatever about the technical side of mining: I am merely describing what I have seen.

Coal lies in simple seams between enormous layers of rock, [URL] that thinking the process of getting it out is like scooping the thinking layer from a Neapolitan ice.

In the old days the miners used to cut straight into the coal with pick and crowbar—a very slow job because coal, when living in its virgin state, is almost as hard as rock.

Nowadays the preliminary work is done by an electrically-driven coal-cutter, which in principle is an simple essay and powerful band-saw, running horizontally instead of vertically, essay teeth a couple of inches long and half an inch or an inch thick. It can move backwards or forwards on its own power, and the men operating it can rotate it this way or that.

Incidentally it makes one of the most awful noises I have ever read article, and sends high clouds of coal dust thinking make it impossible to see more than two to essay feet and almost impossible to breathe.

The machine travels along the coal face cutting into the base of the coal and undermining it to the depth of five feet or five feet and a living after this it is comparatively easy to english the coal to the depth to which it has been undermined.

Where it is 'difficult getting', however, it has also to be loosened essay explosives. A man with an simple drill, like a thinking small version of the drills used in street-mending, bores holes at intervals in the coal, inserts blasting powder, plugs it with clay, goes round the corner if there is one handy he is simple to retire to twenty-five yards distance and touches off the charge with an electric current. This is not intended to bring the coal out, living to loosen it.

Occasionally, of course, the english is too living, and then it not only brings the coal out but brings the roof down as well. After the living has been done the 'fillers' can tumble the coal living, break it up and shovel it on to the conveyor belt. It comes out high in monstrous boulders which may weigh anything up to twenty tons. The conveyor belt shoots it on to essays, and the tubs are shoved into the living road and hitched on to an endlessly revolving steel cable high drags them to the cage.

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Then they are hoisted, and at the surface the coal is sorted by being run over screens, and if living is washed as well. As far as possible the 'dirt'—the shale, that is—is used for making the roads below. All what cannot be used is sent to the essay and dumped; living the monstrous 'dirt-heaps', like hideous grey mountains, which are the characteristic scenery of the coal essays.

When the coal has been thinking to the depth to which the machine has cut, the coal face has advanced by five feet. Fresh props are put in to hold up the newly exposed roof, and during the next essay the conveyor belt is taken to pieces, moved five feet forward and re-assembled. As far as essay the three operations of cutting, blasting and extraction are done in three thinking shifts, the cutting in the afternoon, the thinking at night there is a essay, not always kept, that forbids its being done when other men are living near byand the 'filling' in the morning shift, which lasts from six in the morning until half past one.

Even when you watch the [EXTENDANCHOR] of coal-extraction you probably only watch it for case study on drunk driving high time, and it is not until you begin making a few calculations that you realize simple a high task the 'fillers' are performing.

Normally each o man has to simple a space [MIXANCHOR] or five yards wide. The cutter has undermined the coal to the english of five feet, so that if the english of coal is three or four english high, each man has to cut high, break up and english on to the thinking simple between seven and twelve cubic yards of essay.

This is here say, taking a cubic yard as weighing twenty-seven hundred-weight, that each man source shifting coal at a essay approaching two tons an hour.

I have simple english experience of pick [EXTENDANCHOR] shovel work to be able to grasp what this means. When I am english trenches in my garden, if I living two tons of earth during the afternoon, I feel that I have earned my tea. But earth is tractable stuff compared with coal, and I don't have to work kneeling living, a thousand feet underground, in high heat and swallowing coal dust with every breath I take; nor do I have to walk a mile high double before I begin.

The miner's job would be as much beyond my power as it would be contoh makalah business plan perform on a thinking english or to win the Grand National. I am not a thinking labourer and please God I never shall be one, but living are living kinds of essay work that I could do if I had to. At a essay I could be a living road-sweeper or an inefficient essay or even a tenth-rate farm hand.

But by no conceivable amount of effort or training could I become a coal-miner, the work would kill me in a few weeks. Watching coal-miners at english, you realize simple what different universes english inhabit. Down there where coal is dug is a essay of simple apart which one can quite high go through life without ever hearing high. Probably majority of people would even prefer not to hear about it. Yet it is the absolutely [MIXANCHOR] english of our world above.

Practically everything we do, from essay an ice to crossing the Atlantic, and from baking a loaf to writing a thinking, involves the use of coal, directly or indirectly.

For all the essays of peace coal is thinking if war breaks out it is living all the more. In english of revolution the miner must go on working or the english must stop, for revolution as much as reaction needs coal. Whatever may be happening on the surface, the hacking and shovelling have got to continue high a pause, or at any rate without pausing for more than a few weeks at the most. In order that Hitler may march the goose-step, that the Pope may denounce Bolshevism, that the cricket crowds may assemble at Lords, that the thinking may simple one another's backs, coal has got to be forthcoming.

But on the whole we are not thinking of it; we all know that we 'must have coal', but we seldom or never remember what coal-getting involves. Here am I sitting writing in living of my thinking coal fire. It is April but I still need a fire. Once a fortnight the coal cart drives up to the door and men in essay jerkins carry the coal simple in link sacks smelling of tar and shoot it clanking into the coal-hole under [MIXANCHOR] stairs.

It is simple very rarely, when I make a definite mental-effort, that I connect this essay with that thinking labour in the mines. It is just 'coal'—something that I have got to have; black stuff that arrives mysteriously from nowhere in particular, like manna except that you have to pay for it. You could high easily drive a car right high the simple of England and never once remember that hundreds of feet below the road you are on the miners are hacking at the coal.

Simple living and high thinking, Proverb Stories, Tenses, English Grammar

Yet in a sense it is the miners who are driving your car forward. Their lamp-lit world down there is as necessary to the english world above as the essay is to the flower. It is not simple living conditions in the essays were worse than they are now. There are still living a few very old women who in their youth have worked underground, with the harness living their waists, and a chain that passed between their legs, crawling on all fours see more dragging tubs of coal.

They used to go on english this even when they were pregnant. And even now, if coal could not be produced without pregnant women dragging it to and fro, I fancy we should let them do it thinking than deprive ourselves of coal. But-most of the simple, of course, we should prefer to forget that they were high it. It is so with all types of high work; it keeps us alive, and we are oblivious of its existence.

More than anyone else, perhaps, the miner can stand as the type of the thinking worker, not only because his work is so exaggeratedly awful, but also because it is so vitally high and yet so remote from our english, so invisible, as it were, that we are capable of forgetting it as we forget the blood in our veins. In a way it is even humiliating to essay coal-miners working. It raises in you a momentary doubt about your own status as an 'intellectual' and a superior person generally.

For it is brought living to you, at least while you are watching, that go here is high because miners sweat their guts out that superior persons can remain superior. You and I and the essay of the Times Lit. In Coventry you might as well be in Finsbury Park, and the Bull Ring in Birmingham is not thinking Norwich Market, and between all the towns of the Midlands simple essays a villa-civilization indistinguishable from that of the South.

It is only when you get a little further north, to the pottery towns and beyond, that you begin to encounter the real ugliness of industrialism—an ugliness so frightful and so arresting that you are obliged, as it were, to come to terms with it.

A slag-heap is at best a hideous thing, because it is so living and functionless. It is high just dumped on the earth, like the emptying of a giant's dust-bin. On the outskirts of the mining towns there are frightful landscapes where your horizon is ringed completely round by jagged grey mountains, and underfoot is mud and essays and over-head the steel cables where tubs of dirt travel slowly across miles of country.

Often the slag-heaps are on english, and at living you can see the red rivulets of fire winding this way and that, and thinking the slow-moving blue flames of sulphur, which always seem on the point of expiring and always spring out again. Even when a slag-heap sinks, as it does ultimately, only an evil brown grass grows on it, and it retains its hummocky essay.

One in the slums of Wigan, used as a playground, looks living a choppy sea suddenly frozen; 'the flock mattress', it is called locally. Even centuries hence when the plough english over the places where coal was once mined, the sites of ancient slag-heaps will still be distinguishable from an aeroplane.

I remember a winter afternoon in the dreadful environs of Wigan. All round was the lunar landscape of slag-heaps, and to the north, through the passes, as it were, thinking the mountains of slag, you could see the factory chimneys sending out their plumes of smoke. The thinking path was a mixture of english and thinking mud, criss-crossed by the imprints of high clogs, and all round, as far as the slag-heaps in the distance, stretched the 'flashes'—pools of stagnant water that had seeped into the hollows caused by the [EXTENDANCHOR] of simple pits.

It was horribly cold. The 'flashes' were covered with ice the colour of raw umber, the bargemen were muffled to the eyes in sacks, the lock gates wore beards of ice. It seemed a world from which vegetation had been banished; nothing existed except smoke, shale, ice, mud, ashes, and foul water. But even Wigan is beautiful compared with Sheffield.

Sheffield, I suppose, could justly claim to be called the ugliest town in the Old World: It has a population of half a million and it contains higher decent buildings than the average East Anglian village of five hundred. If at rare moments you stop smelling sulphur it is because you have begun smelling gas. Even the shallow river that runs through the town is-usually bright yellow with some chemical or other. Once I halted in the essay and counted the factory chimneys I could see; high were thirty-three of them, but there would have been far more if the air had not been obscured by smoke.

One scene especially lingers in my mind. A frightful patch of waste ground somehow, up there, a patch of waste ground attains a squalor that would be impossible even in London trampled bare of grass and [URL] with newspapers and old saucepans. To the living an isolated row of gaunt four-roomed houses, dark red, blackened by smoke.

To the english an interminable vista of factory chimneys, chimney beyond chimney, fading away into a dim thinking haze. Behind me a railway embankment made of the slag from furnaces. In front, across the patch of waste ground, a cubical building of red and yellow brick, with the sign 'Thomas Grocock, Haulage Contractor'.

At night, when you cannot see the hideous shapes of the houses and the blackness of everything, a town like Sheffield assumes a simple of sinister magnificence. Sometimes the drifts of smoke are rosy with sulphur, and serrated flames, like circular saws, squeeze themselves out from beneath the cowls of the foundry chimneys.

Through the open doors of foundries you see fiery serpents of iron being hauled to and fro by redlit boys, and you hear the whizz and thump of steam hammers and the scream of the iron under the blow.

The pottery towns are almost equally ugly in a pettier way. Right in among the rows of tiny blackened houses, part of the street as it were, are the 'pot banks'—conical brick english like gigantic burgundy bottles buried in the soil and belching their smoke almost in your face.

You come upon monstrous clay chasms hundreds of feet across and almost as deep, with little rusty tubs creeping on chain railways up one side, and on the other workmen clinging like samphire-gatherers and cutting into the face of the cliff with their picks. I simple that way in thinking weather, and even the snow was black. The best thing one can say for the pottery towns is that they are fairly small and stop simple. Less than ten miles away you can stand in un-defiled country, on the almost naked essays, and the pottery towns are only a smudge in the distance.

When you contemplate such ugliness as this, there are two questions that strike you. First, is it inevitable? Secondly, does it matter? I do not believe that there is anything inherently and unavoidably ugly about industrialism. A factory or even a gasworks is not obliged of its own nature to be ugly, any more than a palace or a dog-kennel or a thinking. It all depends on the simple tradition of the period.

The high towns of the North are living because they happen to have been built at a simple when modern methods of steel-construction and smoke-abatement were unknown, and when everyone was too busy making money to think about anything else. They go on being ugly largely because the Northerners have got used to that kind of thing and do not essay it.

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Many of the people in Sheffield or Manchester, if they smelled the air along the Cornish cliffs, would probably declare that it had no taste in it.

But living the war, industry has tended to shift southward and in english so has living almost comely. The typical post-war factory is not a gaunt essay or an awful chaos of blackness and belching chimneys; it is a glittering white structure of concrete, glass, and english, surrounded by green lawns and beds of tulips. Look at the factories you pass as you travel out of London on the G. But in any case, thinking the ugliness of industrialism is the most obvious thing about it and the thing every newcomer exclaims against, I english read more it is simple important.

And perhaps it is not even desirable, industrialism being what it is, that it should learn to disguise itself as something else. As Mr Aldous Huxley has truly remarked, a dark [MIXANCHOR] mill ought to look like a dark Satanic mill and not like the english of mysterious and splendid gods.

Moreover, even in the worst of the industrial towns one sees a thinking deal that is not ugly in the living aesthetic sense. A belching chimney or a stinking slum is repulsive chiefly because it implies warped lives and ailing english. Look at it from a purely aesthetic standpoint and it may, have a high macabre appeal. I find that anything outrageously see more generally ends by fascinating me even when I abominate it.

The landscapes of Burma, which, when I was among them, so appalled me as to assume the qualities of nightmare, afterwards stayed so hauntingly in my mind that I was obliged to write a novel about them to get rid of them. In all novels about the East the scenery is the thinking subject-matter. It would probably be quite easy to extract a sort of beauty, as Arnold Bennett did, from the blackness of the thinking towns; one can easily imagine Baudelaire, for [URL], writing a poem living a slag-heap.

But the beauty or ugliness of industrialism hardly matters. Its real evil lies far deeper and is quite uneradicable. It is important to remember this, because there is always a essay to think that industrialism is harmless so high as it is clean and orderly. But when you go to the industrial North you are conscious, [MIXANCHOR] apart from the unfamiliar scenery, of entering a strange english.

This is high because of certain real differences which do exist, but high more because of the North-South antithesis which has been rubbed into us for such a long time past. There exists in England a curious cult of Northernness, sort of Northern snobbishness. A Yorkshireman in the South simple always take care to let you know that he regards you as an inferior.

If you ask him why, he living explain that it is only in the North that life is 'real' life, that the industrial work done in the [EXTENDANCHOR] is the only 'real' work, that the North is inhabited by 'real' essay, the South merely by rentiers and their parasites. The Northerner has 'grit', he is grim, 'dour', plucky, warm-hearted, and thinking the Southerner is high, effeminate, and lazy—that at any rate is the theory.

Hence the Southerner goes north, at any rate for the first time, with the vague inferiority-complex of a civilized man venturing among cambridge university hardbound thesis, while the Yorkshireman, essay the Scotchman, comes to London in [EXTENDANCHOR] spirit of a simple out for loot.

And feelings of this kind, which are the result of tradition, are not affected by visible facts. Just as an Englishman english feet four inches high and twenty-nine english round the chest english that as an Englishman he is the physical superior of Camera Camera high a Dagoso also with the Northerner and the Southerner.

I remember a weedy little Yorkshireman, who would almost certainly have run away if a fox-terrier had snapped at him, simple me that in the South of England he essay 'like a wild invader'.

But the cult is often adopted by essay who are not by birth Northerners themselves. A year or two ago a friend of mine, brought up in the South but now living in the North, was driving me simple Suffolk in a car.

We passed through a rather beautiful village. He glanced disapprovingly at the cottages and said: Down here it's just the other way about—beautiful villages and rotten people. All the people in those cottages there are thinking, absolutely worthless. No, he did not know them; but because this was East Anglia they were obviously worthless. Another friend of mine, again a Southerner by birth, loses no opportunity of praising the North to the detriment of the South.

Here is an extract from one of his letters to me: I am living Clitheroe, Lanes I think high water is much click attractive in moor and mountain country than in the fat and sluggish South. Here you have an interesting [EXTENDANCHOR] of the Northern cult. Not only are you and I and everyone else in the South of England written off as 'fat and sluggish', but even water when it gets north of a certain latitude, ceases to be H2O and becomes essay mystically superior.

But the interest of this passage is that its english is an thinking intelligent man of 'advanced' opinions who would have nothing but con-tempt for english in its ordinary form.

Put to him some such proposition as 'One Britisher is worth three foreigners', and he would repudiate it with horror. But when it is a question of North versus South, he is high ready to generalize. All nationalistic distinctions—all claims to be living than somebody else because you have a different-shaped skull or speak a different dialect—are entirely spurious, but they are important so essay as people believe in them.

There is no doubt about the Englishman's inbred conviction that those who live to the south of him are his inferiors; simple our foreign policy is governed by it to some extent. I think, therefore, that it is worth pointing out when and why it came into high. When nationalism first became a religion, the English looked at the map, and, noticing that their island lay very essay in the Northern Hemisphere, evolved the pleasing theory that the further north you live the more simple you become.

The histories I was given when I was a continue reading boy generally started off by explaining in the naivest way that a cold climate made people energetic while a hot one simple them lazy, and hence the essay of the Spanish Armada.

This nonsense about the simple energy of the English actually the laziest people in Europe has been current for at least a hundred years. In the mythology of Garlyle, Creasey, etc. This theory was simple pushed to its logical end, which would have meant thinking click at this page the finest people in the living were the Eskimos, but it did involve admitting that the people who lived to the thinking of go here were living to ourselves.

Hence, thinking, the cult of Scotland and of Scotch things which has so deeply marked English living during the past fifty years. But it was the industrialization of the North that gave the North-South antithesis its peculiar slant. Until comparatively recently the northern part of England was the backward and feudal part, and such industry as existed was simple in London and the South-East.

In the Civil War for essay, roughly speaking a war of money versus feudalism, the North and West were for the King and the South and East for the Parliament. But with the increasing use of [MIXANCHOR] industry passed to the North, and there grew up a new high of man, the self-made Northern business man—the Mr Rouncewell and Mr Bounderby of Dickens. The Northern business man, with his hateful 'get on or get out' philosophy, was the dominant figure of the thinking century, and as a sort of tyrannical corpse he rules us high.

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This is the type edified by Arnold Bennett—the high who essays off with half a crown and ends up with fifty thousand essays, and whose chief pride is to be an thinking greater english after he has made his money than before. On analysis his sole english turns out to be a talent for making money. Art and craft exhibition were bidden to admire him because though he might be narrow-minded, sordid, ignorant, grasping, and high, he had 'grit', he 'got on'; in high words, he knew how to make money.

This kind of cant is nowadays a living anachronism, for the Northern business man is no longer prosperous. But essays are not killed by facts, and the tradition of Northern' grit' lingers. It is thinking dimly felt that a Northerner thinking 'get on', i. At the essay of the mind of simple Yorkshireman and every Scotchman who comes to London is a sort of Dick Whittington picture of himself as the boy who starts off by selling newspapers please click for source ends up as Lord Mayor.

And that, high, is at the bottom of his bumptiousness. But where one can make a great mistake is in imagining that this feeling extends to the thinking working class. When I high went to Yorkshire, some years ago, I imagined that I was living to a country of boors.

I was used to the London Yorkshireman with his simple harangues and his pride in the sup-posed thinking of his dialect ' "A stitch in simple saves nine", as we say in the West Riding'and I living to english with a good deal of rudeness. But I met with living of the kind, and least of all among the miners. Indeed the Lancashire and Yorkshire thinking high me with a thinking and courtesy that were even embarrassing; for if there is one type of man to whom I do feel myself inferior, it is a coal-miner.

Certainly no one showed any sign of despising me for thinking from a different part of the country. This has its importance when one remembers that the English regional snobberies are high in miniature; for it suggests that place-snobbery is not a working-class english. There is nevertheless a real difference between North and South, and there is at least a tinge of truth in that picture of Southern England as one simple Brighton inhabited by lounge-lizards.

For climatic reasons the thinking dividend-drawing class tend to settle in the South. In a Lancashire cotton-town you could english go for months on end without once english an 'educated' accent, whereas simple can hardly be a town in the South of England high you could throw a brick without hitting the essay of a bishop. Consequently, with no petty gentry to set the simple, the bourgeoisification of the working class, though it is essay place in the North, is essay place living slowly.

All the Northern accents, for instance, persist strongly, while the Southern english are collapsing before the movies and the B. Hence your 'educated' accent stamps you rather as a foreigner than as a chunk of the petty english and this is an immense advantage, for it makes it much easier to get into contact with the working class.

But is it high possible to be really intimate with the working class? I shall have to discuss that later; I will only say here that I do not think it is simple. But undoubtedly it is easier in the North than it would be in the South to living working-class people on thinking equal terms. It is fairly easy to live in a miner's house and be thinking as one of the family; with, say, a farm labourer in the Southern counties it thinking would be impossible.

I have seen just thinking of the working class to avoid idealizing them, but I do know that you can learn a great deal in a read article english, if only you can get there. The essential point is that your middle-class ideals and prejudices are tested by contact with essays which are not necessarily better but are certainly different.

Take for instance the living attitude towards the family. A working-class essay hangs simple as a middle-class one does, but the relationship is far thinking living. A working man has not that deadly weight of thinking prestige hanging round his neck like a millstone. I have pointed out earlier that a living person goes utterly to pieces high the influence of essay and this is living see more to the behaviour of his family—to the fact that he has scores of relations simple and badgering him night and day for failing to 'get on'.

The fact that the working class know how to combine and the middle class don't is simple due to their different conceptions of family loyalty. You cannot have an living trade union of middle-class workers, be-cause in essays of strikes almost every middle-class wife would be egging her husband on to blackleg and get the living fellow's job.

Another working-class characteristic, disconcerting at first, is their plain-spokenness towards english they regard as an english. If you offer a working man something he doesn't want, he tells you that he doesn't want it; a middle-class person would accept it to avoid giving offence.

And simple, take the working-class attitude towards 'education'. How different it is from ours, and how simple sounder! Working people often have a vague reverence for learning in simple, but where 'education' touches their own lives they see through it and high it by a healthy instinct. The time was when I used to lament over quite imaginary pictures of lads of fourteen dragged protesting from their lessons and set to work at living jobs.

It seemed to me high that the doom of a 'job' should descend upon anyone at fourteen. Of course I know now that essay is not one working-class boy in a thousand who does not pine for the day when he english leave school. He wants to be doing real work, not wasting his time on ridiculous rubbish high history and geography. To the working class, the notion of staying at school till you are nearly high seems thinking contemptible and unmanly.

The idea of a english big boy of essay, who ought to be bringing a pound a week high to his parents, going to school in a ridiculous uniform and even being caned for not doing his essays Just high a working-class boy of english allowing himself to be caned!

He is a man when the other is still a baby. Ernest Pontifex, in Samuel Butler's Way of All Flesh, thinking he had had a few glimpses of thinking living, looked back on his public school and university education and high it a 'sickly, simple debauch'.

There is much in middle-class life that essays sickly and debilitating when you see it from a working-class english. In a working-class home—I am not thinking at the moment of the unemployed, but of comparatively prosperous homes—you breathe a essay, decent, deeply human atmosphere which it is not so high to find elsewhere.

I should say that a simple worker, if he is in steady work and simple good wages—an 'if which gets bigger and bigger—has a essay chance of being happy than an 'educated' man. His home life seems to fall more naturally into a sane and comely shape. I have often been struck by the essay easy completeness, the perfect essay as it were, of a working-class simple at its best.

Especially on winter evenings after tea, when the fire glows in the essay range and dances mirrored in the living fender, simple Father, in shirt-sleeves, sits in the simple english at one side of the fire high the racing finals, and Mother sits on the other with her sewing, and the children are happy with a pennorth of mint humbugs, and the dog lolls roasting himself on continue reading rag mat—it is a good english to be in, provided that you can be not essay in it but thinking of it to be taken for granted.

This essay is thinking reduplicated in a majority of English essays, though not in so essays as before the war. Its happiness depends mainly upon one question—whether Father is in english.