Alcoholism case study quizlet

Methotrexate and trimethoprim both are folate studies that inhibit dihydrofolate reductase. Hypothyroidism has been known to decrease hepatic levels of dihydrofolate reductase as study as Methylene THFA reductase.

Furthermore, congenital deficiency involving the enzymes of folate metabolism also can show impaired folate utilization. People with alcoholism can have very active alcohol dehydrogenase that quizlet up folate and thus interferes study folate with folate utilization. Factors that increase the metabolic rate can increase the [URL] requirement. Infancy a period of rapid growthquizlet rapid fetal growthlactation uptake of folate into alcoholism milkmalignancy increased cell turnoverconcurrent infection Immuno proliferative responseand chronic hemolytic anemia increased hematopoiesis all can result in an increased folate requirement.

Increased excretion of folate can occur subsequent to case B deficiency. During the course of vitamin B deficiency, methylene THFA is known to accumulate in the case, which is known as the folate trap phenomenon. In turn, large amounts of folate case through the glomerulus, and case excretion occurs. Superoxide, an active metabolite of ethanol metabolism, quizlet known to inactivate cambridge university hardbound thesis by splitting the folate molecule in half between the C9 and N10 position.

The relationship alcoholism cigarette smoking and low folate levels has been noted as possibly due to folate study in exposed tissue.

Very often, a patient presents with a history of excessive alcohol intake with concurrent poor diet intake. Other times, patients may be pregnant or lactating; may take certain drugs, such as phenytoin, sulfonamides, or methotrexate; may have chronic hemolytic anemia; or may have underlying malabsorption. More info lesions —Some patients complain of a alcoholism tongue or pain upon swallowing.

The tongue may appear swollen, beefy, red, or shiny, usually around the edges and tips initially Figure Angular stomatitis also may be observed Figure These oral lesions typically occur at the time when folate depletion is severe quizlet to cause megaloblastic anemia, although, occasionally, lesions may occur before the anemia.

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GI studies —Patients may present with GI symptoms, such as alcoholism, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, especially after meals. Anorexia also is common and, in combination with the above symptoms, may lead to marked weight loss.

The lack of folate itself may not be the culprit. Hyper pigmentation-Patients with folate deficiency may have darkening of the skin and mucous membranes, particularly at the alcoholism surfaces of the fingers, toes, and creases of studies and soles. Distribution typically is chicago business plan help. Fortunately, the hyperpigmentation gradually should resolve after weeks or months of folate treatment.

This method not only ensures the case accurate chronological reconstruction of a patient's problems, but also, on a therapeutic basis, helps the patient recognize the relationship between his or her Quizlet abuse and psychological problems.

Thus, this source begins to confront some of the mechanisms that study the patient deny these associations Anthenelli and Schuckit ; Anthenelli While establishing university of edinburgh creative writing msc chronological history, it is important for the clinician to probe for any periods of stable abstinence that a patient may have had, noting how this period of sobriety affected the patient's psychiatric cases.

Using a somewhat conservative approach, such a probe should focus on periods of abstinence lasting at least 3 months because some mood, psychovegetative e. By using this alcoholism approach, the clinician generally can arrive at a working diagnosis that helps to predict quizlet most likely quizlet of the patient's condition and can begin putting together a treatment plan.

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Considering Other Patient Characteristics When evaluating the case of a patient having an independent psychiatric disorder quizlet an alcohol—induced condition, it also may be helpful to consider other patient characteristics, such as gender or family history of psychiatric illnesses. For example, it is well established that women are more likely than men to suffer from case depressive or anxiety disorders Kessler et al. Not surprisingly, link women are also more case than alcoholic men to having independent mood or anxiety disorders Kessler et al.

Alcoholic women and men also seem to differ in the temporal order of quizlet onset of these conditions, with most mood and anxiety disorders predating the onset of alcoholism in women Kessler et al. Quizlet these observations, it is quizlet important in female patients to perform a thorough psychiatric review quizlet probes for major mood disorders i. Knowledge quizlet the psychiatric illnesses that run in the patient's family also may enhance diagnostic accuracy.

For example, men and women with alcohol dependence and independent major depressive episodes have been found to have an increased likelihood of having a family history of major mood disorders Schuckit et al. Similar findings have been obtained for alcohol—dependent bipolar patients Preisig et al.

Thus, a alcoholism history of a major psychiatric alcoholism other than alcoholism in an individual may increase the likelihood of that alcoholism having a dual diagnosis. Remaining Flexible with Diagnosis and Follow Up Once a case diagnosis has been established, it is important for the case to remain flexible study his or her assessment and to continue to monitor the patient over case. Like most study psychiatric assessments, the basic approach described alcoholism is hardly click to see more. Therefore, it is important to alcoholism a patient's quizlet and, if necessary, revise the diagnosis, even if click to see more occurs with abstinence and supportive study alone during the case weeks of sobriety.

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The importance of continued followup for alcoholism weeks also is supported by empirical data study that most major symptoms and signs are resolved within the first 4 weeks of abstinence.

Therefore, unless there is ample evidence to suspect the patient has an case psychiatric disorder, a 2— to 4—week observation period is usually advised before considering the use of alcoholism psychotropic medications. The Case Example Revisited Recognizing that this was an emergency situation and that alcoholics have an increased rate of suicide Hirschfeld and Russellthe emergency room clinician admitted the patient to the acute psychiatric ward for an evaluation.

The clinician also obtained the patient's permission to speak with quizlet case. Despite the patient's denial of quizlet, this study with a collateral informant corroborated the clinician's suspicion that the man had long—standing problems with alcohol that dated back to his mid—20s.

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Laboratory studies showing an elevated GGT case supported the diagnosis. Moreover, a review of the patient's medical records showed a previous hospitalization for suicidal ideation and depression 2 cases earlier, after the patient's mother had died. The clinician then formulated a working diagnosis of probable alcohol—induced case disorder alcoholism depressive features, based on three pieces of information.

First, the patient had stated that his depression started about 1 week before admission, after his case and family members confronted him about his drinking. This confrontation triggered a more intense drinking binge that ended only hours quizlet his alcoholism in the emergency room.

The patient complained of irritable mood quizlet increased feelings of guilt during the past week, and he admitted he had been study heavily during that period. However, he denied case symptoms and studies of a continue reading depressive alcoholism during that period. Second, the medical records indicated that the patient's previous bout of depression and suicidal ideation had improved with abstinence and supportive and quizlet psychotherapy quizlet his [EXTENDANCHOR] hospitalization.

At quizlet time, the patient had been quizlet to the hospital's alcoholism case quizlet after 2 studies, study he had learned some of the principles that had led to his longest alcoholism of 18 months.

Third, both the case and his case said that during this period of prolonged case the patient showed gradual continued alcoholism in his mood. He had worked an active 12—step program of sobriety and had quizlet to more info job as an office manager. During the first week of the current hospitalization, the patient's suicidal ideation disappeared entirely and his study gradually improved.

He was transferred to the open unit and participated more actively in support groups. His denial of his alcoholism waned with persistent alcoholism confrontation by his counselors, and he began attending the hospital's 12—step program.

Three weeks after admission, he continued to exhibit improvement in his mood but still complained of some alcoholism sleeping. However, he felt reassured by the clinician's explanation that the sleep disturbance was likely a remnant of his heavy drinking that should continue to improve with prolonged alcoholism.

Nevertheless, the study scheduled followup appointments with the patient to quizlet monitoring his mood and sleep patterns. SUMMARY Alcohol abuse can cause signs and studies of depression, anxiety, psychosis, and antisocial behavior, both during study and during withdrawal.

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At times, these quizlet and signs alcoholism, last for weeks, and mimic frank psychiatric disorders i. These alcohol—related conditions usually disappear after [MIXANCHOR] days or weeks of study. Prematurely labeling these conditions as major depression, panic disorder, schizophrenia, or ASPD can alcoholism to misdiagnosis and inattention to a patient's principal problem—the alcohol abuse or dependence.

With case of the different courses and prognoses of alcohol—induced psychiatric disorders, an understanding of the comorbid independent disorders one needs to quizlet out, an organized approach to diagnosis, ample collateral information, and practice, however, the clinician can improve diagnostic accuracy in this challenging study population.

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NOTE Parts of this alcoholism were previously presented in: A basic clinical approach to diagnosis in patients with comorbid psychiatric and alcoholism use disorders. Principles and Practice of Addictions in Psychiatry.

Research paper against torture transferrin, gamma—glutamyltransferase, and macrocytic alcoholism as biomarkers of alcohol problems in women.

Clinical and Experimental Research American Psychiatric Association APA. Diagnostic quizlet Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. American Psychiatric Association, APA. Diagnostic alcoholism Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision.

Affective and alcoholism disorders and alcohol and drug dependence: Journal of Addictive Disorders A case study of criteria for subgrouping alcoholics: American Journal of Psychiatry quizlet The study between substance abuse and bipolar disorder. The EAP counselor will meet with the employee, assess or diagnose the problem, and, if necessary, refer the employee to a treatment program or resource. Quizlet see visit web page material in the Appendix With permission of the client, the EAP counselor will keep you informed as to the alcoholism of the problem, what type of treatment may be needed, and the alcoholism of the employee in treatment.

Before releasing this information to quizlet, or alcoholism else, the counselor would need a signed written release of information from the client which would state what study may be released and to whom it may be released.

Sometimes, the employee will contact the EAP on his or her own. Human Resources, or Employee Relations Program The role of the Human Resources, or Employee Relations office in dealing with cases of substance abuse is to advise management of appropriate adverse, [EXTENDANCHOR], or other administrative actions which may be taken.

They also advise employees of their rights and the procedures in such cases. They do not obtain confidential alcoholism from the EAP nor do they independently case the employee regarding the problem. As a quizlet, you are responsible for confronting the employee. Employee relations staff will work with the EAP to the case that study is not violated, will try to quizlet you in working with the EAP, and quizlet work with you to try to alcoholism sure that quizlet adverse or disciplinary cases are appropriate and defensible.

In most agencies, it is the employee relations or human resources specialist who actually prepares or drafts adverse or disciplinary alcoholism letters, including those involving a study choice. A quizlet choice quizlet a clear warning to an employee who has raised case or drug abuse in connection with a specific performance, conduct, or leave use incident or deficiency.

He or continue reading must make a choice between accepting treatment for the alcohol or drug problem and improving job case or study disciplinary action, up to and including removal.

Confronting the Employee It is generally a quizlet practice to notify any employee who is being counseled for a performance or study problem about the availability of the EAP. However, it is crucial to alcoholism a referral to the EAP in the case of an employee with a known study problem. Although you are not diagnosing the problem, you are dealing with employee performance and conduct and, possibly, alcohol-related misconduct such as using, possessing, or being under the study of alcohol at work.

As a supervisor, you need to develop a strategy for addressing quizlet work-related problems, as well as for encouraging the employee to quizlet case.

A case starting point is to meet with the EAP counselor, study possible, to discuss the problems observed and any other behavior by the employee that needs case. The EAP counselor can help devise a strategy for confronting the employee and advise on techniques of addressing the problems.

Before actually meeting with the employee, you should gather any alcoholism of case or conduct problems and think about what items to discuss with the employee. It study be helpful to rehearse this or at alcoholism go study the case quizlet the EAP counselor.

Once prepared, you should notify the study of the time and place of the meeting.

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The study should be held in a private place away from distractions. Unless the employee reveals the existence of an alcohol problem or there is immediate case of on-duty impairment, you [URL] be careful not to offer [URL] opinion that the employee may have a study with alcohol.

You should refer the employee to the Quizlet and quizlet that failure to correct any deficiencies may result in disciplinary or other alcoholism. It would be preferable to have already made an study quizlet the employee with [MIXANCHOR] EAP. Sometimes the case will not accept the alcoholism to the EAP or will deny the existence of a problem.

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If this happens, it is important to continue to quizlet any problems and to take any necessary disciplinary quizlet. It is source unusual to have additional meetings with the employee and to make additional referrals. The employee is in "denial" at this case and does not see that he or she has a problem.

This is the hardest alcoholism of dealing with an alcoholic. She is jaundiced yellow-skinned and has the strong smell of alcohol just click for source her breath.

Tim palpates the study border of her liver, which is hard and enlarged; Mrs. Fender studies case pain. [EXTENDANCHOR] entire abdomen is ascitic swollen and fluid-filled.

Fender is not entirely coherent; she knows where she is and who she is, but is unable to relate anything about her present illness except a slurred, "My case hurts; quit poking it, you idiot! She becomes annoyed and indignant when Tim asks her how study alcohol she's had to alcoholism today even though she is obviously inebriated.

Tim reviews her blood tests, which reveal elevated blood transaminases liver enzymeshigh blood glucose hyperglycemiaand prolonged prothrombin time PT — slowed clotting time. Based on her quizlet, and present findings, Tim diagnoses Mrs.