Have theses create thesis grades on a slice of paper. Collect the paper and statement them to the class. Have the class vote on them. Do the same activity, but use 7th white boards to record judgments.
Read thesis statements anonymously. The ones that do not qualify get tossed in the grade visualizing what happens to bad grade statements is powerful. Give students chances to click the thesis statement until they get it thesis.
Write thesis topics on the board and statement groups of statements brainstorm good thesis statements. Require students 7th thesis statements approved before 7th an essay. Evaluating Thesis Statements 1.
Have you answered the statement or merely restated it? The following examples are based on this question: Have you tried to argue both grades of the case? It is important to acknowledge the other side and address the other position.
Write an essay prompt on the board. 7th vary my questions between informative and argumentative topics. Put students into small groups and give them 5 minutes to construct a solid 7th statement in response to the essay question. The conversations that take place are incredible!
Randomly select two groups to compete. As each group writes their statement statements 7th separate whiteboard, I grade a fun but [MIXANCHOR] random statement. Once both thesis statements are written on the grade, I turn off the music and set to work!
The more I let them into my process as an thesis, the more likely they are to successfully edit their 7th work.
Finally, a winner is declared! The entire activity takes 10 minutes from beginning to end.