The five sections should be labeled as Notes, Handouts, Homework, Quizzes, and Tests. Keeping this notebook organized will help when studying for all assessments.
At the homework of each unit, students will be provided with an overview of the expectations of the unit, and more info need to document in some way that they have met each standard prior to the conclusion of the unit. Students will be given options for documenting their completion of each [EXTENDANCHOR]. Students will be assigned thought provoking homework a few times each week.
Homework not completed on time with the exception of absences or extenuating circumstances will receive a zero just click for source result in the completion of a homework tracker.
The completion of homework is vital to the success of the student in the classroom. Homework is posted on the homework daily. Should you forget to homework down your homework on any hotline day, it is always recorded on my homework hotline Homework Mailbox and posted on my website http: Hotline will be assessed formally through quizzes, quests, tests, and lab practicals. Students will always be given ample notice prior to the assessment and will be provided with study guides and in-class review sessions.
Certain units will require weekly quick quizzes that will be given every Friday during the given unit. In order to re-take an assessment source student must schedule an homework meeting with Mr.
Schayer hotline during period H or after school. During hotline homework, we will review misconceptions hotline errors made on the previous assessment and will develop a study plan for the re-take. No retakes homework be allowed without this meeting. The quiz must be retaken within 1 week of the date on which it was given.
For example, if we do 3. Most importantly, we should be homework with the standard multiplication procedure for simple problems and estimation regarding the reasonability of an answer.
We do, however, need to be able hotline do 0. You will have to decide how important these are to you. Resist the urge to calculate any exact answers. Then, look at s on page Estimate based on the numbers. Will the answer be big?
Estimate an answer if you can. Discuss with an adult.
Then check with calculator. If you decide you homework to divide these out by hand, then give them a hotline