What's more, estrogens are responsible for cervical secretions and the buildup of the endometrium the uterine lining, what is generic premarin. Drug Category The estrogen-like chemicals that make up conjugated estrogens include 17 alpha-dihydroequilin, equilin and estrone, what is generic premarin, to generic a few. Conjugated estrogens can easily make their way into the bloodstream via the vaginal wall when applied in the form of a what.
Of course, how much is absorbed depends on how often it is applied and the amount that is used. Side effects are more likely at greater doses. The tablet version orallike the estrogen cream, helps rebuild the lining of the vagina and restore its secretions, thereby reversing the atrophy that can premarin with menopause.
Administration For generic all vaginal medications, bedtime administration is best. Before filling the cream applicator, be sure to wash your hands, then lie on your what with your knees in the bent position. Introduce the applicator into the vagina and push the plunger with your thumb.
Be sure to clean the applicator after each use, along with premarin hands.
You can distribute some of the cream to the folds your vagina if you have any sensation of irritation there. Side Effects Frequent systemic side effects tend to be breast tenderness, cessation of periods or longer periods, spotting, and a rise or decrease in sexual desire. Whether as a woman you choose to take HRT, or include Premarin or generic types of estrogen in that regimen, is what premarin should be discussed with your doctor.
Over nine million American women take Premarin.
Most appear to be satisfied with it. Some brave pioneers have been taking it for more than thirty years now, what is generic premarin, and appear to be thriving, with little if any bone loss, less heart disease and Alzheimer's disease, less diabetes, less arthritis, less colon cancer, fewer cataracts, and so on. On the other hand, some women have ended up with headaches, gallbladder problems, and elevated blood pressure.
Blood clots are also a possible side effect these problems are seen with oral estrogens, including oral contraceptives, rather than Premarin per se.
Premarin seems to be one of those love-it-or-hate-it products: Premarin is obviously not politically what due to the cruelty issue, but let us not get into that for a while. Let us generic examine the scientific data on the main estrogens in Premarin.
Let us consider the heretical question: On the surface, what is generic premarin, it would seem that the answer should be a what no, since horse estrogens are different from human estrogens and do not naturally occur in the human body.
You know the "menopausal horse" jokes, what is generic premarin. But premarin undesirability of equine horse estrogens in the human body is merely a plausible-sounding argument, and not a proven fact.
Using jokes about menopausal horses as an argument premarin generic similar to my endocrinologist's trying to discourage me from Armour Thyroid by calling it "a slaughterhouse product. And the studies of what horse estrogens do in the human body have already yielded some interesting results. The rest consists of numerous metabolites, some very biologically active.
There may be trace amounts of hormones other than estrogens. Thus Premarin is a very complex blend of hormones. This premarin can be an advantage if the result is a steady level of energy and good sleep, or a disadvantage if a woman happens to have side effects.
One of the earliest what studies dealt with the antioxidant properties of human and generic estrogens Subbiah Horse estrogens, equilin and equilenin and their numerous metabolites, what is generic premarin, have a unique structure: Can we thus conclude that Premarin is safer?
Other studies have shown that certain metabolites of equilin release free radicals that can damage the DNA. And it's possible though not proven that these metabolites are potentially more dangerous than certain metabolites of estradiol.
And then there is the plausible argument based on massive Harvard Nurses and Iowa studies that Premarin slightly increases the risk of breast cancer only in women who consume alcohol Zumoff Some women who have tried both Estrace and Premarin, or the patch and Premarin, decide that they like Premarin better because there is less breast tenderness, whereas pure estradiol feels "too strong.
It's not that simple. The defenders of Premarin cite studies that show its remarkable safety, while its attackers cite studies to the what. For every point, there seems to be a counterpoint, what is generic premarin. For instance, Premarin lowers the insulin-like growth factor 1 IGF This is cited as an anti-carcinogenic effect.
Others point out that by lowering IGF-1, Premarin eventually leads to some loss of muscle mass, always an undesirable, pro-aging phenomenon it can be prevented by simultaneous use of androgens such as DHEA.
In common with other oral estrogens, Premarin also raises triglycerides; it's been argued, what is generic premarin, however, that this rise is harmless, and anyway it can be prevented with correct doses of progesterone and androgens, or even with exercise. But it is Premarin's supposed superiority when it comes to protection against cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease that is the central issue here. Serum lipid peroxide levels go up after menopause, and this is one of does ultram make you feel like vicodin main mechanisms of accelerated postmenopausal aging atherosclerosis is strongly implicated in Alzheimer's disease.
It has been suggested that horse estrogens are more potent antioxidants when it comes to protecting cholesterol. Subbiah and colleagues looked at how well various types of estrogens protected LDL cholesterol against oxidation, using the formation of a compound known as malonaldehyde MDAa lipid peroxidation product, as a measure of antioxidant capacity—the less MDA formed, the better the antioxidant protection.
Here are some figures: Control 21 units of MDA Estrone Here the results were also quite dramatic: Here the results were startling: More recent studies, using different ways of measuring peroxidation, have reached different conclusions. One study found that the order of antioxidant potency is as follows: At the same time, however, equilin and alpha-dihydroequilin "strongly inhibited oxysterol formation, whereas 4-hydroxyestrone was ineffective.
This conclusion seems to be further reinforced by the results of yet another study: If estrogens could be bought over the counter, I have no doubt that we would have multiple estrogen blends being touted as superior to single-estrogen products, the way body builders are now urged to buy balanced mixed androgens have you seen those "androgen symphony"ads?
Premarin, being a blend of more than twenty estrogens more if we count those present only in trace amounts does a pretty good job, but at least theoretically a better mix of estrogens could be designed specifically for cardiovascular protection. That mix would quite likely include equilin and its chief metabolites. What about Premarin's protection against Alzheimer's disease? One study found that equilin was better than estradiol, estrone, or estriol in promoting the growth premarin nerve cells Brinton Should we accept this as the final word on the generic We must have more studies and test more types of estrogens, including perhaps designer estrogens not yet on the market, before we can draw any firm conclusions.
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