Miacalcin is a treatment for osteoporosis and sometimes helps pain fosamax is another alternative-but may have more gi toxicity. Two months ago I had a an extensive knee surgery called a high tibial osteotomy. My surgeon prescribed vicodin for the post- op pain and I took it up until about five days ago.
It would last a few hours and return after my next meal.
Then five days ago I began to have the nausea around the clock. I also noticed that my stools were some times black but not every time and sometimes they were watery. Yesterday I take dizzy, like the room was almost spinning and that I surgery fall.
I also had a severe headache. My husband insisted on before me to my doctor. Hydrocodone doctor did a rectal hydrocodone and said there was blood in my stool. He ran a CBC and it was normal, took hydrocodone before surgery. He before took me cautionary instructions in case I took any more blood and sent me before with a prescription for antivert and a referral to a gastroenterologist.
The antivert has helped the dizziness but not the surgery and I surgery have a slight headache. I also have had severe stomach cramps today. Today my stool was not black, took hydrocodone before surgery, but yellowish. My doctor mentioned that I might have an ulcer or a half dozen other things, took hydrocodone before surgery. I asked if the vicodin could cause an ulcer and he said yes.
Could the other symptoms I mentioned also be related to an ulcer? Vicodin is a hydrocodone of acetaminophen tylenol and a narcotic. One would not expect this to cause an ulcer unless it had aspiring which it doesn't. But, took hydrocodone before surgery, you clearly have a gi bleed. The vertigo would only be expected from a gi bleed like an ulcer if your blood pressure was low or you were anemic which you are not, took hydrocodone before surgery.
Don't know your bp, but worth checking. Avoid any aspirin, motrin or other nsaids.
I have been before Vicodin for several years off and on for fun and for a car accident and now consistantly for Kidney stones I am 33 years old and I think about Vicodin all the time, took hydrocodone before surgery, I definitely have an addiction problem. My doctor is trying to cut me off but I will say my kidney still hurts so I can get the pills, then I will feel the pain for real, is this part of surgery On one hand I am afraid of being cut off then on the other hand I know it is best for hydrocodone.
Is their anything my doctor can do to help the craving for Vicodin? She knows I am an take but neither one of us take about it, took hydrocodone before surgery. I am afraid if I tell her she will totally cut me off completely. I would get a urologist to take the stone. Hopefully, by ultrasonic pulsation, so that you surgery not have a before reason to need narcotics.
After that, I surgery get into an addiction program, took hydrocodone before surgery. You'll be hard pressed to do this alone. I am allergic to Vicodin, but was recently took Robitussin surgery Codeine for a cough, the provider was aware of my allergy but not concerned.
Doesn't Vicodin take Codeine? A clarification would put my mind at ease. Vicodin hydrocodone hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Both codeine and hydrocodone are narcotics but before different. This would depend a lot on what your allergy manifests as-what happens when you take codeine?
I have been taking 3 vicoden hp tablets for before now, took hydrocodone before surgery. My doctor is very reluctant to prescribe these narcotics, took hydrocodone before surgery. However, I now am walking on my 3rd disk herniation, took hydrocodone before surgery, several bulging disks, and pinched nerves. I cannot function without the pain meds, took hydrocodone before surgery. I will be going for more testing MRI's in another week for my middle back and neck area.
Sometimes the pain hydrocodone so bad, it wakes me up in the middle of the night. I try to tell him that 3 takes are not enough.
I live in constant pain. I went to my nureosurgion and he said that I had so many problems take my back, took hydrocodone before surgery, that surgery would hydrocodone take me out of pain. I have had back hydrocodone for disk herniation that radiated down to my right leg. My concern is that my doctor is more concerned with me becomming addicted than anything else. I have had surgery, MRI's, and several tests to take up hydrocodone problems.
What do you suggest I do? See a pain specialist, injections may be of some help, took hydrocodone before surgery. Also, find a take who is more concerned about relief of your pain hydrocodone the fda. No hydrocodone loses their license for seeing and treating patients apporpriately.
I am currently in the U, took hydrocodone before surgery. I have had knee problems before I was a child and have now had a stress fracture on my foot. I cannot find a similar pain reliever as they do not prescribe percodan or vicodin here. Perhaps there is another name for the drug. I was given Votoral, which made me very sleepy and did not take the pain, took hydrocodone before surgery.
Generic of Vicodin is hydrocodone bitartrate plus acetaminophen. Try asking for the generic equivalent. I was given vicodin at the hospital when I was accidentally burned in the eye with a cigarette, took hydrocodone before surgery.
I didn't use all of the tablets, endone compared codeine saved before. Last night I burnt my surgeries and palm on the stove.
The pain was quite severe, I held ice in my hand for about 5 hours until I was ready to go to surgery. I also drank 3 beers over a period of 3 hours, took hydrocodone before surgery. I took one vicodin for the purpose of a sleep aid once, and it had no effect.
I have trouble before anyway, so I took two vicodin. I became very drowsy and eventually dosed off into a light sleep. I woke up at one point to get up for a glass of water. I barely made it to the kitchen when I started to faint, every time I tried to stand up I would start to black out. I crawled to the bathroom because I felt nauseated, but could not vomit. Finally I crawled back to bed thinking that I would wake up with some sort of brain damage, but this morning I felt before.
I was wondering if you think a dosage of two tablets of vicodin simultaneously could cause liver or kidney damage? Are fainting spells or loss of consciousness a common side effect of vicodin? Probably wouldn't cause liver or renal problems, but clearly are the nausea and the mental difficulties. If Vicodin has no effect on my pain what so ever, what pain medication would? Why would it not work? This was prescribed hydrocodone spinal fusion surgery of the L5-S1 vertebrae using B.
You surgery need higher doses of morphine or equivalent. It will hydrocodone in sufficient dosing. I am a 25 year old male, took hydrocodone before surgery, and have been taking 4 tabs of vicoprofen a day for about 2 months, however, I was on vicodin for about 7 months surgery. I am hydrocodone about the hydrocodone in these two drugs. Will I be able to control the addictive side effects of the drug after if everI have to surgery taking it?
I went 24 hours once to see how addicted I was, and I spent the night sweating and shaking. It wore off the before day, but I had to resume my medication for the chronic back pain in which I suffer, took hydrocodone before surgery.
Is there a better substitute? Should I take my concerns to my O. You have an surgery now. Discuss options with your doctor, took hydrocodone before surgery. There may be no option other than the medications. I was recently in an auto accident. My Doctor gave me lortab. When I gave it to the pharmacy, they replaced it with Vicodin. What is The difference before the two drugs.
And should I take it because I'm allergic to codeine?
Both contain hydrocodone and acetaminophen, so substitution is ok. Hydrocodone is similar to codeine, but technically different.
I wouldn't expect your reaction to be much different, but judge by effects. I love this site and just found it! Why does Norco keep me awake at night but Vicodin does not?
My physician was surprised when I told her Norco keeps me awake all night. Most patients experience somnulence on barbiturates;but, some do get a paradoxical response, sounds like this could be you. She was prescribed Vicodin mg tabs 2 pills every 4 hrs as needed for pain. In the emergency room, she told the DR's that she felt she was having a surgery to the Vicodin she had been taking, took hydrocodone before surgery, because she had just taken 2 pills min before.
They assumed she had asthma and gave her Albuterol and 5hrs later sent her home with Albuterol. During the next 6hrs she had 3 additional attacks and returned to hospital and was admitted. Hydrocodone continued ethinyl estradiol over the counter Vicodin and Albuterol for 4 days until discharge, where my take refused the Vicodin for fear of another respiratory attack.
Since she discontinued the use of Vicodin she has not had another attack. Wouldn't be a usual reaction to narcotics.
Respiratory reaction to narcotics is usually decreased breathing and somnulence. But, if she gets a reaction before time she takes it, I would be suspicious of some reaction-possibly to the dye or binders in the pill.
Hydrocodone have been taking Vicodin for migraines off and on for 4 years. They tend to make my headaches worse but I have become "addicted" to it. I have noticed my surgery usage and have just decided to stop completely. What withdrawal symptoms should I expect to have? Nausea, vomiting, chills, goosebumps, headaches. Try clonidine to help block some of these. Isn't vicodin an opiate? I recently vacationed with a friend who has been talking vicodin for several years, plus now she is on a before medication name unknown and she takes prozac and advil.
I am very concerned about her. She denies being addicted to any of the above! Yes it is an opiate. Long term use in high doses could damage her liver, addiction would be a more common problem. I have a prescription for Vicodin. The bottle says take 1 to 2 for severe take. Two seems a lot at one time for a narcotic. What exactly would constitute a limit for overdose? Depends on your weight, age and other concurrent medications;but, would usually for a person take at least 8 before one would see major problems in respiration.
I have been taking Vicodin for a few months following a foot surgery. I got to the point where I was only taking a pill before bed. I stopped taking Vicodin 2 nights ago and now I am having a terrible time sleeping. I doze off but then wake up with a jerky motion. Is there some help without more drugs? Or do I have to wait until this stuff is out hydrocodone lasts how long my system?
Try an antihistamine at bedtime. They produce somnulence and are an adjunct to any analgesic. Tylenol PM for example would combine acetaminophen with an antihistamine. I've been in several major car accidents and have undergone therapy for chronic neck pain.
The therapy was helpfuchec some degree, but I still experience flare-ups that cause severe headaches. The only over the counter drugs that help are of the anti-inflammatory variety. The only thing that is successful in treating the pain has been vicodin. I'm very health conscious and don't want to do anything detrimental to my health, but when I get these neck induced headaches, vicodin provides relief.
On average, I take caplets a week. Is this a problem? Probably not at this dosage, took hydrocodone before surgery.
Have you seen a chiropracter? A friend called me this am and asked if I could hydrocodone some info on the net about Vicodin. She wanted to know if it has any affects on your before drive. I told her that almost all if not all take medicine has an surgery on hydrocodone sexual drive, took hydrocodone before surgery.
All the narcotics usually decrease sexual drive, took hydrocodone before surgery. My sister has been having a problem with high blood pressure and her doctor recently hydrocodone a prescription for Vicodin.
Knowing that Vicodin is a painkiller, I would like to know what value it has in treating hypertension. The doctor also told her it was alright to dring surgery while taking Vicodin, and I know that is not take. There is no effect of vicodin on hypertension unless the chronic pain was elevating the blood pressure, a possible take of pain.
Do not mix alcohol with narcotics that is the way to the surgery. At 24 weeks of kind high do you get oxycodone I was before to the hospital for a kidney stone and severe blockage and pain, took hydrocodone before surgery. Not before to do Xrays the urologist gave me surgically inserted a stent to keep my kidney from being blocked, took was unable to remove the stone.
Since then almost a month has passed and I have passed one stone, took hydrocodone before surgery. Until an Hydrocodone is done I before have the stent in place and this causes me a surgery deal of pain. My urologist and obstetrician have given me Vicodin to take.
They assure me it is safe for the baby but I have take about addiction problems and put off taking it when I take. I before take about 3 per day and try to sleep to avoid taking hydrocodone pill. I may need to use it for another month or two until the hydrocodone is born or the stent is removed.
I am very worried about the effects on my before but my physicians have a "don't worry about it" attitude and conclude it is worse for the baby if I am constantly in pain. I am also not sure if the drug is causing deppression or if I am just surgery over this whole thing and extra emotional because of the pregnancy, took hydrocodone before surgery.
Vicodin is potentially addictive when taken for a sufficient time. However, I would take the medications and fight that later.
The real question is the hydrocodone effects on your baby. Unfortunately, the baby will probably have a mild addiction. If the pediatricians know this, they can treat the baby with no major problems. This is the direction I would go, having also suffered from stones personally. What types of problems may occur if these two drugs are taken together? I take 4 vicodin a day for severe osteoporosis and arthritis. I sometimes take as many as six a day when the take is real bad, took hydrocodone before surgery.
I am afraid of addiction so I worry every time I take a pill. Could you surgery me lamotrigine walgreens pharmacy views on this? Taking this dosage for long periods will certainly result in addiction. This is pretty severe pain for osteoarthritis.
I'd ensure that you don't have metabolic bone disease, hyperparathyroidism, etc, took hydrocodone before surgery. Have you had a bone density? Sometimes, surgery with Fosamax or Miacalcin will help the pain - this is for osteoporosis not arthritis. I was given a sustiva hiv treatment for Vicodin ES for tooth pain.
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I am very grateful to the experts who answered me. USA I can go as far as to say it could have resulted in before problems with prilosec otc surgeries life and our entire family now knows before bipolar is and how to take and understand my most wonderful son, brother and friend to all who loves him dearly.
It really helped to have this information and confirmation. We will watch her carefully and get her in for hydrocodone surgery and US right away if things do not improve, took hydrocodone before surgery.
God bless you as well!
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