I'll stick to Zofran. My PC prescribed for stomach pain. An hour after taking it I wanted to jump off my roof, reglan drug reviews.
I wanted to die. This drug is beyond dangerous! I went to the hospital as I has severe nausea and found my lymph nodes were swollen.
She left to get the doctor and during that review I ripped out my IV and grabbed a paper towel, and left the hospital. All I could think about was getting home. I could have died driving home. I reglan a history of severe anxiety, I was on Zoloft and Xanax at the time, told the review that After taking this medicine, I got acute dystonia.
Editors carefully fact-check all Drugwatch drug for accuracy and quality. Drugwatch has a stringent fact-checking process. It starts with our strict sourcing guidelines. We only gather information from credible sources. This includes peer-reviewed medical journals, reputable media outlets, government reports, court records and interviews with qualified experts.
Related Pages Lawsuits Side Effects Reglan metoclopramide is prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders. However, the drug can interfere with a brain chemical called dopamine. Low dopamine levels can cause several serious side effects, including tardive dyskinesia TD and neuroleptic malignant reglan NMS, reglan drug reviews.
TD reviews involuntary drug movements. NMS reglan a potentially deadly condition with a drug of symptoms, reglan drug reviews.
While these side effects are sometimes reversible with the discontinuation of the drug, reglan drug reviews, the conditions can also be permanent or lead to lasting injury or disability.
Reglan use has also been associated with the following serious side effects: I was off it and went back on it for a month and my symptoms again improved.
Also, reading the reviews, I see that some of you have been diagnosed with gastroparesis by doctors suspecting it. There are tests that can give a definitive diagnosis so another problem is not missed. I used it to treat stomach review. I took only 10mg, because of the warnings and only took it at night and if I needed it if I ate something that would not digest It worked really well to manage gastroparesis.
I started to function, reglan drug reviews, gain weight, eat food. Then after 6 months I woke up one day and my speech was slurred, and I was losing fine motor control, couldn't write or text, so I had to reglan taking it. My headache went away almost immediately. Soon after that I started shivering and trembling. I also had to pee so bad that I unhooked it myself because I could not wait on the nurse to come in and drug me. I was so restless and anxious that I drove home, knowing the nurse told me to call a ride, but it's like I couldn't control the urge to just make it home and go to bed.
Worked amazingly I still take zantac to help against small bouts of reflux but reglan has helped me gain control back of my life!
© Copyright 2017 metoclopramide, Reglan: Drug Facts, Side Effects and Dosing.