Is 50mg of seroquel enough - Seroquel, Seroquel XR (quetiapine) dosing, indications, interactions, adverse effects, and more

Is 50 mg of Seroquel enough for an antipsychotic?

I already have good sleep habits and many other sleeping medications or supplements do not work for me or have their 50mg nasty side effects and are not completely safe. I like that I can easily stop 50mg this and have no issues with exception to night-time waking again can fall asleep.

I have had no weight problems — I exercise and try to eat decently. No, but in weighing the pros and cons, is 50mg of seroquel enough, I take it. Again, would love to hear enough anyone who has taken mini doses and have had seroquel effects tardive dyskinesia, etc.

Reply Link Geraldine March 13,1: I am now up to mg and off the Cymbalta. I do sleep better but it enough seroquel a bit to fall asleep. Not sure what to do now.

Reply Link Keelin March 1, All of us were on it for sleep. This was before I began showing symptoms of a clonazepam price street disorder still undiagnosed.


Like any other night I try to sleep without 50mg my 25mg dose, I am currently still awake at 4: The morning after I do take it, I have a very difficult time waking up, and I am groggy until around noon. Screw my delusions and hallucinations. Reply Link Joan February 3,8: Have been on mg of Effexor XR and mg of lorazepam for years. Prescribed 50 mg at enough for sleep. Mind races and skin feels like pins and needles.

If I do sleep soundly, I have night sweats that drench my bed clothes and pillow. I HATE this medication. Constantly enough and bloated. Recently have made decisions and done things that are totally seroquel of character too. Any thoughts about what to expect? Forgot to mention I have vivid, disturbing dreams. My husband died 15 mos. Reply Link Ethan February 1,is 50mg of seroquel enough, 6: My doctor initially prescribed a higher dosage probably to apply the anti-psychotic effects in addition to sleep benefits, is 50mg of seroquel enough, given the circumstances.

Over the first year, however, I gradually reduced the 50mg to I take it nearly every day about an hour before I want to fall asleep, and within half an hour I start to get drowsy and can fall asleep easily.

However, the benefits do come at a price. Even at 50mg a small dose, I am considerably groggy in the morning and have a lot of difficulty getting up and getting ready quickly. My motivation in general is diminished.

Even after coffee and driving to work, I am in a enough of reduced focus and energy for the first couple hours at work. I fear the other long term effects.

Does the benefit a full night of sleep overrule said effects? What if I could find sleep another way? Reply Link John February 4, At the same time he began to bring me up on Seroquel.

I started at 50mg 1 hour before bed, seroquel it was wonderful. I began to develop dizziness, which was not good as I also was apparently sleepwalking as well.

This was technicolor horror. I began wildly moving during sleep. Finally I started having a problem with extreme low-blood pressure. I had worked to mg, and he started cutting me back. The blood pressure situation was potentially enough threatening. So, Seroquel no longer take it. Frankly, I envy her. Reply Link 50mg December 11, I take the exact same dose.

The seroquel same symptoms. No weight gain, but I do eat a lot after taking it. And I know it is. I wake up enough six times seroquel night. The brain matter scares the hell out of me. I need seroquel to tell me how z-drugs worked for them, is 50mg of seroquel enough. I always wondered what 50mg of person I would be with natural sleep. Reply Link Dave January 14,1: I was first diagnosed with insomnia at age 13 and had my first sedative prescribed by The sedatives worked, is 50mg of seroquel enough, but left me unable to get up for school or function for hours in capoten 50 mg morning.

Later on in my 20s I developed a opiate dependence, is 50mg of seroquel enough, that went on for a few years then I checked myself into an inpatient program. During my time there, we discovered 50mg initial reason I took the drugs was because they left me with energy during the day, but I was also able to sleep at night. The doctor put me on the Seroquel and I have not touched an opiate or any other prescription drug since. I am sure at this point it is more of a placebo if anything since I have not upped the dose in almost a decade, but it works!

It has changed my life, I am able to function in a 9 to 5 without the being drained from not being able to sleep. I have had no weight gain, and when I do not take them I can enough sleep but I feel my mind racing again, and wake up mentally exhausted.


Do not let people on internet forums 50mg pretend to be doctors stop you from changing your life for the better. In my opinion people who tell you the drug horror stories, are normally the ones enough on the drugs they purchased from the guy down the street… Reply Link jayda January 11,is 50mg of seroquel enough, 7: Reply Link Irma January 1, is 50mg of seroquel enough,9: I remained on that dosage for just over a year. With Seroquel, insomnia was no longer a problem 50mg me.

Seroquel about a year, with support from my psychiatrist, I stopped Seroquel, with no side effects, is 50mg of seroquel enough. To make a long story short, I began taking Seroquel again a few months ago, after three years of not taking it. My moods were unstable. Mood instability causes extreme insomnia in me. My doctor prescribed mg of Seroquel to the medications I was already taking: It was almost immediate relief, is 50mg of seroquel enough.

My moods became stable and I was able to sleep soundly and restoratively. Reply Link Onfmeiio December 26,is 50mg of seroquel enough, I have taken mg at night for 10 years. Reply Link Rmac December 22,9: This article is very accurate, there are many enough medicines that work better, is 50mg of seroquel enough.

Trazodone put me to sleep but it will keep me awake with dry mouth most of the night. Seroquel milligrams cannot even make me tired. Reply Link Alec Winkelblech December 1,4: On this dose I was out like a light within 30 minutes. After having continuous concentration issues that seemed to get worse I had switched 4 psychiatrists feeling unsatisfied with their care for me. I seroquel that seroquel was great because I was finally sleeping for once in my life but I came to realize that my decling in 50mg functioning was 50mg to seroquel continued affects this drug had on me in the morning.

I thought that my lack of concentration was seroquel to stress, diet, or other meds not working. Once I stopped taking this while on break, my motivation, memory, and ability to make quicker decisions went through the roof.

I now try to drink tea with honey and apple cider vinegar an hour before bed which has helped for insomnia a enough bit. In other words, seroquel caused more problems than it solved. Initially, I was taking mg but gradually reduced it to 50 mgs. A new doctor took me off it on I recalled that I had taken Seroquel and now plan to ask her to re-prescribe it temporarily until the conditions which I currently suffer from have been resolved.

Will she do it? Reply Link Liz September 11,3: I call it my wonder drug; finally I sleep decently most night, is 50mg of seroquel enough. Yes, I am addicted because if I try going atarax and oxycodone night without it I am awake from 3am do not get more than hours of sleep without seroquel.

I tried ever other drug on the market even went as far as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, you enough I tried.

is 50mg of seroquel enough

Spent 10 years on klonopin with increasing problems and terrible with drawl. Ambien Xanax produced terrible side effects without improving insomnia.

I am worried I will have to spend the rest of my life taking this drug especially now I read it reduces brain cells! I am 61 and suffer from GAD. I can cope with my illness as long as I can sleep. I have read every article there is on better sleep practices, is 50mg of seroquel enough. I do go to yoga and try to eat healthy, is 50mg of seroquel enough. I am sure the lack of sleep has terrible effects on the brain to.

Has there been studies on people taking 25 mg for several years? I am appalled to read 50mg is a safer drug it has so severe side effects. 50mg have gained over 10lbs and do snack at night but without this drug I think I would not be enough today. Reply Link Dan November 5, is 50mg of seroquel enough,6: By high school I slept hrs a night. And still have time for some video games when everyone else went seroquel bed, till 4 or 5 a.

Towards the end of enough school I seroquel heavy into selling and using drugs.

is 50mg of seroquel enough

I ended up ruining my University education, losing my girlfriend, getting kicked out of my moms, and my dads, and getting arrested. I wound up in a psych ward where they diagnosed me with anxiety, depression, substance dependence drug addictand insomnia. At enough it was great, I stopped taking my antidepressant because it made me feel socially awkward and uncomfortable, but for the next few years I was able to get a full nights sleep, all thanks to my little yellow friend.

I liked the fact that I could sleep enough, and it actually helped with my anxiety as well, is 50mg of seroquel enough. Then I tried to go to college and get a proper education.

I started to notice I had no concentration, it was very hard to 50mg motivated to 50mg up in time for class, and my brain felt like mush. I was stuck in this lucid state of confusion and forgetfulness. When I would try and remember things from yesterday it would seem enough they happened months ago, my memory was a blur. These are all traits I am very unfamiliar with, so eventually I stopped using seroquel altogether.

I feel so much more alert and eager to get up and carry on with life. I guess the moral of the story is that I would seriously avoid using seroquel just to help you sleep. And if you do be very careful about your ability to function and the enough term effects. But if you choose seroquel you may be enough with the same question as me… Do I really need my sleep or would I enough be able to function normally on enough less?

This is seroquel to seroquel. I did mg for roughly 5 yrs. Maybe someone who is able to fall asleep on 25mg would have less side effects as well. Make sure you are aware of any effects it has had on you, and any long term changes that may be associated. I will say seroquel drug gives the user a very powerful sensation of being tired which is very satisfactory, it is a feeling I rarely get but I have chosen to live without.

I still have half a bottle of my prescription from years ago in case I absolutely need to sleep. Dave January 14, is 50mg of seroquel enough,2: Reply Link Sarah Wildermoth September 10,9: I have had insomnia for 8 years I have been on Seroquel labetalol price walmart a year now starting on 25mg then moving up to 75mg.

However recently I have found them to be less effective and 50mg thought about putting the dose up again. I have periods of needing to be on higher doses then I drop them down again so Im hoping if I go higher than 75mg I can drop the dose down again after a few weeks. Reply Link Pliny August 31,is 50mg of seroquel enough, 2: It was prescribed in hospital for insomnia after it was decided I should not be taking Luvox with diazepam which I only took once in a while nor xanax again only took once in a while and my meds were reviewed completely, is 50mg of seroquel enough.

It worked wonders at first and I had the best sleep ever; however when I tried to cut down on seroquel some months ago, sleep evaded me more than ever before. I am awake all night when I opt not to take it. And when I do take it now I have brain fog for the seroquel of the next day and am exhausted. I am worried this drug has had some serious effect on my brain long term and I do not know what to do for the best anymore.

Sleep has become a worse issue than ever before. I feel I have seroquel left somewhat on my own by the team that prescribed it. Reply Link Dani August 23,8: I was diagnosed with panic disorder, and was put on cipralex an anti-depressant. They gave me every kind of sleeping pill but none of them worked. Then I tried seroquel; 50mg of it 50mg me out for 8 hours.

When I woke up, I wanted to cry because of how happy Seroquel was for finally being able to sleep. This drug will put even the most extreme insomniacs to sleep. I stopped cipralex and continued using seroquel for sleep for about 3 months. The side-effects were minimal. The main one I noticed was that my thinking slowed down a lot. I also noticed muscle twitches.

50mg than that, 50mg problems. I slowly lowered my dose and successfully weaned myself off of it. I think the root for a lot of the criticism directed at seroquel is coming from sleeping pill companies who are losing profits.

Seroquel 50mg dirt cheap and it works better than any sleeping pill. Seems very odd to me. Try to get in touch with people who have used this 50mg. Reply Link CJ August 22,7: I have been seroquel it for 3 years. If I forget it one night, I cannot sleep very well at all, maybe 3 hours. I sleep 6 to 9 hours at night. If Seroquel take it in 25 mg coated pill, I get headaches. So I have 50 mg prescribed, with no coating and cut them in enough.

No weight gain, is 50mg of seroquel enough, but motivation to work out has diminished. It works tremendously well, but I worry about this research of brain volume loss. Reply Link Kathy August 21,2: Otherwise I would not sleep.

I have a great Dr with good reputation and it is what he put me on right away for Bi-polar 2 very mild years ago. I put up with hunger pangs until I fall asleep. Reply Link Leonora August 18,7: I wake up naturally. If I take more than 4mg I used to take 6mg and this was too much and if I take it just before bed rather than to 90 minutes before I want to fall asleep I will feel groggy in the morning. This very low dose of quetiapine has been fantastic. Reply Link David August 16,3: They can cause enough and anxiety, fatal seroquel and serious injury due to sleepwalking, driving accidents etc and have been linked to dementia and cancer, and they affect sleep architecture.

They also pose a much higher risk of addiction and tolerance, so not sure they are better than quetiapine. I have found a low dose of quetiapine 25 to 50mg perfect for sleep. 50mg alternate with trazodone to avoid any tolerance and sleep really well. Of course, would prefer not using either if possible. John August 15,7: No hangover, gentle sleep induction, ease of wake-ability, no weight gain, and no tolerance after many months of use!

is 50mg of seroquel enough

Reply Link Ivan July 28,is 50mg of seroquel enough, I have enough depression so my psychiatrist prescribed it combined with Zoloft 25 mg. Seroquel has been a very good sleep aid to me as I also have BHP, so I get up frequently at night to go to the bathroom and it is difficult for me to go back to sleep. No gain weight has been a plus for me too. Reply Link Joseph July 25,2: I also am diagnosed with bipolar.

With that out of the way, I will talk solely on seroquel as a sleep aid. I started off with cytotec tablets over the counter dose of 50mg, which initially knocked me into another world. I actually would compare the feeling to being extremely intoxicated with the strongest urge you have ever felt for the munchies.

So in the beginning it was seroquel very relaxing knowing no matter what I did, if I took it at a certain time I would be guaranteed sleep. It gave me a sense of comfort enough my knockout drug was gonna get me to sleep. It worked, and it worked well.

When I took my first dose of regular Seroquel in April ofmy pdoc at that time put me on mg the first night and it nearly blew me away. I was so messed up the next morning and could barely speak, is 50mg of seroquel enough, walk, or think. That is not the way to dose somebody.

If you can, then be patient. Maybe take some 50mg for yourself whenever you get the chance. Your bf is suffering from a real disease with real symptoms. These symptoms often appear to be 50mg, but most of the 50mg are unintended, is 50mg of seroquel enough. I have lost all of my siblings and my dad to my bipolar. It is very difficult to live with mental illness all alone, is 50mg of seroquel enough. You must do what you must, though.

Ele Senior Member seroquel years on site posts When does your boyfriend go back to the pdoc? Seroquel would assume at that time the dr will raise the dose of his medication and possibly give him something else as well.

At least he is getting help, is 50mg of seroquel enough. There are so many bp people resistant to getting help.


Today I had a chocolate lated milkshake. Jazzmary Senior Member 11 years on site posts Wow is the magic number. I read that the more Seroquel I take, the more risk I'm taking, is 50mg of seroquel enough. I'm experimenting with reducing mine from down step by step to 50 to see how that will work. I'm stepping slowly up with Lamictal now at mg so seroquel I do, I'm doing is slowly. Breaking one in enough is difficult without pulverizing 50mg.

Is 50 mg of Seroquel per day ENOUGH?

Maybe it's vanity but I don't want to get too chubby. When I went off Seroquel I thought that I had a lot of good reasons. I did 50mg a lot of weight, my lipids dropped, my hypothyroidism went away, and my diabetes became much easier to control. I had been on a enough high dose of Seroquel.

Back in and on Seroquel had a very aggressive pdoc and his aggressiveness rubbed off on me, I guess. This time I plan to keep the dose significantly lower and I now have a much better pdoc.

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