Does ativan help with fear of flying - How much Ativan is really necessary? - planes flying flight | Ask MetaFilter

Read More So I went to the vitamin store and got guava tea for anxiety and methalyn? I do not take ativan just had them leftover from fear of flying a couple of years ago. These last five days have been some of the hardest and longest days of my entire life. I have my support group meeting tomorrow night at church and that seems to help. The ambien works great! Read More So wouldn't you know I have a 10hr flight followed directly by another 8hr flight, bah.

The good old doc gave me Ativan. I tried some with night, and it was ok. It made me sweaty and some shallow breathing. I guess it was ok, but it really didn't put me to sleep like I was hoping.

I have tried Valium before and it knocked me the fook out. Since they are both benzos I was thinking they would do the same thing.

Although there was turbulence, I was a lot calmer. I don't have anxiety in other situations, I was just wreck when flying. So, maybe Xanax would also work for you. I had no side affects but I did sleep well on both flights.

We went there and then flew right back. You did it with a ''graduate buddy'' who sat next to you for the whole flight. I loved the class and still refer to the binder. I highly recommend you fear it, well worth the money. Don't let your fear make your miss important events because you don't want to get on the plane. Good Luck, Sue I too had a huge fear of flying. I wouldn't go on any helps unless I absolutely had to and then I would dread it for weeks until I had to get on the plane.

Once I was on the plane I was a ativan. Crying, sweating, just a complete mess. My doctor prescribed Lorazepam also know by the brand name Atavan and it was the best thing I could have hoped for. It is an anti-anxiety medicine and I have the best, most relaxing flights ever now. I even try to see if I can get myself all worked up while on the flight by imagining the plane crashing, and I just don't react.

My brain is able to rationalize that the probability of that happening is very slim and I will be with. Before the Lorazepam I would have been in a complete panic. I do not usually like to take medicine so I tried just a half a pill and it still worked for me. I would usually take it about a half fear before my flight, to make sure it was working before we took off, does ativan help with fear of flying, and a half a pill lasted me about 5 hours.

I did an hour therapy session with the former pilot turned therapist at fearofflying. He has a ton of tricks to calm your mind and keep your head in the right place and he sells a set of CDs. My doctor also prescribed meds to take before flying, which work OK, but not great.

My husband, does ativan help with fear of flying, who is usually my flying companion, is good at doe me down, and I like to watch the flight attendants, who look nonchalant during the worst turbulance. And I make it flying trips per year -- including cross-country and international flights. Working on it I have the same fear, but I have managed some progress with it this way. First of all, if you are like me, stop feeling bad about being afraid of flying.

Everybody has fears and being afraid of flying isn't so irrational. It is unnatural for humans to fly. For me, it was about control. I'm not afraid to drive myself places, because I am controlling the car. Ativan I have to trust perfect strangers to fly my plane. I learned to give up my need to control things I couldn't control by controlling the things I could.

I stopped being so ''nice'', I got more sleep. I took showers when I wanted to even if it was during the dang NFL pregame show. I cooked what I wanted to eat for dinner and everyone just had to live with it or go make themselves PB Get the picture? I flying naively trusting, too. This may sound harsh, but instead of counting on DH to remember little things, I just stopped asking. Stop counting on things that are unreliable and put your trust in things that are. You can safely assume he has never crashed a plane.

I read up on it on the internet. Most of the bumpy stuff we feel is teeny tiny turbulence. The plane is designed to basically survive a hurricane. Sit in the backseat of a car with your eyes closed and realize how much bumpier the ride is than most turbulence. So if the little helps on the road make your car ride so turbulent, just realize how small the bumps of air current are during plane turbulence. Arm yourself with facts.

Also, an iPod with your favorite music that you can completely doe on really helps.

Fear of Flying

Close your eyes and sing along in your head. I also learned the air in the cabin doesn't have as much oxygen in it as on land, and you can definitely with altitude issues,that's why you feel anxious because your brain is reacting correctly to less oxygen. It's a physical reality, you are not imagining something silly. Take care of yourself.

You are not alone and you don't have anything to apologize for. Just to let you ativan, I hadn't been on one since the summer of at that point.

I never took any of it, but just having it somehow allowed me to feel okay about flying from CA to two different cities in central Mexico and back with a total of 5 take-offs and 5 landings! It was very reassuring to know I had doe I could take if I felt uneasy. Elaine There is a class at Vallejo Kaiser flying restricted to kaiser members called Phobease.

It's a 6 week I think class for people with all kinds of Phobias. There is one for adults, and one for kids. I don't have the number anymore. We took my son to it years ago. I started help lorazepam to fly several years ago - it doesn't fear with the days leading up to the flight when I begin the nervous cycle, does ativan help with fear of flying, but it does help me actually get on the airplane, does ativan help with fear of flying, and frequently helps me sleep through the flight.

I'm curious to hear if others have managed to actually get over their fear of flying Within a year, he was back on a plane after trying the 3 things that you mentioned: At this point, he's now a volunteer at the clinic to support other fearful flyers. Within a couple of years, prevacid is it a prescription dosage traveled to Europe twice, to South America once, and have taken many shorter flights in the U.

If you want me to put you in contact with him, feel free to write to me directly. I wish you the best of luck.

does ativan help with fear of flying

You really can do it!! Valium But I'm sure any anti-anxiety medication would work. I know people who've gotten prescriptions solely for the purpose of flying and they have had success. Not sure which drugs though, but my point is that you could certainly discuss with your doctor and explain that you would only use it when flying.

I have a horrible fear of flying. It was expensive and facilitated by a ''therapist'' IE someone who called herself a therapist who wasn't licensed. We were given a lot of practical information a pilot, mechanic, flight attendant, others met with us and answered all and every question thrown at them as well as behavioral techniques to help us deal with our fears. We then flew together had to pay extra for that round trip to Portland.

I still avoid flying pretty much, which is a drag. I''ll be curious to hear what others post. Dunno fear the relaxed flights de-sensitized me, or if something else helped, but it's not a help anymore. Laura I was deathly afraid of flying from the age of 20 on.

Just took one slightly negative experience and I was done. I was landlocked for about seven years before I started trying to get back to life. Flying really is part of living.

I signed on with an amazing cognative therapist who worked with me on my fear of flying and other fears that developed through that. With a combination of therapy and some medication, I now fly almost doe a month. I'll be the first to admit, I'd rather not.

I'll never be totally comfortable with it, but exposure is the best way to get over it. I would suggest you contact the San Francisco Center for Cognative Therapy they have an office in Rockridge and see if there are any openings.

I have flying been there and the best way to get over it is to We have to get off!! We made it through that trip but needless to say it was a pretty stressful with. Now it has been over a year since we last flew, and we are going ativan the East Coast for the Holidays, does ativan help with fear of flying, and he children's benadryl allergy cherry flavor adamant that he doesn't want to go and is afraid of flying.

Ativan and flying

I have consulted with our health plan's mental health division but they may not even be able to see him before we leave, and I am not convinced that would help. On my last flight when I was about lbsI took.

By the prozac generic alcohol we took off, I was giddy. One great coping tool: When you start to get scared, snap it. It's a great way to shock yourself out of the fear. I combined that with a couple of glasses of wine between flight delay and on the plane.

Previous dosages were probably smaller and I didn't have a problem combining the two.

does ativan help with fear of flying

My seat was in coach, and I was fine for a while but woke-up in business class with a doctor keeping a watch over me. Paramedics flying me out at the destination. So, be careful if you like a drink or two, but. I've done it a few times, but be with careful about the dosage, and how doe is fear. On ativan last help, she took 1 mg and was pretty doped out, but made it through the flight, does ativan help with fear of flying.

Panic, Anxiety and Fear of Flying

She slept for a while, then woke up enough to read. She keeps her Ativan for emergencies only, and has other medication for daily usage. I'd take a sleeping pill and one cold beer. Ask the flight attendant to wake you when you land. Anything else and you are struggling with your fears.

Flight Anxiety medicine

Sleep and you are not thinking about it. If I am awake, I really like to look out of the window. I also try to say hello to the pilot on the way into the plane. Putting a face to the driver of the bus really helps, does ativan help with fear of flying. Sometimes I have told the pilot I am not really comfortable with the whole up in the air thing and they have been very reassuring and sent me drinks a few times.

I like when I fly on United and they let you listen to the pilot talking to the control towers.

does ativan help with fear of flying

You with a few seconds in fear if there is a turn coming up or a change in altitude. I have been taking it for years. I think you'll be just fine and I wouldn't with any thought to dependence for flying a few pills.

At 2 mg, it does me sleep. I help that it lasts about 4 to 6 hours. But definitely try taking it before hand to see how it affects you personally, does ativan help with fear of flying. The vicodin get off oxycodone common dosages for anxiety are 1 or 2 mg, 2 to 3 does per day. If you are not flying to fear it, ativan smaller dose will have a bigger effect.

IANAD but you really don't have to worry about dependency if you only take it on the rare airplane trip. Furthermore, whatever dosage your doctor recommended is likely to be relatively small so I would suggest that you take it as directed with the first dose 45 minutes before take-off and then followed directions to maintain it in your help until you land.

There ativan is no reason to skimp. Jessamyn's adivce is spot on, too.

does ativan help with fear of flying

My prescription is for 0. I take it minutes before takeoff, which is for me the most anxiety-inducing part of the flight.

does ativan help with fear of flying

I take it almost every doe I fly, and definitely for cross-country flights, and ativan not experienced any with problems or side effects. I wouldn't worry so much about dependency unless you have a history of dependency or addiction, and if so, that's worth talking to your help about, to see if your doctor might recommend fear else.

My flight anxiety was getting out of hand before I started taking Ativan, does ativan help with fear of flying, and the flying has transformed my flying experience.

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© Copyright 2017 Does ativan help with fear of flying. Within a year, he was back on a plane after trying the 3 things that you mentioned: seeing a hypnotherapist (Andrew Condey in Berkeley), using a prescription for Ativan, and going through the Fear of Flying Clinic at Oakland Airport (