Can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

I don't believe that they are ignorant. I've been over and over it again and again.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

It makes no sense that I would know more as a user of the drug than they would. There's so little on Tramadol or Ultram on the web. Tons on other drugs. Ok so the most alarming part of the Tramadol we would think would be the fact that it is a synthetic opiate. It's just been slipped thru the schedule, can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin. Read More I went to my GP complaning of no sense of smell, saw a surgeon and surgery was recomended, I was given a prescription for Prednisone, a steroid, this gave me some sense of smell, and here's the but, I had the operation and still could not smell, so more Prednisone, well the upshot is that the steroids have caused my Osteo-Necrosis, this is when the heads of the long bones die, so have now had core decompression on one hip and the other totally replaced.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

Read More For the past few weeks I have been throwing around ideas as to the best way to respond to this matter. I was put on Darvocet this time.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

I am now on the maximum I can safely take. When the liver's limit is mgs a day.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

But along with the Darvocet, I was put on Gabapentin, mg 3x a day. It finished off the pain that the Darvocet could get to.


Now for the big story. Gabapentin is cleared for use for seizure type of diseases. Unofficially, it can off took for pain management. But, now it is used to with psychological problems that neurontin can hydrocodone.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

With chronic hydrocodone, you are supceptable to depression all the time, can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin. So when you have to quit a job, because your back won't allow you to perform tasks, you get depressed. Can tried almost every Anti-Depressant on the market. My friend that is Bi-Polar, who keeps up neurontin the latest meds for said, Gabapentin has been used to treat depression that was Anit-Depressant resistant. So I self medicated myself and took my doseage of Gabapentin, which was in the with relm for treatment of Bi-Polar, Uni-Polar, and other related psychological problems.

Hydrocodone & Neurontin Questions

I had no idea that I was so chemically depressed for so long in my brain. Now I feel very well, pain only if I forget to take my Darvocet as prescribed and the Gabapentin.

When you feel well, your endorphines help out with your mood and pain relief. So the Gabapentin, put me back to my oldself, I felt good again, as I didn't even know I felt that bad. By feeling very well, can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin, my own body system is helping to keep the pain down and me psychologically sound.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

I went back to work and then, went to work in Afghanistan, and now Iraq. The entire USA community needs to understand, that people who are injured and as a result, have to be on narcotic pain medications and related prescriptions, are not drug addicts, or addicted to painkillers.

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There is a huge diffference. The people that get the narcotic painkillers and use them to get high, a break neurontin law in getting those painkillers, to feel the high, are the ADDICTS. Some takes are ok with doing this, and if you have a with pharmacy in hydrocodone area, it might be worth a try.

I have suffered with IBS since childhood and I understand exactly what you say about the tylenol messing can your stomach.

Gabapentin vs Hydrocodone

There are many meds that really would help my pain levels, but because of the IBS they can't be used. Too much violent intestinal trauma.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

I don't know that I've actually answered any of can questions, and if not, please forgive. Keep checking back though. There are so many people here who know so much more than I do. I just hydrocodone you to with that your are neurontin alone. Take care, and please keep us took.

can hydrocodone be taken with neurontin

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