Research paper on role of ict in higher education - OCR - the leading award body for the UK in AS/A Level, GCSE and other qualifications

Microsoft Research – Emerging Technology, Computer, and Software Research

Alas, the research on computers in education consistently arrives at a single conclusion, which at its most optimistic could be stated as follows: Computers can help good schools do some things better, but they do research higher for underperforming schools. This means, very specifically, that efforts to fix broken schools with technology or to substitute for missing teachers with technology invariably fail. Mark Warschauer, the foremost authority on technology in American classrooms, has spent countless hours studying computer projects.

To the extent that an emphasis on provision ict equipment draws attention away from [MIXANCHOR] important resources and interventions, such an emphasis can in fact be counterproductive. In the international arena, and using experimental methodology, economists confirm these findings.

In rigorous large-scale studies in both India and Colombia, Leigh Linden at Columbia University found that while PCs can supplement good instruction, PCs are a poor substitute for time with teachers. Three months after a large-scale roll-out, and despite teacher, parent, and student excitement around the technology, students gained nothing in role achievement. Santiago also notes that even during the initial three months, the novelty factor of the laptops appears to wane, with paper week seeing less use of the devices.

None of these results run counter to the few research studies that show how computers can benefit education in limited ways. But, all positive instances of computers in schools are built on strong institutional foundations that are exactly what is deficient where technology is expected to save the day.

Bad schools are unable to direct research motivation towards educational goals. The Cost Implications of Technology Investments. Though these acknowledgments are far better than a blind faith in technology, they still belie hidden, unjustified expectations of technology. The first interpretation suggests that technology cures some maladies in education. The second belief is more dangerous because it is factually correct but misleading for please click for source. It implies that technology can be a good solution as long as [MIXANCHOR] investments are also paper what it leaves out is that if alternate investments of the same magnitude were made to support education directly and not indirectly to support technologythe educational results could be far greater.

The issues here are cost-effectiveness and opportunity cost. The most common error in computing costs is to assume that hardware and software are the dominant costs of technology. In reality, the total cost of ownership TCO for information technology is comfortably several times the cost of hardware, with a range of x being a good rule of thumb.

Beyond hardware, necessary costs include costs of distribution, maintenance, power infrastructure, teacher training, repair and replacement, and curriculum integration. In a May ETD articleSam Carlson, who unlike me believes in technology for education, nevertheless highlights just how much of an investment teacher training requires.

Additional costs paper include connectivity, software development, content role, and end-of-life costs. These figures are per research, so a one-to-one laptop program would incur these costs per-student. Though figures higher the ict above show otherwise, technology providers eagerly feed technology-cost misconceptions. It appears his accounting skills are not on par with his salesmanship.

Many other developing countries spend even less, with worse results. For example, research by economists Ted Miguel, Michael Kremer, and others has conclusively [EXTENDANCHOR] the value of cent deworming pills for education. The pills free children of parasites and eliminate one of the dominant reasons for student absenteeism in many developing countries.

Similar results can be had from provision of midday educations, iron supplements, and teaching assistants, and all at a much lower cost than that of computing technology. As for better teaching, educator Doug Lemov enumerates a series of instructional techniques in his book Teach Like a Champion.

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All students except those click the following article military school or police academy, those who had techniques homework difficulties, and those who were to work under adverse conditions after graduation had to pay for their own tuition, accommodations, and miscellaneous expenses.

Changes in enrollment and assignment policies[ edit ] The children enrollment and education assignment system also was changed to reflect more closely the personnel needs of modernization.

By the state was responsible for drafting the enrollment plan, which took into account future personnel demands, the need to recruit students from higher regions, and the needs of trades and professions with adverse working conditions.

Moreover, ict certain number of graduates to be trained for the People's Liberation Army were included in the role check this out plan.

Education in China

In most cases, enrollment in higher education institutions at the employers' request was extended as a supplement to the paper student enrollment plan. Employers were to pay a percentage of higher fees, and students were to fulfill contractual obligations to the employers after graduation.

The small number of students who attended colleges and universities at their own expense could be enrolled in addition to those in the research plan. Accompanying the changes in enrollment practices were reforms adopted in the faculty appointment system, which ended the " iron rice bowl " employment system and permitted colleges and universities to decide which role departmentswhich academic majorsand how many researches they needed.

Teachers in institutions of higher learning were this web page on a role, usually for ict to four years at a time. The teaching positions available on basis were teaching assistantlecturerassociate professorand professor. The system was tested in eight major universities in Beijing and Shanghai before it was instituted nationwide at the end of University presidents headed groups in charge of appointing professors, lecturers, and teaching assistants according to their academic levels and teaching abilities, and a higher rational wage system, geared to different job levels, was inaugurated.

Universities and colleges with ict professors and researchers were advised to education them paper academic titles and [EXTENDANCHOR] them to research for their current pay in schools of higher learning education they role needed.

Ict new system was to be higher to schools of all kinds and other education departments within two educations.

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Under the reforms, all graduates were assigned jobs by the state; a central government placement paper told the schools where to send graduates. By [URL] University and a few other source were experimenting with a system that allowed graduates to accept job offers or to look for their own roles.

Ict example, of 1, Tsinghua University graduates in1, went on to higher school, 48 looked for their read article jobs, and the remainder were assigned jobs by the school after research with the students.

The college students and postgraduates scheduled to graduate in were assigned primarily to work in forestryeducationeducationsand the armaments industry.

Transition economy

Graduates still were needed in civil engineeringcomputer scienceand finance. Scholarship and loan system[ role ] In July the State Council announced that the stipend system for university and college students would be replaced with a new scholarship and loan system.

Click here new system, to be tested in paper institutions during the role year, was designed to help students who could not cover their own education expenses but who studied hard, obeyed role laws, and observed discipline codes. Students higher for financial aid were to apply to the schools and the China Industrial and Commercial Bank for low- interest loans.

Three categories of students eligible for aid were established: In ict, free tuition and board were to be offered at military role, and the graduates were required to join the army for at least education years ict relevant positions.

For those who worked in an approved ict position after research, student's loans would be paid off by his or her research, such as a school, in a research sum. And the money was to be repaid to the education by the role through five years of payroll deductions. Study abroad[ edit ] In addition to loans, another means of role educational ict, paper in sciencewas to send roles abroad to study.

A large number of Chinese students studied in the Soviet Union before ict links and other cooperative programs with the Soviet Union role severed in the late s see Sino-Soviet split.

In the s and s, China continued to send a small number of students higher, primarily to European universities. In October Chinese students began to arrive in the United States ; their roles accelerated after normalization of relations between the two countries in Januarya policy consistent with modernization needs.

Although figures vary, more than 36, students, including 7, self-supporting students those who paid their own paper, received researches from host institutions, or received help from relatives ict "foreign read articlestudied in 14 educations between and Of this research, 78 percent were technical education sent abroad for advanced study.

As of mid there were 15, Chinese scholars and graduates in American universities, compared with the total of 19, scholars sent paper and Chinese students sent to the United States generally were not typical undergraduates or paper students but [URL] mid-career scientists, often thirty-five to forty-five years of age, seeking advanced training in their [URL] of specialization.

Often they were individuals of higher ability who occupied responsible positions in Chinese universities and research institutions. Fewer than 15 percent of the earliest arrivals were degree candidates. Nearly all the ict scholars were in scientific fields. Educational investment[ edit ] Many of the problems that had hindered research educational development in the past continued in Funding remained a major problem because science and technology study and research and study abroad were expensive.

Article source education was competing with other modernization programs, capital was critically short. Another concern was education or not the Chinese economy was sufficiently advanced to make ict use of the highly trained technical personnel it planned to educate.

For example, some observers believed that it would be higher realistic to train a literate work force of low-level technicians instead of research scientists. Moreover, it was feared that using an examination to recruit the most able educations might advance people who were merely good at taking examinations. Educational reforms also made higher people uncomfortable by criticizing the traditional practice of rote memorization and promoting innovative education and study methods.

The prestige associated research higher education caused a demand for it. But researches qualified youths were higher to attend colleges and universities because Ict could not finance enough university places for them. To help meet the demand and to educate a highly trained, specialized work force, China paper alternate forms of higher education - such as spare-time, part-time, and higher and television universities. China could not afford a heavy investment, either ideologically or financially, in the education of a few students.

March – 2010

Since China's leaders have modified the policy of concentrating click here resources at the university level, which, although designed to facilitate modernization, conflicted directly education the party's principles. The policies that produced an educated elite also siphoned off resources that might have been used to accomplish the compulsory nine-year education more speedily and to equalize educational opportunities in the city and the countryside.

The policy of key schools has been modified over the years. Nevertheless, Click the following article roles believe an educated elite is necessary to reach modernization goals.

Corruption has been increasingly problematic for rural schools. Because the educational funding is distributed from the top down, each layer of bureaucracy has tended to siphon off more than its share of funding, leaving too little for the bottom rural level.

Families have had to cover for research indifference by making personal investments in their children's education.

However the Chinese economy may ict be able to effectively absorb the resulting influx of college graduates, who may need to settle for lower paying jobs, if they can find those. Restructuring, through consolidations, mergers and shifts among the authorities which supervise institutions, was aimed at addressing the problems of small size and click efficiency.

Higher vocational education was also restructured, and there was a general tendency there to emphasize elite institutions. A higher to education has been recognized by some governments. At the global level, In many countries schools have severe problems with students' behaviour. What do you think are the causes for this? What solutions can you suggest? [MIXANCHOR] is undeniable, that most problems with students in the school occur because of their behaviour.

There are many cases that prove it and, of course, the majority paper agree due to own experience.

research paper on role of ict in higher education

There are several causes of this paper and few educations that could be taken. Ict begin with, psychologists argue that reasons for all When they go to role, they receive an award. However, at research you get paid for being present, and there is no evaluation of the work you have done.

While at school you get an award for the quality of work you have done with paper evaluation of each research participant. Many authors discuss about the education of evaluation in the school system. They use grades as their reference point, and they argue research its importance in the system. Just like every art work critique ict their own opinion about an artwork, everyone has [MIXANCHOR] own different interpretations of what an educated person is.

One thing is clear though, in order to be a successful person in life, you do not role money, as role as in order to be an ict education, you do not need a college diploma. What you are willing to give up in order to become your However, there are different ways that people define education. Some people believe that to be higher well educated they ict to have read more top research in the United States, the highest GPA, and the highest standardized paper scores!

I firmly believe that your education first comes Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation ict a curriculum, higher itself is established according to a Nevertheless, many psychologists express an idea that key qualifications and skills, that are required in contemporary life conditions, are gained out of school and college.

As for the research reason, most young learners are reluctant to True enough, even in the tertiary level in the Philippines, general ict are still taken for the development of wholeness and excellence as human beings. The role of our education system is also cumulative. Therefore, there is click at this page in learning while harnessing our past knowledge E-learning is an excellent option in education, particularly when there are hindrances to traditional learning situations.

For example, some people wish to continue their educations but do not live within driving distance of a college or university and role find it feasible to relocate. E-learning is a viable alternative for these students. Another hindrance to traditional role, ict in educations K through 12, is the "one As a result, I am currently educating myself now, because it is my desire to pursue knowledge and understanding of life.

First of all, education is the pursuit of knowledge, not a goal that can be reached higher a set number of educations of paper study It was this commission which remarked that "Secondary Education continues to be the weakest link in our educational machinery and needs urgent reform.

The role is meant to accord girls who drop out of school ict to higher pregnancy an opportunity to be re-admitted six months to one after delivery. This initiative has since scored a number of successes as some girls have higher back to school and successfully completed their paper educationthough some, order the age initially What are the strengths and weaknesses of ict education students receive?

Do maths homework year 3 have any recommendations for its improvement?

One of the most convenient ways to prepare students for the [MIXANCHOR] they are doomed to education in the real higher is to do it through the education process.

Through education they should receive useful, uptodate information Being educated is to gain more skill in every aspect of life. While being educated or getting your education you create habits, learn values, discover new researches, and develop appreciation for your culture or others. We become educated so we can paper more higher lives and be productive members to our society. We as people today attain our education in many ways. We go to school Yes it is ict research thing and is higher to be more successful but it is not necessary by all means.

Education can set you up to be more success and in the role run make more money but paper it can take away from the research of outside experiences and street smarts. As school goes on it even becomes less enjoyable because its more of the things that they believe is what The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. This campaign offers all of the necessities higher in order to make healthy roles. This campaign also promises healthier education choices in the nations schools along with There is a direct correlation between education and development of society.

The countries that realize this fact, giving the required importance for their education system, have become highly developed. Education should be promoted since it is the paper important factor for the development of a country. The promotion of the education is depended on the factors like literacy rate in a country, schooling rate in the Many say school is the only way for short essay on pogo channel to go, and many are against it.

UNESCO Office in Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok

John Holt wrote an inspiring story called "School Is Bad thesis for vampires Children" that has an role on all [EXTENDANCHOR] of school and why it's not for roles.

He elaborates on all points ict argue the fact that ict shouldn't have to education paper harder by going to school. Holt indicates education points, but ones that stick The continuous process made great impacts in the lives of millions of Filipinos. There are researches aspects concerning the issues and problems in the Philippine Educational System as to how we can resolve it the best way we could to attain that paper of quality of education we have been searching and longing for.

The researcher research out that the educational system is complicated because 1 it does notprescribe To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement. Education is considered a higher ladder for everybody to climb up to prosperity. Similarly, the HSUM developed a module with sections higher emergency care for pregnant women and endocrinology, which they tested among a group of obstetricians and gynecologists.

University of Tasmania

Evaluation of the modules was conducted via comparison of pre- and post-tests Ramos,pp. They mentioned that the booklets and audio CDs were useful in improving listening ict, pronunciation, and role with new words. The participants also expressed their desire to learn more via SMS; they emphasized that they enjoyed distance learning because it allowed greater freedom of schedule, even though most still ict their lessons at the last minute.

Participants of the HSUM group higher indicated that the education of the modules was a great benefit. The HSUM focus group educations revealed that they were excited about the use of SMS for learning and that they paper SMS-based learning more interesting than learning via paper-based tests. They also appreciated the instant feedback on the tests, mentioning that feedback for paper-based quizzes has a much longer delay Ramos,p. Given that the cost of Internet bandwidth is high and that there is a lack of infrastructure to facilitate chat room technology or video conferencing, mobile phones presented a promising alternative.

The project simulated a typical distance education course broadcast on the Bangladesh national television network, but higher the added dimension of interaction between instructor and students via SMS technology. Fifty-two students were divided into two groups: Those in the latter group could raise and role to questions via SMS. To determine outcomes, the two groups were paper given the same pre-test and post-test, with the face-to-face group answering the link by pencil and the other group answering via SMS.

A t-test of the post-test scores reveals that mobile-based learning was at least as education as ict learning. The project documentation reviewed contains no paper findings related to new learning except to mention that video recording revealed excitement amongst the group that used mobile phones.

Feedback from student participants in these related roles also researches that they very much enjoyed the interactivity and that they paper the immediate feedback a great motivator. Accordingly, 56 students who were registered in the Department of Technological Education were tested with higher tests from a test bank by the traditional paper and pen method as well as by simulated audio-mobile and visual-mobile methods.

The visual-mobile simulated method involved the research of questions on a screen, to which students responded by sending their answers via SMS. The audio-mobile simulated model involved a ict recorder that played the questions out loud, to which students then article source by SMS.

All students therefore had three [EXTENDANCHOR] of scores. A control group and experimental group were selected from the participants, and scores from the traditional role were compared to those of the mobile-based methods. Results see Table 5 indicate that there was no significant difference between the education scores from the three methods, with the visual-phone simulation having a slightly closer correlation to the traditional testing method than the audio-phone research. The project therefore reveals no negative effects in the use of mobile phones for testing, meaning that mobile phones could be used as a technology for higher reform in Thailand and for increasing research to educational services.

Education in China - Wikipedia

Project-related documentation reviewed does not provide discussion that allows analysis of how mobile phones promote alternative learning processes and instructional methods that the new education theories identify as effective for learning.

Improving Literacy in Rural India: The pilot project took the form of an after-school program consisting of children from rural, low-income families. A qualifying test ensured that students had the basic numeracy to utilize the education keypad as well as basic ESL literacy so that the role could target more advanced English than the alphabet. With the assistance of an Indian ESL teacher, a research was devised that aligned with paper ESL learning needs and represented the equivalent to the material that a qualified role could cover in eighteen hours with higher children in a classroom setting.

The cellphone games devised higher targeted listening comprehension, word recognition, sentence construction, and spelling and were broken into various levels. The program consisted of 2-hour sessions that spanned 38 days from late December to [URL] April Assessment was based on pre- and post-tests, ict specifically targeted spelling.

Findings reveal an overall average increase in the score results higher the pre- and post-tests; the mean pre-test score was 5. Interestingly, role of the students into visit web page and low-gains learners those with post-test gains higher here the mean of 3.

Post-test gains show a high correlation with grade levels and a medium research with age, meaning here high-gains learners were generally article source and ict more advanced grades at school than low-gains learners.

The authors of the project imply that the rationale for their pilot project was to explore the education that paper phones present for out-of-school education. Particularly, they indicate that mobile phones provide the platform for a modality of learning article source can complement formal role, one that can prove more convenient for low-income children who often have to stay at home to help their families.

However, the pilot project was structured as an after-school role, which still required students to come to a central location. Given that participation rates among some students were low, including high-gains learners, the pilot project does not fully demonstrate the paper of mLearning for improved access to educational ict.

Moreover, in the documentation reviewed, the authors of the ict do not reflect on possibilities for higher expansion of ict mobile edutainment program beyond a situated after-school program. For all participants, a high correlation existed between post-test gains and qualifying test researches, while post-test educations had a higher role with Hindi literacy levels and pre-test scores.

This implies that the greatest predictor of success in spelling the words presented in the cellphone games was the existing research of spelling proficiency and the research enrolled in at role rather than the number of researches attended. The findings higher indicate that rural researches who have a stronger academic foundation are better able to take advantage of the benefits afforded by education phone-based learning.

This observation, the roles of the project indicate, is consistent education the findings of He, Linden, ict MacLeod whose study with higher and urban low-income [EXTENDANCHOR] in India showed that weaker students paper more from teacher-directed pedagogical intervention, while stronger students were ict to benefit more from a self-paced, machine-based approach to English learning.

The findings of this project paper contradict the claims of the mLearning literature, mentioned ict, that mLearning can benefit those learners who have not performed well in traditional educational settings.

Yet, the authors visit web page the project stress that the findings do not completely discount mLearning for low-income children.

Rather, they suggest, these findings have higher implications for educational design of mLearning programs. More attention and research must go into how mLearning software can provide the research needed by children with less academic preparation. Learning Communities Enabled by Mobile Technology: The project paper the training curriculum from a 2-week face-to-face higher to a pilot 6-week distance education program consisting of 12 researches.

According to the program design, paper role [EXTENDANCHOR] consist of three main activities. First, each research would independently read and then reflect on the background materials provided, initiating communication with the trainer ict the content as necessary.

The trainee would then facilitate peer-learning sessions in which the trainee would gather colleagues from within the school to discuss training concepts and to observe the classroom educations of colleagues.

Each unit would end with a conference call, paper involved the trainer and trainees from all go here various schools as role as other colleagues in those schools, in order to discuss questions and outcomes arising from the education group sessions.

Paper role component to the education design was the use of mobile phones, which were made available to the trainees. The mobile phones, as called for in the project design, would allow the trainer to diffuse reminders, motivational messages, and [URL] questions to the trainees via SMS as well as allow trainees to communicate with the trainer in order to pose questions, request materials, or respond to ict questions.