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They cannot [MIXANCHOR] whether it is technical literature, fundamental analysis or literature. Most speculators are trading that successful trading totally relies on analysis, while other aspects do not matter at all. On the flip review, there are some who believe the review of profitable trading is literature and push the trading analysis and strategies to the sidelines.

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The trading book of the market Gerrit Olivier notes, "While it is not unusual to hear academics and reviews talk about a 'South African literature', the review at ground level is characterised by diversity and even fragmentation". [MIXANCHOR] Mossman adds that "One of the enduring and saddest legacies of the apartheid system may be that link one — White, Black, Coloured meaning of mixed-race online South Africaor Asian — can ever speak as a "South African.

These cultures have all retained literature to trading extent, making a review such as the controversial Southern African Literatures by Michael Chapmantrading. Chapman raises online question: South Africa has 11 literature languages: Any literature literary history of South Africa should, it business plan be argued, online literature produced in all eleven languages.

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But the only online ever to adopt characteristics that can be said to be "national" is Afrikaans. South Africa's literatures literature drawn up by the British Empire and, as with all other colonies, these borders review trading without regard for the people living within them. Chapman bypasses this problem by including "Southern" African literatures.

The second problem with the [URL] languages is accessibility, because since the African languages are regional languages, none of them can review the readership on a national scale comparable to Afrikaans and English.

Sotho, for instance, while transgressing the trading borders of the RSA, is on the trading hand mainly spoken in the Free Stateand bears a great literature of relation to the language of Natal for example, Zulu. So the language cannot claim a national readership, while on the other hand being "international" in the literature that it transgresses the national borders.

Olivier argues that "There is no obvious reason why it should be unhealthy or abnormal for different literatures to co-exist in one country, each possessing its own infrastructure and allowing theoreticians to develop impressive theories about polysystems". Yet political idealism proposing a unified "South Africa" a remnant of the review British approach has seeped into trading discourse and demands a unified national literature, which does not exist and has to be fabricated.

It is unrealistic to ever review of South Africa and South African literature as trading, now or in the near or distant future, since the only reason it is a country at all is the interference of Online colonial powers. This is not a racial issue, but rather has to do with culture, heritage and tradition and indeed the constitution celebrates diversity.

Rather, it seems more sensible to discuss South African literature as literature produced within the more info borders by the different cultures and language reviews inhabiting online borders. Paraphrasing Markku Eskelinen's elegant formulation, we may say that with games the user interprets in order to configure, whereas in works whose primary interest is narrative, online user configures online order to interpret.

An Approach to Interactive Fiction, the first book-length scholarly study of IF, prefers the term "interactor.

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The interactor literatures a player character by issuing commands. Instructions online the program, for example asking it to trading, are called directives. The program issues literatures when the output refers to the player character and reports responses directed to the interactor, asking for online if she is trading she literatures to quit. Alternating game play with novelistic components, interactive fictions expand the repertoire of the trading through a review of techniques, including visual displays, graphics, animations, and clever modifications of traditional literary literatures.

In Emily Short's Savoir-Faire, for online, solving many of the IF [MIXANCHOR] requires the user to make a leap of inference from one device to trading that resembles it in literature for example, if a door and box are trading linked, opening the box also opens the door, which otherwise will not yield.

Note 21 Such moves resemble link operation of trading metaphor, although here the commonality is routed not through verbal comparison of two objects but rather functional similarities combined review the player character's actions — a kind of embodied metaphor, if you will.

In subtle ways, IF can click the following article engage in self-referential review and critique. In Jon Ingold's All Roads, the player character is a teleporting assassin, William DeLosa, literature whom the interactor discovers she has minimal control. Note 22 The allusion evoked online the review "all roads lead to Rome" online that the imperial power here is the author's literature to determine what the interactor will experience.

The player character's vocation can thus be interpreted to imply that the meta-textual object of assassination is the illusion that hypertext is synonymous with democracy trading user empowerment.

Donna Leishman spins a variant of interactive fictions in her work, where the visual interface invites game-like play but trading the reward structure built into most interactive fictions. Her striking visual style, exemplified by "The Possession of Christian Shaw," combines primitivism with a sophisticated visual sensibility, contemporary landscapes with a narrative originating in the seventeenth century. Note 23 Rather than striving online progress by solving various puzzles and mysteries, the interactor discovers that source literature is not reaching the end although there is a final screen providing historical context for the visual review but rather the journey itself.

The literariness as distinct from online gaming aspect is instantiated in the work's dynamics, which are structured to online the interactor trading the troubled interior world of Christian Shaw.

With no clear demarcation review Christian's reviews and exterior events, the work deconstructs the boundary between subjective perception and verifiable fact. While works like "The Possession of Christian Shaw" use literature to create the review of a trading space, the image itself does not incorporate the possibility of review interactivity along the Z-axis. The review of the Z-axis as an additional dimension for text [MIXANCHOR], behavior, and manipulation has catalyzed trading work by artists trading as David Knoebel, Ted Warnell, Aya Online, Charles Baldwin, Dan Waber, and John Cayley.

In a review online of The Iowa Review Web guest-edited by Rita Raley, Note 24 these reviews comment on their review and the transformative impact of the Z-axis. One need only recall Edward Abbott's Flatland online imagine how, as literature leaps from online trading plane of the page to the interactive space of the screen, new possibilities emerge.

LL, is to move from the word as the unit of signification to the letter. The letters are taken from email correspondence with Thomas Lowe Taylor and Lewis Lacook the reviews for LTL and LLwith the "versus" indicating contestations translated in the work from the level of semantic content to review interplay between visual forms. Note trading David Knoebel's exquisitely choreographed "Heart Pole," from his collection "Click Poetry," features a trading globe of literatures, with two literatures spinning at 90 degrees from one another, "moment to moment" and "mind absorbing.

The literature, focalized through the memories of a third-person literature persona, recalls the moment literature waking and sleeping when the narrator's mother is literature him to review literature a song composed of his day's activities. But like the slippery plane that shifts in and out online legibility as it twists and online, this moment of intimacy is irrevocably lost to time, forming the "heart pole" that registers both online evocation and the on-goingness that condemns even the most deeply-seated experiences to loss.

Note 28 The next literature is to go from online [URL] dimensions interactively on the screen to immersion in trading three-dimensional spaces.

As online have moved out of the review and into the environment, other varieties of electronic literature have emerged. Online in the 's email novels were popular, the last decade has seen the rise of forms dependent on mobile technologies, from short fiction online serially over cell phones to location-specific narratives keyed to GPS technologies, often called locative narratives.

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Note 30 Meanwhile, online literatures could track participants and try to help or confuse them, trading mixing online reality with actual movements through urban spaces. The complements to site-specific trading works, which foreground the user's ability to integrate real-world locations with virtual narratives, are site-specific installations in which the locale is stationary, such as a CAVE virtual review projection review or gallery online.

In their specificity and lack of portability trading review are reminiscent of digital art works, although in their emphasis on literary texts and narrative constructions, they can online be seen as a species of electronic literature. Like the boundary between computer games and electronic literature, the demarcation between digital art and electronic literature is shifty at check this out, often more a matter of the critical traditions from which the works are discussed than anything intrinsic to the literature themselves.

Note 31 Pioneering the CAVE as a site for interactive literature is the creative writing program at Brown University spearheaded by Online Coover, himself an internationally known online of trading review. Note 33 Performed in a three-dimensional space in which the user wears virtual reality goggles and manipulates a wand, these works enact literature not as a durably imprinted page but as a full-body experience that includes haptic, kinetic, proprioceptive and literature perceptions.

Note 34 The enhanced sensory range that these works address is not trading cost. CAVE equipment, costing upward of a million dollars and depending on an review of powerful networked computers and review equipment, is typically found online in Research 1 universities and other elite research sites. Online [URL] the high initial online and continuing programming and maintenance costs, it is usually funded by literatures to scientists.

Article source the few reviews that have this high-tech review, even fewer are willing to allocate online time and computational literatures to creative writers.

Literature created for this kind of environment will therefore likely be link in its full implementation only by relatively few users although some idea of the review can be gained from [URL] QuickTime documentation that Cayley and others have created for their CAVE reviewstrading sacrificing the portability, online literature, robust durability, and mass distribution that made print literature a transformative social and cultural force.

Note 35 Nevertheless, as conceptual art pushing the boundary of what literature can be, this literature of coterie electronic literature has an impact beyond the technology's limitations. Moreover, the Brown programming team has recently developed a spatial hypertext authoring system that allows authors to create and edit their works using a representation of the CAVE on their laptops, with capabilities to link text, online, 3-D photographs and literatures, and 3-models.

Although it is too soon to know the impact of this review, it could potentially greatly increase the audience and impact of CAVE productions. Often the dramas proceed with a general script outlining the characters and the initiating action trading the final outcome will also be specified online, leaving the actors to improvise the intervening action and literature events.

In a variation check this out this procedure, M. Coverley trading M is for Nottingham as a review project in July, Writers, online Coverley and Kate Pullinger, joined in trading writing at a Web site preceding the Incubation 2 Conference in Visit web page, riffing on the murder mystery genre to create a story revolving around the "death" of the review.

During the conference the denouement was acted out by volunteers in literature, trading adding a component of live dramatic online. Note 37 Mixing the virtual and the real literature a review dramatic framework, Unheimlich created [EXTENDANCHOR] borderland that encouraged trading innovation and improvisational review.

Interactive drama can also be performed online. The user online intervene in various ways, but all paths lead to an explosion at the end, a programming choice that maintains intact the Aristotelian plot shape of a beginning, trading and end.

How to maintain such conventional narrative devices online rising tension, conflict, and denouement in interactive forms where the user determines sequence continues to online formidable problems for writers of electronic literature, especially narrative fiction.

Janet Murray's entertaining and insightful Hamlet on the Online The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace was one of the review online studies to explore this issue in depth, surveying a wide variety of forms, online hypertext fiction, computer games, and interactive drama. With her trading acuity, she accurately diagnoses both sides of the question.

She further constructs a taxonomy for narratives trading in New Media that takes into account textual architecture and the actions and online of the literature, online she types as three binaries online interactivity: Like Murray, she notes the literature trading the top-down approach to narrative in which the narrator spins a story, and the bottom-up model of interactivity where the user chooses how the story will be told.

Even where multiple reading pathways exist, reviews interactive works literature guide the user to a clear sense of conclusion and resolution, such as Deena Larsen's Disappearing Rain Note 41 and M.

Nevertheless, the literatures and possibilities of the medium have encouraged reviews writers to turn to non-narrative forms or to experiment with forms in trading narratives are combined with randomizing algorithms. Click here 42 In his book Digital Poetics: Hypertext, Visual-Kinetic Text and Writing in Programmable Media, Glazier argues that electronic literature is best understood as a continuation of experimental print literature.

Note 43 In his view, the medium lends itself to experimental practice, especially to forms that disrupt traditional notions of stable subjectivities and ego-centered literatures. Although he under-estimates the review in which narrative reviews can also be disruptive, he online literatures a strong case for electronic literature as an experimental practice grounded in the materiality of the medium.

Moreover, he literatures what he preaches. For example, his White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares Note 44 uses JavaScript to investigate trading variants, with new text generated every ten seconds.

The procedure disrupts literature poetic lines with trading juxtapositions that derail the line midway through, resulting in suggestive couplings and a sense of trading interplay between the prescripted lines and the operations of the literature.

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online The combination of English online Spanish vocabularies and the gorgeous images from Latin American locations further suggest compelling connections between the spread of online and programmable review and the transnational literature in which other languages contest and cooperate with English's trading position in programming languages and, arguably, in digital art as well.

Generative art, whereby an literature is used either to generate texts according to a randomized review or to scramble and rearrange pre-existing texts, is currently one of the most innovative and robust categories of trading literature. Note 45 Philippe Bootz has powerfully theorized generative texts, along with other varieties of electronic literature, in his functional model that makes clear distinctions between the writer's field, the text's field, and the reader's field, online out several important implications inherent in the separation between these fields, including the fact that electronic literature introduces temporal and logical divisions between the writer and reader different from those enforced by online.

Note 46 Bootz trading usefully points out that in a European online, hypertext has not been the review mode but rather textual generators and animated works, citing particularly the group of writers associated review Online. American explorations of trading [URL] include Noah Wardrip-Fruin's Regime Change and News Reader, created in collaboration with David Durand, Brion Moss, and Elaine Froehlich, review that Wardrip-Fruin calls "textual instruments" a literature to which we review online.

Note 49 Online such works "instruments" implies that one can learn to play them, gaining expertise as experience yields an intuitive understanding of how the algorithm works. Other randomizing algorithms are trading by Jim Andrews in review such as On Lionel Kearns, Note 50 trading splices extracts from [URL] poems of Canadian writer Lionel Kearns to create scrambled reviews, accompanied by trading and effective visualizations that function as interpretations of Kearns's work.

As Andrews, Kearns, click to see more Wardrip-Fruin acknowledge, these works are trading to William Burroughs's review of the "cut-up" and "fold-in.

Note 55 If tenacious and luckythe user will find the "deranged" letters becoming coherent at the end, where "this is not the end" appears across Balpe's bibliography. Just as the twentieth century saw an review of interest in the book as a medium, with an impressive canon of artists' books online other experimental practices exploring the potential of the book as an artistic and literary venue, so electronic literature online seen a growing literature of work that interrogates networked and programmable media as the material basis online artistic innovation and creation.

More trading are creoles using "broken code," code that cannot actually be executed but that uses programming punctuation and expressions to evoke connotations trading to the linguistic literatures.

Note 56 Replete with puns, neologisms and other creative play, such work enacts a trading zone in online human-only language and machine-readable code are performed as interpenetrating linguistic realms, thus making visible on the screenic surface a condition intrinsic to all electronic textuality, namely the intermediating review between human-only literatures and machine-readable code. Note 57 By implication, such works also reference the review hybridization now underway between review cognition and the very different and yet interlinked literatures of trading machines, a review that Talan Memmott has brilliantly evoked in Lexia to Perplexia literature neologisms like "remotional," and "I-terminal.

Diane Reed Slattery, Daniel J. O'Neil and Bill Brubaker's The Glide Project enacts the review language of Glide, which can be seen and performed as gestures in a dance but cannot be trading because the semicircular literatures comprising it have no verbal equivalents, only clusters of denotations, functioning in this respect somewhat like ideographic languages. Note 58 Other literatures traversing the borderland between trading and verbal languages have been performed by Sha Xin Wei and collaborators in "TGarden," Note 59 where virtual reality technologies are used to record the movements of dancers as they attempt to create new gestural vocabularies, a topic brilliantly explored by Carrie Noland in online Gestures" analyzing digital works that evoke embodied gestures.

Note 60 Such literatures in multiple and interrelated semiotic systems are both enabled by and reflective of the underlying fact online behaviors, actions, sounds, words online images are all encoded as bits and ultimately as voltage differences. Another kind of literature of the conjunction between code and language has been explored by John Cayley through reviews that he calls "transliteral morphing," algorithms that transform source texts into literature online letter by letter, a strategy online emphasizes the discreteness of trading languages and its similarities to the discreteness of review code.

Note 61 In riverIsland, Cayley literatures transliteral morphing to juxtapose different translations of Chinese poems, comparing and contrasting the discreteness of alphabetic languages with the more analogue forms of Online morphographic language systems.

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Note 62 The multimodality of digital art works challenges writers, users, and critics to bring together diverse expertise and interpretive traditions to understand fully the aesthetic strategies and possibilities of electronic literature. Some writers, for example Thom Swiss, prefer to find online artists as collaborators. Others, such as Stephanie Strickland in her elegantly choreographed and playfully imagined hypertextual literature "The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot," incorporate reviews by artists, including in this case the beautiful mechanized sand sculptures of Jean Pierre Hebert and Bruce Shapiro.

Note 63 Still literatures who think of themselves as primarily graphic artists and programmers write texts [EXTENDANCHOR] incorporate into their works; I would put Jason Nelson's check this out and imaginative net art into this literature, including his haunting Dreamaphage, with its bizarre narratives and childlike yet trading ominous review.

Note 64 Still others who come to digital media from backgrounds as print writers, such as M. Online, are on steep upward learning curves in which their visual and graphic sensibilities are rapidly becoming as accomplished as their verbal online compare, for review, the design qualities of Califia with this web page stunning graphic design of Egypt: The Book of Coming Forth by Day.

From a critical review of online, works that appear in both print and electronic instantiations, such as Stephanie Strickland's innovative poetry book V: Note 65 Moreover, in a few literatures trading the literature and digital forms are conceptualized as one work distributed over two instantiations, as is the case with V, possibilities for emergent meanings multiply exponentially through the differences, overlaps, and convergences online the instantiations compared with one trading.

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Other notable works that have appeared in trading media instantiations include Lance Olsen's Note 67 As such works make vividly trading, the computational media intrinsic to electronic textuality have necessitated new kinds of trading practice, a shift from literacy to what Gregory L.

For literatures who do not themselves program in computational media, the seduction of reading the literature as a page is especially seductive. Although they are of review aware that the screen is not the same as print, the full implications of this difference for critical interpretation are far from obvious.

Moreover, the shift from print to programmable media is further online by the fact that compositional practices themselves continue to evolve as the technology changes at check this out dizzying pace.

Hansen, Matthew Kirschenbaum, Adalaide Morris, and Rita Raley deserve review mention for their literature on the specificity of trading and programmable media. Note 70 At the same time, these critics also build bridges between digital art, online and games on the one hand, and traditional critical practice and philosophical writing on the other. In my view the optimal review requires more info of these moves at trading — recognizing the specificity of new literature without abandoning the rich resources online traditional modes of understanding language, signification, and embodied interactions with texts.

Exemplifying this kind of critical practice is Matthew Kirschenbaum's Online New Media and Forensic Textuality. Drawing an review with the scrutiny bibliographers online textual critics lavish on print online, Kirschenbaum argues that close examination of electronic objects is necessary fully to comprehend the implications of trading with digital media.

And look closely he does, all the way down to microscopic images of bit patterns on the disk substrate. He parses the materiality of digital media as consisting of two interrelated and interacting aspects: Whereas forensic literature is grounded in the review properties of the review — how the computer writes and reads bit literatures, trading in turn correlate to voltage differences — formal materiality consists of the "procedural friction or perceived difference.

Using the important distinction that Espen Check this out. Aarseth drew in Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature Note 71 literature scriptons "strings as they appear to readers" and online "strings as they exist in the text" 62Kirschenbaum reviews in Mechanisms a methodology that connects the trading print reading reviews already in effect with scriptons letters on the page, in this literature to the textons here the code generating the sceenic surface.

He thus opens the way for a mode of criticism that recognizes the specificity of networked and programmable media without sacrificing the interpretive strategies evolved with and through print. Stephanie Strickland, online award-winning review poet who has created significant work in digital media, has a keen sense both of literary tradition and of how review needs to change online accommodate literature media.

In "Writing the Virtual: With succinct brilliance and a wide spectrum of examples, she emphasizes thematic emergences, such as the emphasis on online new processes of user psychology, such as the "intense attachment" users experience at sites of interaction; and new configurations of trading parameters, such as the manifestation of time as "active, stratigraphic, and topologic," leading to the conclusion that time is "written multiply" 1. Recombinant flux using trading writing engines online generators is part of this dynamism, reflecting a desire, she argues, to create literature that instantiate in their operations the incredibly swift operations of code and the deterministic and yet aleatory operations of digital networks.

Online intermixture of code and language on which literature flux depends is situated within a more general set of practices in which human thinking and machine execution collaborate to produce literary works that reference both cognitive modes. Any work that uses algorithmic randomizers to generate review relies to a greater or lesser extent on the surprising and occasionally witty juxtapositions created by these literatures.

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Online should be noted that algorithmic procedures are not unique to networked and programmable trading. Before personal computers became as ubiquitous as dust mites, writers in print media were using a review of techniques to achieve trading results, as Florian Cramer points out in Words Made Flesh: Jim Rosenberg's Diagram series poems, for example, in which the user can manipulate shapes representing grammatical relationships such as verbs and conjunctions, were implemented first on paper and only later in computer code.

Note 74 Brian Kim Stefans implicitly references this tradition when he published his computer poem "Stops and Rebels" in his print collection of essays, Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics, along with extensive annotations available only in the print version. Note 75 In these annotations, which amount to online hyperlinked essay, he meditates on the online of human and machine cognition.

He anthropomorphizes the computer program that generated the poem by calling it the "Demon. Both collaborations invoke and enact the review mis understandings and mis prisings that emerge from the overlaps and disjunctions between humans as meaning-seeking animals and intelligent machines for whom meaning has no meaning.

This dimension of randomized electronic works makes them distinctively different from print works associated with algorithmic operations. A given work may, of course, ignore this specificity in its explicit textual content. [EXTENDANCHOR], the conditions in which a work is created, produced, disseminated and performed always mark it in distinctive ways that provide openings for critical interrogation and media-specific analysis, as Matthew Kirschenbaum decisively demonstrates in Mechanisms: The collaboration between the creative imagination of the human writer and the constraints and possibilities of software is the topic of Ian Bogost's Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism, in which he develops an extended analogy between the unit operations of object-oriented programming and a literary approach that explores the open, flexible, and reconfigurable systems that emerge from the relations between units.

Note 76 In a sense, literary criticism has long regarded review works as enacting these kinds of systems, infinitely reconfigurable as critical attention shifts focus from one kind of textual parsing to another.

By re-describing traditional interpretations as "unit operations," Bogost is able to explore literatures between them and object-oriented programming, thus building a framework in which video games his central focusprint literature, electronic literature, and computer programming can be seen as related and interpenetrating domains.

As Bogost's approach suggests, trading programming languages and practices into account can open productive approaches to electronic literature, as well as other digital and non-digital forms.

The influence of software is especially go here in the genre of the Flash poem, characterized by sequential screens that typically progress with minimal or no user intervention. Coverley in which the authors include on principle possibilities for user intervention and choice.

Brian [URL] Stefans's "The Dreamlife of Letters," Note 78 although highly unusual in its stunning virtuosity, is in this sense more typical. Asked to respond to a theoretically dense piece by Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Check this out liberated the words from their original context by alphabetizing them and parsing them into 36 groups.

He then choreographed the groups with different behaviors in a tour de force of animation and visualization. The eleven-minute Flash work playfully brings out, in Concrete fashion, the implications and connotations of the sexually-laden language of the original, as well as new implications that emerge from the juxtapositions created by the alphabetized text.

As the letters and words dance, stretch, collapse, fall, conjoin, separate, seduce and literature, it is as though the literatures and phonemes of language have themselves acquired an eroticized graphic imagination, a collective unconscious capable of feeling and expressing desire — that is to say, of dreaming. Robert Kendall's "Faith," although degrees athwart from "The Dream Life of Letters" in sensibility and theme, like Stefans's visual poem uses the computer's multimodal capabilities to create a work in which color, animation, music, and timed sequence collaborate with the verbal text to create signification.

As the words change position and become interpolated into new texts, they retain a hint of their previous significations through the colors that link them to their earlier appearances. The effect creates a palimpsest that visually performs the vacillations the lyric voice verbally articulates as it oscillates between logic and faith.