15.02.2010 Public by Gucage

Essay questions for the help by kathryn stockett

The Help is told from the point of view of 3 different women, namely, AIBILEEN, MINNY, AND SKEETER. AIBILEEN is an African-American maid who cleans houses and cares for the children of white families.

The Help Critical Essays

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10:17 Zololrajas:
Evers death showed Aibileen and Minny how risky writing a book about working for white families actually was, and showed the readers how dangerous the situation could be.

12:10 Akinoshicage:
Walters is the mother of Hilly Holbrook who is the social leader of the community and head of the Junior League. A task that turns out to be quite difficult and tricky as writing a book about African Americans in the South during the early s breaks social rules and puts all the black maids at risk. Segregation negatively impacts every aspect of the lives of the black characters.