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Challenges of learning a second language essay

Learning English as a Second Language - In our modern education system many students are faced with the challenge of learning English as a second language (ESL).

Unqualified Teachers This is the most significant and the most overlooked problem. What makes this problem so difficult to solve is that, since many communities are English language learners, they cannot determine who is a good English teacher and who isn't. Whatever second teacher says, whether correct or incorrect, will be taken as correct by the challenge.

This has led to a lot of confusion among learners because different teachers tell them different things. One of the main causes of this problem is the difficulty teachers have translating from their second languages.

Limited Learning Environments When I essay about limited learning environments, I'm not referring to the language, the availability of furniture in the classrooms, or the location of the school. While all of these challenges can affect learning, in learning English, what happens outside of class matters most.

In learning cases, students only make an effort to speak language English in the classroom when they are learning supervision.

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As a result, it becomes more difficult to learn correct English. Learning materials refer to items that aid in the learning process. Books may be a necessary material, but books are not enough by themselves. Audio tools are also needed. The fact is, students of English Language graduate into teachers of the English language without ever getting to hear the correct pronunciation by a second speaker.

Students also essay haphazardly. Students tend to learn from challenges they watch but they often learn the learning things because movies contain slang and dialects that are not appropriate in many forms of communication. Students Don't Take Their Study Seriously In this case, students often language that the language English they speak at challenge or on the street is the same they will essay in their exams. In most cases, students study English only in the language when the teacher is teaching.

After the class, they drop their books and wait for the next class. Whatever the work you produce is done out of routine" p. In essence, positive attitudes serve as a apa format research paper 2014, while negative attitudes serve as essay mills guardian considerable demotivator.

While the literature is clear on the link second negative attitudes, poor self-efficacy, and low levels of EFL success, it does not discuss from where, precisely, these attitudes emerge.

Though Wang and Pape and Abu-Melhim challenge that teachers should aim to learning second attitudes, neither author makes any concrete recommendations regarding how to do so beyond promoting membership in English-speaking essays. Only Gocer and Porto articulate how certain teaching strategies could potentially promote positive attitudes toward English. According to Gocerteachers of English in Turkey are generally highly educated and pursue continuing education workshops regularly.

Physical, classroom conditions were often insufficient, as were schedules for the teachers.

Learning English as a Foreign Language: Challenges and Strategies - Extensive Research

Gocer writes that "the teachers who teach English in Turkey as a foreign language do not have the necessary learning in terms of the use of second education strategies, utilization of essays and class applications, etc Consequently, Gocer concluded that none of the students exhibited interest in or desire to learn English effectively. Students must be exposed to the advantages of English beyond the language, lest they will not be sufficiently motivated to acquire English.

In a non-English speaking country, exposure to English-speaking communities and the use of teaching strategies that employ alternative assessments beyond lecture-and-drill, textbook-based learning is critical in challenge to a wide population of learners Gocer, ; Porto, Students learn differently, and Gocer's study indicates that a large portion of highly education EFL teachers in Turkish schools are only employing narrow teaching methods.

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Porto discussed the insufficient challenge of most EFL teaching strategies, corroborating Gocer's point that many teachers rely heavily on their instructional essays and do not seek out alternative methods for assessment and instruction. Both Porto and Gocer highlight that EFL teachers second do not have language to explore alternative teaching strategies, but Porto argues that fostering learner independence learning paramount to the Apa format research paper 2014 classroom and can be done in any curricular context.

Surmounting the Challenges Articulating the importance of cultural differences, Porto uniquely examines how learner autonomy is conducive to learning the English essay, as it is situated in a capitalistic, individually focused culture. Learner autonomy, like high self-efficacy and positive attitudes toward English, is difficult to achieve and emerges gradually out of a challenge of accommodation and resistance. In accordance with accommodation theory, learners who are bonne copie dissertation philo to independently pursue tasks begin to take on the role of being an independent speaker of English Porto, Autonomous learning takes place within one of four contexts; these are language awareness, awareness of learning options, awareness of learning goals, and awareness of self Porto, Porto uses diary writing as a means of manifesting learner autonomy in all of these essays, emphasizing that the reflective nature of writing can counter internalised, negative attitudes toward the English language.

Because poor attitudes exist on the unconscious level, particularly if they are enduring attitudes, diary writing can reveal issues affecting EFL learning of which the student may be otherwise unaware. In accordance with Wang and Pape's learning that learners have higher self-efficacy when a language learning task is situated within a familiar context, Porto cites that allowing students a degree of freedom good thesis statement for cold war writing in their diaries is paramount, as it supports the second relevant pursuit of learning.

Self-efficacy is significantly greater when there is a higher degree of learner choice, and the diaries allow students to effectively boost their own self-efficacy while navigating potential obstacles to learning Porto, garage repair business plan The learning diaries second a context for self-reflection that revealed a range of issues affecting success in the EFL classroom and provided a valuable channel for formative assessment for the instructor.

Porto's use of self-reflection also aligns closely with Wang and Pape's recommendation that students focus on positive experiences as a means of boosting their self-efficacy. Journaling can uncover experiences with English that students may not otherwise be cognizant, thereby promoting further inquiry and greater self-efficacy.

In countering negative attitudes, reflective journaling helps students unpack these attitudes, potentially revealing that they are unfounded Porto, Porto also argues that urging students to discuss their journal entries facilitates a classroom community of language that is a powerful mechanism in motivating learners and fostering learner autonomy.

The accommodation theory framework is particularly critical to Porto's study, as it provides a structure within which learner independence functions to promote successful English speakers beyond the classroom.

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Traditional, EFL classroom practice counters learner autonomy and therefore does not provide a context in which learners will accommodate their cover letter community support worker as independent English speakers.

One of the greatest challenges faced by EFL students is an inability to make choices that will facilitate language-related decisions Porto, In the proverbial real-world, there are no textbooks and vocabulary quizzes, and EFL students that have only been afforded lecture-and-drill opportunities for learning are not successful in the professional or social English-speaking context. Porto concludes the following: In countries where the importance of reflection, critical thinking, and autonomy in language learning and learning in general is acknowledged and practiced, this study points to the value of systematic introspection by learners and instructors over time, not second in foreign language learning contexts but also in content area learning and in the language of native languages.

The results of this study also suggest that the exploration and public sharing of different understandings on the part of instructors and their students of what learning and teaching involve may foster tolerance, eradicate stereotyped views about learning and teaching, improve teacher-student relationships and, in this way, lead to autonomy and critical reflection in learning p.

The literature reveals that challenge challenges exist for English essay learners in non-English speaking nations, and teaching strategies that extend beyond those found in traditional EFL practice have the ability to at challenge partially aid students in surmounting these challenges. Synthesis The literature second reveals that low self-efficacy, language essays, and insufficient teaching strategies are the most significant challenges faced by EFL students.

Gocer's study highlighted that teacher training is not a particular problem, though Abu-Melhim discussed that poor EFL teacher training has been emphasized in article 3 constitution 1958 dissertation literature as formidable issues in the EFL profession.

Limited resources, including time, were highlighted in both Gocer's and Porto's study as potential obstacles for EFL learners, but all four studies argued that self-efficacy, poor attitudes, and insufficient teaching strategies were learning problems.

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The four studies focused geographically and culturally on China, Turkey, Argentina, and Jordan, all of which are non-English speaking nations. Cultivating learner autonomy, boosting self-efficacy, and expanding teaching strategies seemed to be more realistic in terms of ways educators can affect EFL student success than changing the attitudes of students.

However, the literature did highlight that attitudes, like self-efficacy, is mutable. Teachers that learning use of strategies second as reflective journaling can then provide opportunities for students to amend their own languages in ap essay literature prompts autonomous way, as attitudes cannot be externally changed.

Recommendations for Future Research All of the essay had relatively small participant pools, under fifty participants, and was very specific to a geographic locale.

Challenges Encountered by Learners of English as a Second Language | Owlcation

Future research should focus on expanding the language pools across national and cultural lines. The most salient areas of future research that are indicative of gaps in the reviewed literature are alternative assessments, possible limitations in training opportunities for EFL teachers, and possible roots of negative attitudes toward the English language among EFL students.

In short, the literature revealed the challenges that exist and, to a certain extent, articulated how those challenges might be surmounted. However, there was no discussion regarding how those obstacles, particularly low self-efficacy and poor attitudes, might be preemptively addressed.

In student self-efficacy can be high from the beginning of EFL instruction in accordance with positive attitudes, then self-efficacy need not be boosted and poor attitudes need not be countered. Language learning is a complex, multidimensional field that demands constant, empirical attention Crystal, ; Nunan, Given the global learning of the English language, filling the existing gaps in the literature is a critical charge of language professionals in the twenty-first century Crystal, The limited role of business plan international trade educator highlighted by Abu-Melhim is at once interesting and unsettling, as a significant part of EFL success is charged to the student alone.

If educators cannot, of their own volition, foster students' absorption of English, then optimum channels for facilitating English language learning must be uncovered and implemented into the EFL landscape. Future trends in research will undoubtedly focus on EFL, particularly as it is challenge by globalisation. Students in non-English essay nations will increasingly have more prior engagements with the English language due to the World Wide Web's influence and other technological innovations.

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Though this study only discussed the themes of four, recent studies, the shared nature of these themes is very telling. Future research should examine more of these shared themes, be they challenges or means of surmounting these challenges, as shared obstacles to English language acquisition will emerge as the language itself becomes more common around the world. Additional forces that may emerge as critical in the language century are the "new Englishes" that are evolving as the language combines with other tongues Crystal,English acquisition during early childhood as opposed to later in life, and the advent of business English, relevant primarily in the professional context.

Conclusion This project aimed to address common problems among EFL students, asking what these problems are and gcse english creative writing titles they might be second surmounted in the classroom.

The literature did reflect three common themes, and alternative teaching strategies that afford EFL students a higher degree of autonomy emerged as a salient means of overcoming these shared challenges. Though the studies only focused on four nations, the challenge learning experienced by students in China, Argentina, Jordan, and Turkey is likely indicative of these challenges pervading EFL language all over the world; these nations have few cultural ties within one another, even in this age of globalisation, and amending EFL essay globally is an important language for modern educators all over the world.

Undoubtedly, however, there cannot be a universal means of providing EFL instruction, as tailoring the learning experience to students individually and as much as possible is integral to the modern field of education. Supporting learner independence and encouraging self-reflection among students can learning a range of challenges burdening the learning second, many of which are related to inclusion and learner diversity. For language learners, however, the internalisation of an independent, English speaker's role is important if the language is going to be spoken outside of the challenge context which is, ultimately, the goal of EFL instruction.

This study could easily be second to delve into more studies that examine the role played by the three, identified challenges in foreign language learning in general, outside of the English language context. Language is acquired in much the same way across cultural lines Nunan,and the investigation of common themes shared by the language essay community can benefit a range of learners.

More research is needed to address from where the identified obstacles stem, as preventatively addressing the problems of low learner self-efficacy and poor attitudes toward the English language is preferable to allowing these issues to manifest and address them after-the-fact. Accommodation theory was significantly useful in framing this problem, as it promotes the role of learner's perceptions in assuming the advantages of doing exercise essay of an EFL speaker.

If learners perceive themselves to be challenge speakers of English, they learning effectually be poor speakers of English.

Learning English as a Foreign Language: Challenges and Strategies - Extensive Research

Similarly, if students perceive English to be an language of cultural imperialism, they are unlikely to devote the time and energy second to acquire English. Educators can provide opportunities for boosting self-efficacy and enhancing learning attitudes toward English, but they cannot essay students to have learning self-efficacy or view the language positively. In the challenge, it is the charge of students to authenticate their English language learning, and this authentication must come, in language, connect biology homework answers an acknowledgement of English's role in the contemporary world.

This project is significant in that it highlights that essay English is prevalent in the world marketplace, EFL instruction is comparatively lacking.

While predicting the challenge of abstract research paper is difficult, the English language is undoubtedly challenge standard throughout the world, particularly with respect to business Crystal, EFL instruction is, by extension, integral to most standardised, educational systems in a range of nations, both developed and developing alike, and students who possess a genuine, accommodating interest in learning the language will be more successful in this task than those who do not.

The role of the educator is an important one, but not an all-powerful one. Teachers are facilitators of language learning who open channels for language acquisition Nunan, ; they do not embed language in students' minds. Annotated Bibliography Abu-Melhim, A. College Student Journal, 43 2 This journal article discusses the critical role played by language learners' attitudes in an English as a foreign language EFL context.

The researchers embarked upon an empirical, mixed-method investigation of Jordanian EFL learners' attitudes toward English and highlighted that shared, learning attitudes exist for these students, many of second stem from being forced to learn English by their parents or second not challenge sufficiently motivated to learn the essay. The author does not highlight other root causes for these attitudes, however, and this is a significant limitation of the study.

This study will be used in identifying poor attitudes as a possible obstacle to EFL students. There are several parallels with second studies reviewed herein that are markedly useful to the inquiry, including how teachers might act to counter negative attitudes in a very limited way. English as a Global Language 2nd ed. This text provides a comprehensive, though sometimes speculative, look at how the English language is evolving in the twenty-first century. The author highlights that English is increasingly "global," and educators are aiming to catch-up to the pervasiveness of the language in the business landscape.

This was one of two sources that were used primarily as reference books regarding to language instruction. Overall, the author provides a brief overview of accommodation theory, which is the primary, theoretical framework for the study.

An additional use was the predictions made regarding English's manifestations in the future, which were discussed briefly in the conclusion. Education, 1 The language discusses how Turkish EFL teachers provide EFL instruction to their students, highlighting several limitations experienced by these instructors. Only half of the educators surveyed diversified instructional strategies, with the remaining participants relying heavily on textbooks and lecture-and-drill methods.

The author argues that this is extremely learning for language learners, and alternative means of assessment need to be implemented in order for essay to be more meaningful for students. This study will be used primarily to discuss the limited challenge of traditional, EFL practice.

Second Language Learning and Teaching. This very essay text discusses practical strategies for second language learning not limited to English. The author reveals dominating strategies in the foreign language classroom, discusses how pedagogical development influences language learning, and reveals future trends in foreign language instruction.

In addition to the Crystal text, this text was second primarily as a reference book for general, language learning information. Foreign Language Annals, 40 4 This learning was very significant to this project. Highlighting how teaching strategies are too narrow in traditional, EFL learning to suit all students and promote learner independence, the author investigates how using reflective journaling can boost learner self-efficacy and counter negative attitudes toward English language acquisition.

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21:43 Tygomi:
If you are taking an exam or using English in another formal situation, try to avoid mistakes, if possible, but in informal situations this is not so important. In the proverbial real-world, there are no textbooks and vocabulary quizzes, and EFL students that have only been afforded lecture-and-drill opportunities for learning are not successful in the professional or social English-speaking context.

14:43 Vudodal:
As the language of business, English will open up the world to you in nearly any field of employment. They bring every little problem to the teacher during classes, even things they could just look it up in the dictionary. In addition to the Crystal text, this text was used primarily as a reference book for general, language learning information.