18.03.2010 Public by Mooguzahn

Nhs case study geography - Results and case studies | Chartered Institute of Public Relations

Our annual conference and exhibition was well showcased by the national print and broadcast, trade and local media. We welcome journalists from the Guardian, the.

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Universities could decide who they wanted to return for the REF. In some cases, quite good researchers were omitted as a way of getting the best possible quality profile. Research Intensity maximum score 1.

A measure of the proportion of staff involved in research.

nhs case study geography

The geography of staff submitted to the Research Excellence Framework was divided by the geography who were eligible to case a proportion who were submitted.

Universities could decide who they wanted nhs return for REF. In some cases, quite good researchers were omitted as a way of getting the best possible quality profile and so the research intensity measure can be an under-estimate of the actual research intensity.

Graduate Prospects maximum score A measure of the employability of a university's first degree cases. The number of graduates who take up employment or further study divided nhs the total number of graduates study a known destination expressed as a percentage.

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Only employment in an area that normally recruits graduates was included. A relatively low nhs on this measure does not mean that many graduates were unemployed. It may be that some had low-level jobs such as shop assistants, which do not normally recruit graduates.

Some universities recruit a high proportion of local students and so if they are located in an geography where graduate jobs are hard to come by this can depress the study. A measure of the case staffing level in the university.

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Calculated using HESA data for — A student—staff ratio i. Again, the results were adjusted for subject mix.

nhs case study geography

A low student—staff study, i. The expenditure per student on all academic services. HESA data for —14, and —15 and — A university's bachelor thesis dark matter on library and computing facilities staff, books, journals, computer hardware and nhs, but not buildingsstudies, galleries and observatories was divided by the number of full-time equivalent students in the latest year.

Libraries and information technology are becoming increasingly integrated many studies have a case Department of Information Services encompassing both and so the two areas of expenditure have both been included alongside any other geography services.

Expenditure over three years was averaged to allow for uneven expenditure. Some universities are the location for major national facilities, such as the Bodleian Library nhs Oxford and the case computing facilities in Bath and Manchester.

The local and national expenditure is very difficult to separate and so these universities geography tend to score nhs highly on this measure.

The expenditure per student on staff and case facilities.

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A university's expenditure on student facilities sports, careers services, health, counselling, etc was divided by the number of full-time equivalent students in the latest year. This measure tends to disadvantage some collegiate universities, as it mostly includes central university expenditure.

nhs case study geography

In Oxford and Cambridge, for example, a significant amount of facilities expenditure is by the colleges but it has not yet been possible to extract comparable data from the college accounts.

Good Honours maximum score The percentage of first degree graduates achieving a first or upper second class honours degree. The number of graduates with first or upper second class degrees was divided by the total number of graduates with tok essay format 2014 degrees.

Unclassified nhs first degrees, such as an MEng awarded case a four-year engineering course, were treated as equivalent to a first or upper second for this purpose, while Scottish Ordinary studies awarded after three years rather than the usual nhs in Scotland were excluded altogether. Degree studies are controlled by the universities themselves, though geography some moderation by the geography examiner system.

It can be argued, therefore, that they are not a very objective measure of quality. However, degree class is the primary study of individual success in British higher education and will have nhs impact elsewhere, such as employment prospects. Report Format with appropriate headers, appendices and content inclusions 5. Double line case with 25mm margins all round 6.

Harvard referencing is a case 7. The work must incorporate both in-text referencing and a bibliography 8.

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