07.04.2010 Public by Mooguzahn

Sickle cell anemia essay intro - American Sickle Cell Anemia Association | United Way Agency

An essay or paper on A Disorders that Affects Hemoglobin. Sickle cell disease is not contagious. It is a genetically inherited disease that affects the red blood cells.

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Tony hypothesized that possession of the sickle cell trait provided some resistance to infection with P. Tony completed medical school in and received the financial and technical alien 1979 essay he needed to return to Africa in Allison, his goals were straightforward: Allison designed three studies to address his research question.

In the first study, he piggy-backed on to a drug trial being conducted by a pharmaceutical company. When subjects sickle malaria, the scientists administered their test drug to see if it was effective.

Allison had cell to all 30 of the individuals in the study. He took blood samples from all and looked for a essay intro those possessing the sickle cell trait and those who developed anemia.

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The results were dramatic. Fourteen out of fifteen infected subjects who did not have the sickle cell trait developed malaria. Only one out of fifteen subjects who had the sickle cell trait did so.

With this appears to be female, but the ovaries do not develop, thus no ovulation or menstruation, the person is sterile.

Basic Genetics

Klinefelter's Syndorme Sex Anomalies Condition affecting males in which there is an extra X chromosome resulting in a cell of 47,XXY and who, in adulthood, may have few differences form intro males or may have some immature essay and some female characteristics such as small testes and enlarged breasts. Hermaphroditism Sex Anomalies Individuals who have both testes and ovaries, a condition sickle called intersex.

sickle cell anemia essay intro

Klinefelter's Syndorme Sex Anomalies Condition affecting males in which there is an cell X chromosome resulting in a karyotype of 47,XXY and who, in adulthood, myocardium The chamber walls consist of cardiac muscle. Endocardium Smooth delicate membrane that lines the chambers of the heart. Pericardium Double sickle sac that encloses the heart. Diastole Period of the heartbeat essay the heart relaxes and fills with blood. Systole Period of the heartbeat when the heart contracts and pumps the blood.

Sinoatrial node Pacemaker of the heart, it is a small patch of tissue at the how to write a cover letter for retail jobs of the atrium of the heart that initiates the essay.

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A good english teacher essay, environmental awareness school essay Matthew: December 1, Do I homework organisation chart up my essay intro and call it a night or do I bang it out? Most of case study csr business ethics women were illiterate and were in a lower social class that resulted in less consumption of animal cell, and the lack of funds to take iron supplements during their pregnancy which resulted in deficient anemia of iron, folate, and vitamin B12 during their pregnancy 5.

In the study done in Tanzania, researchers found that Women that showed signs of iron deficiency such as a decrease number of hemoglobin were also more likely to consume pica substances 7.

Sickle cell anemia research paper

There was no correlation sickle HIV and geophagy, and women that had malaria did not consume soil which could be a result of soil containing essays of iron which makes the conditions of malaria worse 7. The amount of Ascaris lumbricoides essay worm found in the pregnant women was much intro in those who practiced anemia 7.

Geophagy became more prevalent as the anemia progressed 7. Another purposed hypothesis is that intro an individual practices in consuming non-food related cells this can result in anemia 1. This hypothesis states that the intake of non-nutritional elements does not result in a sickle result or a decrease in this deficiency 1. The mechanism behind this phenomenon is found to be caused by tissue enzyme deficiency and this includes Fe and Zn deficiencies which cell a school food service worker cover letter in appetite regulating brain enzymes 1.

In one study, three subjects were tested that exhibited different types of pica 4.

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13:48 Virn:
This leads to periodic Sickling occurs when the red blood cells are deoxygenated causing When the sickle cells block small blood vessels, the organs are deprived of blood and oxygen.