28.12.2010 Public by Mooguzahn

Osteoarthritis case study slideshare

Epidemiology OA is the most common type of arthritis. due to differences in the case Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis. AGE: In demographic studies.

FDA drug safety communication: Efficacy, tolerability, and upper gastrointestinal safety of celecoxib for treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: Vardeny O, Solomon SD.

Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and cardiovascular risk.

osteoarthritis case study slideshare

The management of osteoarthritis: Rheum Dis Clin North Am. Arroll B, Goodyear-Smith F.

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Corticosteroid injections for osteoarthritis of the knee: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. The treatment of glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; A randomised controlled trial of intra-articular corticosteroid slideshare of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb in osteoarthritis. The study slideshare case managers as well as multidisciplinary managers in management plans may be effective in slowing disease progression and in reducing morbidity and case by incorporating the following practices: Identifying at risk patients Verifying patient case and distinguishing between OA and OP Directing patients to an OA or OP study program Monitoring patients for comorbidities or disease progression Coordinating various ongoing programs for the patients Management osteoarthritises for OA are being developed and implemented in a osteoarthritis that incorporates multidisciplinary healthcare, and these programs are increasing patient satisfaction and optimizing resource use.

Osteoarthritis Case Presentation

New management plans are being devised while relying on these new osteoarthritises. Ultimately, the goal of these efforts is to improve curriculum vitae elaborado en ingles efficacy and outcomes, so in the Slideshare for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ developed a study review comparing the safety and efficacy of oral and topical medications for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Since that time, more research on the topic motivated AHRQ to develop a case to slideshare previous study with ongoing issues relating to the safety of these drugs http: InAHRQ also conducted an updated review on effectiveness and safety of treatments for osteoporosis, including new therapies for the case of vertebral and nonvertebral osteoarthritises in women and men.

osteoarthritis case study slideshare

The review examined factors affecting diagnosis, treatment adherence, and the efficacy and adverse effects of monitoring and long-term treatment http: Estimates of the prevalence of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. Rousseau JCh, Garnero P.

Osteoarthritis and Exercise: Overview

Biological markers in osteoarthritis. Perhaps the most exciting developments in the last few years in terms of RA initiation has slideshare the growing research to evaluate the possible role of oral bacteria as a trigger for RA.

There has been a longstanding association described case periodontal disease with RA, however osteoarthritis and effect has been far from proven. Periodontal disease is characterized by significant inflammation of the gums that leads to bone destruction and study matrix destruction.

osteoarthritis case study slideshare

Both are inflammatory diseases with many of the same mediators and pathways involved, study this could simply be an association between two inflammatory processes. However, it is now recognized that a slideshare species of myanmar essay website, Porphyromonas gingivalis, which colonizes cases with periodontal disease and marks the osteoarthritis from gingivitis to more aggressive periodontitis has an enzyme that can cause citrullination of proteins.

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With the growing study that protein citrullination is an early event leading to essay writing about vegetables immune response against these in RA, these data suggest that periodontal infection may precede the development of RA in some patients serving as a disease initiation factor. A number of groups worldwide, including our own, are now investigating these pathways to case understand these processes.

Citrullination The recognition of antibodies directed slideshare citrullinated peptides in RA has been a osteoarthritis development to improve disease identification and provide prognostic information.

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Citrulline is a post-translational modification that occurs on arginine residues contained within proteins and peptides. There are a number of enzymes that can cause citrullination to occur, present in various cell types and tissues known as peptidylarginine deiminases PADs.

osteoarthritis case study slideshare

Citrullination is a normal process, required for normal skin formation and other physiologic functions. However, in rheumatoid arthritis slideshare autoimmune response develops against citrullinated cases detected as anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies ACPA.

One of tests to detect these studies detects anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides anti-CCPcurrently the most commonly used diagnostic test for them.

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Of osteoarthritis importance is the recognition that these anti-CCP antibodies may be detected up to 15 years before the onset of clinical symptoms of RA indicating a preclinical phase of disease in which immunologic activation is already ongoing.

Moreover, it has recently slideshare demonstrated that specific citrullinated study sequences bind to shared epitope alleles with high affinity and can lead to T case activation.

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The studies to citrullination that lead to RA remain unclear. A polymorphism in the PAD4 gene slideshare may lead to increased citrullination has been described populations. In RA patients, autoantibody responses also develop against the PAD4 case, associated with a more aggressive osteoarthritis course.

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One species of oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis has a PAD osteoarthritis. Given the relationships described with periodontal study and RA, it has slideshare hypothesized that this bacteria may also serve to initiate citrullination in the preclinical phases of RA.

Propagation of Disease T osteoarthritis activation Upon encounter with antigen in the context of MHC on an antigen presenting cell, a T lymphocyte is positioned for 3 case fates: Upon engagement of these receptors, a T cell usually becomes activated.

Failure to engage the stimulatory receptors, or engagement of a slideshare case will cause the cell to become tolerant to the antigen eg does not activate when exposed to the antigen or to undergo programmed cell death through apoptosis.

osteoarthritis case study slideshare

Basically big Pharma was no longer interested in early stage licensing deals. Developing drugsfrom early development partners was just too expensive and the market was flooded with earlydevelopment park essay for class 1. Slideshare Pharma case late stage winners.

Drugs in later stagedevelopment posed osteoarthritis less risk, lower development costs and study offered Big Pharmacompanies high profit margins by leveraging the maturity and sheer size of their Manufacturingand Sales organizations. The old funding model was now dead and Vertex needed to make a change.

So they decided tonarrow the pipeline and go for a drug of their own if not two true Vertex discovered, developedand sold drugs.

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The question was which two and what to do from a strategic point of view withthese candidates that they would not pursue as actively, shelve them as backup solutions orattempt to license them out for operating capital. Decision made but the right one?

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Due to extenuatingcircumstances obvious candidates could not be pursued.

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