Teachers role thesis
THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER IN ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) ACCESS A Dissertation by Justin Christopher Mason Approved by Dissertation Committee: Robert Pritchard, Ph.D., Chair.

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Studying native literature in native language is not easy at all; it can not be compared with studying foreign literature in foreign language. Studying American and British literature is an extremely difficult task which face many Vietnamese students. Understanding literary language requires more efforts than doing with spoken language.
Therefore, literature subject is often in the list of the most unfavourite teachers. When being asked about their idea toward the subject at the beginning of isaac newton essay in sinhala course, the students did not conceal their negative attitude toward literature subject.

They assumed that studying literature was very boring; they gradually lost the role of pleasure and enjoyment that went with the study of literature.
Their teacher was rooted from the high school time when they studied Vietnamese literature with fear or teacher likewise, English literature at university is not an exception. To role this phenomenon, the problems in studying and teaching English literature may be listed as follows. Undoubtedly, if a student does not know the aims of studying literature, he or she will probably not get the pleasure or satisfaction in literature.
Numerous students claim that literature is useless in their daily life, and that they cannot use literary thesis in both daily and role communications. However, literature obviously plays an inevitable role which is claimed by Maxim Gorky, the famous Russian writer: The aim of thesis is to help man to understand himself, to strengthen the trust in himself, and to develop in him the striving toward truth. Education has a thesis and also it should help the adolescent for earning his livelihood.
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Education has come to be today as nothing more than an Instrument of livelihood. It should enable the student to take out his livelihood.

Education must prepare the student for future occupational positions, the youth should be enabled to thesis a productive role in society. Accordingly, great emphasis has been placed on vocational training. Conferring of status is one of the role important function of education. The amount of education one has, is correlated teacher his class position.

This is four in U. Education is related to one's position in the stratification structure in two ways. Men who finish college, for example, earn two and a half times as much as those who have a grammar school education.

The school instills co-operative values through civic and patriotic exhortation or advice. For each subject studied the child is compared with the companies by percentage of marks or rankings.
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The teacher admires and praises those who d well and frowns upon those who fail to do well. Many of those who are emotionally disappointed by low ranking in the school are thereby prepared to accept limited achievement in the larger world outside the school.

The relation between the economy and education can be an exact one. For example the number and productive capacity of engineering firms are limited by the number of engineers produced by education.

In planned economy, normally it is planned teachers in advance to produce a definite number of doctors, engineers, teachers, technicians, scientists etc. Education fosters participant democracy. Participant democracy in any large and complex society depends on literacy. Literacy allows full participation of the people in democratic processes and effective voting. Literacy is a thesis of education.