What is the function of literature review in research - Crawford PhD - The literature review
As part of the planning process you should have done a LITERATURE REVIEW, which is a survey of important articles, books and other sources pertaining to your research.
Role of Literature in Research
This will prove that you are not just writing about any random subject but that many others have also poured their thoughts on the topic. You may also ask what makes literature review a necessary part of the paper.
The role of literature reviewsThis question can be answered by trying not to include the review in your paper. Obviously, it affects the length of your paper but this is not the noticeable part. What would most certainly be lacking is the fact that your paper, without the literature review, only contains all of your opinions about the facts that you have discovered through your research.
What is a Literature Review?
Thus, how can you further convince the readers, in this case, the committee who will scrutinize your paper? This is the need that is answered only by the literature review. With a literature review, you need to establish a clear tie between the works that you have cited and the topic that you are writing about.

You should be able to justify the inclusion of a certain work in your review so as to make everything that you have written useful. The more you include useless points in your paper, the more that the committee will think that you have not put in a lot of thinking into your paper.

To assess the reliability of a website, check out the author: Is her or his name clearly bowdoin college essay prompts Is there a link to the author's email address or to a legitimate and well-known university's home page or library page?
Does the author belong to or represent an organization--and is there additional information about the organization or a link to the organization's website?

Does the information presented there seem reliable? How do you know? Are sources for the information listed?

Does the information have a particular slant or bias? Be alert for loaded words, ones that reveal an author's feelings or attitudes about the subject.

It is also prudent to consider the objectivity of a page: What viewpoint is being expressed? What is the purpose of the page for marketing, for information, for political purpose? Does the information seem unbiased? Finally, check to see how current the page is, when it was last updated as well essay on earthquake in japan how current the links are.