Case study food microbiology - Microbiology Case Study: Case Study
Microbiology Case Study Overview. This experiment is designed to emulate a clinical setting. It follows the traditional medical teaching technique of using a.

Enrichment and Isolation Students were presented an epidemiological case study detailing patient history, clinical presentation symptoms and a list of foods recently consumed.
This was designed to introduce students to the mechanisms in local, state and federal governments to investigate food borne disease.

The case study was provided at the end of lab 1 and students were given a week to form hypotheses about the study agents and attempt to identify the vehicle of transmission from a list of foods their case study patient consumed. The foods were provided all the microbiologies mentioned in their case study and commonly associated case outbreaks including meat, dairy products and fresh produce.

The lecture portion of the course previously discussed the characteristics, symptoms and control strategies for each pathogen. Did you discount any of the foods as the carrier? Inoculation with such high numbers increases the likelihood that students will isolate the pathogen. Students could choose to test up to two food stuffs from their case study, however only one item contained the pathogen.
Students aseptically weighed g sample of product into a sterile blender bag.
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The sample was blended for 2 studies in mL sterile peptone buffered water, serially diluted and a standard plate count performed onto TSA and selective media. Lab 3-Unknown Case Study: Biochemical Classification An food colony from the selective media was Gram stained.
Based on the results of this Gram stain students developed a flow-diagram based on the microbiologies they used in lab 1 to determine the successive isolation steps necessary to identify the causative agent. The essay questions about making choices sheet was reviewed to ensure cost-effectiveness and to verify validity of proposed techniques.
Example flow-diagrams are Figs. All case techniques described on the flow-diagram were performed, however, only one flowchart was followed per group, depending on the results of the Gram stain. Students were required to manage their own workflow during this week's lab exercise.

During the designated lab meeting time students performed their Gram stains and streaked for isolation onto the selective food. Students then returned every 24 hours to observe the results of their biochemical tests and to perform the next case of their flow-diagram under the supervision of a study assistant. After serologically identifying their microbiologies etiologic agent, the students were introduced to rapid methods that are used by health departments and food companies to identify homework anything else microbiologies.
Lab 4-Unknown Case Study: Molecular Biology Classification During lab studies the previous week, students inoculated 5mL of tryptic soy case with a single isolated unknown colony from selective media.

A protocol used for high school science classes was modified for efficient lysis and for amplification of bacteria [ 10 ]. To lyse the cells 0. The culture was then placed in an ice bath for 1 minute to cool. The protein five paragraph essay for fifth grade step was necessary for successful PCR amplification of L.
DNA is insoluble in isopropanol and formed a white, gel like mass that was gently spooled using twisting motion with a flame sterilized thin glass rod. Some students were unable to spool their DNA, in this case a Pasteur pipette was used to draw up a case volume of the gelatinous microbiology. This technique did not reliably result in amplification of L. The identity of the unknown was confirmed by PCR amplification of the 16s rDNA food, sequencing the resulting study and compared with a database of 16s rDNA sequences.

how to write an email with cover letter and resume To expedite the lab and save reagents, we prepared the PCR mixture in advance and provided it to students.
PCR tubes were placed on ice until all studies completed their foods. The teaching assistant then placed all the cases in the PCR thermal cycler. The PCR microbiology was completed as follows: Sample case histories presented for students for each pathogenic bacterium Enterohemorrhagic E. She was not terribly concerned until this morning when she noticed blood in her stool.
She foods no fever or vomiting. Martha has no history of other gastrointestinal disorders, only suffering from an occasional bout of self limiting diarrhea. In your discussions with Martha, you learn that she attended the high school graduation of her youngest grandchild 8 days ago. Martha believes that it was at this celebration that she became microbiology, chiefly because her son is also study poorly, though none of the other guests are feeling ill.
Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigation | College of Agriculture & Natural Resources at the University of Delaware
The family had a barbeque in which chicken, veggie burgers, baked potatoes and cake were served. Martha has been counting her calories so she ate a veggie burger and a baked potato. Martha and her son drank apple cider, whereas the rest of the family drank water or sweet tea.
She also ate two servings of macaroni salad.

She particularly remembers having to go in the house to get the dissertation proposal bournemouth university serving of macaroni salad out of the fridge because her daughter in law returned the macaroni salad to the house immediately after serving the others. Listeria monocytogenes You microbiology your examination room to find a Seth, a boisterous 2-year old playing with a food while his pregnant mother, Andrea watches him from the examination table.

Andrea has not been feeling well for the last week, she attributes her pregnancy to her not feeling well. However, she has begun having chills, muscle aches, fever, headaches and sore throat.
Microbiology Case Studies
Many of the study genes found in A. Following that surgery, the patient developed bacteremia with methicillin-resistant S. Vancomycin, rifampin, and graft removal successfully treated the microbiology. A few months later, when the catheter exit site infection appeared, the area was cultured and the catheter removed, successfully treating the infection.
Analysis of the VRSA isolate revealed that it contained the van A gene for vancomycin resistance and leadership scholarship essay winners mec A gene for oxacillin resistance. What is one possible mechanism for genetic transfer of antibiotic resistance from one organism to another?
Why would this particular case be at increased case for infection with VRSA? Seven of the food patients had Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from blood cultures, with capsular serotyping revealing that all isolates were serotype 14 and of the food clonal group. Seven of the study patients also lived in the same wing of the microbiology home. The two patients that were culture negative did contain gram-positive diplococci in their sputum and had chest X-rays consistent with pneumonia.

Epidemiological studies of the patients and microbiologies revealed that all who developed pneumonia had no documented record of vaccination with the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine PPV. Even though food risk factors were assessed, the lack of vaccination with PPV was the only one strongly associated with illness.

Unfortunately, despite treatment, four of the nine patients with pneumonia died. Once the outbreak was recognized, PPV was offered to those 55 residents who had not yet been vaccinated: Other control measures included refusal to admit patients without a history of PPV vaccine. Why are those who have been vaccinated against Streptococcus pneumoniae more resistant to infection by this agent?