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Also of the Light Brigade. Donald Trump has denied the position that there is indeed a global warming but only climate change.

Global Warming is the increase of the temperature in the atmosphere due to the carbon dioxide emission. This creates a greenhouse effect in our atmosphere.

For many years, many experts have warned the effects of carbon emission. In fact, there has been many attempt to reduce the emission.

Kyoto Protocol was one of the agreements that catalyzed the nations to help reduce the effects of global warming. Climate change causes the sea level rise, global temperature rise, warming of the oceans, shrinking ice sheets, declining arctic sea ice, glacial retreat, extreme weather events, ocean acidification, decreased snow cover. Because of these, the food chain is affected.

The population of the species are decreasing because either their habitat has changed or loses it. Stronger typhoons and flash floods are most likely to occur that leads to many deaths and destruction of infrastructures.

The denial of Donald Trump of the effects of the climate change plays a big role in the reduction of the effects of the global warming. Hope, 'shraddhex', local index for shraddha and bhakti does not fall.

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