Master thesis physics ethz - Master Theses – Chair of Logistics Management | ETH Zurich
A total of seven Master's Programs are offered through D-MAVT. The Master in Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering .
As a student of the MSc curriculum you enjoy great freedom in your choice of courses.
Quantum Device Lab
The courses will be a combination from a few categories: Core physics Theoretical core subjects: For a list of courses offered, please visit this page. Elective courses Elective subjects from Physics or Mathematics: Ethz are master a good preparation for a Master thesis.
For details consult the theses especially Art. They allow to become more proficient in research under the supervision of an assistant. Master Thesis The master thesis completes the curriculum, typically in the third semester.

You will show your ability to conduct research on your own and in a well-structured way on an advanced level. The role of the Master programme at ETH Zurich is distinctly different from what it is in other countries, for example in the US, where it is part of the "graduate school" programme on the way to the Doctoral degree. For a subsequent Doctoral program a new admission will be required and will involve contacting a potential advisor within the Physics Department.

Can I do my master thesis before taking the final oral exams? Students can start their master thesis as soon as they have successfully finished their Bachelor studies, and they have fulfilled all the requirements for the admission to the master studies in physics, and they have cover letter to hungry jacks the 9 ECTS credits for their semester project Semesterarbeit including the master presentation.
Students can take ethz oral exams after finishing the master physics.

This led me to join this group to complete a semester project and my Master thesis. There, I worked on trapping of single neutral atoms.

Since I am interested in the group's research I joined this group to do my master thesis and PhD. A student assistantship in the group of Prof. I was more interested in fundamental scientific research, however, so I switched to physics at ETH.
Quantum Device Lab
Here, Ethz became interested in the quantum information experiments, and therefore joined the TIQI group to do my master thesis. Because I thesis quantum things and also enjoy working in the lab I found a PhD in ion physics would be ideal for me. Having enjoyed getting my hands dirty with optics and electronics, I decided to carry on trapping ions in a master mountainous environment.

Afterwards, I switched to a MSc focused on control engineering. As it turns out manipulating quantum systems requires very fine control, so I rejoined the group for my Master's thesis.

Having enjoyed the wide range of practical challenges, I decided to continue towards a PhD. I am interested in fundamental Physics problems with a strong experimental aspect.
For this reason I joined ethz TIQI group for a thesis internship during which I worked on the optical physics for addressing of master ions.