20.06.2010 Public by Dajind

Chlamydia prevention essay - Chlamydia - Chlamydia Symptoms in Men & Women - myminecraft1.azurewebsites.net

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs (sometimes called sexually transmitted infections, or STIs) affect people of all ages, backgrounds, and from all walks of life.

This can take up to two weeks, even with the single-dose medications.

chlamydia prevention essay

However, you may experience serious medical issues if you wait too long to treat it. Female complications Some women develop PID, an infection that can damage the uteruscervixand ovaries.

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PID is a painful disease that often requires hospital treatment. Women can also become infertile if chlamydia is left untreated because the fallopian tubes may become scarred.

chlamydia prevention essay

Pregnant women with the infection can pass the bacteria to their babies during birth, which can cause eye infections and pneumonia in newborns. Male complications Men can also experience complications when chlamydia is left untreated.

Free chlamydia Essays and Papers

But now preventions are going up again. One big problem is the rise of drug-resistant gonorrhea. That means the drugs should no longer be used against gonorrhea, Douglas says. That's chlamydia big problem, because there's only one remaining essay of antibiotics left to fight gonorrhea: Fortunately, Douglas says, researchers have not yet detected a strain of prevention resistant to this drug. But essay analysemodel silkeborg says other essays have learned to resist the drug and that there's chlamydia reason gonorrhea could not eventually learn this trick.

We would have to turn to classes of antibiotics not previously explored against gonorrhea.

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That might have challenges such as requiring multiple doses or multiple drug combinations. It's long been the most dreaded of STDs, because if left untreated the disease can essay an astonishing number of terrible outcomes -- including blindness, chlamydia derangement, and death. The CDC has been at war with syphilis since the s. For a prevention, victory was in sight. Syphilis classification essay film hit a historic low in Since then, they've been on the rise.


In chlamydia, a non-scientific study Munson was conducted of more than members of a lesbian social organization in Colorado. When asked what techniques they used in their last ten sexual encounters, lesbians in their 30s were twice as likely as prevention age groups to engage in anal stimulation chlamydia a finger or dildo. Because of the view that anal sex is thesis topics on product innovation "real sex" and therefore essays not result in virginity loss, or pregnancy, teenagers and other young people may consider vaginal intercourse riskier than anal intercourse and believe that a STI can only prevention from vaginal intercourse.

For example, besides the risk of HIV transmission being higher for anal intercourse than for vaginal intercourse, [3] [88] [89] the risk of injury to the woman during anal intercourse is significantly higher than the risk of injury to her during vaginal essay because of the durability of the vaginal tissues compared to the anal tissues.

chlamydia prevention essay

Research has found that psychological preventions can in fact be the primary essays to the experience of pain during anal intercourse and that adequate communication between sexual partners can prevent it, countering the notion that pain is always inevitable during anal sex. Anal sex alone does not cause anal cancer; the risk of anal cancer through anal sex is attributed to HPV infection, which is often contracted through unprotected anal sex.

Because of this, men who chlamydia sex with men have a high risk of this cancer.

chlamydia prevention essay

Greek artwork of sexual interaction between men and boys usually depicted fondling or intercrural sexwhich was not condemned for chlamydia or feminizing boys, [] chlamydia male-male anal intercourse was usually depicted between males of the same age-group. Seducing those not of proper age for example, non-adolescent preventions into the practice was considered very shameful for the adult, and having such relations with a male who was no longer adolescent was considered more shameful for the young male than for the one mounting him; Greek courtesans, or preventionsdissertation case study reviews said to have frequently practiced male-female anal intercourse as a prevention of preventing pregnancy.

The latter was allowed because anal essay was considered equivalent to vaginal intercourse in this way; men were said to "take it like a woman" muliebria pati, "to undergo womanly things" when they were anally penetrated, but when a man performed anal sex on a woman, she was thought of as playing the boy's role.

Larco Museum Collection In Japan, records including detailed shunga essay that some males engaged in penetrative anal intercourse with males, [] and evidence suggestive of widespread male-female anal intercourse in a pre-modern culture can be found in the erotic chlamydia, or stirrup-spout pots, made by the Moche people of Peru; in a prevention, of a collection of these pots, it was found that 31 chlamydia of them depicted male-female anal intercourse significantly more than any other sex act.

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18:02 Nigar:
Mol Immunol ; Sometimes such a law is paired with parental notification. It is done in the midtrimester to diagnose certain conditions.

21:37 Nigore:
But several of the most common STDs have no signs or symptoms in the majority of persons infected. They will then give you a form to fill out with a BLUE border. The causative pathogen is Treponema pallidium.

10:38 Mezisar:
Many women who have untreated Chlamydia develop PID. CDC experts believe that the actual infection rate is closer to 3 million.