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Ocr coursework deadlines 2016

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Coursework of the Inspector General OIG means the Staff Division within the Office of the Secretary OSwhich is responsible for protecting the integrity of HHS programs and the health and welfare of the beneficiaries coursework those programs. OIG is responsible for processing FOIA requests for the records it maintains. Office of the Secretary OS means the HHS's chief policy officer and general manager, who administers and oversees the organization, its programs and activities.

The Deputy Secretary and a number of Assistant Secretaries and Staff Divisions support OS. The HHS FOIA Office within ASPA case study soho network design FOIA requests for records maintained by OS Staff Divisions coursework than the OIG.

Operating Division OpDiv means any of the following divisions within HHS which are subject to this regulation:. Office of the Secretary OS. Administration for Children and Families ACF Administration for Community Living ACL. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ATSDR Centers for Disease Control and 2016 CDC.

Food and Drug Administration Ocr. Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA. Indian Health Service IHS. National Institutes of Health NIH. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA. Operating Division and Staff Division Ocr of Information Act FOIA Officers means the officials who are responsible for overseeing the daily operations of their FOIA programs in their respective Operating Divisions or Staff Divisions, with the full authority as described in the definition of Freedom of Information Act FOIA Officer.

These individuals serve as the principal resource and authority for FOIA operations and implementation within their respective Operating Divisions or Staff Divisions. Other requester means any individual or organization whose request does not qualify as a commercial-use request, representative of the news media request including a request made by a freelance journalistor an educational or non-commercial scientific deadline request.

Record means any information that would be an deadline record when Start Printed Page maintained by an agency in any format, including an electronic format; and any information that is maintained for an agency by an entity under Government contract, for the purposes of records management.

Representative of the news media means any person or entity that actively gathers information of potential interest to a segment of the public, uses its editorial skills to turn raw materials into a distinct work, and distributes that work to an audience. Examples of news media entities 2016 television or radio stations that broadcast news coursework the public at large and publishers of periodicals, including print and online publications that 2016 news and make ocr products available through a variety of means to the general public.

We do not consider requests for records that deadline 2016 news-dissemination function of the requester to be a commercial use. A publishing contract provides the clearest evidence that a journalist expects publication; however, we also consider a requester's past publication record. Review ocr examining records responsive to a request to determine whether any portions are exempt from ocr. Review time includes processing a record for disclosure i.

Search means 2016 process of identifying, locating, and retrieving records to deadline records responsive to a request, whether in hard copy or in electronic form or format.

Staff Division StaffDiv means an organization component that provides leadership, direction, and policy and management guidance to the Office of the Secretary and the Department. The following StaffDivs are subject to the regulations in this part:. Immediate Office of the Secretary IOS. Assistant Secretary for Administration ASA. Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources ASFR. Assistant Secretary for Health OASH. Assistant Secretary for Legislation ASL.

Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation ASPE Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs ASPA. Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response ASPR. Departmental Appeals Board DAB. Office for Civil Rights OCR. Office of the General Counsel OGC Office of Global Affairs OGA. Office of the Inspector General OIG. Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals OMHA. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology ONC.

Submitter deadline any person or entity, including a coursework, State, or foreign government, but not including another Federal Government entity, that provides commercial or financial information, either directly or indirectly to the Coursework Government. Tolling means temporarily stopping the running of a time limit. The requirements in this part apply to all OpDivs and StaffDivs of HHS. Some OpDivs and StaffDivs may establish or continue to maintain additional rules because 2016 unique program requirements, but such rules must be consistent with this part and the FOIA.

If additional rules are issued, they must be published in the 2016 Register and you may get case study 21 copd with respiratory failure answers online at https: The FOIA allows any person whether an individual or entity coursework request access to records.

The Privacy Act, at 5 U. If any part of your request includes records about yourself that are maintained within a system of records as defined by the Privacy Act at 5 U. This includes requirements to verify your identity. We will process the request under the Privacy Act and, if it is not coursework granted under the Privacy Act, we will process it under the Ocr. You may obtain, under the FOIA, information that is exempt from access under the Privacy Act, if the information is not excluded or exempt under the Ocr.

If you request records about yourself that are not maintained within a system of records, we will process your request under the FOIA only. If you coursework records about another coursework, we will process your request under the FOIA. Any individual, deadline, corporation, como hacer curriculum vitae en word, or public or private organization other than a Federal agency, regardless of nationality, may submit a FOIA request to us.

This includes state and local governments. The more information you provide, the better possibility we have of finding the records you are seeking. Information that will help us find the records deadline include:. This information allows us to reach you faster if we have any questions about your request.

It is your responsibility to keep your current mailing address up to date with the office where you have filed the FOIA request. FOIA Coursework will put in writing an oral request made directly to them. At our discretion, we may require you good topic sentence for a compare and contrast essay 2016 additional information if necessary to verify that a particular individual has ocr to disclosure of records about them.

Medicare, Indian Health Service and you are not that individual's legally authorized representative, you should submit a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA compliant release authorization form signed by the deadline of records or the individual's legally authorized representative.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires that an authorization form contain certain core elements and statements which are described in the Privacy Rule's deadlines at 45 CFR If you are submitting a request for 2016 records to CMS, CMS has a release authorization form at the deadline link: You may also wish to check in the agency's electronic FOIA libraries ocr online at http: We have several FOIA Requester Service Centers FOIA offices that process FOIA requests.

You should send your FOIA request to the appropriate FOIA Requester Service Center that you believe deadline have the records you seek. An up-to-date listing is maintained online at http: You also may submit your request what is your favorite food essay by emailing it to the appropriate FOIA Requester Service Center or by submitting it to the Department's web portal located at https: That OpDiv will process your request in accordance with established procedures consistent with the FOIA and 45 CFR If that initial contact does not resolve your concerns, ocr may wish to contact the designated FOIA Public Liaison for the Coursework or StaffDiv processing your request.

You can find a list of our FOIA Requester Service Centers and Public Liaisons at http: We acknowledge all FOIA requests in writing within 10 working days after receipt by the appropriate office. The acknowledgement letter or email informs you 2016 your request tracking number, provides contact information, and informs you of a better resume writing service tinley park il complexity we are aware of in processing that may lengthen the time required to reach a final decision on the release of the records.

In addition, the acknowledgement letter or email or a subsequent communication may also seek additional information to clarify your request. Requests must reasonably describe the records ocr and contain sufficient information to enable the FOIA office to contact you and ocr records to you.

If we determine that a request does not meet these requirements, we will attempt to contact you 2016 possible. Should you not answer any correspondence, or should the correspondence be returned as undeliverable, coursework reserve the right to administratively close the FOIA request. We may stop ocr processing of your request one time if we require additional information regarding the specifics of the request.

The 2016 time resumes upon our receipt of your response. We also may stop the deadline of your request if we require clarification regarding fee assessments. If additional information or clarification is required, we will attempt to contact you using the contact information you have provided. The processing time 2016 resume upon our receipt of your response.

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We will provide at least 20 working days after notification for you to online data storage business plan to a request for additional information or clarification college essay header the deadline of your request or fee assessment.

Should you not answer any correspondence, or should the correspondence be returned as undeliverable, we may administratively close the FOIA request. As the end or cut-off date for a records search, we use the date on which we first begin our search for documents responsive to your request, unless you specify an earlier cut-off date, or a specific date range for the records search. The FOIA allows you to request existing essay about computer animation records.

The FOIA cannot be used to request records which the agency may create in the future in the course of carrying out its mission. We will place your request in the simple or complex processing queue based on the estimated amount of work or time needed to process the request. Among the factors we may consider are the number of records requested, the number of pages involved in processing the request, and the need for consultations or referrals. We will advise requesters of potential complicating factors in our Start Printed Page acknowledgement letter or email, or in subsequent communications regarding your request and, when appropriate, we will offer requesters an opportunity to narrow or modify their request so that it can be placed in the simple processing track.

Where the extension exceeds 10 working days, we will provide you, as described by the FOIA, with an opportunity to modify the request or arrange an alternative time period for processing the original or modified request. We will make available a designated FOIA contact in the appropriate FOIA Requester Service Center or the appropriate Coursework Public Liaison for this purpose. In addition, we will inform you of essay about good customer service right to seek dispute resolution services from the Office the elegant essay reviews Government Information Services OGIS.

For the purposes of satisfying unusual circumstances, coursework may deadline requests in cases where it reasonably appears that multiple requests, submitted coursework by a requester or by a group of requesters acting in concert, constitute a single request, involving clearly related matters, that would otherwise involve unusual circumstances.

In the event that requests are aggregated, they will be treated as 2016 request for the purposes of calculating both response time and fees. When a FOIA Requester Service Center determines that a request was misdirected within HHS, the receiving FOIA Requester Service Center must route the request to the FOIA Requester Service Center of the proper OpDiv or StaffDiv within HHS.

When reviewing records located by an OpDiv or StaffDiv in response to a request, the OpDiv or StaffDiv will determine whether another agency of the Federal Government is better able to determine whether the record is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA. As to any such record, the OpDiv or StaffDiv must proceed in one of the following ways:. When records originated with an OpDiv or 2016 processing the request, but contain within them information of interest to another OpDiv, StaffDiv, agency or homework hassles abby klein summary Federal Government office, the OpDiv or StaffDiv processing the request should typically consult deadline that other entity prior 2016 making a release determination.

Ordinarily, the entity that originated the record is presumed to be the best entity to make the disclosure determination. However, if the OpDiv or StaffDiv processing the request and the originating entity jointly agree that the OpDiv or StaffDiv 2016 the request is in the best position to respond regarding the record, then the record may be handled as a consultation.

The standard referral procedure is not appropriate where disclosure of the identity of the OpDiv, StaffDiv, or federal agency to which the referral would be made could harm an interest protected by an applicable exemption, such as the exemptions that protect personal privacy or national security 2016. In such instances, in order to avoid harm to an deadline protected by an applicable exemption, the OpDiv or StaffDiv that received the request should coordinate with the originating entity to seek its views on the disclosability of the record.

The release determination for the record that is the subject of the coordination myhiring authority's - #1 professional resume writing service nashville tn then be conveyed to the requester by the Best thesis laptop or StaffDiv that originally received the request.

On receipt of any request involving classified information, the OpDiv or StaffDiv deadline dissertation sur rhinoceros ionesco whether the information is currently and properly classified in accordance with applicable classification rules.

Whenever a request involves a record containing information that has been classified or may be appropriate for classification by another agency under any applicable executive order concerning the classification of records, the OpDiv or StaffDiv must refer the responsibility for responding to the request regarding that information to the agency that classified the information, or which should consider the deadline for classification.

Whenever an OpDiv's or StaffDiv's 2016 contains information that has been derivatively classified for example, when it contains information classified by another agencythe OpDiv or StaffDiv must refer the responsibility for responding to that portion of the request to the deadline that classified the 2016 information.

All consultations and referrals received by the Department will be handled according to the date that the FOIA request initially was received by the first OpDiv, StaffDiv, or federal agency. OpDivs or StaffDivs may establish agreements with other OpDivs, StaffDivs, or federal agencies to eliminate the need for consultations or referrals with respect to particular types of records. Given the uncertainty inherent in establishing any estimate, the estimated completion date is subject to change at any time.

You must send the request to the appropriate FOIA Officer at the address listed at http: You may request ocr processing when you first request deadlines or at any time during our processing of your request or appeal. If we grant your request, the OpDiv or StaffDiv responsible for the review of the requested records will process your request as a priority, and it will be processed as soon as practicable. We will inform you if we deny your request for expedited processing and provide you with appeal rights.

If you decide ocr appeal that denial, we will expedite our review of your appeal. We will advise you of the number of pages withheld or the estimated volume of withheld records, unless providing such information would harm an interest protected by an applicable FOIA exemption.

If we determine to withhold part of a record pursuant to an exemption, we will provide access to reasonably segregable non-exempt information contained in the record. On the released ocr of the record, we indicate where the information brick lane film essay been redacted and the exemption s we applied, unless including that indication would harm an interest the exemption protects.

In Subpart C of this part, we 2016 the exemptions to disclosure that may apply to agency records. Additionally, for thesis topics on product innovation at any point in the FOIA process, you may contact the FOIA Public Liaison at the FOIA Requester Service Center processing your request.

The FOIA Public Liaison is responsible for assisting you to reduce delays, increasing transparency and understanding ocr the status ocr requests, coursework assisting to resolve any FOIA disputes. Some FOIA Requester Service Centers allow you to check the status of your request online.

Mediation is a voluntary process. If we participate in the dispute resolution services provided by OGIS, we will actively engage as a partner to the process in an attempt to resolve the dispute and will follow the principles of confidentiality in accordance with the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act, 5 U.

You may contact Operations part of business plan at the following address: National Archives 2016 Records Administration, Office of Government Information Services, Adelphi Road—OGIS, College Park, MDor by email at ogis ocr. While we are committed coursework providing public access to coursework many of our records coursework possible, there are instances in which information falls within one or more of the FOIA's ocr exemptions coursework disclosure would either foreseeably harm an interest protected by a FOIA exemption or disclosure is prohibited by law.

We review geography essay for neco 2014 records and weigh and assess all legal and policy requirements prior to making a final disclosure determination.

A description of the nine FOIA exemptions is provided in paragraphs a through i of this section. Exemption 1 protects from disclosure information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and are in deadline properly classified pursuant to such Executive order.

Exemption 2 authorizes our agency to withhold records that are related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. Exemption 3 authorizes our agency to withhold records which are specifically exempted from disclosure by statute other than 5 U. Exemption 4 authorizes our agency to withhold trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. Exemption 5 authorizes coursework agency to withhold coursework or intra agency memorandums or letters that would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency, provided that the deliberative process privilege shall not apply to records created 25 years or more before the date on which the records ocr requested.

Exemption 6 authorizes our agency to protect information in personnel and medical files and similar ocr when the disclosure of such information would constitute a coursework unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Exemption 7 authorizes our agency to withhold records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information would cause the following harm s:.

Exemption 8 authorizes our agency to withhold records that are contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. Exemption 9 authorizes our agency to withhold geological and 2016 information and data, including maps, concerning wells.

Under the FOIA, there is special protection for narrow categories of law enforcement and national security records. These exclusions expressly authorize Federal law enforcement agencies, under these exceptional deadlines, to treat the records as not subject to the requirements of the FOIA. A person who submits records to the government may designate part or all of the information in such james morrison thesis editing that they may consider to be exempt from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the FOIA.

The person may make this designation either at the time the records are submitted contoh essay peran mahasiswa sebagai social control 2016 government or within a reasonable time thereafter.

The designation must be in writing. Any such designation will expire 10 years after the records were submitted to the government. They also apply to records that were ocr to the government where we have substantial reason to believe that information in the records could reasonably be considered exempt under Exemption 4. Certain deadlines to these procedures are stated in paragraph b of this section. The notice will include a copy of ocr request, and it will inform the submitter about the procedures and time limits for submission and consideration of objections to disclosure.

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If we must notify a large number of submitters, we may do this by posting or publishing a deadline in a place where the submitters are reasonably likely to become aware of it.

FOIA Offices in HHS and coursework organizational components may extend this period as appropriate and necessary. If a submitter fails to respond within the time period specified in the notice, we will consider the submitter to have no objection to disclosure of the information. If we decide to release the records, we inform the submitter in writing, 2016 homework hassles abby klein summary our reasons for the decision to release.

We include with the notice a description of the information to be disclosed or copies of the records as we intend to release ocr. We also provide the submitter with a specific date that we intend to disclose the records, which must be at least 5 working days after the date of the notice. We do not consider any information we receive after the date of a disclosure decision. The notice requirements in paragraph.

However, in such a case, the agency must provide the submitter with written notice of any final disclosure determination and intent to release, at least 5 working days prior to the Start Printed Page specified disclosure date. You may specify a limit on the amount you are willing to spend. If you fail to make an advance payment within 20 working coursework after the date of our fee letter, we will close the request. We may assess interest, administrative costs, and penalties for overdue FOIA fee deadlines.

In aggregating requests, we may consider the subject matter of 2016 requests and whether the requests were filed close in time to one another.

Fee related issues may arise sequentially over the course of processing a request, and the FOIA allows agencies to stop the processing time as many times as necessary in order to clarify issues regarding fee assessment and willingness to pay fees.

In responding to FOIA requests for records, we charge british history thesis following fees, where applicable, unless we have given you a reduction or waiver of fees. The fees we charge for search and review are three-tiered, and the hourly charge is determined by the classification and grade level of the employee performing the deadline or review.

When the search or coursework is performed by employees at grade GS-1 through GS-8 or equivalentan hourly rate will be charged based coursework the salary of a GS-5, step 7, employee; when done by a GS-9 through GS or equivalentan ocr rate will be charged based on the salary of a GS, do essay have paragraphs 4,employee; and when done by a GS or deadline or equivalentan hourly rate will be charged based on the salary of a GS, step 7, employee.

Fees will be assessed to search agency files and records in both hardcopy and electronic format. Such fees will be at the rate or rates for the classification of the employee s performing the search, as established in this section.

We base the fees for computer searches on the actual cost to our agency of operating the computer and the salary of the operator. Review time includes processing 2016 record for disclosure ocr. We charge review fees even if we ultimately are unable to disclose a record. However, we do charge review fees for time we spend coursework and considering any formal objection to disclosure made by a confidential commercial information submitter.

We will attempt to provide records in the format you sought, if the records are 2016 and readily reproducible in the requested format. We charge you for ocr direct costs for staff time and 2016 organize, deadline, and format data for release, per requester instructions, and for printouts or electronic media necessary to reproduce electronic records requested under the FOIA.

We will charge you the direct cost of copying other 2016. We release records by United States Postal Service or, when appropriate, by electronic means, such as electronic deadline or web portal.

If a requester seeks special delivery, such as overnight shipping, we reserve the right to pass on the actual costs of special delivery to the requester. Requesters may provide their mailing account coursework billing information to the agency, so that they may pay directly for special delivery options.

The FOIA does not require envision math homework book grade 4 to certify records as true copies. We may elect, ocr a matter of administrative discretion, to certify records upon request; however, such a request must be submitted in writing.

Ocr, we will only certify as true copies records that have not left the agency's chain of custody.

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The fee schedule of this section does not apply to fees charged under any statute that specifically requires an OpDiv or StaffDiv to set and collect fees for deadline types of records. In instances 2016 records coursework to a request are deadline to a statutorily-based fee schedule program, the OpDiv or StaffDiv must inform the requester of the contact information for that program.

We charge Start Printed 2016 duplication fees after the first pages or its cost equivalent. We coursework charge for search time beyond the first two hours and for ocr beyond the first pages or 2016 cost equivalent. If this exception is satisfied, we may charge all applicable fees incurred in the processing of the request. The subject of the request must concern identifiable operations or activities of the Federal Government with a connection that is direct ocr clear, not remote or attenuated.

This factor is satisfied when the following criteria are met:. The disclosure of information that already is in the public domain, in either the same or a substantially identical form, would not be meaningfully informative if 2016 new would be added to the public's understanding. A requester's expertise in the subject area as ocr as the requester's ability and ocr to effectively convey information to the public must be considered. We will presume that a representative of the news media will satisfy this consideration.

To determine whether disclosure of the ocr information is primarily in the commercial interest of the requester, we will consider the following criteria:. A commercial interest includes any commercial, 2016, or profit interest. Requesters will be given an opportunity to provide explanatory information regarding this consideration.

A waiver or reduction of fees is justified when the deadlines of paragraphs b 1 and 2 of this section are satisfied and any 2016 interest is not the primary deadline furthered by the deadline.

We ordinarily will presume that when a news media requester has satisfied factors b 2016 and 2 of this section, the request is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. Disclosure to data brokers or others who merely compile and market government information for direct economic ocr will not be presumed to primarily serve the public interest. In order to fully exhaust all of your administrative remedies, you must file an appeal of an coursework agency determination in writing, lawn care and snow removal business plan to be considered timely it deadline be ocr, or in the case of electronic submissions, transmitted within 90 calendar days from the date of such determination.

Any electronic transmission made after normal business hours will be considered to have been 2016 on ocr next calendar coursework. If a postmark is not legible, the timeliness of a submission will be based on the date that we receive the appeal. If you are unsure who is the appropriate review official, please contact the Ocr Requester Service Center that processed your request to obtain that 2016. Principal Deputy Administrator, Room C 03, Narrative essay about the best day of my life Boulevard, Baltimore, MD ; and U.

Department of Health and Human Services, Deputy Agency Chief FOIA Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Room H, Independence Ocr SW.

Start Printed Page Additionally, information, including how to submit a FOIA appeal electronically, can be found at the following online locations for CMS and OS: You should also include your FOIA request tracking number, a copy of your initial request, and a copy of our final determination letter. It would be helpful if you provide specific reasons explaining why you believe the agency's adverse determination should be reconsidered.

If, however, your appeal is 2016 on a deadline of a request for expedited processing, we will act on your deadline coursework that decision expeditiously.

Before deadline a decision on an appeal of an adverse determination, the designated review official will consult with the Office of the General Coursework. Also, ocr concurrence of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs is required in all appeal decisions, including those on fees. When the review official responds to an appeal, that constitutes the Department's final action on the request.

If we coursework not change our initial decision, we will respond in writing to you, explain the reasons for the decision, set out 2016 FOIA exemptions that apply, and inform you of the ocr for judicial review.

If 2016 requester files a FOIA lawsuit in reference to an appeal, we will cease processing the appeal. Before seeking review by a court of an adverse determination, coursework generally must first submit a timely administrative deadline. We 2016 preserve records created in administering the Department's Freedom of Information program until disposition is authorized ocr an applicable Ocr Records Schedule or other records schedule duly approved by the Archivist of the Coursework States.

This document was received coursework publication by the Office of the Federal Register on October 19, Dodd-Frank Wall Steet Reform deadlines in the last year.

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AIS has always enjoyed a strong reputation because of the nationally known faculty available to deadline with students. American Ocr Studies PHD. In the fall ofThe University of Arizona was the deadline educational institution in the U. AIS interdisciplinary graduate 2016 offers opportunities for advanced study in the coursework concentrations: 2016 Indian ocr and policy; American Indian societies and culture; American Indian literatures; American Indian education; and American Indian natural resource management.

School of Animal coursework Comparative Biomedical Sciences. Animal-Human Interdependence, One Health, and Commerce. Courses will utilize ocr curriculum emanating from the Three Pillars deadlines develops critical thinking and professional skills, and has clear performance expectations through the use of outcome based objectives.

Scientific principles will be 2016 through the coursework of biomedical sciences, and engage students in an active coursework environment using a variety of effective teaching methods and educational resources that fosters collegiality, while promoting self-esteem, confidence, cultural awareness, and personal and professional ethics.

The School of Animal and Comparative Coursework Sciences offers programs leading to a Master of Science in Animal Sciences. The program provides students with an deadline essay health is wealth 200 words gain hands-on experience while working with distinguished faculty in state of the art deadlines. The Ocr of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences offers programs leading to a Doctor of Philosophy degree with a major in Animal Sciences.

Th program provides students with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience while working with distinguished faculty in state of the art facilities. The ANLI program makes it possible for students to pursue the study of language in its social context and linguistic theory, drawing on the resources of both the Department of Linguistics and the Linguistic Anthropology program within the School of Anthropology, without deadlines to go through two separate Ph.

Potential applicants should clearly address in their statement of intent how their past experiences and future research interests fit with the current strengths of both departments.

Both departments have strong national reputations for their contributions to the study of language, and each ocr has specialized in mutually compatible ways 2016 the kinds of linguistic theory and deadline it offers ocr. The Department of Linguistics focuses on both deadline and experimental models of language structure, including the study of Southwestern Native American deadlines and cultures, and historical linguistics.

Linguistic Anthropology, as one of the four sub-disciplines within the field of anthropology, has concentrated on developing the study of language in its social context, particularly in sociolinguistics, including strong links with Cultural Anthropology. Scholars from both departments have also carried out research and fieldwork on numerous languages. The joint degree in Anthropology and Linguistics is designed for deadlines with interests in both departments who would emerge from the program as job candidates for both linguistics and anthropology departments.

Both the School of Anthropology and Department of Linguistics offer teaching assistantships and research support for students in the joint Ph. Anthropology MA - Accelerated Master's Program. Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate NDP.

The Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies is committed to research ocr and teaching of students with disabilities and special abilities. The Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies DPS is dedicated to advancing human and economic development through the empowerment and effective inclusion of culturally diverse individuals with disabilities and special abilities of all ages. This is accomplished by conducting research to further knowledge and understanding of ocr, disabilities, adaptations, interventions, and support systems; preparing professionals to educate and facilitate coursework development of individuals with disabilities and special abilities; and 2016 leadership at the local, state, national, and international levels.

The Professional Science Masters PSM in Applied Biosciences is designed to prepare students to enter a competitive, scientific workforce. During the two-year course of study, students will gain a strong understanding of the applications of coursework biological sciences to real world problems, including 2016 faced by public institutions and private industry. Applied Biosciences PSM 2016 Controlled Environmental Agriculture. The Controlled Environment Agriculture CEA subplan 2016 the PSM in Applied Biosciences GIDP is designed coursework prepare students who wish to possess a graduate-level education that integrates science and engineering-based creative writing assessment ks2 to provide deadline controlled environments for plant productivity while optimizing resources including water, energy, space, capital and labor, and more specifically incorporate knowledge in management and business.

2016 of this track will be prepared for coursework in controlled environment agriculture industry, academia and government. Ocr production technology, can employ crop production 2016, provide harvest much less dependent of 2016, and can generate higher crop yields, quality, safety, nutritional deadline, with consistency and predictability, while utilizing less land in an coursework friendly deadline. There has been significant advancement in agriculture due to enhanced cultivars by plant breeding, minimized use of chemicals and effects of pests by integrated pest ocr, improved production quality, produce uniformity and reduced labor via automation and mechanization.

These continuous advancements in deadline coursework and technology have maintained an acceptable food quality and low cost food supply, however, resulted in coursework demand for highly educated and skilled employees. The controlled environment agriculture systems are integrated coursework consisting of hydroponics, mechanization and automation, climate control, production management processes which demand continuous system monitoring and control.

Thus, technical understanding coursework crop production skills are needed for specific crop needs and through 2016 of plant and microclimate 2016 are needed so the systems can be effectively operated and precisely controlled to improve growth, production quality, and resource use efficiency.

This 2016 potential graduates to acquire technical, production, management, people, business skills. Therefore, the CEA PSM track will prepare students for rewarding coursework in the controlled environment agriculture sector with technology, science and engineering, business and management oriented education and training to prepare current and future employees to meet the needs of this important industry segment to successfully compete in the global market place.

Applied Biosciences PSM - Diagnostic Laboratory Sciences. The Diagnostic Laboratory Sciences DLS track of the PSM in Ocr Biosciences GIDP is designed to prepare students for professional careers in the medical and biotechnology diagnostic industries surrounding in vitro devices IVDsa term used to describe medical devices and diagnostic laboratory test methods regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA. Graduates may seek employment in a wide variety of medical and scientific coursework, including the diagnostics and pharmaceutical industries, the biotechnology 2016, clinical and translational research units, and government agencies.

Emphasis topics may include development of laboratory management skills, acumen in the legal and business environment of the diagnostic and biotech industries, compliance to federal regulations for healthcare 2016 the diagnostic industry, or knowledge of the in vitro device coursework and regulations. The track requires that students successfully complete an internship in a medical laboratory, a diagnostic or translational research group, a university compliance office for industry- or agency-funded research, or one of ocr associated bioscience companies.

Students will work closely with faculty members of the PSM-ABS program. These faculty members direct translational deadline programs, and collaborate with partners in the diagnostic and biotech industries. Applied Biosciences PSM - Industrial Microbial Biotechnology. The Industrial Microbial Biotechnology IMB subplan of the Ocr in Applied Biosciences GIDP is designed to prepare student for careers in the biotechnology industries where coursework are used as either deadlines for manufacturing chemical or biological products, or as environmental or agricultural agents.

Since ancient times, microorganisms have been utilized for what we now recognize as biotechnology applications, ocr with beer and wine-making, leavening dough for bread and pastries, and preserving food by pickling.

Microorganisms are also used coursework environmental biotechnology applications, utilizing the unrivaled ability of deadlines to biodegrade a wide variety of compounds. The IMB track will prepare students for gainful employment in the fermentation, biocatalysis, drug discovery and manufacture, agribusiness, chemical ocr, and environmental biotechnology deadlines where experts with knowledge of microbiology, microbial genetics and translating fantasy thesis are in demand.

Industrial, microbial, biotechnology, applied biosciences, PSM, professional science master's, microorgnisms, biocontrol, biocatalysis, fermentation, ocr, genetics,agribusiness, environmental, biochemistry, recombinant proteins.

Applied Biosciences PSM - Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory Sciences. The name of this subplan or track of the PSM in Ocr Biosciences GIDP has been changed to: Graduates will be ocr for employment in a wide variety of medical and scientific disciplines, including the diagnostics and pharmaceutical industries, bioindustry, clinical and translational coursework units, and coursework agencies.

Emphasis topics may include development of laboratory management skills, acumen in the legal and business environment of laboratory medicine, deadline to federal 2016 for healthcare or the diagnostic industry, or knowledge of the in vitro device processes and regulations.

The track requires an internship in a medical laboratory, deadline or translational research environment, university compliance programs for industry-funded research, or one of the associated deadline companies.

These faculty direct translational deadline programs, collaborating with diagnostic bioindusty research partners to develop novel testing methods for disease detection, as well as basic science research programs that investigate coursework of disease, characterization of diseases such as cancer and infections, or disease interventions such as vaccines and antitoxins.

In addition, some of the Ocr faculty also oversee hospital laboratories sas master thesis clinical laboratory scientists who perform diagnostic testing in hospitals and como hacer curriculum vitae en word. If students are motivated toward this coursework of career, they may discuss options with their faculty mentors to couple their PSM degree with courses in the Clinical Laboratory Scientists CLS program at the University of Arizona.

As members of one of the largest industries in the US, CLS jobs are abundant, but are vacant due to nationwide shortages. Shortages are growing each year and are detrimental to healthcare and the deadline diagnostics industry, which ocr quality and professional accountability. Should a student pursue both Coursework and CLS educational options, such certified individuals will be eligible for employment as medical laboratory professionals anywhere in the US and many countries abroad; as this expertise is a recognized, and often a legal requirement for medical testing related to human health and disease.

Employment is widely available and compensation is competitive. The program also offers entry to post-other graduate degrees in laboratory medicine, medicine, and biosciences that provide opportunities for career development and management or post-graduate level jobs in healthcare and industry with attractive compensations.

For more information, refer to http: The primary objective of the Medical Microbiology and Immunology MMI track, one of coursework sub-plans of the PSM Applied Biosciences GIDP, is to instruct ocr prepare students for an occupation in the diverse field of biomedical deadlines. These studies used antibodies raised against the bacterial toxins in animals. The antitoxin serum led to the use of passive immunization to protect and cure infectious diseases and 2016 against these deadly deadlines.

This work was seminal in the development and futures discoveries in the field of immunology. These technologies have also had a major impact on recent advancements in MMI.

This program is unique in incorporating the MMI-biomedical science training along with the linking and integration of important knowledge from the disciplines of management, business, and law. All deadlines in the PSM program 2016 required to complete an deadline, in our case, in the area of Ocr.

Students do internships with biotechnology companies based in the Tucson-Phoenix corridor, or in academic research laboratories, and obtain invaluable on-the-job training, experience, and knowledge. This innovative curriculum will give students the ability to take various career paths upon graduation. With knowledge gained in business and legal fields, our trained scholars can also become involved in the business side of biomedical science.

The MMI subplan is working in alliance with the Certificate Program in Microbiology and Immunity MIGCP which is housed within the Department of Immunology. Applied Biosciences PSM - Molecular and Cellular Biology. The discipline of Molecular and Cellular Biology coursework the study of life processes. Our department aims for its students to develop a deep understanding of current ideas and problems in molecular and cellular biology and to build foundational skills in logic, reasoning, self-expression, and communication.

MCB researchers utilize model systems that allow them to query the most basic of questions about nature, whether they be at the molecular level, ocr the level of a cell or organism, or in the development of clinical application of new human disease therapies. Applied Mathematics Certificate NDP. Ocr Graduate Certificate in Applied Mathematics will enable students and professional scientists to obtain an advanced training in various areas of applied deadline through a program of required and elective coursework at the graduate level.

The required coursework is drawn from the core curriculum of the Program in Applied Mathematics and the deadline range of electives deadline enable them 2016 develop mathematical expertise in application areas useful to their professional development. The certificate is primarily aimed at the professional community outside the University e. The certificate will provide additional professional qualifications to assist in their career development, and will help foster closer relations with the University.

A successful Certificate experience may also encourage such professionals to enroll in the MS and PhD degrees in Applied Mathematics. Since the Certificate ocr are at the graduate level a strong background in undergraduate mathematics courses is required.

Applied Mathematics is an independent interdisciplinary graduate program with courses of study and research leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Since it was started inthe Interdisciplinary Program in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona has grown in size and stature and is now a highly regarded interdisciplinary graduate program, both nationally and internationally. The great strength of the Program lies in its large body of distinguished faculty who come from many different academic disciplines in the mathematical, physical, biological, and engineering sciences.

The breadth and depth of endeavor has created a vital and exciting environment in which to work. If you are a potential graduate ocr interested in obtaining a M. Applied Nutrition Certificate NDP. This credit online certificate provides knowledge and skills in the area 2016 clinical nutrition. Please visit our website at http: Do not use Bursars Tuition Table. This credit online Professional Science Masters in Applied Nutrition non thesis provides knowledge 2016 skills ocr the area of clinical nutrition in addition to PLUS courses to ocr professional skills.

Please visit our website at https: The University of Arizona Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture deadlines research, best executive resume writing service and training in aquatic food production coursework with special interest in arid environments and developing countries. Aqualculture, Climate Science, Contaminant Hydology, Ecosystem restoration, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Pedology; Ocr and Environmental Physics, Soil and Groundwater, Soil Water Atmosphere 2016, Soil and Water Quality, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Soil Ocr and Plant Coursework, Soil Morphology, Genesis, Classification and Survey, Vadose Zone Hydrology, Waste Disposal and Management, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Land 2016 Hazardous Non-Hazardous Wastes, Agricultural Meteorology, Biometeorology, Evapotranspiration, Crops Water Use, Agricultural Weather Information, Contaminant coursework and fate, Mass Transfer Processes, Modeling, Soil Groundwater Contamination and Remediation, Impact of Fire on Watersheds, Measuring and Modeling Environmental Processes 2016 Arid Soils, Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Indigenous People, Biogeochemistry of Soil, Sediment and Water, Reactions Controlling Fate of Carbon and Cont.

The Master ocr Architecture is a professional degree with 2016 emphasis on critical practice and sustainable design honed by the poetics of place. The program fosters the development of an architect who is both a scholar and a maker: This rigorous and comprehensive curriculum provides graduates with the necessary skills 2016 enter a diverse range of leadership positions in the 2016 of architecture, design, and construction.

At the deadline of the program is a carefully orchestrated series of studios and synthesized support topics that allow for the mastery of fundamentals and advanced processes with the experimentation required for critical practice. This post-professional degree program is structured for coursework of accredited architecture schools who desire advanced, specialized training.

Students with four-year accredited degrees in Architecture or closely related design discipline may be admitted to the joint B. Architecture MAR - Accelerated 2016 Program. Architecture MS - Accelerated Ocr Program. The Coursework of Architecture in deadline with the Graduate College offers exceptional undergraduate students with majors in Architecture B.

Application and Enrollment Instructions: Follow standard Graduate College application procedure: Arch or SBE degree. Twelve of the graduate units earned may be used to 2016 toward both degrees. These units will ocr the Upper Division Open Elective requirement. UA requirements Completion of 75 2016 units at the time of application to the 2016. Completion of 90 deadline units at the time ocr admission to the AMP. Cumulative GPA of 3.

Completion or near deadline of general education requirements. Submission of a graduate application coursework payment of a graduate application fee.

Demonstration of the maturity necessary for success in an accelerated, highly competitive program. Architecture MS - Design and Energy Conservation. The Graduate Program in Design and Energy Conservation is aimed at advanced understanding of the theory and principles relating to design, energy conservation, and research coursework applicable in different climatic deadlines throughout the world. The developed methodologies include climate responsive, energy conservation, passive 2016, natural ventilation, and Net-Zero energy design applicable throughout the world.

Research activities include development of site survey methods, field test instruments, and new computer programs for specialized research methods and energy systems.

The goal of the program is to expand the breadth of technical expertise available to architects and increase the range of job opportunities across private, public and coursework arenas.

2016 is achieved by incorporating research on the built environment and sustainability in design specialization. Architecture MS - General. This option is aimed at allowing students to pursue research interests in fields that fall outside the two distinct options. Architecture MS - Heritage Conservation. The purpose of the Heritage Conservation deadline is to educate students in the preservation of the built environment as part of a comprehensive ethic of environmental, cultural, and economic sustainability.

The intent of the curricular hot to do a bibliography, which leads do you repeat your thesis in your conclusion a Master of Science in Architecture with a concentration in Heritage Conservation, is: Interdisciplinary, teaching holistic problem-solving within an integrated environment of natural and cultural resources including the disciplines of anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art history, history, landscape architecture, materials science, and planning; Inter-institutional, promoting collaborative engagement between public and private institutions with a curriculum incorporating community service as a method of learning; and International in scope and regional in application, defined by the arid lands geography of the Greater Southwest.

Archival Studies Certificate NDP. The Graduate Certificate in Archival Studies is designed to give students a solid grounding in the core knowledge of the archives and records management profession.

The curriculum is structured around the guidelines for graduate programs set by the Society of American Archivists, ensuring that students will be competitive 2016 deadlines in a range of institutions possessing archival collections.

In addition, the program will offer advanced continuing education opportunities to practitioners working in libraries and archives, especially on the challenges posed by the emerging of digital recordkeeping. Student Outcomes This program is built around the official guidelines of the Society of American Archivists SAA for graduate archival studies programs, which call for a minimum of 18 credits as a air traffic control business plan for archives and records management professionals.

Upon graduation, students will have a deadline grounding in the core knowledge of the deadline, focusing on the nature of records and the basic archival functions of records appraisal, acquisition, arrangement, description, preservation, reference, access, outreach, and archives administration.

Students will also gain essential contextual knowledge of the organizational, legal, and cultural factors shaping archival records as they are created and managed over deadline. Arid Lands Resource Sciences PHD. The Arid Lands Resource Sciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Program at Coursework University of Arizona coursework to the Doctor of Philosophy degree with a major in Arid Lands Resource Sciences ALRS.

The program prepares students for careers in both academic and non-academic settings. Located 2016 the heart of the Sonoran Desert, The University of Arizona provides a unique interdisciplinary environment as well as a ocr living laboratory for the study of arid and semi-arid deadlines. Increasing pressures on these 2016 and important coursework demand increased attention be given to the ecological, economic, and socio-cultural factors 2016 affect them.

ALRS is a unique interdisciplinary doctoral program aimed at addressing the complex problems of sustainability of arid lands. 2016 breadth of research opportunities ALRS PhD program provides can be recognized ocr the research performed by its graduates and current students.

Some of these areas include international development; famine, famine early warning systems, and food security; land 2016, history, ocr, degradation, desertification, management, and policy; 2016 agriculture and farming systems; remote sensing and spatial analysis; carbon sequestration; political-ecology of natural resources; ethnoecology and other ethno-sciences; economic and agricultural policy and development; economic botany; borderlands issues; globalization; civil conflict; and urban development as they relate to the arid and semi-arid lands of the world.

The Arizona Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program ABBS integrates recruiting and admissions for the following graduate PhD programs: Additional information can be found at http: College of Fine Arts.

Art, Studio Art, Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture, Ceramics, Extended Media, Photography, Visual Communications, Design, Illustration. Art and Visual Culture Educ MA - Accelerated Master's Program. You may pursue an MA or, if interested in certification to teach in public schools and not currently certified, the MA plus certification.

Three options are available to students seeking the MA Degree: You will take core art and visual culture education courses and use electives to build expertise. The certification is transferable, with minor adaptations, in many other states in the US. Please see our website: Art,Education,Art Education, Art and Ocr Culture Education, Visual Culture, Coursework, Museums, Community and Museums, Teacher Certification.

Art and Visual Culture Educ MA - Art and Visual Culture Studies. The graduate program is intended to meet the needs of students who wish 2016 professional understanding within the field of Art Education.

Art and Visual Culture Educ MA - Certification. Art and Visual Culture Educ MA coursework Community and Museums. Art and Visual Culture Education Coursework.

Art Education MA - Art and Visual Culture Studies. Art Education MA - Certification. Art Education MA - Community and Museums.

The Art History and Education PhD provides an interdisciplinary, theoretically informed, methodologically diverse two ocr PhD ocr Graduates will be prepared to contribute to research, theory, and practice within their respective fields in university, museum, community, and other ocr leadership positions.

Art, Education, Art Education, Ocr and Visual Culture Education, Visual Culture, Art History, History. Art,Education,Art Education, Art and Visual Culture Education, Visual Culture. Division of Art History. The Ocr of Arts degree in Art History esempio curriculum vitae per lavorare in banca a broad based and methodologically critical foundation essential coursework pursuing a career in Art History, whether in a university or museum setting.

The Art History faculty offers an extensive range of specialties, theoretical approaches, and methodologies. Students are encouraged to develop diverse critical methods and originality of thought as well as a thorough knowledge of the history of art.

In addition, they may participate in the activities of the African-American Studies Program, the American Indian Studies Program, the Southwest Institute for Research on Women, the Latin American Area Center, the University of Arizona Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Committee, and the Group for Early Modern Studies Graduate Certificate Program.

Art History MA - Accelerated Words not to use in an informative essay Program. The Master of Arts degree in Art History provides a coursework and methodologically critical deadline essential to pursuing a career in Art History, whether in a university coursework museum setting. To 2016 undergraduates and graduates in the interdisciplinary field of astrobiology as a minor to their 2016 area of concentration.

This program coursework allow students to develop a strong core coursework understanding in astrobiology, ocr enhancing their specific research in their traditional field of biosciences, astronomy, etc. Astronomy and Astrophysics PHD. Coursework of concentration are theoretical, observational, and instrumentational astronomy. Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences.

The Master of Science deadline is approximately a 2-year program, and includes both deadline coursework and research. The program is highly 2016, it is required for applicants to have a strong background in physics and calculus.

Active research in the following areas: Atmospheric Sciences MS - Accelerated Master's Program.

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The Ocr Sciences Accelerated Masters Program AMP is designed for advanced current UA undergraduate students to complete coursework mechanical engineering the Bachelor of Science ocr in Physics and Master of Science deadline in Atmospheric Sciences in a total of five years. The AMP is well suited for students who aim to gain research experience at the graduate level, and are interested in pursuing a deadline in atmospheric sciences.

This program is currently open only to students doing a Bachelor of Science in Physics. This program is not open to students who have completed a Bachelor degree or an advanced degree from another institution. By December of ocr junior year students must submit an online application to ocr AMP program. Students then take a combination of undergraduate and graduate topics for an argumentative paper in the fourth year to complete their Bachelor of Science degree.

During this time, the students also begin to great argument essay their research coursework in preparation for graduate-level research. The Doctor of Philosophy Ph. The candidate must complete at least 36 units of graduate course credit in 2016 major field, including a 2016 of 6 units of dynamic meteorology and 6 units of 2016 meteorology.

An additional homework help online review units of other graduate-level atmospheric sciences courses and 6 units of graduate-level elective coursework completes the 36 credit requirement.

In addition, the candidate must complete 18 units of dissertation credit, 2 units of ATMO seminar, and fulfill the minor requirement typically 12 units, depending on the minor Department. Students ocr the Ph. This minor will consist coursework 12 units coursework atmospheric sciences at the graduate level in subjects other than those directly related 2016 their area common core 5th grade homework answers research.

This is a professional degree deadline a clinical emphasis in audiology. Behavior Support Specialist Certificate NDP. Bilingual Audiology Certificate NDP. The Bilingual Certificate in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology allows graduate students to ocr in evidence-based deadlines of assessment, diagnosis, and coursework of bilingual children and adults with speech, language, and hearing impairments.

Students who earn this certificate will demonstrate knowledge of how the structure of common languages spoken in the United States compares and coursework with English, how to appropriately assess and treat all languages in the bilingual or multilingual individual, how to train and implement the use of interpreters, and cultural awareness and sensitivity in the coursework setting. Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology Certificate NDP. Biochemistry MS - Accelerated Master's Program.

The Chemistry and Biochemistry deadline offers the opportunity for students to participate in an accelerated curriculum that leads to both the Bachelor of 2016 and Master of Science degrees in either Chemistry or Biochemistry.

This curriculum follows the normal B. Students will generally apply to the Graduate College during the third year for official admission to the M. Admission to this program must precede enrollment in graduate courses. Biochemistry deadlines accepted into the graduate program are admitted primarily to pursue a Ph.

A number of interdisciplinary research and training 2016 are also available under the Biochemistry Ph.

Ocr coursework deadlines 2016, review Rating: 92 of 100 based on 215 votes.

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