26.12.2010 Public by Dajind

Grading rubric for research paper outline

Preview - Outline Grading Rubric The outline grading rubric compliments Informative Speech. Objective/Criteria Performance Indicators Effectively.

grading rubric for research paper outline

A Persuasive Essay Rubric Persuasive essay rubric teaches us that it is necessary to begin the essay with a lead-in. This may be done in several ways: A Narrative Essay Rubric Narrative essay rubric is based upon one major peculiarity of this paper.

grading rubric for research paper outline

It should be written like a story. A writer should be creative while preparing such an essay and resort to the use of his imagination. It is a good idea to use brainstorming before writing.

grading rubric for research paper outline

It helps to concentrate on the topic and select best ideas. A Research Paper Rubric Research paper rubric requires resorting to the use of several steps to get a successful paper. A writer should follow them: A College Essay Rubric College essay rubric requires that essay must have its main idea.

grading rubric for research paper outline

It should not be about everything at the same time. Reader has difficulty following paper.


Reader cannot understand paper because there is no sequence of information. Comprehensibility Can understand all of what is being communicated. Can understand most of what is being communicated.

grading rubric for research paper outline

Can understand less than half of what is being communicated. Can understand little of what is being communicated.

grading rubric for research paper outline

Bibliography Bibliography is included but not well organized. Bibliography is missing some components. Bibliography is almost or completely missing.

grading rubric for research paper outline

Effort Exceeds the requirements of the assignment and have put care and effort into the process. Fulfills all of the requirements of the assignment.

grading rubric for research paper outline
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13:55 Nikosho:
The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.