01.04.2010 Public by Dajind

Cover letter for radio station submissions

There are several top-notch radio promotion companies that specialize in helping musicians get radio airplay of the submissions, a radio station very.

While the internet is a great way to make your music available to anyone and everyone, the radio is the best way to get your music heard by case study harvard university people who all musicians ultimately depend on for their livelihood: Community radio delivers your music directly to listeners in your area, and people who can go to your shows, book gigs for you, and become the hometown fanbase that helps you move on to the next level.

Submissions | Tinderbox Music

Furthermore, most community radio medical experiments case study also stream their broadcasts online. An on-air performance or interview on one of these stations can both increase your exposure in your own community, and give fans in other cities a chance to hear you live.

Community radio stations are also a great resource for touring musicians. How to get played on community radio stations Reaching out to a community radio station is easy.

cover letter for radio station submissions

The first step is to find your local station. Scan frequencies below For the station or a specific show, the best way to do this is to listen to the station, get to know the programs and reach out to a programmer whose show your music would fit well into. Ask if perfect wedding speech bride can make a public service announcement PSA about your show, put it on their calendar, or if you can set up a ticket giveaway.

Sample Coverletter

Next steps Finally, be persistent. Follow up with the promotions director and see if your show has been mentioned on air.

cover letter for radio station submissions

These stations and many other community radio advocates are working to challenge these sales and fight this disturbing trend. Musicians must join this fight and help protect this unique opportunity to access radio. Partner with your community radio station, share your music with your community, and help this valuable resource thrive!

cover letter research paper submission

It is always a good idea to include in this introduction, the circumstances of having previously met or talked with the person to whom you are writing your letter. Keep the paragraphs short. One paragraph, one thought.

cover letter for radio station submissions

Be sure to have a short descriptive sentence that addresses the genre of letter that the artist makes. Mention any attachments you have included along with the letter.

Mention any live shows that are up-coming, and invite the person to attend a show or visit your website or Literature review on topsis method Space page.

End the cover with for thank you for their station. Mention that you will be looking forward to hearing from them. Mention that you will be contacting them as submission.

One more step

Be sure to close the letter with the term "Sincerely", then drop down several spaces, type your name, and sign it above your typed name. A Few Other Tips Tell the reader what you want from them.

cover letter for radio station submissions

Make the letter easy to read. Keep your writing style natural, personal, and positive. Be polite and considerate in your tone.

cover letter for radio station submissions

He is available for private consultations on promoting and marketing independent music, and can be reached by email at: Submit An Article for Consideration! Would you like to submit an article for publication at MusicBizAcademy. If you have music-related expertise you'd like to share with other musicians including career tips, how to's, or general music business-related articles, please feel free to send them our way.

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11:15 Tajin:
Internet radio is still broadcast radio's younger cousin, but it's another venue for emerging artists. What sort of information should you include in your cover letter? Tell us the story, make us interested.

19:22 Vudole:
In some cases, a job listing might not mention that a cover letter is required, but submissions without letters aren't reviewed.