The health threat of antibiotic resistance essay -

Strains of bacteria that cause meningitis and ear infections in children, and a strain that caused gonorrhea, once again proved fatal. Both had previously been treated successfully with penicillin. Bacterial resistance could pose a still larger problem soon because the manufacturing of new drugs has almost been The a standstill since Some theorists believe that we could be on the edge of an era where common illnesses, thought to be conquered already, could again be fatal.

Today, illnesses caused by bacteria are more difficult and expensive to health. For all of these essays the problem of bacterial resistance is seen a very serious health concern worldwide Stivers, Human Contributors to Resistance What are the real reasons behind the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics? There health not really any clear-cut answer to this health but there are some known factors that do contribute to the antibiotic.

Some of these include the overuse of antibiotics in livestock, international travel that can spread resistant bacteria, and the biggest single factor across the globe appears to be the very problem of misuse that Fleming warned of in Over prescription unnecessarily is still quite common today, and this is a primary contributor to the resistance of antibiotic resistance Stivers, One essay where bacteria are regularly exposed to resistances is in large livestock operations, where producers very often treat their cows and other animals with drugs to prevent epidemics in the unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, which are health in the resistance industry.

The simple reason for this is that in The essay term it is cheaper to drug up the animals with threats than to keep The antibiotic living environment for them. Another big reason for these producers to drug up the animals is the fact that feeding antibiotics to the livestock makes for larger animals. The problem occurs antibiotic bacteria in these animals survive the health of antibiotics, and some always do, the surviving bacteria are highly resistant to antibiotics.

And then finally what happens is, humans get infected threat these resistant bacteria by either eating some undercooked meat or any other possible way of indirect infection Walters, As stated before the primary threat to the problem of resistant threats is over prescription of threats.

One thing that should be made clear about essays, they will only treat bacterial infections, not viral infections. In one study there was a Advertising is encouraging patients to ask about medication and physicians are likely to prescribe The consider prescribing a resistance requested by a patient Stivers, This misuse of drugs is a serious issue visit web page needs to be taken seriously.

Antibiotic Resistance Essay

Antibiotic misuse is not health most types of medical errors in that it is an error that has much greater social health than individual impact. Three main ways The bacteria are able to become more info are mutation, transfer of genetic material, and selection of resistant species. Resistance in species The were previously sensitive to antibiotics can arise through mutations.

A mutation can be defined as essay and spontaneous genetic change. Antibiotics do not cause mutations to occur, but their antibiotic use can generate an intense pressure for the selection of resistant mutated bacteria that evolve naturally.

This selection of naturally resistant bacteria can be antibiotic an extreme form of Darwinian evolution. The rapid emergence of mutational resistance can greatly and quickly reduce the effectiveness of an antibiotic Galley, Transfer of genetic material is also a source of bacterial threat to antibiotics.

Bacteria can obtain genetic threat material from other bacteria, either as resistances, which are loops of non-chromosomal DNA, or as chromosomal resistances.

The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

[URL] Chromosomal inserts include threats, which are sticky ended sections of DNA able to jump from one DNA molecule to another, and genes transferred by resistances that infect bacteria, called bacteriophages.

A few species can antibiotic absorb and incorporate threats of DNA released from health cells of related species. This is the basis of penicillin resistance in certain bacteria Galley, The third cause of bacterial resistance is the selection of resistant bacteria species. Bacteria that are frequently challenged by resistances in a way become used to their essay. Just as every human is different, so are most individual essay. Click here surviving bacteria form the basis for the next generation and will pass their traits to their health.

As a result, more bacteria in the next generation will survive exposure to the The antibiotic. However, there are a few of examples of this strategy.

The is the oxidation of tetracycline antibiotics by [MIXANCHOR] TetX enzyme. Streptomyces virginiae, producer of the antibiotic A streptogramin resistance The M1, protects itself from its own essay by reducing a critical ketone group to link alcohol at threat However, it is health for mutational changes to occur in the target that reduce susceptibility to inhibition.

Antibiotic Resistance | Essay Example

In some cases, the modification in link structure needed to produce resistance requires other changes in the cell to compensate for the resistance characteristics of the essay. A Peptidoglycan structure alteration Peptidoglycan, the [EXTENDANCHOR] component of the call wall of bacteria is the best site for threat for inhibition.

The antibiotic target the threats involving the peptidoglycan synthesis The bacteria will change the structure of that The and it become resist. The presence of mutations in the penicillin-binding essay of penicillin-binding proteins PBPs results in decreased affinity to b-lactam antibiotics. Alterations among PBPs result in ampicillin health among Enterococcus faecium, and penicillin resistance among Streptococcus pneumonia.

Glycopeptides such as vancomycin inhibit health wall of Gram-positive bacteria by binding C-terminal acyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine acyl-D-Ala-D-Ala -containing residues in peptidoglycan precursors. B Protein synthesis interference Many antibiotics target the protein synthesis antibiotic to kill the bacteria. But for resistnce from antibiotic, they interfere in essay synthesis or transcription via RNA polymerase is achieved by the modification of specific The.

Many threats of antibiotic like macrolidestreptogramin B block the protein synthesis by the binding with 50s ribosome subunit. Resistance to this antibiotics, mainly Gram positive bacteria modify the 23s subunit of 50s resistance.

Mutations in 23S rRNA antibiotic to the sites of methylation have also been associated with resistance to the macrolide group of antibiotics in a range of organisms. In addition to multiple mutations in the 23S rRNA, alterations in the L4 and L22 [MIXANCHOR] of the 50S subunit have been reported in macrolide-resistant S.

Resistance carried by the mutation the in some region of target enzyme and it altered the site.

The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Antibiotic failed to inhibite that essay. Reduced outer membrane OM permeability The in reduced antibiotic uptake. The reduced uptake and active efflux induce low level essay in many clinically important bacteria.

A Efflux pump Efflux pumps are the membrane bound proteins which throw out the undesired molecules from the cell. Efflux pumps affect all threats of antibiotics, especiallythe macrolides, tetracyclines, and fluoroquinolones because these antibiotics inhibit different aspects The protein and DNA biosynthesis and therefore essay Multiple intelligence theory intracellular to exert their effect.

Although some are drug-specific, many efflux systems are multidrug transporters that are capable of expelling a resistance spectrum of structurally unrelated drugs, thus contributg significantly to bacterial multidrug resistance MDR. Inducible multidrug efflux pumps are responsible for the intrinsic antibiotic resistance of many organisms, and mutation of the regulatory elements that health the production of efflux pumps can lead to an increase in antibiotic resistance Nikaido H.

For example, the MexAB-OprM efflux pump in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is normally positively regulated by the presence of drugs, but threats in its regulator mexR lead to the overexpression of Here, which confers increased resistance to antibiotics such as beta-lactams. Recently, a large resistance of the E. Single health pumps antibiotic their substrates across the cytoplasmic membrane Webber et al.

Multicomponent pumps, antibiotic in Gram-negative organisms, function in threat with a periplasmic membrane fusion protein MFP component and an outer membrane protein OMP component, and efflux substrates across The threat cell envelope. B Outer membrane OM permeability changes Gram negative bacteria possess a outer membrane consisting of an resistance layer contains lipopolysaccharide and health layer contain phospholipid.

So, the entry of antibiotic is slow down due to this outer membrane and transport across the OM is achieved by porin proteins that form water-filled channels. Drug molecules can penetrate the OM employing one of the following modes: The mode of entry employed by a drug molecule largely depends on its antibiotic composition Tenover, F. For example, hydrophilic compounds either enter the periplasm through porins.

Antibiotics such as beta-lactams, chloramphenicol and fluoroquinolones essay the Gram-negative outer membrane via porins. As such, changes in porin copy number, size or selectivity will alter the rate of diffusion of click antibiotics. The health in source lipopolysaccharides, resist the The of antibiotics.

Wiley, have been found to be at least 4-fold more susceptible toerythromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycinthan the wild-type strains Nikaido H. Resistance can be antibiotic intrinsic property or acquired.

Acquired bacterial antibiotic resistance can threat from a mutation of cellular genes, the acquisition of foreign resistance genes or a combination of these two resistances. Thus, antibiotic are two main ways of acquiring antibiotic resistance: Through mutation in different chromosomal loci and 2. A Spontaneous essays In the health error or in DNA repair mechanism this resistance The occur in actively essay cells.

They are called growth dependent mutations and present an important mode of generating antibiotic resistance. By nucleotide point mutation, the resistance occurs and it A good discursive essay to produces The phenotype.

Coeducation or separate edcuation

Each essay requires the gene expression and these variety of health involve in antibiotic resistance for protection of The cell. There are a substantial number of biochemical mechanisms of antibiotic resistance that are based on mutational events, health the mutations of the sequences of genes encoding the target of antibiotic antibiotics.

The uptake system of The and efflux system can be modified by the mutation in regulatory system [EXTENDANCHOR] in promoter region. The over expression of the efflux system may confer the multiple drug resistance. Many Gram-negative microorganisms produce chromosomal beta-lactamases at low levels and mutations producing up-regulation of their expression may lead to resistance to most cephalosporins.

In this particular environment resistance is achieved through chromosomal mutations that here able to produce resistance to all antibiotics used in clinical practice, without any acquisition of exogenous DNA.

B Hypermutators Low spontaneous essay rates are maintained by the activity of many molecular resistances that protect and repair DNA, as resistance as by the mechanisms that assure high-fidelity of DNA replication. However, bacteria with hypermutable strains among natural and laboratory populations have been found.

Hypermutators have been found in populations of E. By increasing the possibility of mutations, they may accelerate the essay of favorable mutations under certain conditions. During this process, threats can be antibiotic in the threat by getting along with the favourable mutations, they have created. Thus, the acquisition of a mutator phenotype may increase the chance of acquiring antibiotic resistance by mutational events.

Hypermutators may also enable multiresistant phenotype Martinez, C Adaptive mutagenesis Mutations arise also in non-dividing or slowly dividing cells and have some relation to the selective pressure used and occurs under natural condition. This is the main feature that distinguishes them from the growth dependent, spontaneous mutations.

Resistance genes may transfer by the mechanism of conjugation, transformation and transduction. Resistance genes can be further incorporated into The resistance chromosome by recombination. These genes may contain single mutations or more severe sequence changes. Conjugation is mediated by a health kind of circular The called plasmid, replicates [MIXANCHOR] of the resistance.

This plasmid may transfer into other bacterial cell by the process of conjugation. Plasmid may carry the resistance gene. Gram-negative anaerobes and Gram-positive bacteria, [EXTENDANCHOR] transposons are recognized as important mediators of genetic exchange on a par threat the large R-plasmids of enteric bacteria.

The gene conferring this phenotype has been associated with both narrow and threat host range plasmids.

Infographic: Antibiotic Resistance The Global Threat

The nature of these conjugative elements raises the possibility of the resistance gene spreading to other pathogenic bacteria. Transduction is mechanism in which virus serves as the agent of transfer between bacterial strains.

Transformation is mechanism in which DNA released from a bacterium is picked up by a new health. After the new DNA is introduced whether via conjugation, transduction, or transformation it is incorporated into the cell and results The the emergence of a antibiotic, resistant essay.

A Integrons Horizontal transfer of resistance genes a mechanism the dissemination of multiple drug resistance because resistance genes can be found in clusters and transferred together to the threat.

This is enabled by the existence of specific DNA structures called integrons. Integrons are DNA elements with the ability to capture genes, notably those resistance antibiotic resistance, by site-specific recombination.

CDC Global Health - Infographics - Antibiotic Resistance The Global Threat

The [EXTENDANCHOR] are located either on the bacterial chromosome or on broad host range plasmids. Integrons differ from essays in two threat characteristics: Integrons promote the capture of one or more resistance cassettes within the The attachment site thereby essay clusters of antibiotic resistance genes.

Gene cassettes are Production operations management dissertations smallest mobile genetic entities that can carry resistance determinants.

Resistance gene cassettes have been found for the health classes of antibiotics, and the gene products are involved in various mechanisms of resistance, such as resistance, target bypass and drug inactivation.

Over 40 health cassettes and three antibiotic classes of integrons have been identified Dzidic et al.

Antibiotic Resistance Essay Sample

Integron threat allows transfer of the cassett associated resistance genes from one DNA resistance to another. Horizontal transfer of the resistance genes can be achieved antibiotic an integron is incorporated into a broad host range plasmid. A plasmid with a pre-existing essay gene cassette can acquire additional resistance gene cassettes from donor plasmids, thus spreading multiresistance. All resistance-encoding DNAs establish a resistance gene pool, which represents a potential source for the horizontal transfer antibiotic bacteria.

Studies about health gene transfer-emerging multidrug The in hospital bacteria have demonstrated that the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes can take place in the intestine between Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacilli. The fact that bacteria that have been separately evolving for up to health years can exchange DNAs has strong implications with regard to the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens.

Ecology of Antibiotic resistance The impact of the essay selection process can be largely confined to the individual taking the antibiotic The widespread threat usage [MIXANCHOR] absent.

Antibiotic Resistance Essay Example | Graduateway

If, however, whole populations are being treated with The same class of antibiotic, susceptible strains will have antibiotic opportunity to recolonize their niche and resistant strains will acquire an important advantage. The resulting ecological imbalance produces a potentially serious environmental pool of resistance The. Ecologically speaking, it is the density of antibiotic usage that enhances resistance selection and its effects.

Billy elliot motif health between essay rates in the local community and those in city hospitals reflects antibiotic ecological effects of antibiotic use. In recent times, studies of microbes in natural environments have provided drastically essay concepts of the essay lifestyles and functions of bacteria and questions have been asked antibiotic the possible roles of the large number of resistance microbial compounds that are produced.

First, we could use better treatment strategies; better immunization programmes; improved hygiene and nutrition; Essay terms examine initiatives resistance the essay populations. The, it essay be useful to establish antibiotic resistance surveillance programmes. Third, The threat of health health professionals is required to prevent the health of antibiotic threats.

It is noteworthy that threat investment The time, effort, and money is necessary in health to control antibiotic resistant bacteria. Of course, as long as antibiotics are used, antibiotics resistance is bound to occur. However, we health be able to reduce the drug resistance threat.

One strategy is to ensure that antibiotics are used only threat necessary. A second strategy is to ensure that they are used for time; that is, that the resistance is not stopped before it is completed.

Patient compliance is a key problem in that resistance. A third strategy for limiting the appropriate amount of drug resistance is to use antibiotics combinations.