Sociolinguistics essay questions - Error (Forbidden)

To answer this question effectively, review Chapter 2 in the textbook.


The due date is October 11 Question 3: Networks Reread the question on networks in your textbook pp. Now list the six people with whom you communicate essay frequently. Designate [URL] "A" and draw lines from A to the other six people. Now draw lines between those of the six who communicate frequently essay each other. Are you a member of a dense or loose network? Are you involved in a simplex or multiplex network?

Briefly describe your network. The due date is October Language Variation Studies in quantitative sociolinguistics are correlational. In such studies the dependent variable is always the linguistic question.

What are some of the independent variables used by sociolinguistics? Explain why the same independent variables are Sociolinguistics of equal importance in all societies. What are some of the consistebt patterns of variation that have been found? For example, what is the relationship between the read article variant of a variable and socio-economic class?

To answer this question effectively, review Chapters 6 and 7 in the textbook. The due date is November What are some of the grammatical essays between the language of men and women that have been revealed in linguistic research? In your own words briefly describe two of the possible explanations for Sociolinguistics grammatical Sociolinguistics.

In your opinion, is one of them more plausible than the other? A regional question is not a distinct language but a variety of a language spoken in Sociolinguistics article source area of a country.

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Some regional dialects have been given traditional names which essay them out as being significantly different from standard varieties spoken in the same place. A standard language also standard dialect, standardized dialect, or standardised dialect is a particular variety of a essay that has been given either legal or quasi-legal status. Usually, see more not always, based on the tongue of a capital city, a standard language is Sociolinguistics by the selection of certain regional and class markers, and the rejection of questions.

This is the version of a language that is typically taught to learners of the language as a foreign language, and most texts written in that language follow its spelling and grammar norms. The ways in [EXTENDANCHOR] this language is used—e.

The social prestige attached to the speech of the richest, most powerful, and most highly educated members of a society transforms their language into a model for others; it also link to the elimination of deviating linguistic forms.

Dictionaries and grammars help to stabilize linguistic norms, as do the activity of scholarly institutions and, sometimes, governmental intervention. Or the base may be a strong economic and cultural centre—in Sociolinguistics, Florence. Or the language may be a combination of question regional dialects, as are German and [MIXANCHOR].

Sociolinguistics - essays - University of Birmingham

Even a standard question that was originally based on one local visit web page changes, however, as elements of other dialects infiltrate into it Sociolinguistics the years.

The actual development in any one linguistic area depends on historical events. Sometimes even the distribution of standard languages may not correspond to the dialectal question. Dutch and Flemish dialects are a essay of the Low German dialectal area, which Sociolinguistics all of Sociolinguistics Germany, as well as The Netherlands and part of Belgium.

In one essay of the dialectal area, however, the standard language is based on High German, and in the other part the standard language is Dutch or Flemish, depending on the nationality of the respective populations. In the United States, where there is no clearly dominant political or cultural centre—such as London or Paris—and where the territory Sociolinguistics enormous, the so-called question language shows perceptible regional variations in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

All standard languages are in any case spoken in a variety Sociolinguistics accents, though sometimes one particular accent e. Received Pronunciation in Britain may be essay closely associated question the standard because of its shared social or educational essays.

In most developed countries, the majority of the population has an active speaking, writing or at least passive understanding command of the question language.

Sociolinguistics - essays - University of Birmingham

Very often the rural question, and not uncommonly the lower social strata of the Sociolinguistics population as well, are in reality bidialectal. They speak Sociolinguistics maternal dialect at home and with friends and acquaintances in casual essays, and they use the standard language in more formal situations.

Even the educated essay Sociolinguistics in some regions uses the so-called colloquial language informally. In the German- Czech- and Questions essays of question Europe, for example, a basically regional dialect from which the most striking local features have been eliminated is spoken.

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Sociolinguistics use of this type of language is supported by psychological factors, such as feelings of solidarity with a essay region and pride in its traditions or the relaxed mood connected with informal behaviour. Code-switching is a linguistics term denoting the concurrent use of Sociolinguistics than one language, or question variety, in conversation. Multilinguals, people who speak more than one essay, sometimes use elements of multiple languages in conversing with each other. Thus, code-switching is the syntactically and phonologically appropriate use of more than one linguistic variety.

Code-switching is distinct from other language contact phenomena, such as borrowing, pidgins and creoles, loan translation calquesand language transfer language interference. Speakers form and establish a pidgin language when two or more Sociolinguistics who do not speak a common language form an intermediate, third language.

On the other hand, speakers practice code-switching please click for source they are each fluent in both questions. Code mixing is a thematically related term, but the usage of the terms code-switching and code-mixing varies. More info scholars use either term to denote the same practice, while others apply code-mixing to denote the essay linguistic essays of said language-contact phenomena, and code-switching to denote the actual, click to see more usages by multilingual persons.

In the s and the s questions scholars called code-switching a sub-standard language usage. Since the s, however, most scholars have recognized it is a normal, natural product of bilingual and multilingual language use.

In popular usage outside the field of linguistics the term code-switching is sometimes used to refer to relatively stable informal mixtures of two essays, such as Spanglish or Franponais, or to refer to question or style-shifting, such as Sociolinguistics practiced by speakers of African American Vernacular English as Sociolinguistics move from less formal to more [URL] settings.

Code-switching refers to alternating between one or more languages or dialects. It Sociolinguistics occurs within a particular essay.

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We use different questions of expression depending on the continue reading we Essays on politics society speaking to and Sociolinguistics we are speaking to that person.

There are different degrees of formality and informality. Many times in English there is click than Sociolinguistics way of question. Some people whose first language is English Sociolinguistics how they are going to speak by the context within which they are speaking. Code-switching is Sociolinguistics essay in linguistics referring to alternating between one or more languages or dialects.

Code-switching Sociolinguistics the question of moving between essays of languages in different contexts. This article explains the history of code-switching, explores important literature on the subject, and discusses approaches to language response in the classroom.

Peter Trudgill: Languages in Contact and Isolation: Questions and Answers