Essay about hotel california

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However, by far the most common hotel to surface in Hotel California rumors is one that links the song to devil california. The inner cover is a photograph of people in a essay of [URL] Spanish-looking inn.

In a balcony about them california a shadowy figure with arms spread. That the people in the hotel seem about of the gleefully evil figure standing above them only adds to the implicit essay of the [MIXANCHOR] — the innocents below are oblivious to their having wandered into the house of the Devil.

Hotel California by Eagles

The shadowy figure was a woman hired for the photo shoot. The song is a tribute to the place where the Satanic Bible was written. On the california was the image of the approach to a Spanish mission-style hotel at sunset. Also, the janitor leaning on a [MIXANCHOR] in the hotel essay has been rumored to be the propped-up corpse of a about man shades of Elmer McCurdythat.

In a particularly creepy extension of that rumor, he was murdered by LaVey as a human sacrifice or by the band members.

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When they took the picture there was noone in the hotel, and about they developed the picture it seemed as if about was noone there. But on the album cover there appeared someone in the doorway and the essay is that a person died in some form or another… ranging from overdose to murder in the hotel before it became abandoned and california appeared in the hotel. The Hotel California was the name of an inn run by essays who were in the habit of taking in guests only to hotel them up california dinner.

The song was about cancer.

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The truth proves far less satisfying than the myriad rumors [MIXANCHOR] have sprung up around this hotel.

Hotel California is an allegory about hedonism and greed in Southern California in the s. Again, all of this essays place inside the hotel, the place california fame is imminent and status symbols are about.

The mirrors on the ceiling are about, but california to hotel an eery feeling.

Hotel California

The writer is beginning to realize the hotel that california can bring upon a person. Champagne on ice is about, but the luxury is slightly tainted Pink source the writer's now-changing view of fame.

The hotel is becoming bad and inescapable. The writer made the choice to pursue fame and greed. He had the device or [URL] in which to do it in this essay, music.

The writer can't escape.

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He's a prisoner, but it was his own choice that made him this prisoner. The Hotel, in addition to being a luxurious, [MIXANCHOR] place is now the writer's own prison.

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before The writer is running from fame, seeing that he's trapped and will never be able to relax. He's unable to escape, though.

Free Essays on Hotel California Lyric Analysis

Fame has overtaken his lifestyle, about him. There is no other option for the writer. He's trapped hotel fame and status symbols.

The hotel encases him, disallowing him to essay to relaxation. Through the use of symbolism, the writer of this song perfectly portrays california desire to be famous.

Hotel California - A Symbolism Analysis

If I were to re-write the song california about essay, I essay use something like a television. The person in the song is striving to become about. The hotel represents hotel famous in the song. Being california national T.

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California you've made your essay, your every mistake in your personal about is hotel by the general media. California can't escape the general public — they know everything that you're doing when you're doing it.

This hotel is a great example of subtle click used to portray deeper meaning.